Chapter 196 Accidental Marriage Proposal 1
In the elegant room of the restaurant.

Leaning on the window and watching Dugu Jiang's chariot leave, Cui'er walked out from the shadows and walked slowly to Yan Ruxue. She blessed her slightly: "Your Majesty, Emperor Yue is gone!"

"I saw it!"

Withdrawing her eyes from the window, Yan Ruxue smiled faintly, her charming charm remained undiminished: "He shouldn't have come today!"

Hearing this, Cui'er was slightly taken aback!
Looking down at the medicine bottle in the master's hand, she was puzzled and said: "Just now, the servant heard it in the dark. Didn't he say that he gave the empress Nanyue's national treasure?"

"national treasure?"

Repeating Tweety'er's words, Yan Ruxue snorted coldly.

Opening the cork on the porcelain bottle, she lowered her beautiful eyes, poured all the powder in the bottle into the tea cup, and then slowly poured the tea in the tea cup onto the table with a chuckle.

When the tea was dropped on the table, there was only a soft sound of babbling, and some white air rose from the table. Seeing this, Tweety'er's face changed in shock: "How could it be poison?"

With a faint smile, Yan Ruxue's expression remained unchanged, she raised her eyebrows lightly and said, "I have nothing to do with him, why can't he give me the poison? If I guessed right, he didn't want to help me at all, but wanted to help me." Through my hands, remove the queen from this world once and for all!"

"It's a good move to kill with a knife!"

With a cry of surprise, Cui'er raised her hand to cover her lips, and frowned slightly. She was not without fear and said: "I knew that the empress shouldn't have come out today!"

"It's already here, what else can I do?!" Yan Ruxue stood up gracefully from her seat, turned her head outward, and frowned slightly: "Who made me want to beg for that national treasure in his hand!"

Hearing this, Cui'er looked at her master's side face hurt by love, and couldn't help sighing secretly in her heart: "In this world, which woman doesn't want the person she loves to fall in love with herself?"

After listening to Tweety'er's words, Yan Ruxue was silent for a long time, and sighed softly, she murmured softly to Tweety'er: "Today is the day when the Three Kingdoms Summit will be held, for the sake of state affairs, the emperor should work hard again..."


With a soft response, Cui'er raised her eyebrows slightly, and suggested: "Why don't you make some soup to relieve the heat, and the servants will send it to the mountain."

"No need!"

Gently, she replied to Tweety, Yan Ruxue looked at the top of the Weishan Mountain: "Even if I cook it, he won't drink it."

"My lady..."

Unavoidably feeling sorry for her master, Tweety called softly, but she didn't know what to do.

After all, with regard to the master's affairs, she, as a slave, can't help much!


Nanyue Posthouse.

In the bathroom, the mist curled up, as if in a fairyland.

Shadow dazedly woke up from his lethargy, only to find that he was in the bathtub. At this moment, there were two young maidservants scrubbing her arms carefully, and even though she was in the cool water, I still felt like my whole body was on fire, and I felt extremely uncomfortable.

Last night, Imperial Physician Wang called her over, saying that Yuan Xiuyue's anti-pregnancy medicine was missing an important herb, and asked her to take someone down the mountain to buy it immediately.

However, because she would slow down her progress with other people, she went down the mountain alone. Unexpectedly, when she just walked to the mountainside, she was attacked by Lei Luo leading people, and as a result...

The memory in her mind came back in an instant. Thinking of her current situation, she frowned, and suddenly punched the water, causing the two maidservants beside her to scream and avoid it!
"What are you panicking about?"

Youyou's soft reprimand sounded from behind the crowd. After drinking half a cup of tea, Shumei raised her eyes to look up and down at the shadow. When the shadow looked up and down, she couldn't help but smile: "Unexpected... This younger sister's temper is so hot!"

The crescent eyebrows that were tightly furrowed became even tighter in an instant, Shadow took a deep breath, and used her internal force to suppress the rushing heat in her lower abdomen. She couldn't help being shocked!
"Are you... Shu beauty?"

Although she only saw Shu Mei from afar once on the top of the Weishan Mountain, she still vividly remembered the scene when Dugu Jiang embraced her.

God knows, the two of them, in broad daylight, on the top of Weishan Mountain, are so debauched!

All of a sudden, realizing that she might fall into Dugu Jiang's hands, her complexion turned white instantly, and her hand holding the bathtub became tighter and tighter!
"Your sister recognizes me?"

With a charming and graceful smile, the beautiful woman stood up leisurely from her seat, a gleam of light flashed in her big bright eyes, she walked to the side of the shadow, and looked at her with a low eyebrow smile: "We...have you met before?"

Shadow can recognize her because when she was with Dugu Jiang, she was as promiscuous as a whore, and she attracted people's attention, but she dismissed Shadow, so at this moment, she only knew that the woman in front of her was What the emperor wants, but he doesn't know her true identity!
"Who is your sister!"

Her tone was cold and her expression was serious. Maybe when Shu Meiren exhaled in front of others, they would think it was like blue exhalation, but at this moment, smelling her powdery fragrance, Shadow felt a faint urge to vomit.

With a cold snort, she stood up from the tub with a swish, and stretched out her hand to grab the clothes on the side to wrap around her body, but...just as she got out of the tub, she felt her body go limp, and almost fell on the ground. land.

"Hehe... I can't tell, she is still a strong woman!"

A crisp and pleasant laughter slowly escaped from Shumei's mouth. She bent her knees and fell, glanced at the shadow of the spring, and saw the dark red cinnabar mole on her arm. Dangerous light: "The poison of enchanting fragrance can turn a strong woman into a whore. Unless you die, you will be the emperor's man today! Since you are the emperor's man, you and I will be sisters in the future!"

Hearing this, the color of Shadow's eyes changed drastically!
The hand holding the edge of the bathtub turned white slightly, she gasped gradually, feeling the heat all over her body, her mind suddenly tightened: "Damn Lei Luo!"

In the past in the palace, she had heard of such filthy things. Until later, Yuan Xiuyue also appeared in front of Nangong Haoling because of the poison of the enchanting fragrance!
However, Yuan Xiuyue was poisoned by this poison, and Nangong Haoling detoxified it.

What about her?

Thinking of Dugu Jiang, she couldn't help but turn pale again.

"Beauty, haven't you washed yet?"

Just as the shadow's mind was spinning, Dugu Jiang's lazy voice came from the outer room, and then the door of the outer room was slowly opened: "I can't wait..."

For the rest, when Dugu Chen saw the white and naked back of the shadow, Dugu Jiang was stunned for a moment, and choked in his throat!
Raising his eyes, he caught a glimpse of Dugu Jiang's handsome washbasin, met his shining eyes when he saw him, and the shadow sneered sneerly, then his heart sank, he opened his mouth and bit his tongue hard !
Didn't Shu Meiren say that unless she died, she would be his today?

Then, she would rather die than be his woman!
Don't even die!


Aware of the shadow's movement, Dugu Jiang cursed in a low voice, stepped in quickly, raised his hand and pushed Shumei aside, he held the shadow's bare shoulders with both hands, straightened her in his arms, and went up to look at it without hesitation. The beauty in front of the shadow, seeing the blood on her lips, Dugu Jiang's eyes changed, without any hesitation, he pinched her chin with one hand, put the other into her mouth, and said angrily, "Shut up!"

But how could the shadow listen to him?

Therefore, the more he let her loose, the tighter she would bite.

But even so, she was pried open by his big hand!
Facing her hateful gaze, Dugu Jiang stuffed his two fingers into the shadow's mouth, furrowed his thick eyebrows and shouted angrily: "Woman, if you want to die, you have to let me play it before you die!"

Hearing this, the shadow's eyes hardened, his white teeth dropped again, and he unceremoniously bit his two fingers, refusing to say anything!
The clear pain on the finger was transmitted to the mind in an instant. Dugu Jiang's face was stern, but he never pulled his hand back, only letting the shadow bite.


Exclaiming, seeing Dugu Jiang's fingers being bitten by the shadow to bleed, Shumei's face changed drastically, and when she was at a loss, she took off the hairpin from her head without thinking, and poked directly at the shadow's throat.

Seeing this, Ying Ying's eyes flashed, but he still bit Dugu Jiang's finger tightly and refused to let go.

Back then, from the moment she became a shadow, she always knew that she would die for her master anytime, anywhere.

Therefore, she is not afraid of death!
Because she cared more about her innocence than death!
In the blink of an eye, the hairpin in Shu Meiren's hand fell straight down. Just when the hairpin in her hand was about to fall into the shadow's throat, Dugu Jiang's arm shook, and a stream of blood sprayed out immediately.

When the bright red rain of blood sprayed onto Shadow's face, she couldn't help but freeze!
Because, she didn't feel any pain at all... And the hairpin didn't go into her throat, but into the back of his hand...


Looking at Dugu Jiang's wound, Shu Meiren couldn't help trembling slightly. Seeing Dugu Jiang's cold eyes, her figure flickered, and she fell to the ground again trembling.

While the shadow was dazed, Dugu Jiang's hand holding the back of her neck suddenly exerted force.


Looking at the shining hairpin on the back of Dugu Jiang's hand, Shadow only felt a pain in the back of her neck, and only cursed the word shameless in a low voice, she closed her eyes and fell into a coma again.

Seeing this, Dugu Jiang felt a little relieved.

But only for a moment, he raised his sword eyebrows and turned to look at Shumei who fell to the ground by his side.


Facing Dugu Jiang's bloodthirsty pupils, Shu Meiren's delicate body trembled slightly, her red lips moved slightly, she opened her mouth to speak, but saw Dugu Chen gritted his teeth and pulled out the hairpin from the back of his hand, and then threw it on her with a snap. In front of him: "Surrender yourself!"

Hearing this, Shu Meiren seemed to be struck by lightning in an instant!


Hurriedly pulling Dugu Jiang's leg, Shumei said tremblingly, with tears streaming down her face, "This concubine saw her hurt the emperor, and this concubine..."

"I said I let you touch her? Wouldn't I be happy to be hurt by her?" The corners of his lips curled up slightly, and he lowered his eyebrows to look at Shumei's delicate face with rain on her face. I saw her pitiful appearance, Duguchen raised his eyebrows and sneered: " Assassinating me is a death penalty for the nine clans, do you want to be buried with the whole family, or go by yourself?"


Unexpectedly, one moment ago she was still tender and affectionate, and the next moment the man in front of me was going to kill herself because of such a trivial matter. Her heart trembled, and Shu Meiren's voice suddenly stern: "I am for the emperor, and the emperor is also the most favored!" Concubine, you can't treat me like this!"

"I know what you chose!"

Raising his hand to brush Luoshu beauty's hand, Dugu Jiang gave her a cold look, then picked up Shadow and walked out of the bathroom.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!"

Behind him, no matter how hoarse Shu Meiren called him, he never looked at her again from the beginning to the end!
In Dugujiang's dormitory, incense is lingering, and the high bed is soft with pillows.

Lying motionless on his back in Wen Xiangjinxiu's room, Shadow's face was flushed, but his eyes were dark, staring lifelessly at the exquisite mandarin duck embroidery on the collapsed roof.At this moment, the clothes on her body were long gone, but her body still seemed to be on fire, but even so, her heart was as cold as ice.

(End of this chapter)

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