Chapter 209 As long as I am there 2
"This... is what Yan Ge said, but I didn't say it!"

With a faint smile, Yuan Xiuyue didn't look at Yan Yuntao, but turned around and told the shadow: "Go and bring a chair and a table with me, move the canopy here, and invite the concubine Yan... Today, I'm here Sitting here, drinking tea and playing chess, but they are not self-reliant, let's see if any of these grown-ups dare to come forward to assassinate Ben Gong!"

As soon as she said this, Yan Yuntao's mind rumbled, and he almost couldn't hold back his anger.

But he was so angry that he was angry, but he really didn't dare to go forward and do anything to Yuan Xiuyue.

Not to mention that at this moment, she is accompanied by a great general, even if she has no strength to restrain a chicken, he would not dare to borrow his courage!

Murdering the empress and the emperor's heir...but one of these two charges is enough to kill nine clans!
At this moment, not to mention that he didn't dare, but among the people present, if anyone dared, they wouldn't go to such lengths to force her to commit suicide here!

He originally thought that since they sealed the city gate and prevented Yuan Xiuyue from entering the palace, she, Yuan Xiuyue, would definitely choose to kill herself when they pressed her every step of the way!

But the development of the matter was completely beyond his expectation!

If it was any other woman, she would have been frightened by this kind of situation at this moment, and her face would turn pale, and she would lose her sense of proportion.

But she is different from ordinary women.

Not only did she force them all to kneel down, he was speechless because of the war of words, and she even wanted to play chess and drink tea here in an old god. This was... almost driving him to death!

Not long after, the shadow really did as Yuan Xiuyue explained. He ordered people to move the canopy, move the tables and chairs, and set up a chess game. He also invited Concubine Yan to drink tea and play chess with her in front of the city gate. He treated Yan Yuntao and others like air, ignored them, and didn't even look at them!
Although the weather at the end of summer is much cooler than that in midsummer, it is still very hot where the sun shines brightly.

Therefore, under the scorching sun, all the courtiers, except for those who were born as generals, some of them were already sweating profusely, gradually showing signs of exhaustion!
Look at Yuan Xiuyue again...

At this time, she was drinking tea under the canopy while fighting with Yan Ruxue on the chessboard with a happy expression.

Eyes raised slightly, she glanced at the corners of Yuan Xiuyue's slightly raised lips, Yan Ruxue glanced sideways at the many courtiers who were determined to go their own way, lowered her head, and asked softly full of curiosity: "Isn't the Empress afraid?"


Eyebrows lowered, watching the chess game carefully, Yuan Xiuyue pinched the chess pieces and landed them on the board, raised her eyes to meet Yan Ruxue's eyes full of searching, she said with a helpless smile: "They want me to kill myself at this moment, if Ben Gong is afraid, so he wants to follow them, and there is only one result, and that is death!"

Gently, and took a sip of tea, she continued: "If you are afraid of dying, but not afraid of living, why should I be afraid of them?"

Hearing this, Yan Ruxue's eyes flickered slightly.

Turning her head to look at Lidu City Gate which was closed not far away, she frowned and said, "But if this stalemate continues, they won't back down, and the Empress will not be able to enter the capital either!"

Today, since they didn't want Yuan Xiuyue to enter the city, the other city gates should also be closed at the moment.

However, she was in no hurry.

Because these people are not targeting her!

She was just curious about Yuan Xiuyue's next fate!

"When did Concubine Yan meet... the capital of which country keeps its doors closed every day?" Looking up at Yan Ruxue, Yuan Xiuyue smiled indifferently and said, "I won't leave this city gate. Ordinary people have to pass, right?"

"My lady..."

Mopping her lips lightly, Yan Ruxue frowned even tighter: "Could it be that the empress wants to waste time with them like this?"

Seeing her pensive expression, Yuan Xiuyue sighed softly: "Is my sister worried about me?"

Hearing this, Yan Ruxue paused for a while holding the chess piece, then said with a wry smile: "Even if the concubine is worried about the empress, what's the use? Now all the ministers are forcing each other, and the concubine is weak alone. Can't do it for the empress, the concubine is worried about the empress, and even more worried about the emperor's heir in the empress' womb, did the empress just say... the emperor has been on the throne for six years, and has never had an heir!"

"It turns out that my sister is really worried about Bengong, and... the child in Bengong's belly!" With a faint smile, Yuan Xiuyue slightly bent her red lips, looked up at the sky above her head, saw the blue sky, and occasionally saw white clouds Duoduo, she turned to look at the shadow with a slight hesitation in her eyes: "The carrier pigeon that passed the letter to the emperor's pigeon, has it come back?"

Hearing this, Shadow's delicate brows could not help frowning slightly.

The carrier pigeon has never returned since it flew out!
Seeing the slight frown of the shadow, Yuan Xiuyue sighed bitterly, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

Seeing her slightly changed expression, Yan Ruxue lightly frowned and said to Shadow, "Why don't you hurry up and see if the carrier pigeon has come back?"


Nodding slightly, Shadow frowned lightly, turned around and was about to walk back.

"You don't have to go!"

Before the shadow was far away, Yuan Xiuyue's faint voice came again, and she put the teacup in her hand on the table. She bent her lips lightly, glanced at Yuan Wende who was still standing in front of the ministers, and then sighed helplessly : "The carrier pigeon was raised by my elder brother, and the pigeon will fly back when the letter is delivered. It is always safe. Now that it has gone and never returned, it seems to be very ominous!"

Hearing this, Concubine Yan's complexion couldn't help changing, she seemed to be losing her color!
The chess piece in her hand fell onto the chessboard with a bang, and she frowned slightly, her big charming eyes were full of worry: "If it is true as what the empress said, wouldn't the emperor not know that the empress is back today?"

Hearing Concubine Yan's words, Shadow's expression also changed.

At this moment, all the ministers are forcing them, they cannot enter the city, if the emperor does not know that they are coming back today, could it be that they are really messing with these people here? !
"If you haven't received the letter from Fei Ge, the emperor will naturally not know that I'm coming back today!" With a low eyebrow, Yuan Xiuyue slightly straightened the chess piece that Concubine Yan had dropped on the chessboard, and said with a smile on her face: I can't regret this move, my sister made such a good move, now it's Ben Gong's turn!"

Seeing her like this, Yan Ruxue was startled for a moment, and her face changed instantly!

But Shadow couldn't help frowning slightly: "Your Majesty..."

Even though the shadow who had always been calm and self-sufficient was already burning with anxiety at this moment, Yuan Xiuyue still had a calm and calm face, as if the sky was falling and there was an expert to support it!
This made the tone of the voice she called "Niang Niang" a little bit bad!

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but frowned slightly.

Looking back, she smiled slightly at the shadow, her eyes were slightly deep, and then she looked up at the majestic imperial city tower not far away, staring at the banners fluttering in the wind on the tower, she frowned slightly and said: "Don't worry, The emperor will come, as long as he gets the news, he will definitely... will come!"

In the mouth, Rushi murmured softly.

The corners of Yuan Xiuyue's lips could not help but evoke a beautiful arc.

On the Weishan Mountain, she still hears his words when he parted.

She believes that no matter how many twists and turns there are in this world, he will do his best to protect her and their children. Before that, all she has to do is to protect herself first and wait for him to come!
Before that, even though he had never received a letter from Fei Ge.

But there is nothing impenetrable in the world!

At this moment, the voice of the minister's door shouted for her to commit suicide and apologize. People in the city can't understand if they can't see it?Therefore, outside the capital, the news of the confrontation between the minister and the empress should have already spread throughout the streets and alleys of the city.And the soldiers on this majestic city gate should also have a heart for him, and they have already rushed to the palace to report to him!
This also means that even if the pigeons never fly back, it doesn't matter!

All she has to do now is wait!

wait for him...

Come and take her back to the palace!
wait for him...

To protect the safety of their mother and child!

It was almost noon, and the city gate was still closed!
In the sky, the sun was scorching hot, and the people in front of the city gate were already soaked in official robes with sweat, and it was inevitable that they would feel a little embarrassed when viewed from a distance.

Not long after, Ting Lan and a group of palace servants brought up the exquisite and delicious lunch, put it on the table, and began to serve Yuan Xiuyue to eat.

From a distance, Yuan Xiuyue, who was sitting under the canopy, couldn't help but twitched his lips slightly as he saw everyone sweating profusely but still insisting.Raising her eyes slightly, she looked at her elder brother, and said with a light smile, "General, it's hot outside, and I have good herbal tea here in this palace, as well as freshly made sour plum soup and many other delicacies, which are refreshing and refreshing. Come here and taste it!"

Hearing her words, all the ministers complained in their hearts!
At this moment, they were thirsty and hungry, and Yuan Xiuyue asked Yuan Wende to eat and drink at this time, which was really stimulating them!
Not only stimulates their stomachs, but also stimulates their hearts!

The most terrible thing is that after hearing her words, Yuan Wende responded loudly, and then drove back, also sat under the canopy, began to drink tea and eat snacks, seeing him eating happily, among the ministers present, some people couldn't help He swallowed hard.

Seeing them like this, Yan Yuntao couldn't help cursing angrily: "Nothing!"

After being scolded by him like this, everyone immediately turned solemn, and then sang the sentence that had been paused for a short time again: "Yuan Chenghai rebelled and conspired against you, and I respectfully invite the empress to kill myself to thank the people of the world!"

Hearing the sound, Yuan Xiuyue smiled lightly, and then asked Ting Lan: "How much sour plum soup is there on the dining car?"

"I've made a lot more today, and it looks like it's still half-cooked!" Looking at Yuan Xiuyue with some confusion, Ting Lan respectfully asked, "Why do you ask me this?"

Smiling lightly, Yuan Xiuyue said lightly: "Master Yan Ge and all the adults should be thirsty too, so now you order someone to put the sour plum soup into a bowl and deliver it to all the adults to quench their thirst!"

Hearing this, Concubine Yan's eyes flickered slightly, but she remained silent, she just lowered her head and continued to drink the sour plum soup in the bowl.

But Ting Lan frowned slightly, with a look of extreme reluctance: "Empress Empress, they want to force you to commit suicide, why are you caring about their lives right now?"

"They are not benevolent to me, but I can't be unkind to them. No matter what, I am the queen, and the subjects who leave the country are also my subjects. I treat them well, and they should co-author! "

Sighing softly, she said to Ting Lan shaking her head, Yuan Xiuyue hooked her fingers again.

Seeing this, Ting Lan hurriedly stepped forward with her ear.

Whispered a few times in Ting Lan's ear, and seeing Ting Lan nodding with a smile, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but smiled and waved her hand. When Ting Lan left, she turned to Yan Yuntao who was not far away: "Mr. That’s what you said just now, right?”

Seeing her asking himself such a question suddenly, Yan Yuntao was stunned!
Thinking that she still has such a magnanimity at this moment, he was a little soft-hearted, but he still bent down stubbornly, and said unrelentingly: "If the empress feels sorry for the ministers, please ask the empress to cut herself off, so as to save us from suffering like this." !"

(End of this chapter)

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