Chapter 205
Slightly looking sideways, staring at Yuan Xiuyue's soft side face, at this moment, Duguchen felt that her originally unattractive face was actually radiant!
The corners of his slightly hooked lips raised a brilliant arc again. He stared at her greedily but reluctantly for a long time, and finally sighed leisurely: "People in the world, when they get together, there will always be differences. I still say that, If he treats you badly, or Li Guo can no longer tolerate you, you must remember that I am still waiting for you every day in Nanyue!"

Listening to his words, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion in her heart. Knowing that he was looking at her, she raised her eyebrows lightly, but she never raised her eyes: "I still say the same thing, in this life, there will never be that day." !"

"Don't talk too much!"

Raising his arm slightly, although he was a bit apprehensive, he still frowned and lightly supported her shoulder, Duguchen said lightly: "The guard of honor of Nanyue is going down the mountain now, I should go!"

Looking down at his hand lightly, he looked straight at him and withdrew his hand, Yuan Xiuyue's memory seemed to return to a few months ago.

I remember that time, when she met him again in Juxian Tower, he was seriously injured and poisoned, but even so, he was still smiling and elegant, with a personable demeanor, but today's him made her feel a little vicissitudes !
It was all her fault!
"Brother Wang!"

At some point, Dugu Jiang had already come behind the two of them. Today, he was wearing a bright yellow dragon robe. Although he had a handsome face, he looked a little feminine under the sunlight. "The guard of honor is about to set off!"

Almost at the same time, Yuan Xiuyue and Dugu Chen turned around and looked at Dugu Jiang behind them.

Meeting Dugu Jiang's cold gaze in the air, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly, and her eyes gradually turned cold: "Emperor Yue left in such a hurry, could it be that there are important things to deal with?"

Hearing this, Duguchen's expression darkened slightly, and he glanced at Duguchen beside her with a calm expression.

Calculated according to the time, early this morning, the ecstasy fragrance on the shadow should have exploded. Therefore, yesterday afternoon, he was about to go down the mountain, but his brother Wang kept pulling him to deal with the official documents delivered by the court, which hurt him. Unable to descend immediately.

So much so that until now, he didn't know what was going on with that stubborn woman!
Seeing Dugu Jiang like this, Yuan Xiuyue only smiled lightly, "Since there is nothing important, how about Emperor Yue just wait a little longer?"


Not knowing what kind of medicine Yuan Xiuyue sold in the gourd, Dugu Jiang's eyes were slightly cold, and his brows and eyes were full of doubts.

The smile on the corner of her lips was still faint, and when Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyes, she saw Dugu Chen looking at her with deep eyes, her lips were lightly pursed into a jumping straight line, she coughed lightly and said: "If your guard of honor in Nanyue is gone, On this lofty mountain, there is only this lonely empress of this palace left, and now this palace is waiting for my elder brother and sister-in-law, when they arrive, how about the honor guards of our two countries, how about going down the mountain together?"

"After leaving..."

Calling Yuan Xiuyue softly, Dugu Chen's eyes darkened slightly.

Who is he?
He is the king of Yue who has always strategized!

How could he not know at this moment that Yuan Xiuyue deliberately wanted to keep his imperial brother behind, so that he could watch helplessly as the woman he liked came back with another man!

But, he was really surprised.

The man Yuan Xiuyue and that shadow were looking for was actually her elder brother!

In this way, her slave became her sister-in-law.

This also means that she treats the servants around her equally, which makes him even more impressed!
However, when he turned his head to look at his younger brother, seeing him looking at Yuan Xiuyue with a searching face, he sighed softly and said, "I heard that after leaving, you will go to Nanling and your country after leaving Weishan Mountain." Concubine Yan and Empress Concubine Yan will meet up and return to the capital together, since that's the case, our guard of honor at Nanyue will not be with you anyway, so we won't wait any longer."

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue smiled, and pursed her lips a little bored.

But after thinking about it, this time, Duguchen basically turned his elbow out to help himself, if he didn't help her, she couldn't help it, right?

Therefore, she has to be forgiving and forgiving, she sighed lightly, then slightly nodded to Duguchen and said: "Even so, I wish Emperor Yue and King Yue a smooth journey."


When Yuan Xiuyue was saying goodbye to Duguchen, Ting Lan's voice suddenly sounded beside her.

Crescent frowned slightly, she turned her head to look at Ting Lan, but she saw Ting Lan pointing down the mountain excitedly: "The general is back!"


With a long answer, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyes to look at Dugu Chen slyly, seeing his complexion suddenly darkened, she could only helplessly shrug her shoulders at him, and turned to look in the direction Ting Lan pointed.

At a glance, she saw her elder brother Yuan Wende galloping up on a war horse with his shadow in his arms. She clicked her tongue secretly and secretly glanced at Dugu Jiang behind her!

At this moment, Dugu Jiang also saw Yuan Wende and Ying Ying coming from the foot of the mountain riding a horse.

And his complexion, the moment he saw the shadow, changed instantly, from blue to white, and after the excitement, it turned into an ugly mess!
How can this be?

How could she be saved by Yuan Wende? !
Seeing that Dugu Jiang's face was changing, Yuan Xiuyue was in a good mood.

With the sound of horseshoes, the two of them jumped up to the top of the mountain.

From a distance, seeing Yuan Xiuyue and Duguchen brothers standing on the top of the mountain, Yuan Wende frowned, and when the shadow saw Dugu Jiang, his pretty face darkened, and he was about to pull out the sword on Yuan Wende's body!

Suddenly stretching out his hand to hold down the shadow's sword hand, Yuan Wende gave her a gentle smile: "He is Emperor Yue, if you hurt him, things will get worse. Now he can't steal the chicken, but he has fulfilled you and me. The big matchmaker, you should get angry with him!"

Hearing this, Shadow couldn't help but blushed slightly: "Who thinks he's a big matchmaker!"

If so, with a cold snort, she put the sword back into the scabbard with a swipe, and Yuan Wende helped both of them get off the horse.

Raising her eyes slightly to meet the smiling Yuan Xiuyue, she felt a little sore in her heart, but before she could move forward, Yuan Wende's big hand had already grabbed hers and pulled him forward!
Seeing the hands of the two, Dugu Jiang clenched his fists tightly, and his eyes turned into sharp knives in an instant!
At this moment, how could he fail to see that the enchanting scent on Ying Ying's body had been relieved, and the result of his hard work and repeated forbearance was that he had taken advantage of the man beside her!

This made him, like claws scratching his heart, wanting to draw his sword and kill him!

But, with Yuan Xiuyue here at the moment, he can't!
And his brother Wang... Thinking that yesterday his brother Wang might be holding him back on purpose, Dugu Jiang's heart felt cold, and he looked up at Dugu Chen!
Originally, Duguchen was looking at Ying Ying and Yuan Wende with a calm expression, but now seeing him suddenly looking at him, he couldn't help frowning slightly, and asked with a puzzled expression: "Is the emperor not feeling well? Why is his face so ugly? "

His brother Wang should not know about it!

His brother Wang absolutely didn't know about it!

If so, thinking silently in his heart, facing Dugu Chen's eyes full of concern, Dugu Jiang's clenched fist couldn't help tightening, until his nails pierced into the flesh, causing waves of pain!

When he raised his eyes, he saw that Yuan Wende had already pulled the shadow forward, he snorted coldly, his sharp eyes swept over the faces of the two of them, wishing he could kill them!
Seeing him looking at him like this, Shadow couldn't help opening his eyes angrily, and met his gaze with anger.

Seeing this, Duguchen couldn't help sighing inwardly, and then whispered to Yuan Xiuyue: "Since the elder brother and sister-in-law who have left have arrived, at this moment my guard of honor at Nanyue will go down the mountain first."

Even though, he knew about it all along.

But, from now on, he didn't know about Yuan Xiuyue's rescue of Yingying, never knew about it!

"Treasure all the way!"

Smiling lightly at Dugu Chen, Yuan Xiuyue stared deeply at Dugu Jiang beside him with flickering eyes.

Although it was just a glance, she already understood what she meant. Dugu Chen nodded slightly, and said to Dugu Jiang: "My Royal Brother, let's go!"

Hearing this, Duguchen's gaze silently swept over Yingying and Yuan Xiuyue, then he flicked his sleeves and walked away!

Seeing Dugu Chen and Dugu Jiang, two equally handsome and striking brothers striding away, Ting Lan couldn't help but whispered worriedly in Yuan Xiuyue's ear: "Your Majesty, you said that now we have rescued the shadow, Will this Emperor Yue become enraged and send someone to attack us?"

As soon as Ting Lan said this, Ying Ying's pretty face darkened, and her eyes sharpened sharply: "If he dares, I will definitely make him look good!"

"Don't worry, with King Yue here, even if he dares, he won't have a chance to attack us again!" Seeing Duguchen's majestic figure walking farther and farther, Yuan Xiuyue sighed vaguely, then raised her eyes, and smirked. His gaze moved back and forth from Shadow and Yuan Wende.

Seeing her like this, Ying Ying's pretty face flushed, and she couldn't help lowering her eyes and laughing angrily, "What are you looking at, empress?"

Seeing Ying Ying's shy look in her eyes, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyes to look at her handshake with Yuan Wende, and then moved her eyes up to look at her brother Yuan Wende: "Should I call her Ying Ying? Or should I call her sister-in-law? ?”

Yuan Wende glanced at her, lowered his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Everything is in your plan, what do you think you should call her?"


Biting her lips tightly, she tugged at Yuan Wende's hand, Ying Ying's face turned red with embarrassment because of his words.

"Hehe...then it should be my sister-in-law!"

It was rare to see that the shadow was no longer cold, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help laughing out loud, and took a deep look at her brother, seeing him looking down at the shadow with tenderness, she relaxed slightly, and said softly to Yuan Wende: "Brother, Shadow is a good girl!"

"Brother naturally knows!"

He brought the shadow into his arms, but she pushed it away in shame, Yuan Wende smiled helplessly, then his face darkened and said: "But I want to wait until the world is settled in Liguo before marrying her. !"

(End of this chapter)

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