Chapter 212 As long as I am there 5
Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's mind suddenly went blank.

The wind was still in her ears, his warm breath was so real, but she suddenly felt that she was dreaming!

A beautiful, only theirs, free dream!
In just a split second, the emotions that had been accumulated in her heart for a long time surged up and rushed straight into her mind, making her unable to hold back tears, but no matter what, she couldn't stop it anymore!
Tears of joy and tears kept rolling down from the corners of his eyes.

She stretched out her upper arm, tightly hugged his waist, wiped all her tears on his front, and murmured in a buzzing voice: "We fled to the ends of the earth, and we will never return here!"

"it is good!"

It was just a faint word, but it revealed incomparable firmness, Nangong Haoling kissed her forehead lightly, and led him all the way forward!
Quietly, without saying another word, Yuan Xiuyue just leaned in his arms and let him lead her farther and farther!

Her father is a traitor!

And she is the daughter of a rebellious minister.

At this moment, more than anyone else, she wants to escape from the palace, the capital, and everything here, but she can't, because he is here, her heart is here, no matter how far she escapes, she is still here...

But now, he said he would run away with her!

As smart as she is, how could she not know that although he said he wanted to escape, there was an invisible shackle on his body, which had been tightly entwining him, making it impossible for him to escape!

However, even if she couldn't, she just heard him say that, and she already felt that with his words and the peace at this moment, this life is enough!
The sound of the wind whizzed by. Once upon a time, Yuan Xiuyue saw An Yun and the others chasing after him from a distance through the gap between Nangong Haoling's arms, but even so, Nangong Haoling never let the horse stop.

Until she could no longer see the figure behind her...

After an unknown amount of time, the farmland was no longer there, and they came to a cliff with no way to go. The horses that were galloping all the way finally slowed down.

Tightening the reins, Nangong Haoling hugged her tightly, looked at the great rivers and mountains in front of him, and let out a long sigh!

Originally, Yuan Xiuyue was nestled in his arms, and she took pleasure in listening to his steady heartbeat, but when she heard his sigh, she couldn't help but sighed too!

Holding her arm tightly, tightening it again, he gently kissed her temples, and said with deep self-reproach: "Yue'er, I'm sorry!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue frowned lightly, shook her head and said, "You have nothing to do to me!"

"I have!"

With a deep and deep voice, Nangong Haoling stared at him with lowered eyebrows, and there was a trace of fear in his deep eyes: "Just now, if I come a little later, you might be hurt by them, maybe..."

She reached out her hand suddenly, covered his lips, and cut off all the words of self-blame that he hadn't said yet. Yuan Xiuyue stared at him with sparkles in her eyes: "I'm fine now, everything is fine!"

"Fortunately, everything is fine with you!"

With gentle and deep eyes, Nangong Haoling bent his lips and smiled, and couldn't help but leaned over to kiss her lips.

On the cliff, the breeze is gentle and the mountain scenery is beautiful.

On the horse's back, Yuan Xiuyue and Nangong Haoling were in silhouette, hugging each other closely.

After a long kiss, the two of them sat hugging each other, looking up at the beautiful scenery of the mountains.

This kind of time without other people is peaceful and beautiful, and it is also something neither of the two can bear to break.

Therefore, they sat like this for a long time, until the sunset, looking at the beautiful scenery of the setting sun and the burning clouds, Yuan Xiuyue sighed reluctantly, and murmured in a low voice: "Your Majesty, we should go back! "

No matter how much they don't want to go back to face those court battles, they will always go back.

He couldn't give up the world for her.

And their freedom is only for this short half day!

Sensing Yuan Xiuyue's loss, Nangong Haoling embraced her body, sucking steam in her ear: "I've only been out for half a day, are you willing to go back?"

"Why don't you give up?"

Trying to let herself take a deep breath, she stared deeply at the sunset, Yuan Xiuyue pursed her lips slightly, making herself look in a good mood: "Let's go!"

Seeing her forced laughter, Nangong Haoling couldn't help sighing in his heart!
Without making a sound, he tightened the reins, turned the horse's head, and let the horse walk slowly down the mountain.


Seeing his speed, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help frowning and said with a smile: "It was so fast when you came here, but it's so slow now, are you planning to let us two sleep in the wilderness tonight?"

"Now that you are pregnant, how can you keep bumping on horseback?" Nangong Haoling said as she kissed Yuan Xiuyue's forehead lightly. Seeing Yuan Xiuyue's frown tightened, she knew that she would have to go at the same speed as when he came this afternoon. Rebutting to himself, he smiled and raised his chin: "Furthermore, I regard you as a treasure, so why would I let you sleep in the wilderness?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyes slightly and looked forward.

Seeing that there were a few private houses sparsely located on the mountainside, she couldn't help showing surprise, and turned to look at him: "So many things happened outside the city today, and the important ministers in the court will definitely intervene. Now you and I are like this." Regardless of running out regardless, the palace will definitely be in chaos, why don't you go back to the palace tonight..."

"Why can't I?"

This sentence was so straightforward, Nangong Haoling stopped the horse in front of the private house, put Yuan Xiuyue on the horse's back, then got off the horse, and then hugged her down: "Those old men, if they want to make me submit, they will definitely find the king in the previous court." Brother, after going to the harem to ask for my mother, anyway, even if I am in the palace tonight, they will not come forward to find bad luck!"

Hearing his words, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but remain silent.

In Li Palace, only two people talk, and Nangong Haoling can listen.

Among them, one is the virtuous king Nangong Haoyuan, and the other is the Empress Dowager Zhong.

Now all the ministers in the court are forcing him to give her to death again and again, what he did today is really frightening.

No need to think about it, Yan Yuntao is actually a scapegoat, and the person behind him who controls everything will definitely put pressure on the virtuous king in the previous court, and ask the queen mother to come forward in the harem.

In a word, after today's incident, they dare not say anything more to Nangong Haoling, but let King Xian and Empress Dowager Zhong put pressure on him together!
It was night, but Nangong Haoling did not return to the palace in the end.

He took Yuan Xiuyue, in the name of husband and wife, only to go out for fun, lost his way too late, and stayed in a homestay, and exchanged a sumptuous dinner for him with an excellent reward.

The days in the mountains are as plain as water.

After dinner, the hostess wentssiping for a while, then got up and went back to sleep.

And Yuan Xiuyue and Nangong Haoling lived in a room in the west.

After entering the room, Nangong Haoling asked Yuan Xiuyue to sit on the kang, kissed her softly, and said mysteriously, "You wait here for me!"

"Where are you going?" Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly when she saw Nangong Haoling turned and walked out, not knowing what he was going to do, and couldn't help asking.

Hearing the sound, Nangong Haoling smiled lightly and said, "You'll find out later!"

When the words fell, he turned around with a smile and left the room.

Not long after, he came in again, holding a water basin in his hand.

Seeing her coming in with a water basin, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help being slightly taken aback, with a look of surprise on her face!

"Here we come..." The corners of his lips curled up slightly, and he put the water basin under Yuan Xiuyue's feet. He smiled and raised his eyes, which were warm and full of affection: "Madam, the journey must have been very hard these days. It is good for your health to come and wash your wife's feet for your husband!"


For a moment, Yuan Xiuyue just stared blankly at Nangong Haoling who was squatting in front of her, and Yuan Xiuyue's heart was surging!
He is the emperor!
It's the Ninth Five-Year Lord who is always on top!
But at this moment, he wanted, wanted... to wash her feet!
The corners of her lips were slightly hooked, but she didn't raise them yet. Yuan Xiuyue only felt that her eyes were full of mist!

Suddenly, Nangong Haoling had already taken off her shoes and socks, carefully soaked her feet in the water basin, and rubbed her feet carefully but clumsily.

Looking up at her, Nangong Haoling got up and kissed the corners of her eyes lightly, and said in a low voice, "Silly girl, cry again! You are crying so hard now, and you will have a lifetime to spare in the future." , if your eyes were blinded from crying a long time ago, how can you still see your handsome husband?"

"I do not cry!"

Taking a deep breath, reaching out to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes, Yuan Xiuyue nodded lightly: "I will be able to see your face clearly when your hair is full of silver!"

"now it's right!"

Nodding with a smile, Nangong Haoling squatted down again, ready to continue washing her feet.

However, just as he put his hand into the water basin, he heard a low voice from the dark cloud outside the house: "Your Majesty!"

Hearing the sound, Nangong Haoling couldn't help feeling a little headache!
He has regrets now, why did he train Shadow so lingeringly in the first place!

Raising his eyes slightly, he smiled at Yuan Xiuyue, he didn't intend to pay attention to the dark clouds outside the window, but continued to rub her small and fair feet.

Outside the window, seeing Nangong Haoling's delay in responding, and the dark cloud suffocating for a moment, he couldn't help saying again with a heavy expression: "Your Majesty, all the ministers in the court knelt down and begged the Empress Dowager. Dead General..."

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's complexion suddenly changed!
Looking at Nangong Haoling's eyes, she was a little nervous. She was about to ask a question when she heard An Yun's voice coming from outside the window again: "The Empress Dowager has already agreed to this matter under pressure. , I have already taken poisoned wine..."

(End of this chapter)

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