Chapter 195 Seeing Mi Qingxiang Again 4
Hearing this, Dugu Chen's figure is slightly stagnant!

Seeing him like this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but playfully smiled: "It's just a joke!"

"This king is serious!"

The smile gradually faded, and Duguchen couldn't help raising his hand, wanting to caress Yuan Xiuyue's face, but under her gaze, he finally froze his arm in the air.After a long time, he sighed helplessly, and his arm slumped down: "From now on, my concubine, Princess Yue, will always be reserved for you. If one day he treats you badly, the gate of Prince Yue's mansion will be closed at any time." open for you!"

Seeing that he was speaking calmly and his eyes sparkled like he was sincere, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but froze for a moment, she pursed her brows lightly, she suppressed the smile on her lips, and sternly advised: "Your Majesty, you don't have to do this , this day... will never come!"

"It doesn't matter, I don't care!"

Looking into Yuan Xiuyue's eyes, the eyes were slightly dark, and finally couldn't help reaching out to support her weak shoulders, Duguchen said softly: "As long as you are still alive, I will keep it for you!"


Because of his words, there were mixed emotions in her heart for a moment, Yuan Xiuyue called his name softly, and she breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, she smiled lightly and said: "Thank you last night!"

"Thank you?" Duguchen stared at Yuan Xiuyue for a moment with a deep, nostalgia in his eyes, and then said with a light smile: "The one I saved last night was not the empress, but my own concubine!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue chose to remain silent again.

Suffocated for a moment, seeing her silent, Duguchen sighed softly, and told her affectionately: "Take good care of yourself!" When he finished speaking, he took another deep look at Yuan Xiuyue, and then his face sank, he turned around, resolutely Decisively out of the big account!

Outside the big tent, Nangong Haoling had stood there for some time, seeing Dugu Chen coming out, he raised his eyes slightly, and met his deep gaze in the air.

"Take good care of her!"

He only stopped beside Nangong Haoling, and only gave him such a light word of advice. Duguchen raised his eyebrows, then raised his chin slightly, and quickly blended into the drizzle, and walked quickly towards the direction of the Nanyue camp. .

Nangong Haoling took a deep breath until he could no longer see Duguchen's shadow in the distance, raised his eyebrows and raised the curtain, and entered the big tent...

On the second day of July, the three-nation summit officially started.

On this day, the sun was shining brightly, and the rain had dispersed, sweeping away the gloom of yesterday.

On the north side of the Weishan Mountain, in the large tent for the discussion, Liguo was attended by Emperor Li Nangong Haoling. As Ling expected, Duguchen, the king of Yue, still stepped in to mediate.

On the top of Weishan Mountain, the Three Kingdoms Summit is in full swing!
In the big tent of the Chinese army, two emperors and one king, three people are present, discussing the world's major affairs!

Under Weishan Mountain, in Nanling City, the chariot in which Dugu Jiang was riding leisurely all the way, was slowly driving towards a restaurant.

In the restaurant, the venue has already been cleared in advance.

Seeing Dugu Jiang getting off the chariot with Beauty Shu in his arms, Lian Sheng, the chief executive who had already been waiting in the restaurant, hurried up to greet him: "My servant sees the emperor, and greets Beauty Shu!"

"Be flat!"

Taking a light glance at Lian Sheng, Dugu Jiang glanced across the restaurant, then frowned and asked, "Is anyone here?"

"I'm coming!"

Nodding repeatedly, Lian Sheng stretched out his arms towards the second floor: "The person the emperor wants to see is waiting in the private room on the second floor right now."

Hearing this, Dugu Jiang raised his eyes slightly and glanced towards the second floor.

Stepping forward, seeing Shu beauty following her step by step, his eyes narrowed slightly, he gently squeezed her water snake waist, and then smiled evilly: "Beauty, you wait below."


The soft and pleasant voice escaped from the mouth, and Shumei pouted her small mouth, and frowned her eyebrows in a little unhappiness.

Seeing this, Dugu Jiang's eyes flickered!
Facing Dugu Jiang's eyes, Shu Meiren's delicate body trembled, she hurriedly let go of his arm, and watched him go down the stairs to the second floor.

On the second floor of the restaurant, in the private room.

Near the window, there is a woman in snow clothes, with a slender figure, looking out, admiring the beautiful scenery outside the window.

Seeing this, the corners of Dugu Jiang's lips hooked lightly, and with a swish, he opened the folding fan in his hand!

Hearing the sound, the woman in the private room slowly looked back.

This woman from Yuanshan is dai, her eyebrows are expressive, and she only smiles faintly, her charming charm cannot be concealed in her eyebrows.

"Beauty, I kept you waiting!"

Facing the charming pupils of the woman in the private room, Dugu Jiang raised his eyebrows lightly, and walked in. There were peach blossoms in his eyes.

"I've only been here for a while, so it's not too long to wait!" Standing up from her seat, the woman smiled lightly at Dugu Jiang, and said with a smile, "I've seen Emperor Yue!"

"I have always been the most sympathetic and cherishing jade, beauties don't have to be so formal!" With a sound of swish, he put away the folding fan, and Dugu Jiang stretched out his hand very casually, took the woman's hand, and wanted to help her up.

"Emperor Yue, please respect yourself!"

With a faint smile, she pulled her slender hand back from Dugu Jiang's with a slight force on her arm. The woman still smiled charmingly: "I don't know why Emperor Yue came to me today, why?"

"Of course it's a good thing!"

Taking a deep look at the woman in front of him, Dugu Jiang smiled comprehensibly, and did not show any displeasure at the fact that she pulled his hand, nor did he continue to be frivolous to her, he just sat down very casually, opened the folding fan and slapped it vigorously a few times, with a frivolous tone Said: "I heard that the beauty's situation in Li Palace is not very good, so I want to help you!"

Hearing this, the woman frowned lightly.

"Why did Emperor Yue help me?"

Dugu Jiang smiled: "Because your opponent moved something you shouldn't!"

Hearing this, the woman frowned slightly, but still said with a cold smile: "I don't understand what King Yue means by this?"

"It's fine if you don't understand!"

Xie Mei smiled, and took out a porcelain vase from his sleeve pocket. Dugu Jiang pushed the porcelain vase to the woman with a folding fan: "This is the big gift I promised to give you!"

Seeing this, the woman looked slightly startled: "What is this?"

With a faint smile, Dugu Jiang stood up, dipped his finger in the tea on the table and wrote two words slowly in front of the woman!

When she saw what he wrote on the table, the woman's eyebrows twitched instantly, and her eyes were faintly shining!

"This thing, in Nanyue, is comparable to a national treasure!"

Gently hooking the woman's beautiful chin with the folding fan, Dugu Jiangxie smiled slyly, "As for how to use it, it all depends on the beauty!"


With a faint smile, she brushed off the folding fan on her chin. The woman reached out and took the medicine bottle into her hand, raised her black eyebrows lightly, and smiled charmingly: "I will thank Emperor Yue here!"

Hearing this, Dugu Jiang sneered, and without looking at the woman again, he turned around gracefully, and left the private room in just two or three steps!

Restaurant lobby.

Lian Sheng and Shu Meiren were waiting eagerly, just waiting for Dugu Jiang to come downstairs.

Seeing him walking down the road slowly, Shu Meiren's delicate and charming face couldn't help showing a touch of fascination, her red lips curled up, and she hurried forward to meet him: "Your Majesty!"


With Shu Meiren's boneless arm wrapped around his waist, Dugu Jiang Xie smiled wildly, and was about to walk out.

"Uh... Your Majesty!"

When Dugu Jiang was about to step out of the restaurant, Lian Sheng stepped forward quickly, and said respectfully: "Just now Lord Lei's people came and said that they put the person the emperor wanted in the chariot..."

"You didn't tell me sooner!"

The folding fan in his hand slapped on the top of Liansheng's head. Dugu Jiang reached out and tore off Shumeiren's arm wrapped around his waist, and walked out of the restaurant quickly, heading straight for the chariot.

On the chariot.

The gauze curtain flutters leisurely with the breeze.

After a few steps to board the chariot, he stretched out his hand to lift up the gauze curtain that was in the way, and Dugu Jiang took a look inside.

When he saw the woman in the chariot who was sleeping with eyes closed at the moment, the corners of his lips were slightly raised, and a look of joy appeared in his eyes!
Some hesitantly, he stretched out his hand and caressed the woman's pretty face. Feeling the fiery temperature from the woman's skin, he frowned, turned his head and asked Lian Sheng in a cold voice, "What did Lei Luo give her?"

Hearing this, Lian Sheng's heart tightened, and he hastily replied respectfully: "My Majesty, Mr. Lei said that he was afraid that she would hurt you, so he gave her the enchanting fragrance!"

"The fragrance of enchantment?!"

The corners of the slightly raised lips couldn't help twitching lightly, and there was no trace of exaggeration on Dugu Jiang's handsome face!
"Boy Lei Luo, you really know my heart!" Looking down, he caught a glimpse of the woman's fair and delicate collarbone, and he felt a rush of heat in his lower abdomen. Move lightly, swallow your saliva...

(End of this chapter)

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