Chapter 208 As long as I am there 1
"Yuan Chenghai is rebellious and rebellious against the imperial court. As the daughter of Yuan's family, the Empress Dowager must be guilty of the crime. I ask the Empress Empress to kill herself to thank the world!"

Under the gate of the majestic capital city, the words of the ministers were like thunder, causing Yuan Wende's expression outside the chariot to change greatly, and Ting Lan and Ying Ying in the chariot also changed their expressions in shock!


The horse rode to stop in front of the crowd, Yuan Wende looked down at the crowd with a gloomy expression, the audience shouted, asking Yuan Xiuyue to commit suicide, he couldn't help sneering: "It's in vain that you are ministers, you want to commit crimes and force the empress to commit suicide, er Such an act of treason and injustice, should be punished by the Nine Clans!"

"Yuan Wende!"

With a cold shout, a person stepped out from the crowd. This person was dressed in azure blue official uniform. He was the teacher of the Xian Wang when he was the crown prince. He was a veteran of the three dynasties. His name was Yan Yuntao. He said coldly: "Now that your father Yuan Chenghai has defected to the An clan, rebelled against the imperial court, and caused my children and people to live in poverty, what kind of face do you have to be in charge of our three armies? You can't tolerate domineering here!"

If one of him stands out, there will be a second person, and if there is a second person, there will be a third person. After a short time, all the courtiers who were originally guarding the city gate stepped forward to stand in front of Yuan Wende's horse, fearless in his hands. The long sword shouted loudly: "Please ask the empress to kill herself to thank the world!"


In the chariot, Ting Lan glanced at all the courtiers under the city gate. There was no trace of fear in her voice. She looked back at Yuan Xiuyue with an unpredictable expression, and asked in a trembling voice both startled and anxious. :"What should we do now?"

"What else can I do?" Yuan Xiuyue turned her head and glanced at Ting Lan, and couldn't help smiling, "After returning from this trip, I have already expected that the road back to the palace will not be too smooth, but...they let Ben Gong commits suicide, does it mean that Ben Gong really wants to listen to their self-destruction?"


Seeing the smile on Yuan Xiuyue's face, Ting Lan was about to cry, her eyes were slightly red, and she muttered in a low voice: "This is so imminent, it's thanks to you that you can still laugh!"

"Don't laugh, do you want to cry in front of them? If that's the case, they really follow their wishes!" Turning around slightly, looking at the shadow beside her, Yuan Xiuyue stretched out her hand to her: "Sister-in-law, Ting Lan is timid. , almost cried in fright, how will you and Ben Gong meet them outside now?"

Looking down at Yuan Xiuyue's hand with lowered eyebrows, Shadow frowned slightly, and took a deep breath. She nodded slightly, then stretched out her arm and let Yuan Xiuyue put it on her wrist: "No matter whether it is a mountain of swords or a sea of ​​fire, Shadow is willing to go out with your mother for a foray! "

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue bent her lips and smiled, and told Ting Lan to stay in the chariot, and she and Shadow walked out of the chariot step by step.

As soon as Yuan Xiuyue stepped out of the chariot, the chief eunuch who accompanied him sang loudly: "The empress is here!"

After the announcement, the group of people who had been shouting for the empress to commit suicide all fell silent. A pair of indistinguishable eyes all looked in the direction of the chariot, and finally landed on Yuan Xiuyue. body.

Today's Yuan Xiuyue is wearing a phoenix crown and a mountain and river skirt dyed white and ink. Looking at her from a distance, although she is pale and slender, she still has the majesty of a queen!

Looking at the courtiers in the distance with slightly cold eyes, Yuan Xiuyue put one hand on the shadow's wrist and the other in front of her abdomen, and walked forward slowly. After a while, she stood still not far in front of everyone. His gaze has already swept over everyone's faces one by one.

Her gaze, although silent, was better than thousands of troops.

Under her silent gaze, no one among the crowd made a sound. At this moment, they forgot the words they kept shouting before!
"My lords..."

In the end, after watching everyone from beginning to end, Yuan Xiuyue's lips curled up slightly, and her tone was gentle and indifferent: "No matter what the origin of this palace is, it is still the emperor's main palace at this moment. Do you want to be like that Yuan Chenghai, plot chaos and rebellion, and do big treason and immoral things?"

At this moment, Yuan Xiuyue did not continue to call Yuan Chenghai her father, but only called her by his first name, and the hat she put on with everyone was big enough, and after hearing her words, everyone's expressions changed in embarrassment!

Seeing everyone like this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but sneered.

Turning her head to look at Yan Yuntao, whom everyone looked up to, she raised her eyebrows lightly and said, "Mr. Yan Ge, you are in vain for reading the books of sages, but you are also a person who doesn't know the etiquette?"

Hearing this, Yan Yuntao's expression changed drastically!

As far as scholars are concerned, the last thing they see is that they don't know etiquette and read sage books in vain!

Therefore, after hearing Yuan Xiuyue's words at this moment, he couldn't help snorting softly, raised his eyes to look at her, and said with a livid face: "The Yuan family colluded with the An clan and tried to usurp the world. What is treachery, what is loyalty!"

Looking back at the crowd behind him, he stretched out his hand tremblingly, and shouted to the crowd: "My lords, you have forgotten, what is the reason why we closed the city gate here today?"

Hearing this, everyone came back to God one by one.

Looking up at Yuan Xiuyue, instead of kneeling, they shouted again in unison, "The Yuan family rebelled, and the crime cannot be punished. As the daughter of the Yuan family, the queen's crime is unforgivable. I ask the queen to kill herself to thank the world!"

Seeing this, Shadow's heart shuddered!
Looking at Yuan Xiuyue again, she saw that the smile on her lips was still faint, as if she had no fear of them at all!
After everyone shouted, Yuan Xiuyue sighed softly, frowned helplessly, turned around and was about to return to the chariot: "It seems that I have used a group of people who are ignorant of etiquette and utterly rebellious!"

If you don't know the etiquette, you will be rebellious!
Just these eight words made the crowd frowned and almost jumped again.

Looking up at Yuan Xiuyue again, Yan Yuntao tremblingly said: "Empress Empress, don't you want to insult us who are studying..."

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue turned slightly, looked back at Yan Yuntao, and asked nonchalantly, "Master Yan, what did you call me just now!"

After Yuan Xiuyue's question, seeing the light in Yuan Xiuyue's eyes, Yan Yuntao's expression froze!
After being stunned for a while, Yuan Xiuyue turned her head to look at the shadow when she saw that Yan Yuntao was silent: "What did Yan Yuntao call me just now?"

Shadow understood, bent his lips lightly, and said loudly in a voice that everyone could hear: "Return to your mother, Lord Yan respects your mother as the empress!"

As soon as the shadow said this, everyone changed their expressions again, but Yan Yuntao's expression was the most ugly!
His beard was slightly raised, and his round pupils pointed at Yuan Xiuyue with trembling fingers: ""

"How is this palace?"

Turning around in a sassy manner, Yuan Xiuyue's brows, which were originally plain, were like lightning. Yuan Xiuyue stared darkly at Yan Yuntao, who was blowing his beard and glaring at her. Said: "You, and you, all shouted loudly, asking the empress to kill herself, but seeing this palace, I didn't salute with you. It's in vain that you have all read the sages. This palace said that you don't know the etiquette, and you are rebellious. Is there something wrong?"

Hearing Yuan Xiuyue's words, the faces of all the officials present turned green and pale, as if they had been slapped severely!

Looking down at the expressions of everyone, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyebrows slightly at the shadow.

Receiving the message from Yuan Xiuyue, the corners of Shadow's lips twitched almost invisible, and shouted in a deep voice: "My lords, haven't you saluted the Empress until now?"

As soon as her words fell, everyone who was frozen in place couldn't help but change their expressions again. After the expressions changed three times in a row, they finally knelt down and saluted Yuan Xiuyue!

"The ministers and others will see the Empress Empress, and the empress is blessed and safe!"


Hearing the sound, Yuan Xiuyue raised her chin slightly, looked coldly at Yan Yuntao who had never saluted herself: "Master Yan...don't you plan to salute with me?"

"The old minister sees the empress, the empress is a thousand years old!" After confronting Yuan Xiuyue for a while, the corners of Yan Yuntao's mouth twitched, and he finally knelt down on one knee. Thank you world!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the important ministers who were kneeling on the ground also shouted again, asking Yuan Xiuyue to kill himself to thank the world!
Seeing them like this again, and hearing their deafening shouts, the shadow's face changed, Yuan Wende's face was also darkened, but Yuan Xiuyue faced Yan Yuntao calmly, and then glanced lightly at all the officials Behind the closed city gate, he sighed coolly: "It seems that Mr. Yan Ge and these ministers are determined to kill me today!"

Hearing this, Yan Yuntao lowered his head and said in a deep voice: "The empress's father, who took refuge in the An clan, started a rebellion in the south of our country. Now, we have to do this in order to save the emperor from worrying about the future, and for the empress to not have to be in a dilemma. The empress puts the overall situation first!"

"Focus on the overall situation?"

Yuan Xiuyue had already expected that Yan Yuntao would speak in such a way, and Yuan Xiuyue sighed softly, with deep thoughts in her eyes: "It's good to say that the overall situation is the most important thing!"

In fact, what she wanted to say was that she didn't feel embarrassed!

not at all!
Seeing that Yuan Xiuyue remained silent for a while, fearing that she would be persuaded by these old guys, Shadow moved his arms lightly, and looked at her with concern: "Mother?!"


Responding lightly, Yuan Xiuyue smiled lightly when she met her worried eyes, "Don't worry, I won't be persuaded by Mr. Yan Ge's few words, and really choose to commit suicide, how painful it would be!"

Hearing this, Yan Yuntao's face darkened abruptly: "Empress Empress, you..."

"How is my palace? Today's matter is that you want to put an end to the emperor's worries, but it is not the emperor's intention?!" Facing Yan Yuntao's frantic eyes, Yuan Xiuyue smiled lightly, lowered her head and caressed her lower abdomen, her brows slightly raised : "Mr. Yan Ge should know, right? I am pregnant with the emperor's dragon heir. If I am forced to commit suicide by you today, you will be the executioners who murdered the dragon heir!"

"The Empress!"

Frowning tightly, Yan Yuntao said tremblingly: "We are not trying to murder the dragon heir, and any woman in the harem..."

"Mr. Yan Ge wants to say that any lady in this harem can give birth to a dragon heir for the emperor?" Interrupting Yan Yuntao, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyes with a smile, lowered her eyebrows and looked at him contemptuously: "The emperor has been on the throne for six years. With no heir under his knees, do you think that any woman can get his favor and give birth to a prince for him?"

When Yuan Xiuyue said what was in her mind, and asked angrily, Yan Yuntao's complexion changed slightly, and he said with a slight tremor: "The old minister has figured out that the empress planned to use the emperor's heir in her belly to tie down the emperor early in the morning. Your Majesty will spare you the Yuan Clan!"

(End of this chapter)

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