Chapter 217 Only Me 5
"The son respectfully sends the mother off!"

Smiling lightly at Empress Dowager Zhong, Yuan Xiuyue saluted and sent her off with a smile on her face!
After Queen Mother Zhong left, Yuan Xiuyue lay on the dragon couch and thought a lot.

Just like what Empress Dowager Zhong said to persuade her, there is already an An family in the court who is raising troops to make trouble, and the faction of Zuo Xiang must not move!

The days to come are still very long...

She believed that Nangong Haoling would one day put down the An family's rebellion and uproot the legacy of Zuo Xiang.

Therefore, what she should do at this moment is to relax her heart, take good care of the fetus, and wait quietly for the arrival of a little life...

Together, the future will be long!

On this day, because of Yan Yuntao forcing her to commit suicide yesterday, she rebelled with the An clan, and they didn't leave until noon.

When Nangong Haoling returned from the previous dynasty, Yuan Xiuyue had already fallen asleep in a daze.

Feeling that something was scratching her nose, she couldn't help pointing her nose, then frowned, and looked at the instigator in front of her!

Opening her arms and stretching her waist, Yuan Xiuyue's red lips curled slightly, encircling his neck instantly.

Staring at her, seeing her sleepy eyes, as if she had slept for a long time, Nangong Haoling couldn't help frowning and asked, "Can we have lunch?"

"not yet!"

Shaking her head lightly, and lazily resting her chin on his shoulder blades, Yuan Xiuyue murmured softly, "When I smell the food, I feel like throwing up!"

"Then eat something light!"

Frowning, she relaxed slightly, and pulled her up from the dragon couch, wrapping her into his arms, Nangong Haoling beckoned to Ting Lan.

Ting Lan understood, and hurriedly brought the freshly cooked porridge over to her.

The corners of her lips curled slightly, and she leaned lazily in Nangong Haoling's arms, watching him take the porridge bowl, scooped up the porridge and put it in her mouth, Yuan Xiuyue opened her mouth obediently with a light smile, and obediently took a sip of the porridge.

It was rare to see her so obedient, Nangong Haoling couldn't help showing a little smile.

His hands kept moving, and he scooped up the porridge again and brought it to his mouth, "Eat more, the child will grow faster!"

This time, Yuan Xiuyue did not obediently drink the porridge, but lightly shook her head and said, "The emperor wants to blow it off!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling was stunned, puzzled for a moment!
"The queen wants to blow!"

Repeating the words just now, Yuan Xiuyue smiled sweetly: "It is clear from a glance that the emperor seldom served other people's meals in the past. This porridge, Ting Lan, has not been cooked for a long time, it is very hot."

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling was a little dumbfounded!
"You woman, you really don't know your blessings. I have always been served by others. When have I served others?" Nangong Haoling still followed Yuan Xiuyue's words, blowing the spoon stiffly The white porridge in the bowl, waited until the heat and cold were moderate, and then brought the spoon to Yuan Xiuyue's mouth again.

His movements, although a bit clumsy.

But the strange thing was that Yuan Xiuyue actually drank the whole bowl of porridge when he was feeding her, but never vomited once.

"You're so good, we've finished eating!" When the porridge bowl was empty, Nangong Haoling couldn't help showing a satisfied smile on his handsome face.

Although Yuan Xiuyue was eating the porridge at the moment, it made him feel more satisfied than eating it by himself!
Handing the porridge bowl back to Ting Lan, Nangong Haoling said to the outside of the hall, "Come in!"

Hearing the sound, Yuan Xiuyue frowned, and couldn't help raising her eyes to look out.

When she saw a man wearing a silver-white mask appearing in the bedroom, she was slightly startled, but after a while, her eyes flickered: "Brother!"

Although, the man who came in from outside the hall at this time covered his real face.

But she has lived with her brother since she was a child, and she is very familiar with his walking posture.

Therefore, looking at the man entering the palace at this moment, she quickly recognized who he was!
He is her elder brother, her dearest person in this world - Yuan Wende!

Facing Yuan Xiuyue's tear-filled eyes, the masked man stopped in front of the dragon couch, and bowed respectfully to her: "Subordinate An Xiao, see the empress!"

"Dark owl?"

Repeating this name, Yuan Xiuyue looked slightly stunned!

"Yue'er, your brother is dead now!" Holding her tightly again with both arms, Nangong Haoling looked at An Xiao in front of him with deep eyes, and whispered softly in Yuan Xiuyue's ear with slightly curled lips: " Now that I am employing people, I have transferred An Yun to the army and appointed him as the vanguard general. This An Xiao is my latest appointed Captain Shadow, and he and Shadow will be responsible for protecting you in the future!"


Let her protect him, let the two brothers and sisters stay together every day.Such a great surprise made Yuan Xiuyue weep with joy!

"The Queen Mother..."

Seeing Yuan Xiuyue weeping, An Xiao's voice could not help trembling slightly.

"Silly girl!"

Kissing the tip of her nose lightly, Nangong Haoling smiled lightly and said, "Be careful crying now, our child will also be a crybaby in the future, if that's the case, how can I hand over the country to him?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help laughing through tears!

Reaching out to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes, she said in a choked tone, "I won't cry, I won't cry!"

"That's good!"

Looking at Yuan Xiuyue with a smile, Nangong Haoling couldn't help sighing in his heart!
He never knew that he loved Yuan Xiuyue so much that he just looked at her and smiled, and felt that this life was enough!

"Director Ji, I beg you, my let my servant in..." While the three people in the sleeping hall were talking and laughing, there was suddenly a vague quarrel from outside the hall.

Hearing the sound, Nangong Haoling couldn't help but his complexion darkened: "Ji Heng, what's going on outside? Does the Empress need to rest?"

"Report to the emperor..."

After a moment of silence, Ji Heng's voice came from outside the hall: "It's Yu Meiren's maid, who has been clamoring to see the emperor."

"Whoever wants to see me can see me?" With a cold snort, as soon as the Yu family was mentioned, Nangong Haoling felt disgusted and troubled in his heart, and all of them rushed into his mind: "Open your mouth twenty, let her go from here Where did you come from, where are you going back!"

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!"

Just after Nangong Haoling's words fell to the ground, the maid's cry became even more shrill. Even though she had never entered the dormitory, everyone in the dormitory could still hear her cries clearly: "Your Majesty, my mother is now Already burnt in a daze, already unrecognizable, she kept calling the name of the emperor, this servant begged the emperor to take a look at her!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue frowned suddenly!
Isn't the person Yu Xiuzhi likes Nangong Xiaoran?

Why is it the emperor who keeps calling out at this moment? !

Just as she was slandering, Nangong Haoling hugged her arm, relaxed a little, but still shouted in a deep voice: "Since you are delirious with fever, you should go to the imperial physician right now, what's the use of coming to me?" !"

"If you want to go back to the emperor, the imperial physician has already seen it earlier, and he said that the empress has been kneeling for too long without eating or drinking, and it will be better if she just drinks some soup, but the empress keeps calling for the emperor, and she can't drink any water!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help sighing secretly in her heart, while Nangong Haoling looked at her with some embarrassment.

Facing his gaze, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly: "Don't tell me, Your Majesty, do you want to see her now?"

(End of this chapter)

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