Chapter 216 Only Me 4
"Aijia understands what you mean!"

She took Yuan Xiuyue's hand affectionately, and Empress Dowager Zhong saluted with her, until she sat down again in front of the phoenix couch, she raised her eyes and smiled at Xuanyuan Tang: "But the way to make your elder brother drink poisonous wine is not the idea of ​​Aijia of."

Since the queen mother acted like this, Yuan Xiuyue naturally understood the meaning of her words.

Slightly raising her eyes, facing Xuanyuantang's smiling eyes, she frowned with infinite gratitude and said softly: "I thank the emperor's sister-in-law for this!"

"Just a little thing!"

Smiling at Yuan Xiuyue, Xuanyuantang said lightly, "If the empress wants to thank you, how about thanking you after seeing your elder brother?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes did not change, and a gleam of joy appeared on her face.

Knowing that her elder brother is already a dead person in the eyes of everyone and will never be brought here, she turned to face the Queen Mother, and said softly: "At this moment, my son will go to Funing Palace with the Queen Mother!"

"Don't worry! Your elder brother attracted the wine yesterday, which can help you sleep. Now he is resting in Funing Palace, and he won't be able to wake up until later. You are different now, so don't move around anymore!" Smiled at Yuan Xiuyue Shaking her head, Empress Dowager Zhong was still holding her hand. Seeing that the breakfast served by the palace people had not been touched, she raised her brows, and then laughed softly: "The Ai family just wanted to come over to see you today." , I didn’t even use it for breakfast!”

Thinking of eating, Yuan Xiuyue started to have a headache.

But at this moment, since the Empress Dowager Zhong said that she hadn't eaten, she had no choice but to risk her life to accompany the Empress Dowager.

"Since the queen mother hasn't eaten yet, let's eat it with my son!" With a shallow smile on her brows, she smiled and said to Ting Lan: "Put the breakfast in the side hall, and I want to eat with the empress dowager." !"

"The slaves obey!"

Blessing her body lightly, Ting Lan led a kind of palace man to put the breakfast in the side hall, then returned to the bedroom again, and said to the Empress Dowager Zhong and Yuan Xiuyue with a little blessing: "Please move the empress dowager and empress dowager to the side hall. meal!"


Slightly nodding, Empress Dowager Zhong took Yuan Xiuyue with one hand, and extended her other hand to Xuanyuantang, and her two daughters-in-law walked into the side hall with the support of her two daughters-in-law.

Now, Yuan Xiuyue is pregnant.

Her breakfast is naturally complete with various delicacies.

But since she sat at the dining table, the Empress Dowager Zhong ate very well, but whenever Yuan Xiuyue smelled the food, she always felt a hot breath in her chest and wanted to vomit every time!
Seeing her like this, Empress Dowager Zhong frowned, and looked at Yuan Xiuyue with distress: "The Ai family only wanted to let you eat, but they forgot about this incident. The Ai family is also a person who has experienced this kind of pain. Taste, if you are feeling uncomfortable right now, don't bear it."


With Empress Dowager Zhong's words, Yuan Xiuyue really didn't hold back anymore.

After she retched, she quickly covered her mouth and left the side hall.

There was the first time, and then there was the second time. In the following long period of time, Yuan Xiuyue went in and out of the side hall three or four times to have a good breakfast. Lost appetite.

Finally, after she retched once, the Empress Dowager Zhong put down her chopsticks and told Ting Lan: "The Ai family has figured it out, the Empress can't smell the food now, if that's the case, go and exchange it with her. Make some porridge to drink!"

Hearing this, Ting Lan's expression turned serious, and she hurriedly said: "Young maidservant, let's go now!"

When Ting Lan was ordered to leave, Empress Dowager Zhong got up supported by Bi Qiu, and walked back to the bedroom with Xuanyuantang and Yuan Xiuyue.

Supporting the Empress Dowager Zhong, Xuanyuantang and Yuan Xiuyue to sit in front of the Eight Immortals Table, Bi Qiu raised her eyes slightly, and seeing her master's slightly squinted eyes were fixed on Yuan Xiuyue, she couldn't help but smiled and said: "The Empress Dowager, the servant girl looks at the Queen Mother You must be a prince!"


With a soft sound, Empress Dowager Zhong's eyes flashed with brilliance, and she turned to look at Bi Qiu, "How do you know?"

After the queen mother asked such a question, Yuan Xiuyue and Xuanyuantang's eyes also focused on Bi Qiu, only waiting for her reply.

Seeing that the eyes of the three people were all focused on her, Bi Qiu couldn't help laughing: "When the empress dowager was pregnant with the emperor and His Royal Highness, she also reacted like the empress dowager now. She couldn't smell the smell of food, otherwise I'm going to vomit!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly, she wanted to say that every pregnant woman reacts differently.

But seeing Empress Dowager Zhong narrowing her eyes with a smile on her face, she sighed secretly in her heart, then smiled too, and swallowed all the words on her lips.

The child in her womb has not yet been born, so does she know the gender?
In the dormitory, the laughter continued.

The face of Concubine Xuanyuantang of Only Xian showed a slight look of silence.

Looking at the smiling faces of the Empress Dowager and Yuan Xiuyue with gentle eyes, she raised her eyebrows lightly, and stood up from her seat: "Mother, my son, go over now and see if General Yuan is awake!"

"it is good!"

Nodding lightly, Empress Dowager Zhong said: "You go!"

"My son retire!"

Slightly bowing his head, and smiling at Empress Dowager Zhong and Yuan Xiuyue, Xuanyuantang turned and left the bedroom.

Staring at Xuanyuan Tang's leaving Pin Ting's back, Empress Dowager Zhong frowned lightly, the smile on her face gradually faded, and she sighed helplessly: "This child, you should have something on your mind now!"

Hearing what the Empress Dowager Zhong said, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but also sighed softly!
How could she not know the meaning of Queen Mother Zhong's words? !

Xian Wang, who was murdered by Empress Dowager An back then, is still half-ill. Although his concubine Xuanyuan Tang is a genius doctor, she can't completely cure him. She has been married for many years, and she has never had any children with him. This... has already become her heart disease!
And now that she was pregnant, thinking about it, even though Xuanyuan Tang was smiling just now, she must be feeling sad in her heart!
When Yuan Xiuyue was feeling sad, someone from Funing Palace outside the palace came to report.

Raising her eyes to look at that person, Bi Qiu exited the bedroom calmly.

After a while, Bi Qiu came in from outside the hall and wanted to listen to the Empress Dowager Zhong's ears, and the Empress Dowager Zhong frowned, and put the teacup in her hand on the table: "The empress is not an outsider, if you have anything to say, just say it out." yes!"

Hearing this, Bi Qiu's expression became serious.

Looking up at Yuan Xiuyue, she lowered her eyes and said: "The news just came from the previous court. The emperor killed several people with a red pen in a row in the court hall, except for the two eunuchs who passed on the imperial decree, and Yan Gang, the son of Yan Yuntao. , and several courtiers... a total of 17 people!"

After hearing Bi Qiu's words, Yuan Xiuyue's heart was shaken!

When Nangong Haoling left, he only said that he wanted to fight a way out with her and the child, but he didn't want to really kill her!
Looking at Empress Dowager Zhong again, after hearing the news, she didn't seem to be surprised at all. She sighed lightly, and only said two words from her lips and teeth: "You should be killed!"


Carefully savoring the two words uttered by Empress Dowager Zhong, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but darken her eyes, and sighed bitterly: "Your Majesty is just trying to make an example of others!"

Those people who persecuted her deserved to die, but compared to them, the people behind them were the ones Nangong Haoling should deal with and wanted to deal with the most!

But, now is not the time!

Taking a deep look at Yuan Xiuyue, it was the first time she didn't call her queen. Empress Dowager Zhong stretched out her hand to cover her slender hand on the table, frowned and said softly: "The Ai family knows that you have been wronged, but you have to know, don't say anything now." Your father took refuge in the An clan, they want to treat you like this, they only care about the situation in the world, now the An clan is rebelling, some people even though the Ai family and the emperor hate them deeply, but they still can’t tear their faces with them, and they can’t be moved for the time being!”

Empress Dowager Zhong's words were sincere and sincere, every word she said was the truth, these words were heard by Yuan Xiuyue, and naturally they were very useful!

Therefore, after hearing what she said, Yuan Xiuyue slightly bent her lips, smiled slightly and said: "I understand what the queen mother means."

"You just understand!"

Patting the back of Yuan Xiuyue's hand lightly, the Empress Dowager Zhong looked down at her still flat belly, and sighed softly: "The Ai family has two sons under their knees, but now that Yuan'er and Tang'er are like this, the Ai family can't count on it anymore." The emperor has been on the throne for many years, and the harem has never been happy. Now at this time, this child comes just in time. As long as she is there, Aijia will have an excuse to protect you. Let those rebellious officials and thieves run rampant until the next day. You and I left the country to give birth to an heir, and we will come to Japan just now!"

"Mother, don't worry!" The smile on the corner of her lips rose slightly again, and Yuan Xiuyue stretched out her other hand to cover the back of Empress Dowager Zhong's hand, "I will definitely let my mother hold her grandson next year!"

Hearing this, Empress Dowager Zhong was overjoyed, and when she was happy, she stretched out her hand to wrap Yuan Xiuyue's shoulders, as if she had an extra daughter, and let her lean in her arms.

Because of the sudden intimate action of Empress Dowager Zhong, Yuan Xiuyue's body couldn't help but froze!
At this moment, Lin Sheng trotted in from outside the hall, bowed respectfully in front of the two of them, and said, "Report to the Empress Dowager, Empress Empress, Yu Meiren fainted outside the hall."

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue frowned!
She raised her eyes to look at Queen Mother Zhong, and saw that she was looking at her with gentle eyes. She changed her mind, and immediately raised her eyebrows, and said to Lin Sheng: "Send someone to send Yu Meiren back to her residence, and then ask the imperial doctor to come and talk to her." Look."


Responding respectfully, Lin Sheng turned around and left the bedroom.

Watching Lin Sheng leave, Yuan Xiuyue turned around slightly, and smiled faintly at Empress Dowager Zhong: "Mother, is it okay for me to handle this matter like this?"

"very good!"

Nodding lightly in satisfaction, Empress Dowager Zhong lightly supported Yuan Xiuyue's shoulder: "If you can do this, the Ai family will be relieved."

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's heart trembled, but she finally smiled with lowered eyebrows.

Seeing her like this, Empress Dowager Zhong secretly sighed helplessly in her heart, but said with a smile on her face: "At the beginning of pregnancy, you should stay in bed and rest. Ai's family has been here for so long, and you have been with you for so long. Now my son's Ai's family is going to be sick." Go back first."

(End of this chapter)

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