Chapter 207
Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue smiled, "Thanks to my sister's auspicious words!"

After lunch, the chess game continued.

It's just that they played two games in a row, Concubine Yan either lost a piece or half a piece, and before they knew it, they had already reached the third game.

Looking at the dense chess pieces on the chess board, Concubine Yan's lips curled slightly, she frowned and looked left and right, finally surrendered again, and put the chess pieces in her hand back into the jar: "The queen empress is superb at chess, my concubine has surrendered!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue gave her a deep look.

She lowered her eyebrows and glanced at the chess game on the chessboard. She sighed, and then reached out and patted her back: "After playing chess all afternoon, I'm a little tired. I think my sister must not be at ease. I'm going to play chess today." That's all!"


As if she had been granted an amnesty, she secretly sighed in her heart, Concubine Yan got up and turned to Yuan Xiuyuefu: "Since the empress is tired, she should rest earlier, everything is about the dragon fetus, the concubine...retire first!"

"Well! Sister, let's go first!"

Smiling at Concubine Yan, Yuan Xiuyue watched her get up and leave.

As soon as Concubine Yan left, Ting Lan turned around and looked at the chessboard on the table. Seeing that Concubine Yan had lost one and a half pieces on the chessboard this time, she couldn't help but frowned slightly, and said, "Concubine Yan's chess skills are really incomparable. Your Majesty, it's always a little short!"

"you are wrong!"

Eyes flickering, Yuan Xiuyue watched Concubine Yan get into her carriage through the hollow carved window on the chariot, and sighed lightly: "It is precisely because her chess skills are so superb that the result of each game is always the same. It's a little bit worse!"

Hearing this, Ting Lan's expression changed slightly.

Turning his head to look at Ting Lan, the shadow lightly frowned: "Your Majesty, what you mean is... Concubine Yan and Your Majesty have played chess with Your Majesty for a long time today, so let's forget about it?"

With a chuckle, Yuan Xiuyue nodded to the shadow.

Frowning slightly, Ting Lan sighed: "If that's the case, wouldn't Concubine Yan be exhausted today?"

"That's what makes her great!"

Although the corners of her lips were still slightly curled up, her eyes became deeper and she sighed in her heart that this woman was thoughtful and unfathomable. Yuan Xiuyue lay down on the brocade couch, slowly closed her eyes and said, "Wait for me to nourish my energy Rui, play with her again tomorrow!"

Hearing her words, Ting Lan and Shadow looked at each other.

At this moment, both of them sympathized with Concubine Yan and admired Yuan Xiuyue.

They sympathized with Concubine Yan because Concubine Yan must have been exhausted every day because of chess calculations these days, and they admired Yuan Xiuyue because, after returning to Beijing this time, when they left the country, the pressure from the front court and the harem would be overwhelming. The burden and pressure are unimaginable, but she can still take it lightly at this moment, eat well, sleep peacefully, and play chess with Concubine Yan when she is free!
Next, for several days in a row, Yuan Xiuyue would order Yan Ruxue to play chess in her chariot.

These days lasted for more than ten days, until Yan Ruxue caught a cold for a while, fearing that it would infect her, and then ended her nightmare!

In addition, Yuan Xiuyue didn't want to investigate whether Yan Ruxue was really sick or just pretending to be sick, because she didn't want to make fun of herself and her child's health!At this time, she also experienced morning sickness, and she would vomit every day after eating, especially in the early morning.

After several days of morning sickness, Mo Shuo Ting Lan and Ying Ying looked distressed. Her face, which had just grown rosy, became pale and thin again.

In this way, a few days later, it was almost August, the weather was no longer unbearably hot, and the distance between the chariots was getting closer and closer.

From a distance, she leaned forward and looked out, looking at the towering city walls of Lidu, Ting Lan couldn't help turning her head and shouting to Yuan Xiuyue with a smile on her face: "Mother, we are almost there, the capital is just ahead."

Seeing Ting Lan happy like a child, Yuan Xiuyue, who was lying on the brocade couch, couldn't help but bent her lips and smiled: "Since we're here, let's change clothes with Bengong!"


Nodding lightly, and returning to the couch from the window, Ting Lan took out a mountain and river skirt from the closet next to her, bowed her head and said to Yuan Xiuyue: "Your Majesty's phoenix robe was damaged by a big hole when it was on the cliff last time. How about wearing this mountain and river skirt when you return to the palace for the first time today?"


With a faint smile, Yuan Xiuyue secretly swallowed a mouthful of sour water, and was supported by Ting Lan to stand up.

It didn't take long, and Yuan Xiuyue and Tinglan put on her mountain and river skirt, and she and herself cleaned their faces, and then walked slowly in front of the window, looking at Lidu, who was getting closer and closer to her.

This time, she had never mentioned Nangong Haoling's name all the way from Weishan to the north until today when she arrived in Lidu.

Because, she was afraid that if she mentioned him, she would let herself fall into the endless thoughts.

But at this moment, looking at the majestic ancient city in front of her, her heart beats more and more happily.

Although she knew that what was waiting for her right now was not a good thing, but to her, the most important thing was that there was the man she loved so much, the father of her child!

As long as she is closer to that city, she will be closer to him.

She really misses him!
Standing in front of the window for a long time, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes were fixed on Liguo's capital.

However, the farther the chariot moved forward, the quieter her gaze became, until finally when the silence in her eyes turned into solemnity, the voice of her elder brother Yuan Wende also sounded from outside the chariot: "Shadow, don't let me go for now." Empress come out!"

Hearing this, Shadow couldn't help taking a step forward, and when he reached Yuan Xiuyue, he wanted to help her sit back on the couch.

However, when she glanced out, she couldn't help but be shocked!

Earlier, they had sent pigeons to pass letters, informing the emperor that Yuan Xiuyue would return to Beijing today.

But at this moment, Yuan Xiuyue came back, and the gates of Lidu were tightly closed. In addition, outside the gate of Lidu, there were actually many important officials of the imperial court lined up in front of Yuan Xiuyue, shouting loudly : "Yuan Chenghai conspired against the rebellion, and the empress cannot absolve herself of the blame. Please ask the empress to commit suicide to thank the world!"

(End of this chapter)

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