Chapter 204
The moon on a summer night is the brightest, and the moonlight is as white as frost and snow.

The forest is dark and dense, and the luxuriant leaves of the branches are too dense, blocking the moonlight and making the forest light dim.

After driving the horse into the dense forest with the shadow, Yuan Wende looked back at the official road in the distance. Seeing that there was no fire on the official road, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and walked into the forest for a while, then tightened the horse rope. Slowly stopped.

Reaching out to support Shadow's hands tightly hugging his waist, Yuan Wende frowned slightly when he realized that the temperature of her hands was terribly hot, "Ms. Shadow? Are you feeling unwell?"


Putting his face, which was becoming more and more red due to the heat, on Yuan Wende's back, taking advantage of his body temperature to make himself a little more comfortable, Ying started to pant even when he spoke: "'s so hot! "

Hearing this, Yuan Wende's eyes darkened, his thick eyebrows frowned, he pulled away her hand, quickly got off the horse, and stretched out his hand to take Shadow's hand again.Feeling the softness of her slender hands and the scorching heat again, he was startled in his heart, and hastily stretched out his arms around the waist that Shadow was gripping, and hugged her off the horse.


As soon as his feet landed on the ground, he suddenly felt weak and weak all over. Although Shadow frowned tightly and wanted to stand up, he fell down and sat down as soon as his body softened.

Just now Liansheng clearly said that the enchanting fragrance on her body could reach Dugu Jiang. She thought that if she returned tonight, even if she died in the end, she could meet Yuan Xiuyue again, but she never dreamed of it. Riding together, the dormant fragrance of love in her body broke out again.

"Girl Shadow! Why is your body so hot?" Hastily reaching out his hand to support Ying's falling body, Yuan Wende's voice was a little low: "There should be a source of water in this dense forest. I'll go find it with you."

"It's useless!"

Slowly shaking his head, the pretty face was no longer cold and indifferent, the shadow opened his eyes, and a smile as charming as a peach blossom slowly spread from the corners of his lips: "It's the fragrance of enchantment..."

Hearing this, Yuan Wende's figure couldn't help but froze!
Fascinating fragrance!
It was the most obscene thing in the world, and when he thought of the only solution to this fragrance, a complex expression appeared in his eyes instantly.

Because the night was too dark, I couldn't see Yuan Wende's expression clearly, and because of the effect of the enchanting incense, I had no intention to care about his expression at the moment. Shadow smiled wryly, looked deeply at Yuan Wende, and gasped slightly: "Daddy!" General, there is no need to be embarrassed, Shadow knows that he is not worthy of you, and he never thought of asking you to condescend to save me!"

"Shadow girl..."

It was deep at night.

The river is gurgling, the cicadas are singing and the frogs are singing!
After the love, Ying buried her head in Yuan Wende's arms, with a blushing look on her face, and did not dare to raise her head for a long time.

He lowered his eyebrows and looked at his bosom, usually cold and icy, but at this moment he looked like a shy little girl's shadow, Yuan Wende sighed contentedly, and hugged her slender waist tightly, his voice was slightly hoarse: "Shadow..."


The corners of his lips curled slightly, and the shadow responded with a buzzing sound.

After a moment of silence, a cold look flashed in Yuan Wende's eyes: "Now my father is colluding with the An family and rebelling against the imperial court. If we go back to Lidu again, life will be difficult for me and the queen... Would you like to marry me like this?" Is it?"

Hearing this, Shadow's heart couldn't help trembling slightly!
The clothes and hair on her body were still wet, she stretched out her hand to stroke her long hair, turned her head to look at Yuan Wende who was hugging her at the moment: "General, do you plan to marry me?"

The man in front of him looks elegant, if he is not wearing armor on weekdays, the world will only regard him as the son of that mansion, but if you take a closer look, you can also discern a trace of coldness from the resolute and tough eyebrows.

This is the temperament that a general should have.

It is also the place that has fascinated her for more than a year.

But even so, she never dared to hope.

Because apart from the disparity in status between them, she never expected that he would have feelings for her!
Now that he wanted her to save her, she never dared to imagine that he would marry her!

Hearing the shadow's words, Yuan Wende slightly drooped his eyelids, and lowered his eyebrows to meet the shadow's shining eyes under the moonlight. He frowned and asked with a half-smile, "Do you think I seem to be a person who has always been in disarray?"


Under his gaze, he panicked a little. Shadow lowered his head and shook his head anxiously, "The general is here to save me tonight. Please note that you don't have to take any responsibility!"

Hearing this, Yuan Wende smiled, tilted his head slightly, and pressed his hot lips to the base of Shadow's ear. He smiled at Shadow and said, "Do you think I would have treated you like that if I had no intentions?"

In the ear, feeling his warm breath, Shadow couldn't help but tremble all over.

After distinguishing the meaning of his words, she raised her head suddenly, facing her, and infinitely magnified Yuan Wende's handsome smiling face: "General? You..."

"What am I?"

Smiling lightly, the arms around Shadow's waist tightened a bit, Yuan Wende hugged her and sat up: "Do you still respect me as a great general?"

Hearing this, Shadow felt slightly suffocated!
Over the past year or so, although she has always been secretly concerned about his refreshments, it is only wishful thinking. She has never thought that he would be tempted by her... At this point, the thoughts in Shadow's heart suddenly flooded into him. A burst of great surprise.


Taking advantage of the moonlight, smiling at the shadow's dazed expression, laughing for a while, and wanting to cry for a while, Yuan Wende nodded slightly and sighed, and then adjusted her clothes slightly!


Suddenly, grabbing Yuan Wende's big hand which was arranging the clothes for him, thinking that he was still dissatisfied with his desires, Shadow frowned: "The scent of obsession on my body has been relieved!"

Fortunately, it was night, otherwise her face would be so red that she was about to ooze water if she saw it during the day.

Seeing her acting like a little hedgehog, Yuan Wende couldn't help laughing, then got up with her in his arms, and walked towards the direction where his war horse was.

Only then did Shadow react.

She hurriedly put her arms around his neck, and the corners of her lips curled up sweetly, allowing him to put herself on the horse's back.

Passing the horse rope to Shadow, Yuan Wende got on the horse and stretched out his hand to wrap her in his arms.

Sensing the stiffness of the shadow's body, Yuan Wende's eyes softened, the corners of his lips curled up and he stretched out his hand to hold her in his arms, holding her hand holding the horse rope tightly with his own big hand, and then resting his chin on her shoulder , sighed with deep meaning: "I also want to continue, but right now the empress is anxiously waiting for us to go back to protect, let's write it down first today!"

"You...who made you remember..."

The face that had just subsided from the fever seemed to be on fire again, and the shadow lightly bit the corner of her lips, wishing to turn her head and stare at him, but before she could recover, Yuan Wende behind her slammed his legs into the belly of the horse, and drove the horse towards the dense forest Mercedes-Benz away...

At dawn the next day, the top of the Weishan Mountain.

The camp in Chu State was already set off yesterday, but today, the camp in Nanyue is ready to go down the mountain.

After waking up early in the morning, Yuan Xiuyue washed and ate, and after taking the miscarriage medicine, she ordered people to prepare the chariot, and waited for Yuan Wende to rescue the shadow, ready to go down the mountain at any time.

Standing on the top of the mountain, facing the early morning wind, looking at the rising sun in the east, Yuan Xiuyue lowered her eyebrows and looked at her belly, and couldn't help but sighed with a slight curl of her lips: "Ting Lan, look at this world, everything is full of vitality, how wonderful it is!" !"

Hearing this, Ting Lan's eyes turned slightly, and she raised her eyes to look at Yuan Xiuyue.

At this moment, she is not smiling like Yuan Xiuyue, but has a gloomy and gloomy face: "Mother, this night has passed, the general has not come back yet, and there is no news, are you not worried at all?" ?”

"No news, sometimes, is the best news!"

The smile on the corner of her lips deepened, and Yuan Xiuyue turned her head to look at Ting Lan, as if treating her own sister, and patted her on the shoulder very willfully: "Big brother's skill, I know best, you just take care of it." Keep your heart in your stomach, if my guess is right, he will be able to appear on this mountain road in front of you with his shadow in half an hour at the latest!"

Hearing this, Ting Lan frowned slightly, with a suspicious look on her face!
Standing not far behind Yuan Xiuyue with his hands behind his back, Duguchen's eyes sparkled, looking at Yuan Xiuyue who had no airs towards Ting Lan, he couldn't help the corners of his lips curling slightly, his handsome face smiling.

As if feeling his scorching gaze, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly, turned her eyes slightly, and looked in his direction.

Seeing that it was Dugu Chen, she smiled lightly, and slowly stepped forward: "Yue Wang is so elegant, come out to watch the sunrise too!"

Facing Yuan Xiuyue's gaze, staring deeply at her smile, Duguchen sighed softly, raised his eyes to look at the sunrise in the east, but said in an elegant voice: "This king is here for you, not to watch the sunrise!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help smiling.

Standing side by side with him, she sighed lightly, but the corners of her lips were still curled up: "Ben Gong Su asked, King Yue was scheming and scheming the world, why did he lose the city at this moment? He said what he wanted to say." !"

Hearing her words, Duguchen couldn't help laughing in a low voice.

Turning around and looking at Yuan Xiuyue, some affection flashed between his eyebrows: "This king can plan the world, and he is indeed full of tricks, but in the end, you are the one who is superior!"

Turning back slightly, looking at the beautiful scenery below the mountain again, Duguchen sighed softly and said: "The mountains and rivers are so big, I, Duguchen, will be able to tell whoever I talk to, but I don't want to hide anything from my confidante!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes couldn't help but sparkle!
Sighing lightly, as if she had mountains and rivers in her heart, she smiled and said: "It is my honor to be the confidante of King Yue!"

(End of this chapter)

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