Chapter 200 Fuck Your Uncle 1
Hearing Yuan Xiuyue's extremely firm words, Nangong Haoling's eyes darkened slightly!
At this moment, the expression on his face is so unpredictable that no one can see the slightest clue!
Although, he still has secret worries about Yuan Xiuyue's days after returning to the palace, but even so, he has already made up his mind that if... he can't even protect his own wife and children, then this emperor, he doesn't care!

Regardless of the presence of everyone present, he took two steps forward, stood in front of the couch, stretched out his hand to support Yuan Xiuyue's shoulder, and let her lean on him: "Yue'er, I have never protected you since you entered the palace. If you make another mistake... a person who can't even protect his wife and children, how can he protect the people of the world? Hmph, this emperor, I don't care!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help feeling sweetness in her heart!

Seeing that the two of them were so sweet, everyone in the tent quietly retreated out.

Leaving herself and Nangong Haoling alone in the tent, Yuan Xiuyue stretched out her arms, wrapped them around his narrow waist, and slightly bent her lips: "Ling, remember what I said back then. , but at that time, I still left..."

Hearing Yuan Xiuyue's words, Nangong Haoling's hand on her shoulder couldn't help but tighten suddenly!
"Yuan Xiuyue!" His eyes sharpened sharply, and he looked at Yuan Xiuyue with lowered eyebrows: "You try to be a deserter again this time!"

"This time, I will definitely not be a deserter!" Facing Nangong Haoling's hazy eyes, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyes to look at him, and said with a smile: "As long as the king's heart is like a concubine's heart, even in the deep palace, like that In the sea of ​​tears, I will choose to go up and down with the waves, just to stay by your side with my child."

Hearing the bitterness in her words, Nangong Haoling's heart suddenly felt quite uncomfortable.

Slowly, squatting down, he held her pale and thin face in recent days, and deeply frowned: "Don't worry, as long as I'm here, now and in the future, no matter how big the storm is, I'll take care of you." They will definitely protect your mother and child."


With warm eyes, Yuan Xiuyue pursed her lips lightly, and couldn't help kissing his lips lightly.

His body froze suddenly because of her kiss, Nangong Haoling's lips curled up slightly, and he slowly responded to her kiss until finally he turned his back on the guest,
After a long time, the deep kiss was finally over. Nangong Haoling said lightly, "I can't accompany you on the way back to the palace. You must take good care of yourself...and our children!"


Dingding nodded, Yuan Xiuyue warned softly: "Be careful all the way!"


It's night, Nangong Haoling walks lightly, with only dark clouds and a few shadows, wearing stars and wearing a moon, descends from the Weishan Mountain, all the way back to Lidu!
Originally, Yuan Xiuyue planned that once Nangong Haoling left, she would go down the mountain in a chariot.

But before Nangong Haoling left, he ordered Yuan Wende to die, and asked Yuan Xiuyue to rest in Weishan for two days. She was not allowed to go down the mountain until Doctor Wang nodded!
Therefore, the next morning, Yuan Xiuyue and Ting Lan invited Doctor Wang to check her pulse.

Didn't it mean that Wang Taiyi nodded before allowing her to go down the mountain?
Then she just let him nod!
In the air, the summer was scorching hot, but the big tent where Yuan Xiuyue was staying had a suitable temperature due to the surrounding ice.

Sitting upright in front of the couch, he checked Yuan Xiuyue's pulse carefully and felt her steady pulse. Doctor Wang couldn't help showing a hint of surprise in his eyes. He retracted the three fingers on Yuan Xiuyue's wrist through the scarf. Doctor Wang's eyes sparkled Bright, nodded in satisfaction: "My lady's pulse condition is very good today, much more stable than the previous two days!"

Yuan Xiuyue had already expected this result, the corners of Yuan Xiuyue's lips curled up slightly, her eyes revealed a bit of peace of mind and sweetness, she nodded lightly: "I also feel that when I wake up this morning, my body is much more relaxed, and it is no longer the same as before. Feeling groggy for two days."

Hearing this, Imperial Physician Wang smiled in his old eyes: "Your Majesty, apart from being weak, she hasn't experienced any other discomforts yet, but counting this day, after more than ten days, there may be vomiting."

Hearing Wang Taiyi's words, the smile on Yuan Xiuyue's lips faded slightly: "I don't know how bad it will be then!"


Imperial Physician Wang looked at Yuan Xiuyue with a smile, and pondered a little: "With your empress's body, it is very likely that it will be more serious at that time, but the old man will add warming and tonic medicine to your empress in advance, so as to ensure that your empress and the emperor's heir in the belly are safe. !"

"There is an imperial doctor Lao Wang!"

Smiling at Imperial Physician Wang, Yuan Xiuyue lowered her eyes to look at her flat belly, and sighed slowly: "Do you think I should return to the palace earlier before morning sickness?"

Gently stroking his beard, Imperial Physician Wang thought about it, nodded and said, "That's fine!"

Seeing him nodding, Yuan Xiuyue pursed her lips lightly, and couldn't help evoking a nice curve.

What she wanted was his words!
Raising her eyes and blinking at Ting Lan, she ordered softly: "Don't be dazed, hurry up and send Wang Taiyi back to the account, and bring today's miscarriage medicine with me."


With a smile on her face, Ting Lan stretched out her hand to Imperial Physician Wang and said softly, "Physician Wang, please!"


Nodding lightly, Imperial Physician Wang stood up from the couch, carried the medicine box on his shoulders, and followed Ting Lan out of the big tent...

The top of Weishan.

The camp of Chu State has already started.

On Liguo's side, Nangong Haoling left, but Yuan Xiuyue was still there.

Therefore, when she learned that Xuanyuanxu and Zhuge Zhenzhen were about to leave, she was still accompanied by her brother to send them off.

In front of the Dragon Chariot of Chu State, Zhuge Zhenzhen and Yuan Xiuyue stood facing each other.

The two of them, one is the Empress Dowager Chu, and the other is a pretty Empress Dowager. They have known and made friends with the same man in their lives, and because of him, they hit it off at first sight, and feel that they have a tacit understanding!

Therefore, there were no too sad parting words between them, nor too long greetings between them. Zhuge Zhenzhen just looked at Yuan Xiuyue and exchanged greetings for a moment, then nodded and smiled, said to each other how precious, and boarded the dragon chariot. Wave goodbye to her!

Today, the Three Kingdoms are in an alliance and there are no more disputes.

It was taken for granted that on Nanyue's side, there were naturally people who sent off the Chuhuang couple, Yuan Xiuyue's surprise, even though it was Dugu Chen who came forward to negotiate at the Three Kingdoms summit, it was Yuehuang Dugujiang who came to send them off at this moment!
Watching the Emperor Chu's guard of honor leave, Dugu Jiang raised his thin lips slightly, and turned to look at Yuan Xiuyue, who was not far away from him: "The complexion after leaving, looks good today!"

"Thanks to Emperor Yue's precious words!" From the bottom of her heart, she didn't like Dugu Chenjiang, but Yuan Xiuyue still slightly bent her lips, and said to him with a light smile: "Emperor Yue's complexion today also looks very good!"

With a frivolous smile, Dugu Jiang took a few steps forward, and smiled at Yuan Xiuyue: "The Emperor is in a good mood, and his complexion will naturally look better, but after leaving, the situation is not good!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes flickered slightly, and Yuan Wende beside her had a handsome face slightly darkened.

There was something in Dugu Jiang's words, how could she not hear it?

But after thinking about it, among the Three Kingdoms, each country has its own eyeliner in each palace all the year round, and the internal turmoil in Li is no small matter. As the Emperor of Chu, it is not surprising that he knows the news now!

Therefore, after taking a deep look at Dugu Jiang, Yuan Xiuyue smiled lightly, and said softly: "This palace is going to go down the mountain now, time is running out, so I won't talk too much with Emperor Yue."

After the words fell, her eyes lightened slightly, she clasped her hands in front of her, and she was about to walk towards the direction of the Liguo tent.


Making a sound at the right time, calling Yuan Xiuyue's footsteps, the corners of Dugu Jiang's lips were still lightly hooked, with an unruly and unrestrained expression: "Now you are leaving the country, what is waiting for you will be unexpected bright and dark tides, if not, you How about going back to Nanyue with me and being my brother's official wife in a graceful and unrestrained way?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue frowned, and she really stopped.

At this moment, Yuan Wende's angry voice sounded behind her: "Emperor Chu, please respect yourself!"

"This emperor is not disrespecting Empress Li, but thinking of her!" Ignoring the angry look on Yuan Wende's face, seeing Yuan Xiuyue stop, Dugu Jiang couldn't help laughing, and said persistently: "If Empress Li should deal with this matter, I can assure you that in Nanyue in the future, you can be the number one woman in the world just like my main palace!"


Gently, uttering these four words from her mouth, Yuan Xiuyue's pupils turned slightly, and she glanced sideways at Dugu Jiang, but she never turned to look at him, she just stepped forward and continued to move forward!

"Emperor Chu, farewell!"

Coldly, he bowed his hands to Dugu Jiang, and Yuan Wende strode to keep up.

Seeing Yuan Xiuyue's brother and sister leaving slowly, Dugu Jiang's eyes dimmed, and then a stern look flashed in them. After a moment of silence, he couldn't help but snorted softly: "I don't know what's good or bad about a woman! I don't know what brother Wang likes about you After a while, I want to see if you will regret rejecting my proposal today!"


From the pass of Weishan Mountain to the tent of Liguo, one must go through Nanyue camp.

When Yuan Xiuyue arrived at Nanyue camp, Lei Luo happened to walk out of the camp by himself.

Eyes raised lightly, directly into Yuan Xiuyue's calm and indifferent pupils, Lei Luo lowered his head a little caught off guard, only respecting her silently, and then walked away.

Seeing this, Yuan Xiuyue frowned lightly!

Seeing Lei Luo hurried past, she paused slightly, and couldn't help calling out, "Uncle Lei!"

Hearing this, Lei Luo's back suddenly froze!
Although, he doesn't like this title very much.

But Yuan Xiuyue, who called him Uncle Lei at this moment, is the only woman he can't help!Trying to suppress the displeasure in his heart, he slightly tightened his hand holding the long sword, turned around and responded to Yuan Xiuyue with downcast eyes: "I don't know why after leaving?"

"Bengong and you are old acquaintances. This time you saved Bengong's life on the cliff, and I haven't repaid him yet. Now we finally met. Why did you rush to leave when you saw Bengong? Ah!" Lowering her eyebrows, staring at Lei Luo's face that had been drooping all the time, she thought to herself that he was actually very handsome, and he really didn't look like an uncle anymore, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly, her eyes filled with thoughts.

"At this moment, I am following the order of the prince to invite the emperor!" Finally, he raised his eyes and glanced at Yuan Xiuyue, but after only one glance, his eyes flickered down again, and Lei Luo said in a low voice: "Above the cliff, It is the prince who wants to save the empress, but what I want to save is not the empress, but my prince!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but smile smugly: "Uncle Lei, you are really an honest person, I am ashamed to reward you for what you say!"

"It's nothing at all, the empress doesn't need to reward me!" Lei Luo pulled his lips lightly, and said with a cold face, "I will take my leave first!"

Seeing Lei Luo going far away, Yuan Wende couldn't help sighing beside Yuan Xiuyue: "If I were someone else, I would wish my mother would reward him at this moment, but Lei Luo is telling the truth, saying that he is only for Duguchen. He is also an upright man!"

"The more people are like this, the more they can't hide what's on their minds!"

Squinting her eyes slightly, the thoughts in her heart continued to turn. Yuan Xiuyue looked at Lei Luo's fading figure from a distance, and couldn't help frowning and looking back at her brother: "Brother, I feel that he just saw me, and he looks like a guilty conscience." look?"

Hearing this, Yuan Wende glanced at Yuan Xiuyue lightly, and shook his head lightly: "A person like him has an upright temperament, he must abide by the etiquette, so he dare not be presumptuous in front of you!"

(End of this chapter)

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