Chapter 214 Only Me 2

In response, Yuan Xiuyue narrowed her eyes and whispered in his ear: "Physician Wang said that my health is not good, and it would be a blessing if the child can be saved. Before three months of pregnancy... no !"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's heart tightened, and the arms holding her also tightened a bit.


For their child, no matter how much he wanted her, he had to endure it first!

After a while, Yuan Xiuyue murmured again: "Ling, when you arrive at the palace, you must remember to wake me up, I want to go to the queen mother's palace to see my brother."

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling couldn't help stroking her soft white hair with some distress: "Tonight is too late. If you are pregnant, you should go to bed early and get up early. Your brother is fine. You can go to see him tomorrow, and it will be the same."


With a weak voice, Yuan Xiuyue slowly closed her eyes: "Then tomorrow morning, when you go to court..."

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling couldn't help frowning.

Fourth watch, he thought it was too early!

At about three o'clock, the gates of the palace opened wide, and the carriage that Nangong Haoling and Yuan Xiuyue were riding in slowly drove into the palace.

In the carriage, although his arm was already numb from the pillow, Nangong Haoling didn't feel tired at all while staring at Yuan Xiuyue's peaceful and sweet sleeping face, and had no intention of moving his arm away.

Not long after, the carriage stopped slowly.

Only a moment later, Ji Heng's voice sounded from outside the car: "My servant respectfully invites the emperor to be safe, and the queen's empress to be safe, please get off the car!"

"Ji Heng!"

With a low voice, Nangong Haoling lifted the car window, glanced at the plaque above Yexi Palace glowing in the moonlight, frowned and said, "The Empress is fast asleep, don't make any noise, just open the car door and yes!"

Hearing this, Ji Heng nodded slightly, and opened the car door as ordered without saying a word.

When the door opened, Aunt Bi Qiu, who was already waiting outside the car, hurried forward and covered Yuan Xiuyue with the cloak she had prepared, and when everything was ready, Nangong Haoling personally carried Yuan Xiuyue and stepped out of the carriage.

It seemed that the cool night wind disturbed Qingmeng, Yuan Xiuyue let out a groan, and couldn't help but slipped into Nangong Haoling's arms again!

Seeing her lazy appearance like a kitten, Nangong Haoling smiled lightly, hugged her and walked up the stairs step by step.

Finally, after climbing the last stone steps, Nangong Haoling breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to step in, but saw a person in a white dress in front of the gate of Yexi Palace, accompanied by the light of the red cage, quietly Kneel there!

Seeing this, Nangong Haoling's eyes narrowed slightly!
From a distance, looking at the beautiful figure kneeling outside the gate of Yexi Palace, Ji Heng couldn't help but stepped forward, a little embarrassed and said to Nangong Haoling: "Your Majesty, Yu Meiren has been kneeling here since noon today, and she won't eat anything." Don’t drink, it’s been several hours.”

When Ji Heng finished speaking, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly.

Seeing her like this, Nangong Haoling was silent for a moment, and only when her breathing became steady again, he coldly glanced over Yu Xiuzhi, and then said coldly to Ji Heng: "If she wants to kneel, let her kneel. "

As the words fell, his eyes turned cold, and he quickly walked towards Yexi Palace with Yuan Xiuyue in his arms.

Hearing his steady footsteps, Yu Xiuzhi looked back slightly.


Seeing Nangong Haoling come back with Yuan Xiuyue in his arms, her eyes flickered, and she immediately knelt in front of her, reaching out to grab his robe!
Turning around suddenly, dodging Yu Xiuzhi's hand that was about to grab her robe, causing her to fall to the ground because of flying into the air, Nangong Haoling warned coldly: "Yu Xiuzhi, if you wake up the queen, I will never Forgive you!"

"Emperor... Your Majesty!"

Seeing Nangong Haoling treat her like this, Yu Xiuzhi's already haggard face glistened in her apricot eyes, and tears slid down the corners of her eyes onto her dry and cracked lips. She stared complicatedly at Yuan Xiuyue in his arms, tightly Biting her lips and kneeling on the ground: "I know I'm wrong!"

"Don't you think it's too late for you to know?"

Seeing Yu Xiuzhi's delicate face with tears hanging down his eyelashes, Nangong Haoling couldn't help showing a trace of pity on his face. He smiled coldly, snorted at Yu Xiuzhi, and carried Yuan Xiuyue all the way in.


Fell on the ground, her legs were in excruciating pain from kneeling for a long time, Yu Xiuzhi gritted her teeth secretly, and a ruthless look flashed in her eyes.

The Yexi Palace is still the same as before, except that there are many more koi in the Yexi where Yuan Xiuyue threw the fry earlier.

Following Yexi all the way to the dormitory, Nangong Haoling lowered his eyes to look at Yuan Xiuyue in his arms.

Seeing that her eyelashes were trembling slightly, but her eyes were still tightly closed, he curled his thin lips lightly, and ordered to Ji Heng and the others behind him: "I don't need you to serve me here, you should step back first!"


With a soft response, Ji Heng waved to everyone, and then retreated to the dormitory together.

When the door of the sleeping hall was closed, the slightly curved corners of Nangong Haoling's lips couldn't help but deepen a little. He walked up to the dragon couch, and gently placed Yuan Xiuyue in his arms on the dragon couch, leaned over and kissed her deeply lips, and reached into her lapel.


With a groan, she opened her lips to meet his kiss, but her small hand grasped his big hand accurately. Yuan Xiuyue put her other arm around his waist, turned over and pressed him under her body, and finally opened her eyes slowly, with broken stars in her eyes. Shiningly looked at his handsome face: "Your Majesty, you have to understand, I'm so emotional at the moment, I don't allow you to find other women, you are the only one who suffers!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling couldn't help showing a wry smile on his handsome face.

Raising his hand to caress her slightly pale face, he murmured softly: "Silly woman, since I have you, why have I ever looked for another woman?"

And the reason why he kissed her was because he knew she was pretending to sleep!
Hearing Nangong Haoling's words, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help smiling lightly.

A little tired, she lay sideways in Nangong Haoling's arms, frowning lightly, and asked suspiciously in her heart: "Is Yu Meiren the one who was outside the palace just now?"

Although she never opened her eyes, she could hear the voice clearly. Just now outside Yexi Palace, it was Yu Xiuzhi who stopped Nangong Haoling from admitting his mistake!
It's just that she didn't understand why she would kneel outside the Yexi Palace at this moment, waiting to confess her mistakes to Nangong Haoling and make amends? !

Hearing Yuan Xiuyue ask about Yu Xiuzhi, Nangong Haoling's eyes suddenly darkened!

Seeing that Nangong Haoling remained silent for a while, Yuan Xiuyue frowned and raised her eyes, looking at him with some doubts.

Knowing that she was looking at her, Nangong Haoling raised her eyebrows slightly, slowly closed her eyes and said: "During dinner last night, she came uninvited and asked to have dinner with me, but she was in my soup I took sweat medicine!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's heart trembled, but when she looked at Nangong Hao's eyes, they became much deeper in an instant.

Today, he has been blaming himself for being late.

And she, in order to prevent him from always blaming himself, never asked him why he came late!
At this moment, it was first heard that Yu Xiuzhi had given him the perspiration medicine.

In Yuan Xiuyue's heart, thoughts were chaotic for a while, turning back and forth...

In her perception, Yu Xiuzhi is a clear and pure woman, she shouldn't be like this!
And the reason why she treats her like this is because of her father? !


Gently moving the hand on her shoulder to interrupt her thoughts, Nangong Haoling's voice was cold: "Do you think that the person who will definitely put you to death today is really Yan Yuntao?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but look cold: "Yan Yuntao is just a pedantic scholar, he... is just a dead ghost!"

However, she never expected that the person who was determined to put him to death would be Yu Xiuzhi's father, Prime Minister Zuo - Yu Shen!
But after thinking about it, she couldn't help smiling bitterly.

In today's imperial court, apart from the emperor and the virtuous king, there is no one other than Yu Shen who can make such a big deal!

"His Yan family has indeed been used!"

With deep helplessness in his tone, Nangong Haoling frowned slightly and said, "Do you know why I and the queen mother unanimously decided to choose the queen in the An Guohou's mansion instead of his Yu family?"

Hearing his question, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly, and her thoughts changed slightly: "If the courtiers want to become big, they will definitely bully the lord, but as far as I know, the left minister is a veteran of the three dynasties and has countless disciples. If the emperor handed over the harem to Yu In the hands of the Yuan family, they really have power... The reason why you and the queen mother chose the daughter of the Yuan family as the queen is nothing more than wanting to use the power of the Marquis of An Guo to restrain the left minister and achieve the power in your eyes balance!"

"so smart!"

Like a reward, she kissed Yuan Xiuyue's frowning brows, Nangong Haoling sighed softly and said: "Among the imperial court, the An clan is not the only one with ambitions, the left minister Yu Shen is one of them! Ever since the An clan was suppressed Afterwards, he took advantage of Brother Wang's young age and year-round illness to win over the courtiers secretly, and even wanted his daughter to be in charge of the harem... In the current court, he has already left the An clan, and when he came to me, How could he be allowed to make the Yu family bigger and become the second An family?"

After being silent for a long time, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but smiled bitterly and said: "People say that there are unpredictable things in the sky, and the world is impermanent. Even if the Queen Mother and the Empress want to use the Yuan family to contain the Yu family, in the end they will be dragged down by the Yuan family and by me. , fell to the point of being aggressive by the Yu family today!"

"I can't blame you for this!"

Sighing slightly, Nangong Haoling patted her on the back, "It's late at night, go to bed quickly, when you wake up, you still have to go and greet your mother!"

Looking up at him, Yuan Xiuyue pursed her lips tightly, "If I ask the last question, I will definitely sleep well!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling couldn't help pulling his thin lips lightly, tapped Yuan Xiuyue's forehead with his index finger, and said with a fond smile, "How many problems are there in your little head?"

"a lot of!"

Smiling lightly, but the smile didn't reach the corner of her eyes, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes darkened slightly: "Yuan Chenghai...what is his relationship with the An clan?"

(End of this chapter)

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