Chapter 218 The Unspoken Secret 1
Knowing that Yuan Xiuyue had already guessed her own thoughts, Nangong Haoling smiled wryly, glanced outside the hall, and then asked her softly: "Yue'er, what do you think about the current matter?"

His eyes were dim, staring deeply at the corners of his slightly bitter lips, and Yuan Xiuyue felt mixed feelings in his heart for a moment, which was quite unpleasant.

Now that the An clan is rebelling, although he can't tolerate the Yu family, he still has to rely on it.

People say that the ninety-five supreme is the one who is above tens of millions.

But sometimes, the person sitting in that seat has something to worry about.

Just like, Nangong Haoling at this time!
Deeply staring at his handsome face, knowing that he was still waiting for her reply, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly, turned her head away from looking at him, and said softly to the outside of the hall: "Even the imperial doctor can't heal you. If the disease is cured, will the emperor be cured?"

Hearing this, Zhu'er, Yu Xiuzhi's maid outside the palace, immediately said: "Although the beauty has been in a coma all this time, she kept calling the emperor..."

"is it?"

With a smirk, Yuan Xiuyue lowered her eyes and raised her eyebrows: "This is the first time I know that Yu Meiren has such deep affection for the emperor!"

Didn't she fall in love with Nangong Xiaoran since childhood?

Why did she become Nangong Haoling at this moment?

This change is too fast!
"The Queen Mother..."

After Yuan Xiuyue's words fell to the ground, Zhu'er outside the hall was suffocated for a moment, and couldn't help crying loudly.

That crying sound was full of grief, as if if the emperor didn't go now, her master would die in death.


There was some hesitation between the brows, and Nangong Haoling couldn't help showing impatience when he heard the crying outside the hall.

Looking up at Nangong Haoling, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly, and when her brows relaxed, she couldn't help sneering and said: "Ji Heng, you go to Funing Palace with Bengong to invite Princess Xian. Mei Yu is seriously ill, without her as a genius doctor, I really can't live!"

She still doesn't believe it, there is no one in the world who can cure Yu Xiuzhi's illness!
"The slave obeys the order!"

With a light response, Ji Heng left in response.

Although Yu Xiuzhi's maid was unwilling, she also knew that Yuan Xiuyue was determined not to let the emperor go to visit her master, so she also went back in disgrace.

After the two walked away, Yuan Wende, who was waiting at the side, also cupped his hands: "Your subordinate is waiting outside the hall!"

When the words fell, he also withdrew from the bedroom.

When only Yuan Xiuyue and Nangong Haoling were left in the bedroom, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyes again and met Nangong Haoling's gaze in the air: "Your Majesty, don't worry, there will never be any dead under the Emperor's Sister-in-law. Now that the Emperor's Sister-in-law is here, Poppy will definitely be fine!"


Facing Yuan Xiuyue's gaze, Nangong Haoling couldn't help but look at her with a smile, and shook his head helplessly!
Stretching out her hand to hold his face, Yuan Xiuyue narrowed her starry eyes slightly, stroked his frowning brows and pursed her lips and said, "I know, the emperor actually wants to see her in his heart."


Frowning tightly, Nangong Haoling opened his mouth to explain, but when he looked into her deep eyes, he couldn't help sighing helplessly: "I know, you know everything, even why I went to see her, you also know , but even if you know, you still don't intend to let me see her!"

His Yue'er is smarter than he imagined.

Therefore, she must be aware of what he is worried about.

It's just that, even so, she still doesn't want him to go, so he won't go.

He has been king for many years, he has always been for the court, for the country, and today, why not be self-willed for the woman he loves once? !
Hearing his sigh, the sneer on Yuan Xiuyue's face couldn't help but intensified, she glanced at him lightly, she frowned and turned her head, and then sighed softly: "Your Majesty, I do know what you're thinking , but I know it's one thing, but I just don't want to go with her mind... Not to mention that as a woman, I will never let the man I love meet another woman, just because of the fact that she gave you sweat medicine the night before... , I was almost forced to die outside the city gate by all the ministers yesterday, do you think it would be sincere if I let you see her again at this moment?"

"It's a fake..."

Reaching out to grab Yuan Xiuyue's hand, holding it like a treasure, looking down at her sideways face, Nangong Haoling said with gentle eyes, "I know, you were wronged yesterday."

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but smiled wryly: "It was my father who conspired to rebel and gave birth to her daughter, so I should be forced to commit suicide by everyone!"

Hearing her words, Nangong Haoling's heart ached slightly, and he couldn't help hugging her into his arms again, but remained silent for a long time.

The little woman in his arms, call her magnanimous, even though she knows that he will not do anything to Yu Xiuzhi now, she still cares about Yu Xiuzhi giving him the sweat medicine, call her stingy, but she is willing to accept those ordinary people. Unbearable grievances!

This is Yuan Xiuyue.

A woman who was bold and scary, yet made him fall in love with him unknowingly!

Suffocated for a long time, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyes to meet Nangong Haoling's gaze in the air, and said loudly: "The emperor has always known that Yu Xiuzhi likes another person, and now that person's bones are not cold, so why does she suddenly have this feeling?" To change, to keep pestering the emperor?"

"Maybe it's because she has no one she loves, so she wants to live for the family!" Her eyes darkened slightly, thinking that a few months ago, Yuan Xiuyue had begged herself to fulfill Yu Xiuzhi and Nangong Xiaoran, Nangong Haoling couldn't help feeling a little faint With a wry smile, he sighed: "Actually, she and I can only have one relationship in the future, that is, the relationship of using and being used. If she is still the optimistic and pure-hearted Yu Xiuzhi before, I will feel that the relationship in my heart is the same. Uneasy, but the current her makes me stop worrying about anything!"

In today's world, the An family is in chaos, and he still needs the power of the Yu family, but after using this power, there can only be one result, and that is to destroy it with his own hands!
And Yu Xiuzhi's current change, although he didn't want to see it last, could also save him from blaming himself too much, he used her now!
Nangong Haoling talked to such an extent, how could Yuan Xiuyue continue this topic.

Take advantage and be taken advantage of!

She couldn't imagine what kind of result would be waiting for Yu Xiuzhi in the future!
But, if possible, she would rather that Yu Xiuzhi would always have that delicate and pure appearance, instead of becoming aggressive and aggressive like those concubines in the palace, using tricks to see the truth!
That kind of growth is too cruel for a woman!
After lunch, Nangong Haoling did not go back to the imperial study, but ordered Ji Heng to move all the papers to be reviewed into the bedroom, and accompanied his wife and children while reviewing the papers.

Such a time is beautiful, but it also makes people feel that it passes quickly.

In a blink of an eye, night fell.

Knowing that Yuan Xiuyue couldn't smell the food, Nangong Haoling directly ordered someone to put the dinner in the side hall.

And he, like in the afternoon, took a bowl of white fungus and lean meat porridge newly cooked by Ting Lan, and fed Yuan Xiuyue spoonful by spoonful.

This time, his movements of feeding the porridge were easy and familiar, and they were no longer as stiff as before.

No one would have thought of it if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes.

When he was the emperor, the emperor who had killed several people in circles in the early morning today would be like an ordinary person, gently feeding his beloved woman porridge with his hands.

But he just did it.

Because, every time he lifts the spoon, the smile on Yuan Xiuyue's face can't help, and the gleam of happiness in her eyes flickers.

Just like that, he felt that it was worth it for him to do so!
But this time, Yuan Xiuyue didn't give as much face as she did in the afternoon, she vomited out a bowl of porridge before she had eaten.

"Yue'er, are you feeling better?" Holding the porridge bowl in one hand, he patted Yuan Xiuyue's back with the other to comfort her, watching her seem to spit out all her bile, Nangong Haoling's heart couldn't help but burst throbbing!

Once, at the beginning of Zhuge Zhen's pregnancy, he also saw her vomit like this with his own eyes.

But at that time, Zhuge cherished that he was Xuanyuanxu's child, the feeling in his heart was pain, sour, mixed taste, needless to say.

But today is different!
At this moment, the woman in front of her is his beloved, and what is in her belly is also his flesh and blood.

Therefore, at this moment, there is only pain left in his heart, and there is nothing else...

"I'm fine!"

Shaking her head lightly, Yuan Xiuyue, who had just vomited, looked pale and frightening, she just stood up and said something, but she felt her chest tumbling again, and she bowed her head and retched again.

After a long while, she vomited what should have been vomited, and she immediately felt much more relaxed.

Seeing that she finally stopped vomiting, Nangong Haoling finally breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly handed over the spoon: "Eat some more!"

"Don't eat now!"

Shaking her head lightly, Yuan Xiuyue sighed softly: "Wait, you'll still vomit if you eat it again!"

"Then wait!" Handing back the porridge bowl in his hand to Ting Lan, Nangong Haoling frowned and looked at Yuan Xiuyue, with distressed eyes faintly flashing.

Raising her eyes slightly, with a look of pity on her face, Yuan Xiuyue chuckled slightly disapprovingly: "Your Majesty thinks having a child is a very simple matter?"

"I never gave birth again!"

Being asked by her, Nangong Haoling couldn't help showing a little embarrassment, blurting out, he rolled his eyes at Yuan Xiuyue, reached out to take the warm water brought by Ting Lan, and brought it to her mouth for her to rinse.

After rinsing her mouth, Yuan Xiuyue met his slightly embarrassed face, took his hand and put it on her lower abdomen, her dexterous eyes rolled, revealing a hint of wisdom: "Your Majesty, guess this little thing is a prince or a prince?" Princess?"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's eyes instantly filled with tenderness!
The big hand on her lower abdomen stroked back and forth, his thin lips curled slightly, and he stretched out his hand to wrap her shoulders, smiling very nicely: "Whether it's a prince or a princess, as long as it's born by you, I like it!"

When Nangong Haoling said these words, it happened that Yuan Xiuyue looked up into his eyes.

You don't have to think about the watery tenderness in his eyes, you know he is sincere, the smile on the corner of his lips is faint, but revealing a bit of helplessness, Yuan Xiuyue murmured shyly: "The queen mother has always hoped that my child will be fine. If she gave birth to the future heir of Liguo, if she really gave birth to a princess, she would be disappointed."

"will not!"

The corners of her lips were still slightly hooked, Nangong Haoling shook her head lightly, and kissed her slightly bitter lips: "If you can have a daughter, you must be able to have a son. Anyway, you and I are still young, and we have plenty of time."

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's heart felt hot, and her eyes felt hot.

(End of this chapter)

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