Chapter 201 Fuck Your Uncle 2
"Is that so?"

Smiling lightly, with a playful smile, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes darkened a little for a while.

She has known Lei Luo for not a day or two. She had also seen his vengeful temper and jumping feet when she was angry with him when he was in Juxianlou.

Although she still doesn't understand the reason for Lei Luo's strange expression just now, but she can be sure that there must be something tricky in it!

But it doesn't matter, anyway, she has her brother protecting her at this moment, and she will soon go down the mountain, and then there will be no communication between them in a short time, so let him go!
When she returned to Liguo Camp, Yuan Xiuyue told Yuan Wende to prepare to leave, and when she returned to Liguo tent, Ting Lan had already brought the miscarriage medicine.

Seeing that Yuan Xiuyue got the money, she took the round fan and went up to fan her, and said softly: "It's just in time for your mother to come back, and this medicine is just right for you to drink right now!"

Looking down at the anti-fetal medicine in Ting Lan's hand, Yuan Xiuyue frowned bitterly, leaned on the couch, caressed her lower abdomen and sighed, "Son, do you know that mother wants to take it for you?" How much trouble?"

Even though she said so, the smile on her face was filled with happiness.

Reaching out to take the medicine bowl in Ting Lan's hand, without the slightest hesitation, she held her breath and looked up, drinking it all in one gulp!

"Ma'am, sour plum soup!"

Taking the medicine bowl from Yuan Xiuyue with a chuckle, Ting Lan handed over the sour plum soup with a chuckle.Seeing Yuan Xiuyue taking the sour plum soup and drinking it silently, she bit her lip lightly, frowned and called out, "Mother!"


Taking a sip of the sweet and sour plum soup, Yuan Xiuyue sighed and looked up at Ting Lan.

"My lady..."

Facing Yuan Xiuyue's bright eyes, Ting Lan hesitated for a moment, and said with some hesitation: "The slave girl was at Wang Taiyi's place just now, and I heard him casually mentioning that the night before yesterday, he ordered Shadow to go down the mountain to buy medicine, only to say that Shadow came Whether to go or not, the poisoned empress did not complete the whole prescription until yesterday."

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but thump in her heart!
The night before, the shadow was no longer by her side.

Nangong Haoling only said that she had a new mission, so she didn't think much about it.

Hearing Ting Lan's words at this moment, Yuan Xiuyue looked at Ting Lan's eyes with suspicion, and frowned tightly. She asked Ting Lan, "Since the doctor Wang said, the shadow disappeared the night before yesterday and never returned. , why haven't I heard him mention it in the past two days?"

"The servant girl asked him that too."

With a dignified look on her face, Ting Lan curled her lips and continued: "But later on, no matter how the servant asked me, he didn't say much, and he never showed any words!"


Knowing that Nangong Haoling had ordered Wang Taiyi to keep silent in advance, Yuan Xiuyue's mind flashed the pretty, but always quiet and delicate face of the shadow, thinking that the whereabouts of the shadow was unknown at the moment, her frown , can't help but tighten again!

According to Wang Taiyi's words, the reason why Shadow went down the mountain this time was to buy medicinal materials with her.

With her loyalty to herself, she will definitely come back as quickly as possible.

But at this moment, since she is not returning, something must have happened!
Her kung fu is not weak, ordinary people can't do anything to her, if you want to subdue her, only someone with higher kung fu than her!

Thinking up to this point, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes turned, and Lei Luo's figure flashed in his mind instantly!

Just now, she was still thinking about what Lei Luo did to act like a guilty conscience in front of her, now she finally understands!
Although she knew that Nangong Haoling concealed the disappearance of the shadow from herself, it was for her own good, but at this moment Yuan Xiuyue still secretly scolded Nangong Haoling a thousand times in her heart. Get up, and lightly said with Ting Lan: "Let's go, find King Yue!"

Hearing this, Ting Lan couldn't help being stunned!
Stretching out her hand to hold Yuan Xiuyue's hand, and following her footsteps all the way forward, Ting Lan couldn't help but wondered: "Why is your mother looking for King Yue at this time?"


"Who do you want from King Yue?"

"Will you know later?" Looking up at Ting Lan with an unfriendly expression, Yuan Xiuyue was supported by her, and slowly walked out of the Liguo tent, heading towards the Yueguo camp in the south... …

Nanyue, Duguchen is sleeping in the tent.

Early in the morning, the tent was already full of singing and dancing.

Leaning on the main seat, it's rare that he doesn't care about political affairs. Dugu Chen's handsome face has a flat expression, except for drinking tea with his head down, he looks up at the singing and dancing in the tent from time to time.

After a while, the guards outside the tent lifted the curtain and entered.

Frowning slightly, he only raised his eyes to look at that person lightly, then continued to drink tea casually.

"My lord!"

Respecting himself at the table, the guard bowed his head and said: "After leaving, the empress is here!"

Hearing this, Duguchen's hand holding the teacup froze suddenly.

Thinking he heard it wrong, he looked up at the guard beside him: "Who do you think is here?"

"My empress!"

Without raising his hand, the guard bowed his head and replied.

Heart tightened, Duguchen held the teacup into his palm, and then gently raised his hand.

As soon as he raised his hand, the sound of silk and bamboo in the big tent stopped suddenly, and several dancers who were dancing ribbons also stopped.

"You all retreat first!"

Faintly making a sound, Duguchen put down the teacup, stood up from his seat, and walked quickly towards the outside of the tent.

Outside the tent, the oil-paper umbrella in Ting Lan's hand shielded Yuan Xiuyue from the scorching sun above her head. When she saw Dugu Chen coming out of the tent, the corners of her lips twitched slightly, and she couldn't help but smile lightly: "I'll go in by myself." That's all right, why bother to welcome the prince in person?"

Looking straight into her smiling eyes, Duguchen followed suit with a faint smile, and made way for Yuan Xiuyue: "I heard that you are going to go down the mountain today, why do you want to come to me now?"

"What? You can't come here?" Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but glanced at him while speaking.In just one glance, Duguchen saw the sparkle in her eyes, and couldn't help but tremble in his heart again!
He knew that she would leave today.

But they never went out to see each other off.

Because, after this farewell, the day of goodbye is probably too far away, and he doesn't want to watch her get farther and farther away from him!

But he never thought that she would actually be in his big tent at this moment.

Entering the big tent, seeing the musicians and dancers retreating one by one, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but chuckled lightly, her eyes wandered through the big tent, she found a place to sit down at random: "Your Majesty is so elegant, the Three Kingdoms Summit has now come to a successful conclusion, But I don’t remember leaving, I’m still listening to music and dancing!”

"This Weishan mountain is a good place to escape the summer heat. Not only is this king not in a hurry to leave, but I want to stay for a few more days!" Just like Yuan Xiuyue, smiling softly, Duguchen stared deeply at her uncertain eyes, lowered his eyebrows and fell in love with her. He ordered a cup of tea and brought it to her in person: "You don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, so why did you come here today?"


The corners of her lips curled up slightly, and Yuan Xiuyue took the teacup from Duguchen, she didn't taste it, she just raised her eyes to look into her eyes, and said softly.


Frowning tightly, Duguchen asked inexplicably, "Who do you and this king want?"


Straightforwardly stating the purpose of her trip, Yuan Xiuyue put the teacup aside: "The night before yesterday, Shadow went down the mountain to buy medicinal materials for me, but he didn't want to never return!"

Hearing this, Dugu Chen's eyes flickered, and he immediately asked angrily: "The shadow has gone and never returned, what does it have to do with me?"

Looking up at Dugu Chen's slightly cold expression, knowing that he really didn't know about it, Yuan Xiuyue said lightly: "This matter has nothing to do with you, but it must have something to do with Lei Luo!"


The color of his eyes was slightly dark, and Duguchen stared at Yuan Xiuyue's eyes.

Slightly nodding, Yuan Xiuyue smiled wryly, and sighed softly: "If I'm right, this matter is not only related to him, but also has something to do with Emperor Yue!"

Back in the day, when she and Ying Ying met Yue Huang Dugu Jiang by chance, Dugu Jiang had always been in love with Ying Ying at that time.

It's just that, since Shadow had her name at the beginning, he couldn't do anything to her.

But then it was different!

I remember back then, when the shadow was hit by soft tendons, Lei Luo said that he would dedicate her to Emperor Yue!

Now a year has passed in a flash, and she still vividly remembers the situation when Duguchen saw the shadow two days ago.

The more so, the more certain she was that the disappearance of the shadow must have something to do with him!
After hearing Yuan Xiuyue's words, Duguchen frowned slightly, and immediately called out to the account: "Come here!"

After a while, the guards came in from outside the tent, and asked respectfully in front of him, "What is your order?"

"Call Lei Luo!"

Faintly, the three words came out, but Duguchen's voice was extremely low.

When the guards retreated, he looked at Yuan Xiuyue with a cold handsome face and frowned: "If this matter is serious, I will definitely give you justice!"

"I believe the lord will be able to do what he says." Yuan Xiuyue smiled lightly and waited quietly for Lei Luo to come.

Not long after, Lei Luo came in from outside the big tent.

As soon as he entered the account, seeing Yuan Xiuyue was there, his expression changed slightly, and he was suddenly a little uncomfortable.

Seeing him like this, Duguchen couldn't help snorting with a sneer: "Where is he?"

Hearing this, Lei Luo's expression suddenly changed again!
He knew that Yuan Xiuyue was smart, so he deliberately avoided her today, but unexpectedly let her see the clue!
"My lord..."

Looking up at Dugu Chen, seeing that he was looking at him with dark eyes, Lei Luo sighed secretly, and replied in a low voice: "I don't know where I am!"

He knew that nothing could fool Duguchen's eyes.

And as long as Yuan Xiuyue came forward on this matter, Duguchen would definitely pursue it with him to the end.

Therefore, regarding the matter of the shadow, all he can do is admit it directly.

But, besides her current whereabouts, he really doesn't know!
Hearing what Lei Luo said, Dugu Chen and Yuan Xiuyue were startled!
If it is said that the disappearance of the shadow has nothing to do with Lei Luo, Duguchen just opened his mouth, but he did not refute, or asked in doubt, who is there!
However, if you say that this matter is related to him, he does not know the whereabouts of the shadow!

Isn't this contradictory?
After a moment of silence, Duguchen looked at Lei Luo, and then said again: "Lei Luo, you are not going to tell the truth to this king... are you?"


Shaking his head hastily, Lei Luo frowned tightly, and met Dugu Chen's eyes: "This subordinate just brought someone to kidnap her, and then handed her over to the emperor... Your Majesty, as for where she is, this subordinate really doesn't know at the moment! "

Hearing this matter, it really had something to do with his imperial brother, Dugu Chen's complexion instantly turned extremely ugly.


Angrily reprimanded, he turned his head to look at Yuan Xiuyue, and said with a wry smile: "Your brother went down the mountain yesterday and came back at night. This king guessed that the shadow was either in Nanling City at the moment, or he sent him to the boat to wait for me. If you find him, just ask and you will know!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but sneer: "When I first met him, I mentioned lust to Ying Ying, but now it seems that you, the emperor's younger brother, are really lustful."

"All right!"

Looking at Yuan Xiuyue's displeased face, Duguchen sighed softly, "I know you are upset now, and my mood is not much better. I will definitely explain this matter to you!"

While talking, Duguchen stood up and made a gesture to go to find Dugujiang.

"and many more!"

Calling softly, raising her hand to block Duguchen's way, Yuan Xiuyue stood up and looked up at him: "In the end, he is also the emperor of Nanyue, and you are just a prince. This matter has nothing to do with you. I don't want you to be with him." His brother turned evil, how about this, you just find the people around him, ask the whereabouts of the shadow, and then find a way to help me support him, I will find a way to save him!"

(End of this chapter)

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