Chapter 194 Seeing Mi Qingxiang Again 3

Seeing the bright color in Nangong Haoling's eyes, Yuan Xiuyue's heart moved, she stretched out her hand and gently tugged Nangong Haoling's hand, her brows were lightly twisted: "Prince Wang never told you that even if I don't move around much, this child will Is it possible that you can't keep it?"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling couldn't help but startled slightly!
Looking up into Yuan Xiuyue's dark eyes, he frowned slightly, and said firmly, "Yue'er, no matter what happens in the future, he is still safe at this moment, we should give the child a chance now, and give ourselves a chance." a chance!"

Facing Nangong Haoling's eyes, Yuan Xiuyue's slightly obscure eyes could not help flickering slightly.

A warm sweetness rose from her heart, she sighed softly, stretched out her hand to caress her still very flat belly, her thoughts instantly returned to the day when she realized she was pregnant.

Even though, she knows very well that her body is too thin now, and she probably has nothing to do with the child in her womb!
But the feeling of giving birth to a new life is so wonderful and beautiful!

Unknowingly, the warm moisture soaked her eyes, she pursed her lips and smiled lightly: "No mother would abandon her child, and neither do I..."

Even if it's impossible, but... She hopes more than anyone else that this child can come to this world safely.

Taking a panoramic view of her happy appearance full of maternal brilliance, Nangong Haoling's eyes are already tender enough to ooze water!
All of a sudden, he forgot to pass the meal, he squatted down eagerly, like a child, and lay his ears on Yuan Xiuyue's stomach!

Seeing him like this, Yuan Xiuyue caressed his thick and silky black hair, and couldn't help laughing: "It's only been more than a month, what can I hear?"

As the words fell, her stomach gurgled, and she sang "Empty City Strategies"!
"I heard it!"

Looking up at her, Nangong Haoling saw her embarrassed smile, first glanced at her, and then burst out laughing...


After breakfast, the rain outside the tent gradually decreased a lot.

After drinking the decoction for confinement, she opened her mouth and put the grapes peeled off Nangong Haoling's fingertips into her mouth. While chewing the sweet taste on her lips, Yuan Xiuyue stared at the girl in front of her who was obedient to herself with slightly dark eyes. The man said quietly, "Ling, I want to see him!"

"Dugu Chen?"

As if he had expected her to say this, Nangong Haoling's handsome face was calm, and he just paused for a while while peeling the grape hands with her, but his expression didn't change much!

Nodding her head lightly, the corners of Yuan Xiuyue's lips curled up slightly, she caught a glimpse of her bruised wrist in her lowered eyes, she smiled bitterly: "Last night, he did that for me, but I didn't even say thank you to him." Pass!"

"Do you think he wants to hear that thank you from you?" Nangong Haoling raised his eyes slightly, and brought the grape in his hand to Yuan Xiuyue's mouth again, and threw the grape skin in the other hand aside. On the plate, raised his head and called out the door: "Dark Cloud!"

"Subordinates are here!"

When the voice fell, An Yun had already entered the big tent: "What is the emperor's order?"

"Go ask Yue Wang to come over, just say that the queen wants to see him!"

If so, ordering faintly to An Yun, Nangong Haoling raised his eyebrows and glanced at Yuan Xiuyue beside him, seeing that the grapes in her mouth had been eaten again, he curled his thin lips, continued to pick up the grapes and peeled them again.

Seeing Nangong Haoling, who is the king of a country, peeling grapes, the corners of An Yun's lips twitched, and he forgot to answer the call!

After a while, An Yun couldn't help making a sound, and Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyes slightly.

Following his line of sight, Yuan Xiuyue could not help but smile at Nangong Haoling's big soft white hands that were peeling, "Why don't you, An Yun, peel the grapes for me?"


Smacking his lips secretly, An Yun came back to his senses, bowed his head and respected Yuan Xiuyue, An Yun said softly: "Go down and invite King Yue!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue smiled lightly and nodded!

As soon as the dark cloud left, she lowered her eyes slightly and looked at Nangong Haoling, who was peeling the grapes with great joy, and couldn't help but frowned and snatched the grapes from his hand: "Okay, don't peel it, you are dignified!" The king of the country, peeling grape skins with me at this moment is too overkill!"

"Who made you willing to eat this? As long as you are happy eating, my prince will be happy too. As long as you mother and son are happy, I will be happy to do whatever you ask me to do!" When Nangong Haoling said these words Always smiling, the pampering in his tone is self-evident!

Listening to his gentle words, and feeling the pity in his words, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but smile on her face!
"Okay! Don't peel it off!"

Seeing that Yuan Xiuyue stopped eating, Nangong Haoling sighed softly, got up from the couch, caressed Yuan Xiuyue's slightly pale face, he frowned and said softly: "If Duguchen sees me peeling the grape skins, maybe he will laugh!" What does it look like!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue laughed lightly and said, "Aren't you afraid of An Yun seeing you, but Dugu Chen seeing you?"


Sighing softly, Nangong Haoling said helplessly: "Last night, he jumped off the cliff to save my wife. I, a husband, will feel ashamed when I see him later! That's all! I'll go to Axu's first." Ask for a cup of tea!"

Knowing that Nangong Haoling intended to let herself and Duguchen be alone, Yuan Xiuyue suddenly felt warm in her heart: "Go early and come back early!"


Smiling at Yuan Xiuyue, Nangong Haoling kissed her on the cheek lightly, then narrowed his eyes, and walked out of the big tent first!
He wasn't worried at all that Duguchen would hurt Yuan Xiuyue again.

Because, last night, what Dugu Chen said to Yuan Xiuyue, he heard everything in his ears verbatim.

Just think, how could a person who could give up his life for Yuan Xiuyue be willing to hurt her any more? !
Watching Nangong Haoling leave, the smile on Yuan Xiuyue's face gradually dissipated, and the hand under the thin quilt gently stroked her lower abdomen, and there was a faint anxiety in her calmly smiling eyes...

Not long after, Duguchen, who was wearing a blue shirt, followed the dark cloud to the outside of the Liguo tent.

However, An Yun didn't follow in, but stretched out his hand to raise the curtain, and made an arm movement towards Dugu Chen: "His Royal Highness Yue Wang, please!"

Looking at the curtain raised by the dark clouds in front of him, Duguchen knew that the woman he cared about the most in his life was inside the curtain at this moment, but at this moment his steps seemed to weigh a thousand catties, and he could hardly lift them up.

"His Royal Highness Yue Wang?"

After a while, seeing that Duguchen had never moved, An Yun couldn't help but speak again.

At this moment, the curtain on the other side was raised silently from inside the tent, staring at the pure white jade hand that lifted the curtain, Duguchen's expression froze, and when he suddenly raised his head, the picture that haunted him in his dreams but was The much thinner pale face was already in front of his eyes.

His heart suffocated fiercely, he was stunned for a moment, but in the end he only said one sentence: "You are so weak, why don't you rest on the couch?"

Hearing his irrelevant words, Yuan Xiuyue took another step forward!
With a deep tiredness on her face, she looked at Dugu Chen for a moment, and finally showed an elegant smile like a chrysanthemum, she turned her face away, and facing his slightly cold eyes, she gently opened her lips: "I am here Think, if I don't come out now, maybe you won't come in!"

Although Yuan Xiuyue still had a smile on her face at the moment, Duguchen could clearly feel the exhaustion behind her smile!

His heartstrings moved slightly, and he stepped in with a calm voice: "Go in, it's still raining outside."

Seeing this, An Yun lowered his eyebrows and closed his eyes, put down the curtain, and took a few steps back respectfully!

Seeing Duguchen enter the big tent, Yuan Xiuyue turned around with a smile, but suddenly, she felt a sense of dizziness, she stopped her steps, Shang's hand holding the tent tightened suddenly, and immediately closed her eyes!

Feeling her strangeness, Duguchen's eyes changed, and he stretched out his hand to hold her arm: "What's wrong?"

"It's just that my head is a little dizzy!"

This time, without resisting Duguchen's contact, Yuan Xiuyue stretched out her hand to hold his arm. With her support, Duguchen's arm suddenly froze, and the hand holding his arm tightened slightly, Yuan Xiuyue said softly : "Help me to the couch and lie down!"

Hearing this, Duguchen couldn't help frowning!

But even so, he still followed what she said, and supported her all the way in, and lifted the thin quilt on the couch with clumsy movements, and helped her lie down.

Raising her eyes slightly, looking at his frowning brows, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes flickered, and she couldn't help laughing softly: "It's a rare enjoyment to be served by the cold-blooded and ruthless King Yue!"

Hearing her words, Duguchen's hand that was lifting the thin quilt couldn't help but freeze again!
He pressed Yuan Xiuyue on the sleeping couch calmly, put the thin quilt on her body with a cold face, and sat down on the small stool in front of the couch coldly, then said with a smile: "You can still make fun of me , it can be seen that you were not frightened last night, this king is really curious, how brave are you, a woman?"

"This is not surprising!"

With a faint smile, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes met Duguchen's peacefully, "He...has asked me more than once, how courageous I am as a woman!"

Hearing this, Dugu Chen's eyes darkened slightly!

How could he not know that the him she was talking about was the guide Gong Haoling.

Focusing on the faint smile on the corner of her lips, he slightly hooked his thin lips, and sighed slightly with a frown between his brows, "It can be imagined that, like this king, he was always in a hurry to get angry in the past!"

Hearing his sigh, Yuan Xiuyue smiled wryly and said, "Without his anxieties back then, how could there be Yuan Xiuyue today!"

Taking a full view of the wry smile on her face, Duguchen's expression froze slightly: "Chuxiu..."

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue was slightly startled!
But only a moment later, the corners of her lips raised a beautiful arc again: "What's the matter? Your lord!"

Be it Yuan Xiuyue or Long Chuxiu, it's just a name.

Compared with her own life, it doesn't matter if she accepts Dugu Chen's call to come out of Xiu now!

After hearing Yuan Xiuyue's words, Duguchen's thin and well-shaped lips were slightly raised, staring at her deeply, and his tone was dark and hoarse: "If there was Duguchen first, and then Nangong Haoling, would you be right?" Am I tempted?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly, and her eyes darkened when she lowered her eyes: "In this world, it seems that there is no what if..."

If so, there really are ifs in this world.

Then, she hoped that the man who was like the wind could stand in front of her again and say softly to her: Yue'er, I miss you!
But, that... just if!
However, in this world, there is really no if!

"I know!"

Just like her just now, with a faint smile, Dugu Chen frowned slightly, staring at her deeply, lowering his eyebrows and said softly: "But I only want one if!"

Hearing this, the expression on Yuan Xiuyue's face froze, she took a deep breath, looked up into Duguchen's deep and beautiful pupils, then nodded slightly: "Yes!"

Although there was only a faint word from her mouth, Duguchen's originally cold heart seemed to be on fire.


Repeating Yuan Xiuyue's words, the corners of Duguchen's lips slowly evoked a smile that was more beautiful than a woman's, and his eyes brightened slightly. It was the first time that he smiled so purely, without any hint of innocence. Scheming!

Staring at his extraordinary smile, Yuan Xiuyue's heart seemed to be grabbed by something.

Recalling his affectionate confession to her on the cliff last night, the corners of her lips curled up slightly, and she sighed softly, "My lord, if Nangong Haoling treats me badly in the future, how about I go and join you?"

(End of this chapter)

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