Chapter 211 As long as I am there 4
He will never, in such a way, come to end her life!

Facing Yuan Xiuyue's dark eyes, and hearing her cold words, the eunuch's body couldn't help but tremble slightly!
Taking two steps back in fear, he yelled at the ministers behind him, as well as the officers and soldiers in charge of guarding the city gate: "The emperor's decree is below, and Yuan Xiuyue, the abolished empress, resisted the decree. What are you still doing? Why don't you hurry up and take her down?" , Fa-rectification on the spot!"

As soon as the eunuch said this, Yan Yuntao saw that there was a holy decree, so he no longer was afraid of the head and tail, and immediately said, "Rebellious ministers and thieves, everyone can punish them!"

All the officials behind him and the officers and soldiers guarding the city were eager to try.

"Old Yuntao, it's not certain who is the thief!" Yuan Wende snorted coldly, rushed out of the sword with a swish, and pointed the long sword straight into the sky: "Swear to protect the empress to the death!"

He shouted, and all the imperial guards who were in charge of escorting Yuan Xiuyue also raised their swords and responded loudly: "I swear to protect the empress to the death!"

People have selfishness.

Yuan Wende naturally has it too!
It's just that his selfishness does not violate his loyalty to the imperial court. What he wants is to better protect the emperor and his sister. Therefore, all the forbidden troops who went to the Three Kingdoms Summit this time are all his followers. Everyone follows his lead!
Who is Yuan Wende, that is the general from the country.

Famous generals have never had weak soldiers.

So at this moment, seeing him and the soldiers unsheathing their swords, all the courtiers standing in front of the city gate also changed their colors instantly.

But only for a moment, they heard the sound of horseshoes not far away, everyone looked around and saw a group of troops galloping from the direction of the three army camps, and the person leading the troops was Yan Gang, the son of Yan Yuntao!

Seeing this person, Yan Yuntao's heart fell to the ground.

After a while, Yan Gang surrounded Yuan Wende with a group of people, and sneered: "General, long time no see, I offended you today!"


With a cold snort, Yuan Wende protected Yuan Xiuyue, and looked coldly at Yan Gang who was not far away from him: "Who does this general think it is, so it turns out that his subordinates have just arrived!"

It stands to reason that after a scribe, he should also be a civil official, but Yan Gang, the son of Yan Yuntao, is an exception.

Because he was sick since childhood, Yan Yuntao had no choice but to send him to practice martial arts, which made him what he is today!
Before that, he was under Yuan Wende's command and was a striker.

But today, he pointed his sword at the coach, so majestic!
"Without further ado!"

With the same cold snort, Yan Gang raised his sword suddenly and seemed to be attacking Yuan Wende, but he was directly attacking Yuan Xiuyue!
Seeing this, Yuan Xiuyue's pupils shrank suddenly!

With a frightened mind, she turned her feet and hid behind Yuan Wende, while Yuan Wende in front of her raised her sword, blocked Yan Gang's sword, and quickly counterattacked away.

"Protect Concubine Yan and kill the Yuan brothers and sisters!"

Dodging Yuan Wende's quick sword, Yan Gang yelled at the guards behind him, and fought with Yuan Wende!The imperial guards behind him quickly fought chaotically with the imperial guards escorting Yuan Xiuyue, and the scene was chaotic for a while.

But at this moment, Concubine Yan has taken advantage of the situation and retreated to a safe zone.


Seeing someone attacking Yuan Xiuyue again and again, Shadow exclaimed, and wanted to step forward to protect her, but because of the chaos, someone stabbed Ting Lan with a sword, so he had to turn around and block for Ting Lan.

"Shadow, don't worry about me, protect Ting Lan!" With a sound, she drew the soft sword at her waist, Yuan Xiuyue swung it hard, and was about to meet the blade of the forbidden army's stab at her, but... the soft sword in her hand , before he even made contact with the opponent's sword, he suddenly saw a flash of light, and the person who attacked him just now was killed in an instant!

She suddenly raised her eyes, looked into a pair of pupils as deep as the sea, and looked at the handsome man in a black gown on horseback. Suddenly, Yuan Xiuyue's heart trembled, and tears glistened in her eyes.


"Don't cry! I'm late!"

Never thought that one day he would kill his own soldiers with his own hands. Nangong Haoling raised his hand coldly to the person who had murdered Yuan Xiuyue and sealed his throat with a sword. Seeing her tears, he secretly sighed in his heart , then leaned forward slightly, stretched out his arms to wrap around Yuan Xiuyue's waist, brought her onto the horseback, and then yelled at the two parties who were fighting fiercely: "Stop everything!"

Nangong Haoling's roar shook Changhong!

When everyone in the melee saw his face clearly, they couldn't help being shocked, they didn't dare to hesitate, they all stopped, and even Yan Yuntao and others under the city gate also knelt down and shouted loudly: " See my emperor, long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

Seeing everyone kneeling down on the ground, and hearing them shout long live, Yuan Xiuyue took a deep breath, letting herself snuggle into Nangong Haoling's solid chest, feeling the arms tightly hugging her, and the eagerness to come with him because of galloping all the way. As for the fiery breath, she lightly curled the corners of her lips, and the tight heartstrings in her heart finally relaxed.

Although it was a bit late, he finally came.

She already knew that the imperial decree and the poisoned wine must not have come from him.

And she finally believed him correctly!
"At this moment, you are forcing to kill my queen behind my back, what face do you have to see me? You..." A deep and angry voice burst out from Nangong Haoling's mouth, he raised his sword and pointed at the ministers, his gaze was unprecedented The coldness: "Damn it all!"

Hearing his icy voice, everyone was terrified.

Only Yan Yuntao, after a moment of silence, bit the bullet and said clichédly: "Your Majesty, Yuan Chenghai joined the An clan and tried to usurp my country. How can you allow his sons and daughters to control the harem and military power?"

"To shut up!"

A sharp light flashed across his pupils, and Nangong Haoling reprimanded coldly: "Yuan Chenghai has severed ties with the queen since last year, and today Yuan Chenghai has joined the An family, and I will take his life in the future, but You old man, relying on the husband who is the brother of the king, instigated the important ministers here to force the queen to death, intending to kill my emperor's heir, it is really abominable and hateful! I will not just let this account go!"


Staring at Nangong Haoling's handsome face as cold as ice, Yan Yuntao realized that a catastrophe was imminent, and his heart trembled. Knowing that today's affairs would not be good, he slightly turned his eyes to Yuan Xiuyue who was in Nangong Haoling's arms, and shouted tremblingly with all his might: "My Majesty, please take the world as the most important thing, and give Yuan's death. If she is in the world, the hearts of the people will be hard to calm down!"

Hearing his father's words, Yan Gang also knew that if Yuan Xiuyue didn't die today, the young and old of his Yan family would definitely lose their lives!

Therefore, following closely behind his father, he lowered his eyes and cupped his hands, shouting softly to Nangong Haoling: "Please take the world as the most important thing, please give Yuan Shi death!"

When he finished speaking, the guards behind him also shouted loudly!
Although, on the way back earlier, Yuan Xiuyue had expected that if Nangong Haoling wanted to protect herself, she would inevitably face such a situation.

But at this moment when she was facing it for real, seeing Nangong Haoling's persecution by her subjects to kill her, her heart seemed to be grabbed by something, always wrinkled and extremely uncomfortable!

However, to her surprise, Nangong Haoling did not hesitate at all, and said in a deep voice: "Today, I swear here! As long as I remain in power, she Yuan Xiuyue will be my only queen! As long as I There is still a breath, no one can let her die before me!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes dimmed, and she felt an inexplicable feeling in her heart, only her white slender hand lightly covered his big hand holding the rein, her heart was self-evident!

He looked down at her, but only saw her side face, Nangong Haoling's arm, carefully protecting her abdomen, sitting high on the horse's back, with a high-spirited posture, he raised the black iron sword straight, Pointing at everyone present, "Get out of the way!"


After hearing Nangong Haoling's words, Yan Yuntao's eyes were filled with shock!

The love of an emperor has always been the weakest!
In the history of Li Kingdom, there has never been any woman, any emperor, who can only be queen with her, and protect her for the rest of her life!
But at this moment, their emperor actually made such a heavy oath in front of everyone!
Standing up tremblingly, he stared deeply at Yuan Xiuyue's ordinary but indifferent face, he couldn't help feeling chills in his heart, his whole body was cold from head to toe!

Today, if she lives, then in the future, his family will have no way out.


Calling Nangong Haoling's name in his mouth, Yan Yuntao raised his steps with difficulty, trembling slightly, and stepped forward step by step.

On the other hand, Nangong Haoling on horseback had a stern face and stared at him coldly.

Finally, standing still in front of Nangong Haoling's horse, Yan Yuntao looked carefully at Yuan Xiuyue.

"The witch is a disaster for the country!"

All of a sudden, Yan Yuntao's eyes turned hard, he grabbed the long sword from the guard around him, and stabbed at Yuan Xiuyue.


In the midst of Ting Lan's screams, there was only a pop, and the sound of a sharp knife piercing into flesh came!
Eyes widened slightly, looking at the resentful Yan Yuntao in front of her, Yuan Xiuyue felt suffocated, and immediately raised her hand to cover her mouth.

"I said, as long as I have breath, I won't let her die before me!" Nangong Haoling sighed coldly as he stared at Yan Yuntao, who was wide-eyed, and slowly, The black iron sword in his hand was pulled away from Yan Yuntao...


Blood gushed out of his mouth in an instant, and as Nangong Haoling pulled the long sword away, Yan Yuntao's body slowly fell down.

Yesterday, he listened to the words of others, put the country and the country as the most important thing, and did what he did today.

But never dreamed that he would end up in such a tragic end at this moment.

He is unwilling to die!

With a cry, seeing his father go to death like this, Yan Gang cried out in grief!
"Anyone...don't try to challenge my bottom line!"

There was no warmth in the voice, and there was no warmth in the expression on the face. Nangong Haoling dropped the long sword in his hand, let the blood on the sword fall to the ground drop by drop, and then ordered to the dark cloud in a deep voice: "Pass my will, Today, all the ministers who make troubles will be dismissed and investigated, Yan Gang is the same! The imperial army is the same, and all the people in the world who are enemies of the queen are also the same!"

If so, at the end of the sentence, he let out a long sigh in his heart, then tightened the reins of the horse, turned the horse around, and then hugged Yuan Xiuyue tightly, his legs clamped the horse's belly, and galloped towards the outskirts sideways.

"Your Majesty, where are you going?"

Seeing that Nangong Haoling did not bring her into the palace, but was running towards the suburbs, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help turning her head and looking up at his handsome face.


The warm breath was blowing on Yuan Xiuyue's forehead, fearing that her body would not be able to bear it and it would affect the fetus in her womb. After running a certain distance, Nangong Haoling asked her to sit sideways on her lap, and immediately He drove forward again, running aimlessly forward: "You, me, and our children... let's run away!"

(End of this chapter)

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