Chapter 206
Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but darken her eyes.

But at the next moment, Ying Ying knelt down and begged softly: "Ying Ying begs the mother to be the master, and now marry me and the general!"

Seeing this, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly, and asked her: "Have you ever thought about it, my palace is going to return to Beijing now, if you marry your elder brother now, there will be no wedding ceremony, no guests, relatives and friends! Is it possible to be charged as the daughter-in-law of a rebellious minister in the future?"

"Shadow doesn't care about this!"

Hearing Yuan Xiuyue's words, Ying Ying couldn't help but blushed and gave a wry smile: "I know, the empress must know that I'm his now, and if that's the case, the wedding ceremony is no longer important, and I don't care. , only my elder brother is a family member, and now he is returning to Beijing with the emperor, and he is not by my side, but it doesn't matter, as long as I get the happiness I want, he will definitely agree with my decision now!"


Listening to the shadow's words, although Yuan Wende looked gentle, his heart was extremely surging.

Looking down at the shadow with lowered eyebrows, and then raising her eyes to look at Yuan Wende, Yuan Xiuyue smiled gratifiedly, with tears shining in her eyes: "I am just like you, and only my brother is a relative. Since you have made up your mind, I will allow you to stay here for the rest of your life." As evidenced by the sky and the earth, Jin and Jin have been married for a hundred years... how about it?"

As far as she is concerned, now that she can't get married and her father is not her father, she has only Yuan Wende as her relative.

In this world, what can be more joyful than the happiness of your loved ones? !
As for her proposal, Yuan Wende and Yingying would naturally not refuse.

After a while, Yuan Wende knelt down side by side with Shadow on the top of Weishan Mountain.

Under Ting Lan's shouting, they first bowed to the sky, then knelt down to the ground, and finally the husband and wife bowed together, and finally the ceremony was completed!

This wedding, although simple, couldn't be simpler.

But for Yuan Wende and Ying Ying, it is indeed infinitely satisfying, while Yuan Xiuyue and Ting Lan both sent blessings, wishing them a happy marriage for a hundred years and a baby boy soon!
After the wedding, it was almost time.

Thinking about the chaos of leaving the country, Yuan Xiuyue's heart was attached to Nangong Haoling, so she didn't continue to stay on Weishan, so she directly boarded the chariot that had been prepared, and was escorted by the guard of honor all the way down Weishan...

At the foot of Weishan Mountain, Concubine Yan's carriage has been waiting for a long time.

In the distance, seeing the guard of honor hanging the national flag coming slowly from the mountain, she stretched out her hand to Tweety, got off the carriage, and walked forward step by step.


On the chariot, she looked out and saw Yan Ruxue approaching slowly, Ting Lan turned her head and said softly to Yuan Xiuyue: "It's Concubine Yan!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue, who was leaning on the brocade couch, frowned lightly.

Turning her eyes slightly, she commanded the shadow: "Stop the chariot, please, Concubine Yan, please get on the chariot and walk with me!"

Although, she has been in love with Yuan Wende for three lifetimes.

But now the situation is special, after careful consideration, Shadow decided to temporarily stay by Yuan Xiuyue's side to protect her.

At this moment, upon hearing Yuan Xiuyue's order, she stepped out, gave an order to the chariot, then got off the chariot and walked towards Concubine Yan.

Not long after, Concubine Yan stepped into the chariot.

Seeing Yuan Xiuyue leaning on the brocade couch, she smiled charmingly, stepped forward and saluted: "The concubine sees the empress empress, my empress is blessed and safe!"

"Thanks to my sister!"

Facing Concubine Yan's beautiful face, Yuan Xiuyue smiled faintly, and waved her hand towards the other end of the brocade couch: "My sister came just in time, and I am in a panic, how about you play chess with me and talk?"

Hearing this, Concubine Yan smiled lightly: "If I can pass the time with the empress, my concubine will naturally be willing!" After saying that, she stood up and sat on the other side of the brocade couch with Ting.

After a while, the chariot moved forward again.

And on the brocade couch inside the car, a chess game has already been set up. On both sides of the chess game, Yuan Xiuyue holds black pieces and takes the first step, while Concubine Yan is watching the chess with her eyebrows fixed, and she also drops a piece later.

Seeing where she had laid her son, Yuan Xiuyue smiled lightly.

Picking up Heizi, raising her eyebrows and lowering her eyebrows, she stretched out her hand to take the hot tea from Ting Lan, and asked Concubine Yan with a chuckle, "Didn't it be agreed earlier that my sister was waiting for me in the city, why did I arrive at Weishan now?" Underfoot?"

"I was going to wait on the mountain, but this morning, the concubine heard people mentioning An's conspiracy in the city, so she felt really uneasy, so she went to the foot of this Weishan mountain and waited for the empress!" Concubine Yan said softly. She raised her eyes lightly to meet Yuan Xiuyue's gaze, lowered her eyes and lowered her eyes again, and sighed softly: "When the guard of honor in Nanyue passed by just now, the concubine had already stepped forward to ask in person, King Yue only said that the emperor has returned to Beijing ..."

Hearing the disappointed look in Yan Fei's words, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help pursing her lips lightly.

Handing back the teacup in her hand to Ting Lan, she pinched the sunspots, lowered her eyebrows to observe the chess game for a moment, then blocked Yan Concubine's chess move, and she followed suit with a soft sigh: "The affairs of the country are determined by the emperor." Come on, my sister and I, we only need to keep the emperor safe in the harem, and let him have no worries, nothing else can be done for him!"


The corners of her lips curled slightly, but there was a hint of sadness in her big charming eyes. Concubine Yan looked at the place where Yuan Xiuyue's son fell, and frowned slightly. She didn't think for too long, she fell down again and walked away.

Seeing where she landed, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help glinting in her eyes.

At this moment, she has already blocked Concubine Yan's way forward, but now she is cutting her own way back.

From the looks of it, this usually dignified and gentle Concubine Yan, who is most loved by concubines in the palace, is also a master of chess!
Pursing her thin lips lightly, Yuan Xiuyue picked up a pawn, intending to block Concubine Yan's back path, but when she was about to drop a pawn, she found that although Concubine Yan had only dropped one pawn just now and killed one of her pawns, in the end It's a way out for myself!
Sighing lightly, she turned to put the chess piece elsewhere, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyes to look at Concubine Yan, changed the subject, and asked softly: "My sister should have met the person she cares about during this trip, how is she doing? "

Hearing her question, Concubine Yan's eyes darkened. She raised her eyes to look at Yuan Xiuyue, and she sighed helplessly: "Grandma's body is not as good as before. Although the concubine sees her now, it's just a farewell today. In this life, I'm afraid We will never see each other again.”

Looking up at Concubine Yan, she could clearly see the darkness in her eyes, she didn't look like she was pretending, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but smiled wryly and said: "As a woman in the palace, what I lack the most is freedom!"

That is what she has always wanted the most.

Hearing what Yuan Xiuyue said, Concubine Yan remained silent and concentrated all her thoughts on the chessboard.

Seeing her like this, Yuan Xiuyue didn't say much anymore, just calmly played chess with Concubine Yan.

People say that chess is like life!

Sometimes from a person's chess moves, one can roughly see what kind of person that person is.

Just like when she was in Lishan Temple back then, she only glanced at the chessboard and suspected that the person who was playing chess with Duguchen might be Nangong Xiaoran.

But at this moment, Concubine Yan's fierce chess moves are extremely inconsistent with her gentle and dignified appearance.

After half an hour, the game of chess finally ended with Yuan Xiuyue winning the half.

Looking at the situation on the chessboard where she was defeated only because of half-pieces, Concubine Yan couldn't help sighing helplessly and shaking her head: "The empress's chess moves are always unexpected, and the concubine is really no match!"

"No! No!" With a faint smile, Yuan Xiuyue hooked her lips, and Yuan Xiuyue frowned and looked at Concubine Yan: "I think the younger sister's chess is called clever, and it can't be done. No matter what, you have to fight with me today." I will kill a few more games until I am happy!"

Hearing this, Concubine Yan couldn't help but frowned slightly.

Raising her eyes to meet Yuan Xiuyue's, she smiled lightly and looked at the window beside her, bent her lips and said with a smile: "Ma'am, it looks like it's almost time for lunch now."

"What's the problem?"

Smiling at Concubine Yan, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyes and said to Ting Lan, "Go and see how the lunch is doing at the back? Pass it on now!"

Hearing this, Concubine Yan frowned almost invisible, but the next moment, when Yuan Xiuyue looked at her, she smiled rightly.

Not long after, the palace servants delivered the lunch to the chariot.

After eating a lunch, Yuan Xiuyue chatted and laughed with Concubine Yan from time to time, and it was okay to use it, but Concubine Yan only took in a little bit, as if she was chewing wax, not knowing the taste of the meal.

After lunch, Ting Lan brought out the anti-fetal medicine again.

Seeing Yuan Xiuyue pick up the medicine bowl disapprovingly, and finished the soup in one go, Concubine Yan couldn't help chuckling and asked, "Is your mother's body still not good?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue smiled lightly, took the sour plum soup that Ting Lan handed over, and took a sip.

After a while, after the bitterness in her mouth subsided, she just drank saliva to rinse her mouth.

After spitting out the mouthwash, Yuan Xiuyue smiled lightly at Concubine Yan: "This is the medicine to protect pregnancy!"

Hearing this, Concubine Yan's complexion changed slightly, and even the smile that had been on her lips for many years disappeared instantly!

Seeing Concubine Yan's reaction, Yuan Xiuyue smiled lightly, then ordered Ting Lan to withdraw the meal, and then set up the chess game!

She knew that Concubine Yan went to Nanling this time just to visit relatives, and she had never been to Weishan, and she probably didn't know that she was pregnant, but because of her abominable father, even if she hadn't returned to the palace at this moment, Nangong Haoling She will definitely tell the world that she is pregnant with a dragon heir, in order to keep her queen position.

Therefore, even if she knew that children in this palace were always the most difficult to bear, she would definitely not be able to hide her pregnancy, and she didn't want to hide it.

However, having said that, Concubine Yan's reaction at this moment was somewhat beyond her expectations!

It seemed that she really didn't know about her pregnancy.And her pregnancy did hit her,

After being stunned for a while, Concubine Yan raised her eyes slightly and saw Yuan Xiuyue was looking at her. She held the corner of her lips lightly, got up from the brocade couch, and lowered her eyes to Yuan Xiuyue again: "My concubine congratulates the empress, and congratulates the empress." , Your Majesty will definitely be very happy if she gets this son!"

(End of this chapter)

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