Chapter 203 Fuck Your Uncle 4
A moment after Yuan Wende left, Ting Lan couldn't help asking Yuan Xiuyue full of doubts: "Why didn't your mother tell the general that the shadow was enchanted by the fragrance?"

"Sometimes, it is not necessarily good to know too early. My brother doesn't know now, so he just wants to rescue the shadow quickly, but if he knows, I'm afraid he will be timid!" Knowing that Yuan Wende's trip, the shadow must have no worries, In Yuan Xiuyue's deep eyes, a gleam of light could not help but flash!

I always felt that Yuan Wende was being tricked by her sister, but Ting Lan didn't dare to say what was in her heart, she just frowned slightly and said, "General, will he..."

"As long as he is a man, he will!"

Can't help but chuckled, Yuan Xiuyue sighed lightly, and simply closed her eyes: "I'm tired, I need to sleep for a while, you should give orders first, order the soldiers in the camp to stand by, and tomorrow morning, we will set off to return to Beijing! "

shadow? !
sister in law! !
She has always been curious about what kind of good match her brother, who is thick but delicate, gentle and handsome, should have!
But now it seems that this... is not bad!

The scorching sun of summer is the hottest time.

Yuan Wende rode the war horse that had been with him for many years, galloped all the way down from the top of the Weishan Mountain, passed through Nanling City, all the way south, and followed the official road leading to Nanyue, all the way in pursuit.

Time, minute by minute.

Even though he was sweating profusely, he never stopped for a moment.

In the end, when the sun was setting and turning into the setting sun, he had a glimpse of the dragon chariot exclusive to the Nanyue emperor and the guard of honor escorting the dragon chariot from a distance.

To his surprise.

There were more than a hundred imperial guards escorting Long Nian back to Yue Kingdom.

Seeing this situation, Yuan Wende did not act recklessly, but lowered his horse speed, and followed them from a safe distance away.

When night fell, the guard of honor finally stopped in a small town and chose the largest inn in the town to stay.

It is night, the night is like water, and the moon and stars are rare in the night sky.

In the upper room of the inn, the acupuncture points on Shadow's body were tapped, and he lay motionless in the guest room. Seeing the maid beside him bring bird's nest porridge, she avoided the spoon brought to her mouth by the maid for countless times and continued her hunger strike action.

Seeing this, the maid had no choice but to turn her head to look at Lian Sheng, who also looked embarrassed, as if asking for help.

Seeing the maids looking like they were about to cry, Lian Sheng impatiently took the porridge bowls in their hands, waved them out, and walked slowly to the shadow couch, begging in a slightly shrill voice: "Concubine Xian Empress, you haven't entered anything for a day, if the emperor comes back and sees you like this, you will be appointed to blame the servant!"

Hearing this, the shadow gave her a sideways look, then turned his head inward again, just not eating what he brought to his mouth.

"Hey, my lady, can't you just be pitiful and pitiful?" Can't help but howl, Liansheng got on the bed, squatted down in front of the shadow, scooped up the porridge again, and sent it to her Mouth!

Not surprisingly, this time, Shadow still gave him a cold look, then turned his head outward again stubbornly.

When she turned her head, she caught a glimpse of the familiar figure outside the window, her mind twisted, and she was suddenly startled.

But, just a moment later, Lian Sheng, who had just got on the bed, got down from the bed again and put the spoon in his hand to her mouth: "Your Majesty, you can eat some!"

After a while, seeing the shadow staring blankly out of the window, even frowning, he turned around and looked out.

Seeing this, Shadow's thoughts changed slightly, and finally he opened his mouth and took a sip of the bird's nest porridge in the spoon.

"My lady!"

Now Lian Sheng's Coke was broken, and he didn't care to turn his head to look at anything, he scooped up another spoonful of bird's nest porridge and brought it to Shadow's mouth with a happy face.

Looking sideways at the window, seeing that Yuan Wende had already entered the room, in order to temporarily attract Liansheng's attention, Shadow pulled his lips lightly, and then took the spoon into his mouth again.

If so, one spoonful, two spoonfuls, three spoonfuls, Zheng Huan who was being fed by Liansheng, Yuan Wende behind him has already walked lightly behind him, until the shadow is full of surprise eyes, looking behind Liansheng, Liansheng Only then did he realize the strangeness, and hurriedly turned around.

That is when he turned around, Yuan Wende's hand was like lightning, sealing the acupoints with two slaps, making him like a shadow, making every day not working, and the earth not responding!

Bypassing Liansheng and walking to the couch, seeing that everything was fine in the shadow, Yuan Wende stretched out his hand and untied the acupuncture points on her body, and said in a gentle voice: "I am ordered by the empress to rescue you from danger!"


No matter how strong she is, she is a woman after all. After two days in a row, life is worse than death. Seeing Yuan Wende come to rescue her, the shadowy eyes filled with smoky air, she whispered to Yuan Wende, she He frowned lightly, stretched out his arms and wrapped them around Yuan Wende's neck: "I knew, Your Majesty would find a way to save me."

Because of her sudden action, Yuan Wende's whole body couldn't help but froze!
Looking back at Lian Sheng beside him, his face was slightly embarrassed, and he patted the shadow's arm around his neck stiffly: "Okay, let's leave quickly!"

"Wait a moment!"

Taking a deep breath, brushing away the tears from the corners of his eyes with some embarrassment, Ying Ying got up from the couch, walked to Lian Sheng, and reached out to grope in his sleeve pockets.

Seeing her like this, Yuan Wende couldn't help asking softly: "What are you looking for?"

Not finding what she was looking for, Ying felt anxious for a while, and couldn't care less about answering Yuan Wende's question. She reached out to take the sword in Yuan Wende's hand, placed it directly on Liansheng's neck, and then unlocked his dumb acupoint with a snap.

"Concubine Xian, please forgive me!"

As soon as Lian Sheng had to speak back to persuade him, Lian Sheng naturally begged for mercy, but just as he said the words, the sword in Shadow's hand was pulled down suddenly, "Go to your uncle's concubine, if you call me again, I will kill you!"

Hearing this, Yuan Wende frowned, looking at the shadow's eyes, somewhat embarrassed.

When she was in Yunyang in the past, Yuan Xiuyue used to be so profane.

He only thinks of his younger sister like this, but unexpectedly, even the usually reticent shadow has been infected by her.

From this, he couldn't help sighing, the power of subtle influence is really infinite!

Due to the falling force of the shadow sword, Lian Sheng's neck could not help feeling a sharp pain.

An imposing five-foot man is afraid of pain, let alone a eunuch in the palace.

Taking it for granted, being so frightened by her, Lian Sheng immediately fell silent, not daring to say a word.

Seeing him like this, Shadow couldn't help shouting: "Say... where is the medicine?"


Suddenly regaining his senses, Lian Sheng quickly shook his head: "The concubine Xian's concubine Mingjian..."

Hearing this, the shadow's eyes turned cold, and the sword in his hand moved again: "Do you dare to call your aunt a virtuous concubine again?"

At this moment, Lian Sheng's face turned pale in an instant: "Auntie, you know the lesson, the emperor said that he would arrive tomorrow at the latest, and he didn't leave the elixir that Auntie wanted for this servant!"

Hearing Lian Sheng's words, Shadow's heart sank instantly!
Seeing that her complexion became very ugly, Yuan Wende couldn't help asking softly: "What kind of medicine did Miss Shadow ask for?"

Hearing this, Shadow's complexion changed again, and she raised her hand to seal Lian Sheng's acupuncture points again. Instead of answering Yuan Wende's question, she frowned and said softly to him: "General Lao, put him on the bed."

Looking down at Lian Sheng, Yuan Wende didn't say much, and followed what the shadow said, and put Lian Sheng on the bed.

Looking at Lian Sheng lying on the bed, Ying suddenly felt a pleasure of revenge in his heart.

Looking sideways at the quilt in the eye bed, she sneered, and under the gaze of Lian Sheng's angry and helpless eyes, she covered Lian Sheng tightly with the quilt, then turned her head and took a deep look at Yuan Wende: "General ,let's go!"

The weather was hot, but she covered Liansheng with a quilt again. She reckoned that the guy under the quilt would be covered in prickly heat tomorrow morning!

He glanced at Lian Sheng sympathetically, and sighed inwardly that he must never mess with a woman who shouldn't be messed with. Yuan Wende smiled gracefully, walked briskly towards the window for a few steps, and then jumped into the night outside the window with the shadow among.

When Yuan Wende came, he only rode his own horse, and when they left the inn, in order not to alarm Nanyue's imperial army, they did not bring out their horses.

As a result, Shadow had to ride the same horse as Yuan Wende.

Therefore, after stepping on the horse neatly, Yuan Wende stretched out his hand to her: "Miss Shadow, I have wronged you!"

Raising his eyes to meet Yuan Wende's dark and shining eyes in the night, the shadow frowned slightly, bit his lips and said softly: "I'll sit behind the general!"

"it is good!"

As always, gentle and courteous, Yuan Wende stretched out his hand to hold her hand, then exerted a little force to allow her to sit behind him, then swung his horsewhip and galloped quickly towards Nanling.

Because the horse galloped too fast, Shadow had no choice but to reach out and hug Yuan Wende's waist.


Looking down at her arm around his waist, Yuan Wende slightly hooked his lips, then raised his eyes forward, and continued to ride his horse on the official road all the way north.

After a short time, the horse had already galloped for three or four miles. Due to the bumping of the horse's back, the shadow's delicate body would inevitably fit closely with Yuan Wende's broad and strong back, and the summer clothes were already thin...

So and so, coming and going again and again, she only felt that her heart was hot.

Gradually, with the passage of time, the heat rushed to her limbs like lilies, and her cheeks were flushed red, and she couldn't help shivering slightly.

"Shadow girl?"

As a martial arts practitioner, his senses are the most acute, and Yuan Wende couldn't help asking when he felt the slight trembling of the shadow, "What's wrong with you?"


The hand around Yuan Wende's waist could not be tightened any tighter. Shadow's voice was soft, and he pressed his hot cheek to his back.

"Why is your face so hot?" Feeling the heat from the shadow through the thin clothes, Yuan Wende's heart moved slightly, and then he turned the hemp rope and rode his horse towards a dense forest not far away...

(End of this chapter)

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