Chapter 193 Seeing Mi Qingxiang Again 2
Hearing this, Lei Luo's eyes flickered slightly, before finally nodding his head slightly and said: "This subordinate obeys the order!"

His eyes raised slightly, he looked at the superior Dugu Jiang, and said softly: "The emperor knows that when the prince was in Anyang last year, he planned to plot against Emperor Li, so this time he went to Lidu personally from Nanyue. The prince and his subordinates have been assassinated several times!"

Hearing this, Dugu Jiang's pupils shrank slightly, and his complexion instantly became gloomy: "Is there such a thing?"

Hearing Dugu Jiang's words, Lei Luo smiled wryly in his heart.

In the past, Nanyue's state affairs, big and small, were borne by the King of Yue alone, but the real master of Nanyue in front of him had always spent his time in the harem, and he never thought of leaving!

He is like a flower in the greenhouse, always protected by the prince, sensual in the harem, and has never been hit by wind and rain!
Like this, how would he know how difficult and dangerous Duguchen's journey to Lichu this time is? !


At the end of the sentence, with Dugu Chen's gloomy face fixed, Lei Luo faintly revealed an ominous feeling in his heart, and his mind was spinning endlessly. He whispered back to Dugu Jiang: "I am about to arrive in Lidu At that time, the prince was injured and poisoned, that kind of poison is very strange, it is a private compound, as long as he is poisoned, he will bleed continuously, even if the prince is proficient in medicine, he can't detoxify for a while..."

"and after?"

The hand on the desk was clenched extremely tightly, and Dugu Jiang asked with a cold face and a deep voice.


With his heart sinking slightly, Lei Luo raised his eyebrows and sighed softly: "Later, due to a chance meeting, my subordinate met Lihou who was injured in the palace at the station. She saved the prince regardless of the past..." Lei Luo gritted his teeth secretly, and did not continue to mention it. And everything about Long Chuxiu, he frowned tightly, and after a while, he raised his eyes again, looked at Dugu Jiang, and said softly: "Your Majesty, the person the prince hates the most is Li Hou, and he never likes to owe people , but in the end he owed Li Hou his life, so he will save her tonight..."

How could Lei Luo not know that he was deceiving the king with his words!

But he has been following Dugu Jiang's side, and he is well versed in his temperament.

Who is Duguchen?
As he said just now, he is the pillar of Nanyue!

Although he only occupies the position of King of Yue, he holds the real power of Nanyue alone.

Ruo at this moment, he told Dugu Jiang that Duguchen's heart had already been taken by Yuan Xiuyue.

He was afraid that, in the end, the innocent but ruthless young monarch in front of him would choose to use the most direct method to kill Yuan Xiuyue at all times, so as to break Duguchen's life Think about it.

There is no doubt that as long as Yuan Xiuyue dies, Dugu Chen, who has no emotional fetters, will be the cold-blooded and ruthless King Yue again!
However, after hearing what Dugu Chen said to Yuan Xiuyue on the cliff, Lei Luo began to feel reluctant!
He couldn't bear it, couldn't bear to see Duguchen heartbroken and hurt by love.

Therefore, at this moment, he would rather face the crime of deceiving the emperor and choose to conceal the truth from Dugu Jiang!

After he said nothing, Dugu Jiang, the superior, remained silent for a long time.

The atmosphere in the big tent seemed to be like a gel, and it was uncomfortable to be stagnant.

After a long time, Dugu Jiang got up again from the table, and then walked slowly to the knife rest on the side.

Reaching out to remove the sword from the knife holder, he stepped down and stopped in front of Lei Luo, then with a swish, he pulled out the sword and placed it directly on Lei Luo's neck!


Even after seeing a lot of blood and blood, Lei Luo still felt cold in his heart when his master held a sword against his neck!


After a while, I heard Dugu Jiang's voice faintly drifting from Lei Luo's ear: "If you say so, then... Long Chuxiu has never appeared in this world before?"

Hearing this, Lei Luo's heart skipped a beat!
His pupils were slightly dazed, he bent his knees, and knelt down in front of Dugu Jiang: "Your Majesty, I am guilty of defrauding the emperor to death, but now is the critical period of the Three Kingdoms Summit, and the prince has managed to facilitate this matter. Never..."

"Shut up! I have my own measure! You don't need to remind me what to do!"

The sharp blade pierced through Lei Luo's thin summer shirt with a swish, but did not hurt his flesh. Dugu Jiang said coldly, "I will remember the crime of deceiving the emperor today. You need to remember, the words you and I said today, in front of Brother Wang, you can mention every single word to him, and... If you dare to hide anything from me in the future, I will be the first to take your head !"

Hearing this, Lei Luo shuddered and fell silent for a moment!

Even though he has loyally protected the lord for many years, he completely believes what Dugu Jiang said at this moment!

Let me ask, for an emperor who can even kill his own mother, what else would he not dare to do, nor would he have the heart to do? !


After being silent for a while, Dugu Jiang's eyes flashed, and the corners of his lips curled up evilly: "There is one more thing, I want to ask you to do it!"

Hearing this, Lei Luo was stunned: "Please just give orders, Your Majesty!"

"I want a woman!"

There was a strange color in the originally cold and dark eyes, Dugu Jiang Jun raised his eyebrows lightly, and said to Lei Luo: "Only you can get close to this woman!"

Hearing this, Lei Luo frowned, and met Dugu Jiang's eyes in a daze...

The next day, the sky was covered with overcast clouds, and when the sky was bright, rain began to fall from the sky.

Waking up from drowsiness, Yuan Xiuyue felt that her whole body was about to fall apart. She couldn't stop the pain. She slowly opened her eyes and found that Nangong Haoling was hugging her tightly and sleeping soundly. She couldn't help staring at the With his flawless handsome face, he couldn't help blinking slightly.

In Yuan Xiuyue's memory, he slept very late every day, and the next morning, when she opened her eyes, he had already got up silently and went to the front court. Lying so securely next to her.

Staring deeply at his sleeping handsome face, remembering that when he left the palace, he was still reviewing papers in the middle of the night, Yuan Xiuyue felt a little pain in her heart, so she didn't dare to move again, for fear that if she moved, she would wake him up.

Time passed, and in the blink of an eye, more than half an hour had passed. Fortunately, the sun did not rise today, and it cannot be described as three poles above the sun, but Nangong Haoling was sleeping very sweetly, and had no intention of waking up at all.

Although Yuan Xiuyue is lying on the couch at the moment, if she lies in one position for too long, she will be exhausted. In addition to the rainy weather, and the tugging of Xie Changsheng yesterday, the old disease in her right leg has been aching. !
Therefore, she finally felt that her body was sore and painful, and she was about to become stiff, so she couldn't help but want to raise her hand to remove Nangong Haoling's arm that was pressing on her shoulder.

However, as soon as her hand touched his arm, she heard his low laughter slowly ringing in her ears: "You know you're tired after enduring it for so long?"

Hearing the sound, she knew that he had already woken up, and she only deliberately pretended to be asleep to tease herself, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly, feeling annoyed, she raised her hand and pinched his straight bridge of nose!
For Nangong Haoling, Yuan Xiuyue was the first woman in her life who dared to pinch his nose!
However, just as she was pinching it like this, he felt extraordinarily happy in his heart, and the smile on his face became brighter and brighter.

Seeing him smiling happily, Yuan Xiuyue's thoughts turned slightly, her eyebrows frowned slightly, and she stretched out her hand to cover her neck, "It hurts..."

"what happened?"

Looking up at the tears in Yuan Xiuyue's eyes, Nangong Haoling was startled, thinking that she had touched his wound, his complexion changed, and he quickly reached out to reach for her hands covering her neck: "Did you touch the wound?" Is it? It's all my fault, I shouldn't be making trouble with you!"

"Of course it's your fault! I'm already like this, who told you to bully me on purpose!" Jiaochen glared at Nangong Haoling, Yuan Xiuyue's hands protecting her neck moved down again, frowning and hugging her right hand The leg began to wail: "It hurts so much, it hurts to death!"

Seeing this, Nangong Haoling's eyes changed, and he quickly took her hand away, rubbing her leg gently.

Looking down at him carefully rubbing his legs for her, Yuan Xiuyue's lips curled slightly, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. Her tone of voice changed instantly: "Not only does my leg hurt, but my neck also hurts..."

Looking up at her coquettish and charming appearance, and thinking of the thrilling moment last night, Nangong Haoling's eyes darkened slightly!
"Do you know it hurts now?" He stretched out his hands and pulled her hands around his neck, his eyes softly fixed on her gauze-wrapped neck, his tone was both distressed and annoyed: "You know you are pregnant, I'm already a twin, but I've been hiding something from me, so it's okay, in the situation last night, I was so self-willed and reckless... Have you ever thought that last night was only a little short, and you would Fell off a cliff!"

Hearing Nangong Haoling's worried words, Yuan Xiuyue's heart suddenly became turbulent.

Thinking of how she almost fell to pieces last night, she smiled wryly and stretched out her hand to caress her lower abdomen, whispering in his ear: "If I don't do that, so what? Could it be that I told you at that time that I was pregnant?" Your child, let you exchange your own life for the safety of our mother and child?"

Seeing Yuan Xiuyue lowering her eyes and caressing her lower abdomen, Nangong Haoling frowned slightly!
Stretching out his hand to cover the back of her slender hand, his pretty lips were slightly hooked, and he frowned and said, "If possible, I'd like to change it!"

"I don't want you to change it!"

Raising her eyes casually, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes were red, and she held his hand tightly in a trembling voice: "Don't say that Xie Changsheng never thought of letting me go, even if he would, I don't want to trade your life for mine. , are the emperor of the country, besides me, there are people all over the world!"


Holding Yuan Xiuyue's hand tightly, affectionately, hugging her into his arms, Nangong Hao Lingjun frowned: "The people of the world, without me, there is still Brother Wang, but without you, I would rather have everything..."

Last night, when she fell off the cliff, his entire heart seemed to have been ripped out.

The feeling that the chest is still beating, but the heart is empty, is more uncomfortable than death!

He thought that if she really fell off the cliff last night, he might jump off with her.

Not maybe, but definitely!

Suddenly raised her hand, covered his lips, and prevented him from continuing, Yuan Xiuyue smiled happily: "Don't say anything, I understand..."

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's eyes flickered slightly, leaned over slightly, and kissed Yuan Xiuyue's lips lightly.

Looking down at his pretty lips, the corners of Yuan Xiuyue's lips hooked slightly, and she bit it mischievously.


Taking a deep breath, Nangong Haoling frowned and looked up, seeing Yuan Xiuyue giggling, he laughed angrily: "You woman, do you want to murder your husband?"


Yuan Xiuyue snorted softly, turned her head to the side coldly: "I just remembered your own husband, who told you to choose Xi'er last night!"

"You..." Nangong Haoling almost died of anger, and sneered coldly. He refused to admit defeat and retorted: "I don't know who it is, but I want to share the same acupuncture point with me!"

Hearing this, the corners of Yuan Xiuyue's lips twitched lightly.

Well, the little girl dares to act.

That's what she said.

"The villain will file a complaint first!" She muttered to Nangong Haoling with a frown, she threw the quilt aside and made a gesture to get up.

Seeing her like this, Nangong Haoling smiled!
He hurriedly stretched out his hand to hold her body, he got up from the bed, and said softly: "Physician Wang said, you are too weak to walk around freely, I will order Ting Lan to bring in the breakfast, and if you eat the breakfast, You still have to drink medicine!"

(End of this chapter)

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