Chapter 210 As long as I am there 3
Hearing this, a trace of impatience finally flashed across Yuan Wende's gentle and elegant face!

Huo Ran got up, he drew out his sword with a swipe, and strode towards Yan Yuntao with big strides: "Yan Yuntao, don't bully others too much! With what you have done today, even if you die ten million times, it will not be a pity!"

Yu Luo, his sword was already on Yan Yuntao's neck.

As for Yan Yuntao, his eyes were wrinkled, and he said with a serious face: "Yuan Wende, you are the son of a traitor. I am afraid of the sky and the earth, but I am not afraid of you alone. If you kill me today, I will be considered worthy of death."


Pupils opened angrily, Yuan Wende turned his wrist, and he was about to swing down the sword, but suddenly he heard Yuan Xiuyue softly calling out: "Brother, if you kill him in anger right now, wouldn't it be fulfilling his wish, just buckle up with you The hat of indiscriminately killing important officials of the court? And he died for the country!"

Hearing this, Yuan Wende's eyes softened!
Facing Yan Yuntao's slightly cloudy eyes, he snorted coldly, then turned his wrist and put the sword back into the scabbard, and turned back to Yuan Xiuyue's side.

After about half a quarter of an hour, Ting Lan led a group of palace people to deliver bowls of bowls of sour plum soup to the courtiers. Every time she delivered a bowl, she still did not forget to yell loudly: " My lords, you must be thirsty, this sour plum soup quenches your thirst, it is the most refreshing to use at the moment, the empress has a lot of it, and I will repay you with kindness, you don’t have to hold on, hurry up and drink some!"

What Ting Lan said made everyone feel ashamed.

Listening to her words, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help curling the corners of her lips, as if she wanted to laugh, but tried her best not to.

Originally, people would not drink what she gave.

Now that Ting Lan has preached so much, even if these people are dying of thirst, they will not touch the sour plum soup she sent!
Not long after, Ting Lan's sour plum soup was distributed, and a bowl of sour plum soup was placed in front of everyone.

However, those sour plum soups were just placed there. Even though the corners of the thirsty lips of those courtiers were chapped, they just hoped for the soup to quench their thirst. No one dared to take a sip of it!
Seeing the miserable looks of the crowd looking forward to the sour plum soup to quench their thirst, Yan Ruxue lightly hooked her seductive lips, couldn't help but chuckled and looked at Yuan Xiuyue, her eyes darkened and said: "The empress did it on purpose!"


Turning her eyes to meet Yan Ruxue's bright and commanding eyes, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly and said: "I have kindly quenched the thirst of you adults, why did I come to my sister's place, but did I do it on purpose? What is this intention on purpose? If you do good deeds with good intentions, it will be done, right?"

Hearing this, Yan Ruxue smiled lightly, then bowed her head lightly, and sighed: "Sometimes, it's better to have something than not at all. These adults have had an antagonistic relationship with the empress from the very beginning, so they naturally They don't know how to drink the sour plum soup given by the empress, but at the moment they are extremely thirsty, but the empress generously gave each a bowl of sour plum soup. Isn't this a good saying? It's short for people's hands and short for eating people's mouths. If they drink this Sour plum soup, I can no longer let the empress do it on her own, if she insists on her own ideas one by one, she will have to endure the pain of thirst, just look at the sour plum soup in front of her, but can't take a sip... In this way, this bowl of sour plum soup from the empress , for these ministers, it is an unbearable torture for ordinary people!"

Hearing Concubine Yan's analysis, Yuan Xiuyue's bright eyes couldn't help narrowing slightly.

Taking a sip of sour plum soup, she put down the soup bowl, frowned and said, "Sister is really not ordinary smart!"

Hearing her words, Yan Ruxue was secretly startled!
The light in her eyes narrowed slightly, and she raised her eyes slightly, seeing Yuan Xiuyue smiling and turning her eyes to the side, she couldn't help trembling slightly with her left hand clutching the veil.

After lunch, Ting Lan and Yuan Xiuyue brought the birth control medicine again!
Frowning slightly, Yuan Xiuyue raised her head and drank the anti-fetal medicine. Yuan Xiuyue smacked her lips with an ugly expression. Just as she was about to hand the medicine bowl back to Ting Lan, she saw the gate of the capital, which had been closed all morning, squeak. Open a gap from the inside.

At first, she thought it was Nangong Haoling who had come.

Then she stood up, but soon she found that the two people who came out of the city gate were not Nangong Haoling, and they were running towards where they were, one behind the other.

Both of them were dressed in eunuch costumes, but Yuan Xiuyue had never seen them in the palace.

Just as she was contemplating deeply, she saw the person walking in front, holding up the bright yellow scroll in her hand as she walked forward, and shouted loudly: "The emperor has a decree, Yuan Chenghai is plotting to usurp and treason the country. The empress's second daughter, Yuan Shixiuyue, has lost her morality and talent, and cannot escape the responsibility of her crimes. Today, she will be deposed from the throne, given a cup of dove wine, and ordered to die on her own—this is it!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue frowned, and the expressions of everyone walking with her changed dramatically, even Yan Ruxue was stunned!

Just when everyone was stunned, they saw the little eunuch walking in the back holding a pot of dove wine and coming forward until Yuan Xiuyue bowed his head and said softly: "Empress, please!"

As soon as he said a word, the outside of the city, which had been silent just now, suddenly buzzed!

The courtiers under the city gate whispered to each other, as if they had won a battle, everyone was happy and rejoiced!
"How could the emperor..."

Looking at the edict in the hands of the eunuch, Yuan Wende's face darkened, and the hand holding the sword turned slightly pale due to too much force.

But at this moment, standing in front of the little eunuch, Yuan Xiuyue was also in a daze for a long while, without saying a word.

Her gaze passed over the dove poison wine in the hands of the little eunuch, and then landed on the bright yellow imperial decree in the hands of the other eunuch. She shook her head with a wry smile, and took a step back!

Her complexion was pale, Ting Lan was both distressed and anxious, fearing that Yuan Xiuyue would not be able to support her alone, so she hurriedly stepped forward to support her shoulders.

"Empress, please!"

Seeing Yuan Xiuyue took a step back, the little eunuch immediately took a step forward and brought the dove wine in his hand to her.

Seeing him like this, the corners of Yuan Xiuyue's lips twitched slightly, she reached out tremblingly, and slowly picked up the dove wine on the tray.


"The Empress!"



Watching Yuan Xiuyue pick up the poisoned wine, Yuan Wende, Ying Ying and Ting Lan yelled at almost at the same time, while Yuan Wende stepped forward, holding her bright wrist holding the poisoned wine and kept shaking his head: "This can't drink!"

Seeing the two of them like this, Yan Yuntao, who had been silent for a long time, said again: "Yuan Wende, do you want to resist the decree?" Raising his hands slightly, he arched them in the air, and he said loudly, not without complacency: "The imperial decree of the emperor says, Yuan Shixiuyue killed herself immediately with poisoned wine!"

Hearing this, Yuan Wende's eyes lit up, and he turned to Yan Yuntao angrily: "Old man Yuntao, you are really aggressive, this general is killing you now!"

"elder brother!"

Turning to hold Yuan Wende's hand, Yuan Xiuyue shook her head with dark eyes.

Today, it would be fine if Yan Yuntao took the initiative, but if her brother killed Yan Yuntao first, it would be even more difficult to end the matter!

Looking at Yuan Xiuyue heartbroken, Yuan Wende expressed anxiety and tugged at her wrist: "Brother will take you away now, away from everything here, as long as I'm here, no one can hurt you, and no one can hurt you." Block you and my brother and sister!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's heart trembled slightly, and finally she smiled: "Brother, do you want to live with me the happy life of walking around the world with a sword?"

Seeing that she was still smiling at this moment, Yuan Wende couldn't help frowning!

She is the only one who can still laugh!
"I'll go too!"

Just as Yuan Wende frowned, the shadow stepped forward and stood in front of Yuan Xiuyue, looking at Yuan Wende with firm eyes: "Now that I am your wife, you should take me with you wherever you go!"

"it is good!"

Knowing that the shadow is willing to follow him to the world, Yuan Wende can't help but respond with emotion.

Looking at their husband and wife, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but smiled again.
"Your Majesty, I will not drag you down." Seeing that Yuan Wende and his wife expressed their views, Ting Lan also stepped forward and grabbed Yuan Xiuyue's other hand, as if to snatch the dove wine from Yuan Xiuyue's hand.

"You are all my relatives, I don't want you to go into exile, let alone go to death!" The corners of her lips curled up, avoiding Ting Lan's approaching hand, Yuan Xiuyue smiled lightly, then lowered her eyebrows and closed her eyes, Concentrating on the slight ripples in the cup caused by her breathing, after a while, she took a deep breath and couldn't help raising her eyebrows and sighing softly: "What a cup of dove poison liquor, but I don't know how it tastes?!"

Seeing her sighing over the poisoned wine, everyone present held their breaths.

However, Yuan Xiuyue didn't obediently drink the poisoned wine as they expected and died on her own. Instead, she sneered, raised her arm suddenly, and then threw the poisoned wine onto the bluestone road under her feet with a crisp sound...


Unexpectedly, Yuan Xiuyue would still be like this at this stage, the eunuch holding the imperial edict suddenly changed his expression: "How dare you disobey the imperial edict?"

"Holy decree?"

With a cold smile, Yuan Xiuyue looked at the eunuch who announced the decree just now, and said coldly: "Isn't Ji Heng the chief steward next to the emperor? He should be the one who came to send me to the palace today, and who are you? ?”

When asked by him, the eunuch's expression changed slightly, but he still said boldly: "Our family is the new head of the Yexi Palace, the queen mother in the palace. It is not surprising that you don't know me! The important thing is, you You should know what we have in our hands!"


Knowing that he was referring to the imperial decree that had been rolled up in his hand from beginning to end, Yuan Xiuyue sneered, took a step forward and stretched out her hand to the eunuch: "I know the emperor's handwriting best. Bring the imperial decree in your hand, let me have a look, if the imperial decree is true, I don’t need you to force me, I will end it on my own, if the imperial decree is false..." The eyes of Yuan Xiuyue's eyes became more and more cold, and the coldness in Yuan Xiuyue's eyes was clear at a glance : "Not only do I want to punish your nine clans, but I will also dig out those who are behind you who cannot see the light... cut off his flesh piece by piece, and feed it to the dogs!"

Perhaps, under the current situation, Nangong Haoling would have to go through a lot of trouble to protect her, but it will definitely not end like today!

She has always known that things in the world are never predictable.

Just like Nangong Xiaoran, even though Nangong Haoling was determined to protect him, an accident still happened to him.

Therefore, in front of these people who wanted to put her to death today, no matter what happened, she would not be surprised!

But at this moment, it was an imperial decree and poisoned wine, but she felt a little ridiculous!

Not to mention, Nangong Haoling will definitely be able to protect her and the child.

Even if he can't save her, he will definitely allow her to give birth to a child!

But now?

An imperial decree, a cup of dove poison, do you want her to die obediently?
(End of this chapter)

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