Chapter 215 Only Me 3
That man was her father, but she felt that he was not worthy to be her father at all.

If not for him.

Today, she and her brother will not fall to such a floor.

And what she was curious about was what the An clan had given him to make her abandon her children, and would rather be with the An clan regardless of the serious crime of treason!
Probably, Yuan Xiuyue had already expected that Yuan Xiuyue would ask this question. Nangong Haoling's face was serious, and when she looked at her, she was as gentle as before: "I can only tell you that Yuan Chenghai and Empress Dowager An have already had a relationship when they were young. For the rest, you should ask him yourself when our army wins a great victory!"

Hearing Nangong Haoling's words, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes dimmed, and her heart was full of thoughts.

Looking down at her, Nangong Haoling gently caressed her soft long hair, "Woman, at the fourth watch, I'm going to court to settle the accounts with those old men, you Can you sleep with me for a while?"

Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but smile when she heard the previous accounts were settled!
It seems that he is always so stingy and likes to settle everything with others!

Staring at the tired look on Nangong Hao Lingjun's face, she bent her lips lightly, sighed softly, reached out to caress his eyes, covered his eyes with her palms, and closed them in his arms: " When I wake up, the emperor should also go to court!"

The corners of her lips were slightly hooked and her eyes were closed, Nangong Haoling whispered in her ear: "After I face down, I will come back to accompany you!"


Yuan Xiuyue's body was already weak, and after a day and a night of tossing, she finally fell asleep on the extremely comfortable dragon couch.

Although, her hand always covered Nangong Haoling's eyes, but even so, he never fell asleep again.

After a long time, knowing that she had fallen into a deep sleep, Nangong Haoling gently raised his hand, and gently took down the catkin that covered him over his eyes but never let go.

In his hand, holding her soft and boneless little hand, following the slightly dim light in the dormitory, he stared deeply at her peaceful sleeping face, and finally a satisfied and gentle smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

He turned slightly and put his ear close to her abdomen. Although he couldn't hear what he was listening to, the smile on his face deepened.

In this way, he maintained this posture for a long time, and he never moved.

Until, Ji Heng's voice came from outside the bedroom: "Your Majesty, it's the fourth watch, you should get up!"

Hearing the sound, the smile on Nangong Haoling's face froze slightly!
"My Yue'er, you and the child are waiting for me here, and I will fight a way out for you mother and child!" The voice was low, but with indescribable firmness, the smile in Nangong Haoling's eyes disappeared and replaced it. Yes, with a bit of coldness, he reluctantly let go of Yuan Xiuyue's hand, his face darkened, he turned around, and strode out.

When he turned around, Yuan Xiuyue's eyelashes trembled slightly, and when she slowly opened them, looking at Nangong Haoling's Fenglang back who left high-spiritedly, she stretched out her hand to caress her lower abdomen with slightly warm eyes : "Son, have you seen it? Your father, the emperor, treats you and us so kindly. You little thing... is happier than the queen mother."

On the fourth watch day of August, it is slightly cool and full of autumn.

Far away, hidden in the flower garden of the Night Raiding Palace and the Qianqian Dynasty, Yan Ruxue's green hair was scattered, her face was graceful, her eyes were tightly locked on the spacious palace road not far away, for fear of missing the one she wanted most. landscape.


When autumn came, she shivered all over, and then she frowned, and couldn't help but sneezed!

"The weather is not the same as spring and summer. It's really cold. Ma'am, why did you come here to suffer from the cold?" Tweety grumbled in pain for the master, but the movements of her hands were unsteady. Stop, when the words fell, she had already put a snow-colored cloak on Concubine Yan.

"I'm fine!"

Smiling lightly, she shook her head at Tweety, motioning her to keep her voice down, Yan Ruxue once again looked at the official road, and finally caught a glimpse of the bright yellow that she most hoped to see!
Due to the hot weather during the day, the dragon chariot that Nangong Haoling was riding on was still not decorated with curtains, so that Concubine Yan could just see Nangong Haoling's handsome face.

"The emperor has lost weight!" In the cold morning light, staring deeply at the handsome but stern man on the dragon chariot, the corners of Yan Ruxue's lips curled slightly, but there was a deep bitterness in it.

She entered the palace at the age of 14, and began to be favored by the emperor at the age of 15.

Fast forward six years now, but she can still clearly remember the scene when she met him in the Royal Garden.

At that time, when his new emperor ascended the throne, he was in high spirits.

And she, who had just entered the palace, was apprehensive about things in the palace, and she happened to pass by the imperial garden once in a while, and unexpectedly ran into him unexpectedly.

She will never forget.

At that time, when she saluted him, he stretched out his soft white and long hand to her.

Also, she will never forget the magnificent smile that she inadvertently glimpsed on his face when she raised her eyes.

In countless midnight dreams, she still remembered that smiling face and those smiling eyes, and she couldn't forget the warmth that he gave her from his hands, but... it was him who made her deeply infatuated like this, but... Yesterday, in front of her, for another woman, I swear to heaven!

No one knew that the black iron sword he held high at that time seemed to have pierced into her chest, causing her heart to shatter into pieces in an instant, and finally turned into powder!
For a long time, from a distance, watching the dragon chariot pass by the palace road and never seeing her again, Cui'er looked back at Yan Ruxue, saw that the corners of her lips had been slightly curled up in a daze, she couldn't help but frowned: "Your Majesty, the emperor's chariot has gone far, we should go back too!"

Suddenly regaining consciousness, looking at Tweety beside her, Yan Ruxue smiled lightly!
"Yeah, we should go back." In her slender hands, a clear white porcelain bottle was held tightly. She glanced at Tweety, then turned and walked slowly towards the Moju Pavilion.

"Servant help you!"

Stretching out her hand to hold Yan Ruxue's arm, Cui'er lowered her eyebrows and caught a glimpse of the medicine bottle in Yan Ruxue's hand, Cui'er couldn't help asking: "Your Majesty, at the foot of Weishan Mountain that day, Yue Huang gave it to Your Majesty, what should I do?" Wouldn't it be poisonous too?"

That day, when they were waiting for Yuan Xiuyue's guard of honor in Weishan, they saw the guard of honor of Nanyue passing by first.

At that time, when Yan Ruxue came forward to inquire, Emperor Yue sent someone to bring her another medicine bottle.

This medicine bottle is the one she is holding in her hand at the moment, but Cui'er is afraid that what is contained in this medicine bottle will be the same as the previous medicine bottle, it will be poison!

"Is it poison, I will know if I try it?"

Smiling lightly, she uncorked the bottle from the porcelain bottle, and was surprised to hear a strange fragrance escaping from the mouth of the bottle. Yan Ruxue smiled lightly, and then put the cork back on again, "Just this one fragrance is unparalleled in the world. The medicine... will never be fake!"


The light in her eyes brightened slightly, and Cui'er hurriedly asked: "Your Majesty, at this moment, do you want to follow Yue Huang's order and find a chance for the empress to take this medicine?"

"Tweety, there are some things to keep in your heart and not to say!" She glanced at Tweety lightly, Yan Ruxue showed no anger on her face, and the faint smile on her lips couldn't help but deepen.

Her eyes were sparkling, but she was a little cold, she raised her head and sighed, and walked slowly towards her bedroom...

If this medicine is given to the empress, the cheap one will be the Yue King, but... what if the emperor takes it?

The arc of smile on her lips became brighter and more perfect, but suddenly, Yan Ruxue's heart seemed to come alive again, just like that, it kept beating and beating for the man she loved, until she Until I can't jump anymore...

When the east was bright, Ting Lan and several other palace servants prepared hot water and breakfast, and entered the bedroom of Yexi Palace.

At this time, Yuan Xiuyue had already got up.

Seeing Ting Lan coming in, she hurriedly ordered Ting Lan to wash with herself, because she would vomit badly after eating every morning, so she said that she didn't have lunch for now, and went to Funing Palace to meet the Queen Mother first.

Ting Lan has been by her side since she was a child, how could she not know that although Yuan Xiuyue said she was going to see the Queen Mother, she was actually concerned about Yuan Wende.

Therefore, upon receiving Yuan Xiuyue's order, she did not neglect her in the slightest, and took the initiative to wait for her to change her clothes and wash her hands.

When everything was ready, Yuan Xiuyue smiled lightly, turned around and was about to go out.

At this moment, the eunuch's singing voice came from outside the palace: "The Empress Dowager is here!"

Hearing the sound, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes flashed, and she hurriedly took Ting Lan out to greet her.

In front of the gate of the inner hall, seeing the Empress Dowager Zhong being supported by Biqiu Xuanyuantang and coming slowly, Yuan Xiuyue raised the corners of her lips slightly, and bowed her head to her and said: "My son sees the mother, the mother is blessed and Jin'an !"

"Get up quickly!"

A few steps forward, reaching out to hold Yuan Xiuyue's arms, the Empress Dowager Zhong lifted her up slightly, then looked at her lovingly and smiled: "Now you are the most noble person in this palace. The common etiquette will be waived first!"

"My son thanked my mother!"

Smiling and raising her eyes, she met Xuanyuantang's admiring eyes in the air. Yuan Xiuyue's heart froze slightly, and she didn't have time to pay attention to the look in Xuanyuantang's eyes.


Frowning in displeasure, Empress Dowager Zhong winked at Xuanyuantang beside her, Xuanyuantang understood, and quickly reached out to hold Yuan Xiuyue's arm, frowning tightly and said: "The more the empress said, the empress's body is so precious, why is the empress Still kneeling endlessly?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue smiled lightly, and looked at the queen mother gratefully: "I have already heard Aunt Bi Qiu talk about what happened last night, and my kneeling is to thank the queen mother for my brother's life!"

(End of this chapter)

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