Chapter 213 Only Me 1
An Yun's words were like a sharp knife, piercing through Yuan Xiuyue's heart in an instant, causing her to feel both shock and pain in her heart, and her hand on the kang also tightened suddenly: "Your Majesty, I want to go back to the palace, so go back now!"

elder brother……

her brother...

As the saying goes, care can lead to chaos!
Therefore, after listening to An Yun's words at this moment, no matter how clear-headed she is, she is no longer able to unravel like before!

"Things shouldn't be so bad, Yue'er, please don't get excited!" Holding Yuan Xiuyue's clenched hands with watery hands, Nangong Haoling's face darkened, and then he got up and sat beside Yuan Xiuyue, hugging her In his arms, he shouted at An Yun who was standing outside the door: "Get out with me!"

Hearing the sound, the expression of the dark cloud outside the house changed slightly, but only for a moment, he frowned, pushed open the door, and stepped into the house.

Inside the house, the oil lamps were burning, and the light was not too dim.

"My subordinates see the emperor, see the empress!" As soon as he entered the room, An Yun gave Nangong Haoling and Yuan Xiuyue a condescending respect, then turned to the outside, and whispered: "Auntie Biqiu, please come in!"

Hearing An Yun calling Aunt Bi Qiu, Nangong Haoling and Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help being startled!
While they were in a daze, Bi Qiu entered from outside the door.

Seeing the two hugging and sitting in front of the bed, she stepped forward to bless her body with lowered eyebrows and narrowed eyes: "Your maidservant sees the emperor, sees the empress!"

Bi Qiu, who is called Aunt Bi Qiu, is the most trusted person around the Empress Dowager.

At this moment, if she appeared here, she should have come here under the order of the Empress Dowager, and what she brought should also be the latest news from the palace.

As An Yun said just now, she should have told An Yun about Yuan Wende's drinking of poisoned wine!
"My aunt is free!"

Nangong Haoling immediately asked Biqiu to excuse him, "How is the situation in the palace now?"

"not good!"

Saying these two words calmly, Bi Qiu lowered his eyebrows and stared at his toes: "The emperor killed Yan Yuntao today, and all the ministers who caused trouble will be dismissed and investigated. However, there are too many people. There was news from the palace that some of Zuo Peng and other chief ministers had gone to the mansion of the virtuous king, and some still knelt quietly in the palace, begging the empress dowager to come forward..."

"Then..." Concerned about her elder brother's safety, Yuan Xiuyue looked at her with lowered eyebrows, frowned and asked softly, "Auntie, my brother, is there..."

"The general did drink alcohol, but it wasn't poisonous alcohol!" Finally, she raised her eyes to look at Yuan Xiuyue, and when she saw Yuan Xiuyue's snow-white face, Bi Qiu was startled, and gave her a reassuring smile, and she again He lowered his head and sighed: "The empress dowager said that the emperor and the empress will return to Beijing immediately only if the slaves talk to the emperor and the empress like this! But the slaves have the courage to say one more thing here, things are not as the empress thinks, I also ask the Empress to take the dragon heir in her belly as the most important thing!"

This was meant to be said on the way back to the palace between Nangong Haoling and Yuan Xiuyue, but she was really afraid that something would happen to the child in Yuan Xiuyue's womb, so she said it directly.

You know, she knows better than anyone else how important the piece of meat in Yuan Xiuyue's stomach is to her master!
Two sons, one vein!

Hearing Bi Qiu's words, Yuan Xiuyue's high-hanging heart sank secretly, and her color of hope was instantly ignited. She raised her eyes and looked at Nangong Haoling, and couldn't help frowning, crying and laughing for a while!
The Empress Dowager lied to them in such a way that she wanted them to return to the palace as soon as possible.

Now that the situation in the palace is severe, she has no complaints against the Queen Mother!
Most importantly, her brother is fine!
This is the best!
"Since this is the case, Auntie should have said it clearly just now. You know that this person can scare people to death!" The expression on his face was so cold that it was about to freeze. Heaved a sigh of relief, he couldn't help but scolded Bi Qiu in a low voice, then gave An Yun a hard look, and finally sighed softly to Yuan Xiuyue: "You heard it, the mother asked Aunt Bi Qiu to tell you that the matter is not As you think, this also means that your elder brother should be fine at this time!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue bit her lips, frowned and raised her hand, she asked impatiently: "Brother is very skilled in martial arts, those people made him drink poisonous wine, why did he drink it obediently?"

After she asked this question, Bi Qiu couldn't help smiling kindly: "I would like to report to the Empress Dowager, those ministers have been forcing the Empress Dowager to come out and put pressure on the Emperor. Taking another step back, she only said that if the general hanged himself, the Yuan family would not be able to cause trouble in the future, and they would no longer be aggressive towards the queen, so after weighing the pros and cons, the queen mother had to give General Yuan a glass of poisoned wine, and The reason why I am willing to drink it is also because I care about the empress..."

"elder brother……"

After the haze dissipated, Yuan Xiuyue finally felt enlightened, and Yuan Xiuyue sighed softly: "It turns out that what the queen mother gave him was a glass of non-toxic wine..."

"If you go back to your mother, in the eyes of the important officials, the general is dead, and the wine is not poisonous!"

With a peaceful expression, she raised her eyes to meet Yuan Xiuyue's relieved eyes, Bi Qiu smiled wryly, and said: "If there is no reaction on the surface, Prime Minister Zuo and the others will not believe it, but the wine that the general drank was from Concubine Xian I prepared it myself, and it has fooled the important ministers, but it is safe for my life, so the empress can rest assured!"

Knowing that the wine was made by Xuanyuan Tang, why is Yuan Xiuyue worried? !

She breathed a sigh of relief in her heart for a long time, and her thoughts turned slightly, which was indisputable. Thinking of the situation of the queen mother in the palace at the moment, she couldn't help but smiled wryly and turned to look at Nangong Haoling: "Your Majesty, the queen mother has worked hard, How can you bear him being forced by everyone? Let's... go back to the palace!"

In fact, she knew it all along.

When he said that sentence, let's run away, it wasn't true at all.

But no matter what, it was extra happiness for her to hug him and enjoy the scenery and watch the sunset this afternoon.

At this moment, the queen mother is so well-intentioned to protect her relatives.

She also cares about her brother, even if they don't return tonight, she won't sleep well this night!

That imperial palace, and the people in that deep palace, will tie down their hearts after all!

They can't leave, and they can't escape!
Hearing that Yuan Xiuyue was going back to the palace, Nangong Haoling's eyes were deep, and he stared at her eyes shining under the light. Seeing her smiling so bitterly at him, he sighed inwardly, but he could only turn his head to look at Bi Qiu , "My aunt is very capable. Even if she told the truth to the queen, she can still let me and the queen return to Beijing immediately!"

Looking up at Nangong Haoling, but quickly lowering her head again, Bi Qiu said with a wry smile: "This servant has no skills, this servant is just telling the truth, the empress is like this only because of her filial piety to the empress!"

Uncompromising about Bi Qiu's words, Nangong Haoling smiled wryly, and hugged Yuan Xiuyue in his arms, "How did Aunt Bi Qiu get here?"

Comprehending the Holy Will, Bi Qiu replied: "The servants are coming in a carriage!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling didn't say much anymore, and went out with Yuan Xiuyue in his arms.

At this moment, the farmer who had just fallen asleep had already got up, and was tremblingly lying in front of the door.

Seeing Nangong Haoling coming out with Yuan Xiuyue in his arms, they also tremblingly shouted, "Long live the emperor, a thousand years for the empress!"
Looking at them with lowered eyebrows, Yuan Xiuyue smiled lightly, and looked at Nangong Haoling: "I had a very good dinner tonight!"

"Since the queen said the food is good, let's watch it!"

Smiling warmly at Yuan Xiuyue, Nangong Haoling only had her eyes on her, leaving An Yun to watch and admire her, he hugged her, went straight out of the small courtyard, and boarded the carriage that was already waiting at the door!
The carriage started slowly and headed down the mountain in the night.

In the carriage, embraced by Nangong Haoling, Yuan Xiuyue lifted the curtain lightly, staring at the gray mountain scenery outside the window, speechless for a long time!
Finally, after a long time, seeing that she was too quiet, Nangong Haoling stretched out his hand and pulled her hand holding the curtain, and tucked it into his arms, saying sourly and angrily, "Since you got on the carriage, you Keep looking out, is the scenery outside the window more attractive to you than me?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue blinked lightly.

Seeing her blink, Nangong Haoling blinked too.

Amused by his playful movements, Yuan Xiuyue gave a slight snort, and then burst out laughing.

"Hey, how dare you laugh!" Seeing Yuan Xiuyue laughing, Nangong Haoling couldn't help making a gesture to tickle her!

"Okay, okay, I won't laugh anymore!" Before he could scratch her itchy spot, Yuan Xiuyue surrendered and put her arms around his neck, she smiled and kissed his lips lightly, "Your Majesty, I found you Now I am getting more and more stingy, and I will eat the jealousy of these floating things!"

"I do not care!"

Hugging her lightly, shaking her body slightly, Nangong Haoling kissed her lips domineeringly, and said in a deep voice: "In the future, you will only have me in your eyes."

"it is good!"

Panting to avoid his domineering kiss, Yuan Xiuyue nodded with a smile, with a hint of sweetness in her heart, raised her hands to hold his handsome face, she frowned and said: "I hope that the king's heart is the same as the concubine's heart!"

"The king's heart should be the same as the concubine's heart!" Nangong Haoling's eyes flickered as she stared at her, as if telling herself, and she was also saying to Yuan Xiuyue: "In this life, I have you in my heart, and I only have you in my eyes. There will be you!"

Hearing his words in a solemn tone, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but smile.

Staring at her smile, unexpectedly felt that she was so beautiful, Nangong Haoling bent over and wanted to kiss her lips again.

But, just as his lips were about to cover hers.

Yuan Xiuyue tilted her head slightly, and rested her head on his shoulder: "Your Majesty, I'm tired after a day of tossing..."

Pursing his lips in a daze, Nangong Haoling suppressed the desire for her in his heart, and then sighed helplessly: "I'm tired, so I'll sleep for a while, and I'll wake you up when I get to the palace!"

(End of this chapter)

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