Chapter 220 The Unspoken Secret 3

Gritting her teeth tightly, resisting the urge to brush her away, Nangong Haoling said in a low voice, "The empress is pregnant now, and what happened yesterday, do you think I can stay?"


Her lips trembled slightly, and under the gaze of Nangong Haoling's sharp eyes, Yu Xiuzhi lowered her head with tears in her eyes.

"Heal well!"

Faintly, Nangong Haoling turned and left with another warning.

"The concubine is a respectful gift to the emperor!"

On the couch, bowing her head respectfully, Yu Xiuzhi respectfully sent Nangong Haoling away.

After a while, Nangong Haoling had already left for a while, but Yu Xiuzhi still maintained the posture of sending her off respectfully. Seeing her like this, Zhu'er couldn't help reminding softly: "Beauty, the emperor has already left!"

"I know!"

The sadness and complaints were swept away in the voice, and Yu Xiuzhi raised her head again, her eyes were clear, and there was no trace of tears.

Yuan Xiuyue had to say that with Nangong Haoling's visit, Yu Xiuzhi's body really recovered very quickly.

And when she saw Yu Xiuzhi again, it was half a month later. On that day, the moon was as full as a mirror, and it was only one day away from August [-]th.

In the past, every Mid-Autumn Festival, when leaving the palace, a grand dinner would always be prepared in Yexi Palace, and the courtiers and women were invited to attend. The degree needs to be frugal.

Therefore, this year's Mid-Autumn Festival dinner is much smaller than before, with only the Queen Mother, Empress, and concubines attending!
Naturally, during this dinner, Yuan Xiuyue saw Yu Xiuzhi again.

Yuan Xiuyue clearly remembered that the last time she saw her was before leaving for Nanling.

At that time, because of Nangong Xiaoran's incident, she went to Jinlin Courtyard crying and begging her to save Nangong Xiaoran.

But at this moment, two months have passed, and the person Yu Xiuzhi begged her to keep safe has long since passed away, and when she saw Yu Xiuzhi again today, she was wearing a bright red autumn dress, with delicate makeup and delicate makeup, and was seen by all the concubines. Between the high-spirited, long gone the pure and clear beauty.

She has changed!

At the dinner party, she danced with a dress, causing the people in the hall to burst out with admiration.

Faintly, staring at the enchanting woman dancing in the center of the hall, Yuan Xiuyue's thoughts kept turning and turning.

On the back of her hand, there was a sudden warm feeling. She came back to her senses suddenly, and saw Nangong Haoling holding her hand secretly, even though she was watching the beautiful dance in the hall. Yuan Xiuyue curled her lips lightly, and then looked Turn around and dance with him.

Finally, the song is over.

Yu Xiuzhi in the main hall can be said to be a dancer.

Raising her eyes lightly, the waves in her eyes flickered, and she took a few steps to get down on His Majesty's blessing: "This concubine is making a fool of herself!"

Hearing this, Empress Dowager Zhong smiled happily and said, "Xiuzhi, a child, has aura since he was a child, and today's dance is so amazing that Ai's family is amazed!" At this point, she couldn't help turning her head slightly, and asked Nangong next to her. Hao Ling: "Your Majesty, what do you think?"


Faintly, so praised, Nangong Haoling lightly supported the back of Yuan Xiuyue's hand, then got up from the dragon seat, and stretched out his hand to Yu Xiuzhi in front of the main hall.

"I thank the emperor!"

Eyebrows lowered, looking at the white and slender palm in front of her, Yu Xiuzhi's snow-white catkin protruded slightly, and finally fell into Nangong Haoling's palm, and then stood up gracefully with the strength of his hand.

But after she stood up, her raised water eyes looked at Yuan Xiuyue, who was in a high position, as if in a demonstration.

Seeing her provocative gaze, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes were light and her face was calm, as if she hadn't seen her.

Not long after, seeing Nangong Haoling leading Yu Xiuzhi to the seat and letting Yu Xiuzhi sit on the other side of her, she smiled lightly and turned to look at Queen Mother Zhong without a trace of emotion: "Mother, my son is a little uncomfortable, I want to go Let's go to the Royal Garden!"

When Yuan Xiuyue said that she was uncomfortable, the smile on Empress Dowager Zhong's face could not help but disappear instantly.

Frowning slightly, she asked with concern: "But smelling this dish, you want to vomit again?"

"kind of!"

Cursing her lips lightly, Yuan Xiuyue said to Empress Dowager Zhong: "My son, go to the Royal Garden to get some fresh air."

"Since you're not feeling well, go out for a walk, and don't catch a cold!"

"My son knows!"

Smiling faintly at Empress Dowager Zhong, Yuan Xiuyue stretched out her hand to Ting Lan, and Ting Lan supported her all the way down the high platform. She paused slightly in front of Nangong Haoling and Yu Xiuzhi: "Your Majesty, sister Yu dances beautifully today. reward!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's eyes were dark, and he stared deeply at Yuan Xiuyue's eyes. He nodded slightly, and said to Ji Heng: "Look and see with Yu Meiren!"

After he finished speaking, his gaze swept across the envious and jealous pretty faces of the concubines. He turned his head and looked at Yuan Xiuyue again. He wanted to say that he wanted to accompany her for a walk in the Royal Garden, but he saw that she had already turned his head away from him. At this time, they went out together with Ting Lan, went straight out of the main hall, and walked towards the imperial garden.

Just looking at her slowly leaving back, he felt depressed for a moment.

In the imperial garden, the breeze is rustling, but the fragrance of flowers is still there.

Standing in front of the pond where lotus flowers were originally in full bloom, Yuan Xiuyue's thoughts gradually drifted away, as if returning to that time, when she and Dugu Chen first entered the palace, seeing Nangong Xiaoran again.

At that time, he, in fluttering white clothes, came from the night, and finally rescued her from Lei Luo.

But what about now? !

Standing in this huge imperial garden, looking at the beautiful scenery in the garden is still there, but he is gone...

Without the one who smiled at her and said, Yue'er, I miss you...!
The one who has always been nice to her, but she never paid him back... him!


Seeing Yuan Xiuyue standing in front of the pond in a daze for a long time, Ting Lan couldn't help calling her out: "In August, the autumn wind is slightly cool. If you catch the cold, it's a big deal. Let's go back!"

"go back?"

Raising her black eyebrows lightly, she looked back at Ting Lan: "Now in Yexi Palace, there is a banquet, I don't want to see the emperor flirting with other women!"

"Then go back to Jinlinyuan!"

Smiling at Yuan Xiuyue, Ting Lan said softly: "No matter where the empress goes, the emperor will definitely follow there at night. Even if he is playing with Yu Meiren at this moment, he will always go to accompany the empress at night!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help chuckling.

These days, Nangong Haoling handles the affairs of the court, and indeed stays with her every day.

With her eyes lowered slightly, the corners of her lips curled slightly, and just as she was about to speak to Ting Lan, she heard Concubine Yan's voice slowly coming from behind her: "Empress Empress!"

Hearing Concubine Yan's soft call, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly, and turned to look at her.

Facing her sight, Yan Ruxue leaned down in front of her: "The concubine sees the empress!"

"My sister is free!"

Raising her hand slightly to Concubine Yan, Yuan Xiuyue bent her lips and said, "Sister, why don't you have a banquet in the Yexi Palace now, but come to enjoy the scenery in the imperial garden?"

"The banquet in Night Creek Palace..."

The corners of her lips curled slightly bitterly, Yan Ruxue said in a low voice, "It's gone..."


Frowning slightly, Yuan Xiuyue asked in confusion, "It was just so lively when I was here, why did it go away so quickly?"

"It's the meaning of the queen mother!"

If so, she sighed softly, Yan Ruxue smiled wryly and said: "The queen mother said that the emperor has been with the queen recently, living a life like a monk, and the emperor and Yu Meiren are in love with each other at this moment, already on the dragon couch Go to bed, since the Empress Dowager said that she was going to leave, the concubines and all the younger sisters had to go wherever they could."

Hearing Yan Ruxue's words, Yuan Xiuyue only felt a loud buzzing in her mind!
"You said the emperor and Yu Meiren are already going to bed at this moment?" Asking Concubine Yan in this way, Yuan Xiuyue's mind suddenly flashed last year when she went to Yexi Palace to make tea with Nangong Haoling, he and this beautiful woman in front of him were on the bed The erotic drama.

Has he and Yu Xiuzhi gone to bed now? !

The smile on the corner of her mouth was still faint, and Yan Ruxue nodded with certainty.


Smiling lightly, as if asking herself, and also as if asking Yan Ruxue, Yuan Xiuyue ticked lightly during the spring break, and calmly stretched out her hand to hold Ting Lan's arm: "Sister Lao, come and tell me, so I can save myself If you go back to Yexi Palace again, you will be swept away!"

She has always known that as an emperor, all the women in the harem, except the queen mother, can be his women.

Therefore, it is reasonable and reasonable for Poppy to attend bed at this moment, and she expected it.

However, why did she feel heartache after hearing this expected thing? !

Secretly, she sighed softly in her heart, lowered her eyes and raised her steps, and said to Ting Lan in an obscure voice: "Send me to Fengluan Palace!"


The color of her eyes changed slightly, Ting Lan took a deep look at Yuan Xiuyue, her eyes darkened slightly, and she helped Yuan Xiuyue walk all the way towards Fengluan Palace.


Seeing Yuan Xiuyue's master and servant leaving, Cui'er glanced at Yan Ruxue, who had been depressed since Yuan Xiuyue left, and couldn't help asking softly beside her: "Now that the empress is gone, let's go back to the palace too. !"

"Let's go!"

Turning her head slightly, looking at Cui'er, Yan Ruxue smiled beyond compare, then slowly raised her steps and walked in the opposite direction to Mo Ju Pavilion.


Hastily followed, Cui'er frowned and asked, "Where are you going now?"

"Beauty Que!"

Faintly, saying the word "beauty que", Yan Ruxue walked slowly, and said in a calm manner: "Let's go there and wait for Yu Meiren!"

"Isn't Yu Meiren staying with the Emperor in Yexi Palace?" Tweety'er was full of doubts, she couldn't help asking, but she never got an answer from her master.Seeing Concubine Yan walking further and further away, she frowned and hurriedly followed.

In Yexi Palace, red candles are shining brightly, and the afterglow is yellow.

After the dinner was over, Nangong Haoling and Yu Meiren returned to the dormitory, they did not have sex with men and women, they just sat back at the table and continued to review official documents.

On the dragon couch, Yu Xiuzhi, who was ordered by the Empress Dowager to stay in bed, took off most of her red clothes, and had been lying there for a long time, but he never took a second look.

After a long time, he looked up at the window on the table. Seeing that it was late, but he didn't know whether Yuan Xiuyue was still in the imperial garden at the moment, he couldn't help but slightly twitched his eyebrows, wrote two lines of small characters on the booklet in his hand and looked up. Ji Heng was waiting by his side.

Facing Nangong Haoling's gaze, Ji Heng's eyebrows twitched faintly.

Following his line of sight all the way down, Ji Heng couldn't help but be slightly taken aback when he saw the content on the booklet clearly.

He raised his eyes and glanced at Yu Xiuzhi who was waiting on the bed. He knew what his master was thinking about, so he immediately bowed his head and respected himself, and temporarily exited the bedroom.

Seeing Ji Heng leave, thinking that he was trying to force her to retreat, Yu Xiuzhi slightly hooked her lips, then got up from the dragon couch, walked slowly to the table, and gently caressed Nangong Haoling's cheek with her white and boneless hands. On his shoulder, she breathed like blue in his ear and blew hot air: "The emperor has a lot of things to do every day. He gets up early every day, so he should go to bed early. It's getting late now, so he should rest..."

(End of this chapter)

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