Chapter 192 Seeing Mi Qingxiang Again 1
Hearing the words of Imperial Physician Wang, Nangong Haoling was slightly taken aback!

Whispering the key points of Doctor Wang's words, his thoughts suddenly surged, and a huge surprise hit his heart. He was at a loss for a while, not knowing what to do now? !

Looking down at Yuan Xiuyue, who was still in a coma, he sat down in front of the couch with his eyebrows tightly knit!
Taking a deep breath to calm himself down temporarily, he raised his hand slightly, wanting to caress Yuan Xiuyue's flat belly, but carefully withdrew his hand, holding her slightly cold slender hand instead.

Is his Yue'er pregnant?
At this moment, a new life is being conceived in her womb!
That is, their children!
No wonder she was always sleepy and gluttonous a while ago, so... it was because of this!

But he didn't know until now!

He is going to have a child and be a father!
"Doctor Wang!" He spoke at the right time, his stern face could not be calm, Yuan Wende frowned heavily, and his voice was extremely low: "Do you mean that the Empress is pregnant?"

"Back to the General..." Imperial Physician Wang smiled knowingly, turned his head and nodded respectfully to Yuan Wende: "The empress is indeed pregnant for more than a month!"

Hearing this, Yuan Wende's eyes could not help revealing a hint of surprise!
With the emperor's heir, his girl will have real reliance in the palace in the future, and there is no need to worry that his father's identity will be exposed one day!
Thinking of this, he looked up at Nangong Haoling who was still stunned at the moment, he chuckled and said, "Your Majesty, I'm going to be an uncle!"


Returning from his thoughts, Nangong Haoling's gaze swept over Ting Lan and Ying Ying, and saw that both of them were standing with bowed heads and lowered eyebrows. He raised his sword eyebrows and turned to look at Imperial Physician Wang. Taking a deep look at Imperial Physician Wang, his tone was not without blame: "In the past two days, I have often asked you to check the pulse with the Queen, why have you never told me about such an important matter!"

Hearing his words, the old doctor Wang frowned slightly, and hurriedly replied: "The emperor has wronged this old man. It's not that this old man doesn't want to tell the emperor, but because the residual poison in the empress's body has not been cleared, and she has been ill recently. Delicate... the empress was afraid that she would not be able to keep this child, so she asked the old lady to keep it a secret for her, not wanting the emperor to know about it early, so as to save time and joy."

"What did you say?"

His chest tightened, and there was a bit of urgency in his voice. Nangong Haoling looked at Wang Taiyi's eyes suddenly changed: "Why can't I keep this child?"

Will their children lose their lives? !


He absolutely won't allow it!


On the face of honor and disgrace, Doctor Wang raised his eyes to meet Nangong Haoling's slightly cold gaze, and this time he did not hide anything: "The old man knows very well that the emperor hopes that the queen's child can be delivered safely, but the empress has been troubled for a while. How difficult it is, no matter how good her body was originally, after all this tossing, it is no longer as good as before. Not to mention whether the residual poison in the empress's body will affect the fetus, even if the residual poison is not harmful, the empress' body is too weak , I'm afraid I won't be able to..."

"I don't care!"

Interrupting Imperial Physician Wang directly, Nangong Haoling thought for a while, but said coldly: "I also ask Imperial Physician Wang to save this child for me and the queen!"

If it was placed in the palace, facing those imperial physicians and female doctors at this moment, he would definitely sternly shout and let them know that if he wanted to save the child in Yuan Xiuyue's stomach, he would definitely take their heads!

But Doctor Wang is different!
He had saved the lives of Zhuge Zhenzhen and Yuan Xiuyue before and after, he had confidence in his medical skills, so naturally he was a little courteous in his tone of voice!
Facing Nangong Haoling's tense black pupils, Doctor Wang paused for a moment, and finally responded with hands clasped: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will do my best to preserve the heir in the Empress's womb!"

Hearing Wang Taiyi's words, Nangong Haoling frowned slightly.

Because, Doctor Wang didn't say it was certain, nor did he guarantee it, he just said he would do his best to keep it safe!

But it doesn't matter, after returning to the palace, there will be her emperor's wife, and the entire imperial hospital, no matter what methods and methods he uses, he must protect his wife and children!

at all costs!
In Nanyue, inside Duguchen's sleeping tent, the lights are shining brightly, just like daytime!
After being carried back by Lei Luo, Duguchen had a gloomy face, leaning against the recliner in the tent with closed eyes, and never opened his eyes for a long time.

Beside him, the accompanying imperial physician was bandaging Lei Luo's wound.

"You go down first!"

After a while, after the wound was bandaged, Lei Luo screened the imperial physician away.

Turning his head slightly, he stared deeply at Dugu Chen who was still looking very ugly on the recliner!
Seeing Dugu Chen, who has always been high-spirited, become like this now, all kinds of emotions swarmed in Lei Luo's heart, including resentment towards Yuan Xiuyue, and love for Dugu Chen!

After a long time, he secretly sighed in his heart, he lifted the teapot, Duguchen poured a cup of herbal tea, and brought it to him: "My lord, have a sip of tea!"

The originally drooping eyelashes trembled slightly, Duguchen frowned slightly, and finally raised his eyes slowly.

Focusing deeply on Lei Luo, who was loyal to him, his eyes slowly stopped on his bandaged arm that was still bare, his eyes moved slightly, and finally reached out his slender, jade-white palm to take the tea in Lei Luo's hand. cup.

Gently, taking a sip, but unable to taste the taste of the herbal tea, he smiled bitterly and sighed, holding the teacup with both hands, placing it on his knees, then tilted his head slightly and closed his eyes again: " This king knows that you are very tired at the moment, go back and rest first!"

"My lord!"

Looking up at Dugu Chen's handsome face, Lei Luo moved his lips slightly, wanting to say something, but finally lowered his eyes and sighed: "I'm not tired, I'll stay with the lord for a while longer!"

Hearing this, Duguchen's hand holding the tea cup froze slightly, closed his eyes and let out another long sigh, he turned his head to one side, and slowly said: "This king wants to be quiet and quiet!"

Duguchen's voice is very low, but full of magnetism, and although he is only a prince, his words have always been heard by Lei Luo as imperial edicts!

Therefore, although he still hesitated in his heart, he still respectfully said: "The subordinate will retire first!"

After the words fell, Lei Luo raised his eyes again and took a deep look at Duguchen.

Staring at his dark face with his back to the light, Lei Luo reached out to take the teacup in his hand, then gritted his teeth tightly, turned around and was about to step out of the bed tent.


Just when Lei Luo was about to leave the big tent, Duguchen's voice sounded behind him again.

"Subordinates are here!"

His voice was slightly hoarse, and Lei Luo's footsteps stopped suddenly, and he turned his head to look at Dugu Chen who was sitting on the reclining chair behind him, with his eyes closed and looking inward, motionless.

For a moment, he thought he had auditory hallucinations, but Duguchen didn't call him out at all.

But when he was in a state of uncertainty, he heard Dugu Chen sigh quietly: "If it weren't for you, this king should already be at the bottom of the cliff right now, this king... I should thank you!"

Hearing this, Lei Luo's figure suddenly tightened!
In his heart, there seemed to be something warm flowing slowly, his eyes were warm, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly with some difficulty, "My lord is everything to my subordinates, and my subordinates are willing to be smashed to pieces for my lord!"

When the words fell, he clearly saw that Duguchen's hand on his lap tightened slightly.

"This subordinate is resigning, the prince should rest early!" With the corners of his lips curled up, Lei Luo lightly lifted the curtain, and stepped out of the big tent!

After Lei Luo left, Duguchen was left alone in the sleeping tent!
Quietly, lying on his back on the reclining chair with a little silence, the scene of him holding Yuan Xiuyue's wrist tightly on the cliff today always flashed in his mind!
At that time, when he saw her fall off the cliff, he had no time to think about it, and he jumped down with his thoughts.

He didn't dare to think, if Lei Luo hadn't given up his life to save him, what would happen to him now, but even now, he has never regretted his choice, because...he knew clearly in his heart that if he hadn't Go grab Yuan Xiuyue's hand, and he will definitely regret it for the rest of his life!

Fortunately, in the end, they were all saved.

At this point in his thoughts, thinking of Yuan Xiuyue's final fainting scene, Duguchen's brows tightened suddenly!
He knew that with Nangong Haoling around, she must be safe.

But in his heart, he couldn't stop worrying about her, just like how he liked her, even if she deliberately rejected him for a thousand miles, he still couldn't stop himself, it just got deeper and deeper...

The night is deep, the night wind is slightly cool!

After Lei Luo left Dugu Chen's sleeping tent, before he had time to return to his own sleeping tent to rest, he was taken to another place, and this place was the Chinese army's big tent where Nanyue Emperor Dugu Jiang lived!

In the large tent of the Chinese army, the upper rank is wearing a bright yellow dragon robe, which makes Dugu Chen's tall and straight figure extraordinarily slender.Slightly lowering his eyes, seeing Lei Luo coming in, he raised his head and drank the wine in the glass, and then gently pushed the most beloved beauty beside him, "You go to the inner tent first and lie down and wait for me!"

Hearing this, Shu Meier winked and smiled, and stood up with sparkling eyes.

With a slightly blessed body and a charming figure, she smiled softly and said: "I will take my leave first."

As the words fell, her soft gaze passed Lei Luo's body, and her footsteps moved lightly into the inner tent.

As soon as Shumei left, Dugu Jiang's eyes naturally fell on Lei Luo, and he knew that his master was looking at him without looking up. Lei Luo bowed his head to Dugu Jiang and said: "I will see the emperor!"


With thick eyebrows raised, Dugu Jiang poured a glass of wine himself, then waved his arm, and threw the glass of wine down at Lei Luo's feet with a snap: "You still treat me as the emperor!"

My heart tightened suddenly!
Lei Luo lowered his eyebrows and glanced at the cup that fell on the carpet but was not broken under his feet. His thick eyebrows were furrowed, and he knelt down with a plop: "This subordinate is guilty!"


Slightly raised eyebrows, slightly lowered, Dugu Jiang pupil slightly drunk, slowly got up from the desk, he paced beside Lei Luo, and asked in a cold voice: "What is your crime?"

Hearing this, Lei Luo's heart shuddered again!
Turning his mind slightly, he replied in a low voice: "This subordinate failed to protect the prince well, this subordinate should die!"

"Didn't protect the prince well?"

In the pupils, the faint light faded, and Duguchen's voice was cold: "The reason why you deserve to die is not because you didn't protect Brother Wang, but because you concealed from me what happened when Brother Wang left the capital!"

His brother Wang, who was always cold and heartless, jumped off the cliff tonight for the sake of the empress who left the country.

Although, he was not there at the time, but when he heard the report just now, he was already frightened!

Since the incident in Anyang last year, the word Yuan Xiuyue has become a taboo in front of his brother Wang!
He can't wait for her to die!

But today, he is desperate to die for her!

Without thinking about it, he could guess that something that he didn't know happened when he left the capital this time.

If it was before, he didn't know about it.

But now, if this matter involves the life of his brother Wang, he can no longer sit idly by!

With a gloomy expression, he raised his eyes to Dugu Jiang, and looked into his slightly cold eyes. Lei Luo's heart froze slightly, but he only lowered his head again and said, "This subordinate is a capital punishment!"

"Do you know how important I am, Nanyue, apart from Brother Wang? If he makes a mistake, no one can afford it!" He lowered his eyebrows and looked at Lei Luo, and snorted at him. Dugu Jiang's complexion sank, and he walked quickly to the table Before the case, he brushed his robe and sat down: "Your capital crime, write it down today, and I will discuss it with you in the future. Now you will confess everything I don't know to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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