Chapter 202 Fuck Your Uncle 3
Knowing that what Yuan Xiuyue said was really for his own sake, Dugu Chen felt mixed feelings for a moment.

The originally stern face gradually softened. He met Yuan Xiuyue's bright eyes, and a shallow smile appeared on the corner of his lips!
Facing the sudden warm smile on his face, Yuan Xiuyue frowned lightly, and turned her eyes away: "I'll go back first, and when you have any news, just send someone to tell me!"

After speaking, she didn't turn around to look at the expression on Duguchen's face, but left his bed tent step by step!

How could she not know what Duguchen's eyes represented?
But now, if she sincerely hopes that he can live well in the future, she must not give her any hope!

Not even a trace!

Seeing that Yuan Xiuyue was about to walk out of the big tent, Lei Luo couldn't help but said with a wry smile, "I'm here...give Miss Shadow a sweet scent!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's footsteps moved slightly, and her complexion changed drastically!
Turning around suddenly, she glared at Lei Luo angrily, and said in a trembling tone, "What did you say?"

For the first time, Lei Luo didn't dare to meet Yuan Xiuyue's murderous eyes. Lei Luo took a step back, seeing Dugu Chen also had a gloomy face, and turned to look at him. He wanted to die: "After leaving, you should know The scent of ecstasy is so powerful, I think...even if you save the shadow, she will..."

Before Lei Luo had time to say what was left, Yuan Xiuyue took two or three steps forward and slapped him across the face!

"Bastard! Shameless!"

Trembling all over, Yuan Xiuyue tightly grasped the hand that slapped Lei Luo, and said through gritted teeth: "If something goes wrong with the shadow, we won't end today!"

With the shadow's personality, how could she endure her innocence being taken over by Duguchen? !

At this moment, thinking that the shadow would be ruined by Dugu Jiang, Yuan Xiuyue wanted to tear Dugu Jiang apart.

God knows how much she hates Mi Qingxiang!
"Come out!"

Seeing her agitated, fearing that she might make a mistake, Duguchen stretched out his hand to hold her shoulder, and comforted her softly: "Don't worry, I will definitely give you an explanation for this matter!"

"How do you explain to me?" Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyes to look at Dugu Chen with her tone suddenly cold to the extreme, "You know, with the temperament of the shadow, if your imperial brother takes over your body, you will definitely not live forever!"

Hearing this, Dugu Chen felt a little cold in his heart!

Yesterday's injury to Dugu Jiang suddenly flashed in his mind. He sighed softly, stared into Yuan Xiuyue's eyes, and said with a wry smile: "My imperial brother, although you look superficially lustful, you are actually just like me. If he If he is really interested in Shadow, even if she takes Misty Fragrance, he will definitely not force it!"

"I wish..."

Eyelids drooping slightly, Yuan Xiuyue sneered and said, "You really know your brother!"

Not long after Yuan Xiuyue returned to Liguo's big tent, Yuan Wende entered the big tent, saying that the chariot was ready and they could set off back to Lidu.

But at this moment, Yuan Xiuyue was worried about the safety of the shadow all the time in her heart, so she had to let Yuan Wende wait for a while, and discuss the return journey later.

At around noon, Dugu Chen finally arrived at the Liguo tent in person.

Entering the tent, seeing Yuan Xiuyue sitting on the couch with a pale complexion, he frowned slightly, and stood in front of the couch slowly: "You can relax your heart, the emperor hasn't touched her yet!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes flickered slightly.



Staring at the light in her eyes, Duguchen secretly sighed in his heart, and murmured softly with some sympathy: "The imperial brother should be sincere to her."

"Fuck his sincerity!"

Cursing very indecently, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyes and looked at Duguchen: "You know better than me that matters of affection have always been between you and me. It is a matter between two people. It is based on coercion. No matter how sincere he is, the shadow will not accept him!"

Hearing this, Duguchen couldn't help but smile coldly: "Yuan Xiuyue, you must put the matter in front of my face, are you saying it so sharply?"

Hearing the sourness in his words, Yuan Xiuyue frowned lightly, glanced at him lightly, and said softly, "I'm not targeting you!"

"I know!"

With a wry smile and a slight nod, Duguchen frowned, and looked deeply at Yuan Xiuyue: "In order to prevent your people from finding her, the emperor deliberately abandoned the waterway, and ordered her to be transported by land on a dragon chariot in the name of a concubine. To King Yue! The chariot set off last night. If you chase now, hurry up and you should be able to catch up before sunset. You don’t have to worry about my emperor’s brother. You have to think clearly..."

As clever as Yuan Xiuyue, she has already guessed the meaning of Duguchen's words.

Her eyes narrowed slightly, and she frowned very tightly: "I know what you mean, it's the enchanting fragrance..."

"You know it well!"

Wanting to reach out, smoothing her frowning brows, but in the end he could only secretly suppress the throbbing in his heart. Seeing Yuan Xiuyue like this, Duguchen called her suddenly: "Chuxiu..."

Hearing the sound, Yuan Xiuyue frowned even tighter.

Raising her eyes to meet Dugu Chen's affectionate eyes like the sea, her eyes flickered slightly, and then she looked away: "Is there something wrong with your lord?"

"You just said that feelings are a matter between two people..." Taking Yuan Xiuyue's slightly flickering eyes into his eyes, the corners of Dugu Chen's lips slowly raised, and his eyes brightened slightly: "But as an emperor, his feelings , and sometimes, it’s not just his own.”

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's heart couldn't help but suffocate!
She knew that the him he mentioned was Nangong Haoling!

Some helplessly bent the corners of her lips, she said with a wry smile: "I know what you are referring to, but my heart is on him, as long as he has me in his heart, I don't care about the front and rear palace, but the whole world, do it How to think!"

"Don't you care?"

Staring at her face, Duguchen slightly lowered his eyelids, and said in a low voice: "Even if that's the case, he will have to work hard, don't you care?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's eyebrows twitched instantly again!
Seeing her like this, Duguchen couldn't help but smiled wryly, and said: "If you care about it, you've worked hard, and you can come to Nanyue to find me anytime!"

"That day will never come!"

Without giving Duguchen any hope, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyes to look at him, with a playful smile flashing in her eyes: "My lord, I heard that there is a national treasure in your Nanyue Palace, after taking it, you will be free from worries, if I were you , went back and ate that thing.”

"I do not want!"

Smiling faintly, staring greedily at the smile on Yuan Xiuyue's face, Duguchen smiled calmly: "When I think of you, my heart hurts because you don't love me, but only a heart that hurts is warm!"

When the words fell, he finally couldn't bear the urge to touch her, Duguchen sighed lightly, and walked out: "Hurry up and find a way to save Yingying, what she needs most now is a man..."


Mumbling Duguchen's words, Yuan Xiuyue's thoughts raced.

At this moment, the only man available around her who can match his shadow is...

When she raised her eyes, she saw Ting Lan who was standing with her head down, frowning and contemplating, she couldn't help coughing lightly: "Ting Lan, what are you thinking about?"

Hearing the sound, Ting Lan suddenly returned to her senses.

With some embarrassment, she pursed her lips, and said with a dry smile: "Shadow and General..."

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help pulling her lips lightly, and smiled...

After Dugu Chen left, Yuan Xiuyue immediately asked Ting Lan to pass on Yuan Wende.

After Yuan Wende received the account, seeing Yuan Xiuyue sitting on the couch with a serious face, his expression changed slightly, and he stepped forward and asked with concern: "Girl, what's wrong?"


Shaking her head lightly, Yuan Xiuyue looked up at Yuan Wende: "The shadow was hijacked by Emperor Yue!"

Hearing this, Yuan Wende's eyes changed slightly: "When did it happen?"

The shadow belongs to the shadow, not under the jurisdiction of the forbidden army, so he didn't know about her disappearance!
"The day before yesterday! But I only got the news today!"

Frowning, she replied Yuan Wende's words, Yuan Xiuyue sighed softly: "More than a year ago, when Shadow was traveling with me in Anyang, he ran into Dugujiang by chance and finally stole his private seal. Maybe it was at that time that he remembered She lived in the shadow, so that after a lapse of a year, Lei Luo secretly sent her to kidnap her, and in the name of the virtuous concubine, he wanted to send her to the Palace of Yue Kingdom!"

Hearing Yuan Xiuyue's words, Yuan Wende's expression sank again!
Thoughts were running in his heart, he took a deep look at Yuan Xiuyue, "You are looking for me now, but you plan to ask me to save her?"

"That's right!"

Nodding affirmatively, Yuan Xiuyue said lightly: "From Nanling to Nanyue, if you go by land, there is only one official road. My brother is very skilled in martial arts, and his feet are also fast. If we chase now, we will be able to catch up at dusk at the latest... ..."

Hearing this, Yuan Wende's eyes moved slightly.

But only for a moment, he shook his head with dark eyes: "I can't go!"

"Is brother worried about my safety?"

Yuan Wende explained the worries in Yuan Wende's heart with one sentence, and Yuan Xiuyue gave him a reassuring smile: "Now that the Three Kingdoms summit has just ended, and the Three Kingdoms are in harmony, who will fight with me? Brother, this trip, just go and return soon, and what's more Come on, King Yue is still on the top of Weishan Mountain, as long as he is here, I will be safe!"

Hearing this, Yuan Wende's heartstrings loosened slightly.

Yuan Xiuyue was right!
As long as Duguchen is around, she will be safe.

How can a person who can sacrifice his life to jump off a cliff for her allow others to hurt her at all? !
Seeing his slightly relaxed expression, Yuan Xiuyue frowned and urged: "If brother doesn't go now, I'm afraid that Emperor Yue is about to leave, and if he joins the chariot, I'm afraid it will be difficult to rescue the shadow at that time." !Brother, I treat Shadow as my sister, so I can't ignore her!"


A flash of determination flashed across Wen Wen's face, and Yuan Wende told Yuan Xiuyue, "Go and come back for brother!"

As soon as the words fell, he didn't dare to delay for a moment, turned around and left in big strides!

(End of this chapter)

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