Chapter 199 Accidental Marriage Proposal 4
For a long time after Dugu Jiang left, Duguchen stood there without moving a step!
Thinking of the last words that Dugu Jiang said when he left, his eyes that were originally as deep as water suddenly faintly appeared waves!
After a long time, when he was immersed in his own thoughts, he heard an immature female voice behind him: "His Royal Highness Yue Wang, are you missing your empress?"

Hearing this, Dugu Chen's body froze slightly!

Slowly opening his eyes, he looked at the pretty person in front of him under the moonlight, his clothes fluttering, and the corners of his lips could not help but twitch slightly: "Who are you? How do you know what this king is thinking?"

"I am the daughter of King Qi of Chu State!"

The voice was childish and weak, but it couldn't stop the girl from moving forward. Her pupils like black jewels shone brightly under the moonlight. Xuanyuan Ruyue smiled brightly, and said to herself, "My name is Xuanyuan Ruyue!"

"Like the moon?"

Yuan Xiuyue's ordinary but deeply attractive face appeared in his mind again, and Dugu Chen's thin lips slowly curled up: "It's a beautiful name!"


It's like repairing the moon!

This name, in his opinion, is really beautiful.

Concentrating on the smile on his lips, Xuanyuan Ruyue pursed her lips tightly, raised her head as much as she could, her eyes only looked at him: "You're thinking about leaving your empress again!"

Hearing this, Dugu Chen was stunned again!

"this is for you!"

Without the slightest fear of Duguchen's majesty as Yue Wang, Xuanyuan Ruyue took his hand and stuffed a lock of long hair into Duguchen's hand.

"Why did you give this king this?"

Asked without thinking, Duguchen had plotted against too many people, but he didn't plot the mind of the little girl in front of him at the moment.

"Inventing will!"

Smiling at Duguchen, Xuanyuan Ruyue looked up at him, her soft white face was extraordinarily soft and beautiful under the moonlight: "I know you like Empress Li, but now she has Emperor Li, you When I grow up to 15 years old, I will definitely go to Yueyue in person to be your bride!"


Frowning his handsome brows because of Xuanyuan Ruyue's sudden words, Duguchen looked at the long hair in his hand somewhat dumbfounded.

He was full of life!
It's just that at the moment when I'm most frustrated, I never thought that I would be proposed by a little girl... to marry me!

Seeing that he was stunned and silent, Xuanyuan Ruyue stretched out her hand to take his big hand, hooking her little finger with his little finger: "Today we have agreed that when I am 15 years old, you must send someone to Chu to propose marriage to me." !"

After the words fell, she smiled at Duguchen, then turned around with a charming smile, and trotted all the way towards the big tent.

Seeing Xuanyuan Ruyue's small figure going away, Duguchen couldn't help but wry smile.

Gently shaking the long hair in his hand, he couldn't help shaking his head and sighing... This proposal is so unexpected!
Before discussing the big tent, the bonfire dinner is still going on.

Fast forward from a distance, An Yun stood beside Nangong Haoling, seeing him chatting and laughing with Yuan Xiuyue and Xuanyuanxu, he couldn't help calling out solemnly: "Your Majesty!"

Hearing the sound, Nangong Haoling raised his thick eyebrows!
Turning his head to look at An Yun, seeing his cold and serious face, his heart sank, and he asked in a low voice, "But did you find the shadow?"


His eyes darkened slightly, An Yun straightened his waist, straightened like a javelin, and whispered in Nangong Haoling's ear with a serious face: "The virtuous king sent a secret letter sent by a horse eight hundred miles away!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling frowned!
"Back to the tent!"

Standing up from the table with a serious expression, he turned around and said to Xuanyuanxu and Zhuge: "There are some things, Yue'er and I will be excused first!"

As the words fell, he didn't wait for Xuanyuanxu and Zhuge Zhen to say anything, he picked up Yuan Xiuyue in public, and strode towards the direction of the Liguo tent.


Staring at Nangong Haoling's stern face, Yuan Xiuyue's heart sank slightly: "What happened?"

"It shouldn't be a good thing!"

Smiling at Yuan Xiuyue, but there was no trace of joy in his tone, Nangong Haoling told Ji Heng who followed him all the way: "Go and invite the general!"


Panting slightly in response, he immediately turned his footsteps and ran all the way towards Yuan Wende's sleeping tent...


When Nangong Haoling entered the tent with Yuan Xiuyue in his arms, Ji Heng had already invited Yuan Wende to come.

Outside the big tent and An Yun nodded slightly, Yuan Wende lifted the curtain and followed into the Chinese army big tent.

Putting Yuan Xiuyue on the couch, Nangong Haoling turned to look at the dark cloud behind him.

An Yun understood, took out the letter from his sleeve, and handed it over.

After receiving the letter from An Yun, Nangong Haoling cast down his eyes, looked at the seal on the letter, and the handwriting that he was all too familiar with, and the ominous feeling in his heart suddenly increased!
Generally speaking, if it was an ordinary letter, it would be written by a courier, and his brother Wang would never write it himself.

But today, not only did he write the letter himself, but he even sent someone to rush it to Weishan Mountain. From this, we knew that something important must have happened in Lidu!

At this point in his thoughts, his face sank, and he stretched out his hand to tear the seal and tear the letter open, and he studied it with brows.

The letter in his hand was not long, but the words were full of urgency. The more Nangong Haoling looked down, the more dignified his expression became. Seeing her like this, several other people in the big tent, including Yuan Xiuyue, , also looked solemn, and then became nervous.


Holding her breath for a long time, she saw Nangong Haoling's expression getting heavier and heavier, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help asking, "What happened?"

The hand holding the letter tightened slightly. After reading the letter, Nangong Haoling put his back on his back with a gloomy expression. After a while, he quietly said: "The floods in the north and south of the Li country, the An family took the opportunity to create chaos and colluded with several people. City lord, raise the banner of rebellion, support the son of King Ning as the master, and cause rebellion in the north-central part of our country!"

Hearing what he said, everyone's expressions froze!
"The An family again?"

Knowing that it is the height of summer now, and the floods in the departure country were caused by natural disasters, but thinking of the An clan, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but frown tightly.Shen Mei pondered for a moment, and she couldn't help asking with a sneer: "There is also the so-called son of King Ning. King Ning has no way of getting married, so how can he have a son? Thinking about it, this must be An's trick!"

Just imagine, if King Ning has a son, Xie Changsheng can go directly to support him, why bother to go up Weishan to die with them!

"If there is no such son of King Ning, what reason can they raise their troops to rebel?" Nangong Haoling sneered sneeringly, and said to An Yun: "Go and prepare a fast horse with me immediately, and I will rush back to the capital immediately!"


Hearing that Nangong Haoling was about to leave, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help reaching out and grabbing his hand.


Reaching out to hold her hand, Nangong Haoling's eyes faded from coldness, and changed into a soft color: "If it is possible, I don't want to be separated from you for a second, but at this moment, you can't ride a horse, so you have to take a chariot When you return to the capital, I will leave the general with you, and he will escort you back to the capital!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue felt a little cold in her heart!

Facing the soft look in Nangong Haoling's eyes, she nodded lightly, but looked up at her brother with an ugly expression.

At this moment, his elder brother Yuan Wende's expression was already very heavy. Seeing Yuan Xiuyue looking at him, he clenched his fists tightly and finally asked what was in his heart: "Which general is leading the rebel army of the An clan?"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's eyes suddenly darkened again.

The gaze shifted from Yuan Wende's face to Yuan Xiuyue's face slowly, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, and he uttered a name that no one wanted to hear: "Yuan Chenghai!"

"It really is him?"

Although Yuan Xiuyue had already guessed two points when Nangong Haoling ordered her elder brother to escort her back to Beijing, but at this moment when she heard Nangong Haoling's personal answer, she frowned and still couldn't help the coldness in her heart : "My elder brother is a great general. Now that the An clan rebelled, the emperor didn't take him away, but only left him to escort me back to the palace. I already guessed who the leader of the An clan should be." !"

Staring at Yuan Xiuyue's sad face, Nangong Haoling's heart throbbed, and he stretched out his hand to caress her shoulder, and a wry smile appeared on his sharp-edged handsome face: "I know this matter, I must not hide it from you, instead of Let you know in the future, it is better to tell you now!"

Now, it's not easy for her to get pregnant, and she just needs to wait until the next day to give birth to a prince, and everything will be worry-free from now on!
But at this moment, their dream was all broken by her father.

She is the queen of Li, but her father is the leader of the rebel army!
If she returns to the palace this time, the saliva from the previous court can drown her, and the queen mother in the harem will definitely take action.

However, no matter what is waiting for them, this time he must protect his wife and children. As long as he is still alive, she must still be the queen of Liguo, her wife. He absolutely...will not allow anyone Move them!
The air in the big tent became stagnant in an instant.

The stagnant atmosphere made Yuan Xiuyue feel more difficult to breathe!

She raised her hand to cover her chest, and stroked her lower abdomen with the other hand. After a long silence, she finally raised her eyes slowly, and said to Nangong Haoling in an extremely firm tone: "People say that a mother is a strong man. What happened in the past?" That's all, I don't just want to live for myself in the future, Ling... Don't worry, I can handle today's matter, as soon as you leave today, I will immediately go down the mountain with the chariot and return to Li Palace, Even if Yuan Xiuyue cannot be accommodated in the front and rear palaces, as long as you allow me alone, I will still be your queen... the mistress of the country!"

(End of this chapter)

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