Chapter 197 Accidental Marriage Proposal 2
At this time, she finally realized Yuan Xiuyue's feelings back then.

She only wished that she could die quickly, or pass out, but the more she thought about it, the more sober and uncomfortable she became.

After an unknown amount of time, there was a sound outside the door.

There is no doubt that when the door was pushed open, it was Dugu Jiang who came in!

Walking slowly to the front of the bed, Dugu Jiang lightly lifted the hem of his robe and sat down on the side of the bed, his eyes were fixed on Shadow's pretty face, his eyes were smiling, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly: "Beauty, but it's very uncomfortable , want me to detoxify you?"

Hearing this, the shadow's dark eyes only glanced at him lightly, and then slowly closed his eyes.

At this moment, falling into his hands, she only wanted to die quickly, and even glaring at him felt superfluous!
"I'm ashamed!"

Smiling evilly, he stretched out his hand to caress the shadow's face, feeling the heat on her face, he frowned slightly, then smiled lightly and breathed lightly at her: "You don't want me to touch you, do you?"


Cursing secretly in his heart, Shadow frowned, opened his eyes, and stared coldly into his dark eyes.

Facing the shadow's gaze, Dugu Jiang suddenly smiled: "Then I won't touch you!"

Hearing this, Shadow thought he heard it wrong, and his expression was suddenly startled!
He spent so much effort to bring her here, did he just give up? !

Before the shadow came back to his senses, Duguchen caressed the back of his injured hand, gently hooked Lang Lang with the corner of his lips and said: "The poison of enchanting fragrance, there is no other way to detoxify it except for the love between men and women. If you don't want to let it go If I touch you, I won't touch you, but... I don't want to take advantage of others!"

Hearing Dugu Jiang's words, Shadow's heart shuddered!
She would rather die than follow him!

"Beauty, look and scold me in your heart, I might want you right away!" Biting Shadow's earlobe, feeling the stiffness in her body, Dugu Jiang slightly raised his eyebrows, smiling evilly: "That's all, I will put you under house arrest until you are willing to let me touch...!" Yu Luo, when the shadow was about to break out of anger, he reached out and knocked the shadow's lips and teeth, and stuffed a pill into her mouth.

I don't know what he was feeding himself, Shadow frowned, and made a gesture to spit out the pill, but in the next moment, Dugu Jiang's thin and slightly raised lips suddenly fell, covering her lips, forcing her Eat the pill!

Satisfied with looking at the shadow's swollen pretty face, Dugu Jiang curved his lips into a smile, and raised his eyebrows lightly: "This medicine is not poison, but it can temporarily suppress the poison of enchanting fragrance in your body, but the only bad thing is, You need to take one pill every day! And you can only take it for two months!"

At the end of the sentence, he directly ignored the shadow's murderous gaze, and kissed her lips with taste and taste again!
A sense of disgust arises in my heart, I feel his lips and tongue, as if wanting to pry open my white teeth, Shadow snorted coldly in his heart, and opened his mouth again!
After a while, Duguchen's lips hurt, and then he frowned and let her go.

Facing his angry gaze, Shadow raised his chin without fear of death, implying... kill me if you dare!

Seeing this, Dugu Jiang was not angry at all, but angrily said to Lian Sheng outside the door: "From today onwards, she will be my virtuous concubine, bestowed on Yonghua Palace! I will return to Beijing tomorrow, and you will be here now." Use my dragon chariot to immediately escort her back to the palace, and protect her with heavy troops!"

Hearing Duguchen's words, Shadow felt a loud bang in his heart!
Whoever wants to be her virtuous concubine can do it, why would she want her to do it so deadpan.

However, she could only think about these words in her heart, while Lian Sheng outside the door had already answered her orders!

Hearing Lian Sheng's obedience, Ying Ying couldn't help feeling a little anxious!

All fools know that the protection Dugu Jiangkou said was actually to put her under house arrest and prevent her from escaping!

Now Yuan Xiuyue is pregnant and lacks capable people to take care of her. If Dugu Jiang snatches her away, she will definitely look for her everywhere!

But, that damned Dugu Jiang, after taking another deep look at her, left the room with a smirk, leaving her alone with her acupoints sealed, and continued to lie on the couch in a daze.




The shadow is missing!
When the Three Kingdoms Summit was suspended, Nangong Haoling had already learned the news from An Yun.

Sitting in the large tent for discussion, Nangong Haoling raised his eyebrows slightly, and his voice was slightly lower: "When did it happen?"

"last night!"

In the end, he was connected with the shadow brothers and sisters, An Yun's face was very ugly: "Physician Wang only said that she took the prescription and took people down the mountain to buy the medicinal materials necessary for the mother to protect the fetus, but since she went there yesterday, she has been in the same place now." never came back."

"She's not weak... Send more people to find her!"

Frowning tightly, Nangong Haoling looked up at the dark cloud, and Nangong Haoling's face also sank: "Remember to keep this matter a secret from the queen!"

"My subordinate understands!"

With a slight bow, Lei Luo exited the big tent with a gloomy expression.

At the summit of the Three Kingdoms, the matters discussed are all major events in the world.

But at this summit, Nanyue tried to lower its stance in order to seek peace. It was not as usual, relying on its strong national strength, to be unforgiving everywhere.

Therefore, the summit matter went smoothly.

From morning, to noon, and then to sunset, hearty laughter came from inside the large tent of the Chinese army.

Just as night fell, the summit ended. The Three Kingdoms had a period of about ten years, and within ten years, there would be no war, and after ten years, the Three Kingdoms would discuss again!

A gathering of the three emperors ended in peace, and it won ten years of peace for the people.

The result, without a doubt, is excellent!

Therefore, after the summit ended, the three countries agreed to hold a feast and revelry in the big tent of discussion!

Before the banquet begins, the top of the Weishan Mountain is rare and quiet!
In the big account of leaving the country.

Yuan Xiuyue was laughing a lot, and she didn't know what she was talking to Ting Lan about.

Raising her head, seeing Nangong Haoling coming in from outside the tent, the corners of her lips curled slightly, and she stretched out her hand towards him.

"What are you talking about? So happy?"

Reaching out to hold Yuan Xiuyue's hand, Nangong Haoling sat in front of the couch with a chuckle, stretched out his hand to take the soup bowl from Ting Lan's hand, and drank the soup for Yuan Xiuyue himself.

"Let me tell Ting Lan again, I don't know where the shadow has gone today, but at this time, there is no shadow yet!" Smiling lightly and taking a sip of the ginseng soup, Yuan Xiuyue shook her head lightly, reaching out to take his hand The soup bowl inside: "The emperor is tired enough today, you don't need to feed me soup, I will do it myself!"

Hearing her words, Nangong Haoling's hand holding the spoon tightened slightly, and he did not hand her the soup bowl as promised. He curled his thin lips lightly, and said lightly: "Even though I'm a little tired now, it's good to eat, sleep well." The fragrance, I will not feel tired!"

Looking up at Yuan Xiuyue, seeing her sweet face after listening to his words, he frowned slightly and smiled lightly: "This girl, Yingying, usually talks very little, but I didn't expect to see her for a day. , you miss her?"

"I can't drink it anymore!" Biting Zhen's head lightly at Nangong Haoling, Yuan Xiuyue nodded with a light smile, "Although Shadow doesn't talk much, he is a very kind person. Since last year when he was in Anyang, he has tolerated me very well." , and without any complaints, this kind of woman, anyone has to like it!"

"That's true!" Handing the soup bowl in his hand to Ting Lan, Nangong Haoling said slowly: "I have a secret errand, I told her last night, she won't be able to accompany you for a while."


Frowning slightly, Yuan Xiuyue said in disbelief, "There are so many talents around you, why use my people?"

Nangong Haoling raised his eyebrows: "Even you are my people, isn't yours still mine?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue curled her lips, and finally responded helplessly: "Yes, I am yours, and the one in my belly is also yours!"

Seeing that she didn't go into the shadow's whereabouts, Nangong Haoling secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Stretching out his hand and wrapping his arms around her shoulders, he said softly: "In two days, I will order An Yun to pick two more skilled maids from you, so that they can protect you!"

"With the emperor here, do you still need those girls?" Yuan Xiuyue leaned on Nangong Haoling's shoulder affectionately, and said with a faint smile: "As long as the shadow completes the task, you can let her come back."

Hearing this, the corners of Nangong Haoling's lips curled slightly, but there was a hint of melancholy between his brows.

Knowing that Yuan Xiuyue's mind was clear, he sighed softly, and before she noticed something strange, he looked at her with lowered eyebrows, "There will be a dinner party in the conference room later, if you are not in good health, don't go there."

"Your Majesty, let me go!" Even if she didn't ask, Yuan Xiuyue guessed that the Three Kingdoms Summit was going smoothly, Yuan Xiuyue lightly pursed her lips and said, "I just came here, and I just said that I will return tomorrow. We can't send each other off, we should meet again tonight!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's thick eyebrows raised again: "Do you have to go?"


The corners of her lips were slightly curved, Yuan Xiuyue deliberately pulled out her voice, a little aggrieved like a pissed off daughter-in-law: "If the emperor really refuses to let me go, I will have to stay here unhappy."


Gently, with a sigh, Nangong Haoling reached out and touched her smooth forehead, sighed and said to Ting Lan: "Girl Ting Lan, why are you still standing there? Hurry up and dress up with your mother! Look like this Going out is purely embarrassing to me!"

At this moment, Yuan Xiuyue's long hair was casually draped over her shoulders, and her topknot was not combed. How could she go to the dinner party? !

"The slaves obey the orders!"

With a happy expression on her face, she nodded with a smile on her face, Ting Lan hurriedly walked to the dressing table, took out the jade grate, and prepared to dress Yuan Xiuyue.

Before Ting Lan stepped forward, Yuan Xiuyue reached out her hand: "Bring it!"


Slightly startled, knowing that Yuan Xiuyue was begging for a jade grate from herself, Ting Lan frowned slightly, and handed over the grate in her hand.

Reaching out to take the grate from Ting Lan, Yuan Xiuyue changed hands and stuffed it into Nangong Haoling's hand.

Looking at the thing for combing hair in his hand, Nangong Haoling couldn't help being slightly startled!
Slowly returning to his senses, facing Yuan Xiuyue's blinking and smiling eyes, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Don't you want me to comb your hair for you?"

"Why not?"

Blinking at Nangong Haoling, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes darkened slightly: "People say that when a woman gets married, her mother will kiss her head, but when you and I get married, I..."

"Okay, stop talking!"

Gently speaking, intending Yuan Xiuyue's slightly sad words, Nangong Haoling had no choice but to rush the duck to the shelf, took the jade grate in his hand, and moved Yuan Xiuyue's long hair with the utmost tenderness and compassion.

Feeling the jade comb in his hand combing her long hair, Yuan Xiuyue's heart slowly relaxed, and her mood gradually became clearer!

Didn't Nangong Xiaoran always hope that she could be happy?

She thought that she should be happy now.

At this moment, behind her, her beloved man is combing her long hair with her, and their child is pregnant in her womb!
In this way, she will have more relatives, and she must be happy!
A quarter of an hour passed by in a flash.

Seeing that Nangong Haoling was clumsy and couldn't hold back Yuan Xiuyue's waist-length black hair, Ting Lan couldn't stand it any longer. Finally, she took the jade grate from Nangong Haoling and counted the falling moon bun with Yuan Xiuyue neatly. And wear the phoenix crown that has been prepared with her!
(End of this chapter)

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