Chapter 221 The Unspoken Secret 4
His handsome eyebrows were raised, his thin lips were slightly raised, but there was no smile in his eyes. Nangong Haoling reached out and took Yu Xiuzhi's hands, and smiled softly at her: "These days, there are wars ahead, floods in the north, and a pile of official documents. Another pile, if I don’t dispose of it today, I won’t be able to account for it tomorrow morning!”

"The emperor is the emperor and the master, why bother to explain to them?"

With a soft and delicate voice, Yu Xiuzhi put her delicate chin on Nangong Haoling's shoulder, and said with a blushing face, "Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival. It's rare that the moon is full and people are full. I'm tired of getting up. The emperor should be with my concubine earlier." Rest!"

As the words fell, her soft and white arms made a gesture to wrap around Nangong Haoling's neck.

Seeing this, Nangong Haoling tilted his head slightly, avoiding her arm.

Just at this time, Ji Heng came in from outside the hall.

Seeing Ji Heng coming in, Yu Xiuzhi couldn't help but froze slightly, and then showed displeasure.

Without raising his eyes, Ji Heng lowered his head and came to Nangong Haoling: "My Majesty, there is an urgent battle report from the front line. His Royal Highness ordered the servants to come over and ask the Emperor to quickly move to the imperial study. We have important matters to discuss!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's handsome face changed!
"The battle is urgent, Xiuzhi, you should go back first!"

Reaching out to pull down Yu Xiuzhi's slender arms, Nangong Haoling glanced at her, and then strode out without stopping for a moment.


Seeing Nangong Haoling leave without looking back, Yu Xiuzhi's delicate face changed color, and she couldn't help stamping her jade feet with embarrassment and resentment...


In the main hall of Yexi Palace, the lights were brilliant, as if it were daytime.

After leaving the bedroom, Nangong Haoling turned around and entered the side hall, frowning and asked Ji Heng: "Where is the empress?"

Hearing this, Ji Heng lowered his eyes and replied: "If you go back to the emperor, the empress got up from the imperial garden and went to Fengluan Palace after hearing that Yu Meiren stayed in Yexi Palace!"

"Who is so talkative?"

His face changed slightly, and he took a look at Ji Heng, Nangong Haoling stepped up and was about to go to Fengluan Palace.


Before Nangong Haoling could leave, Ji Heng called out to stop his footsteps again: "Please also move the emperor's study!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling couldn't help frowning!
Seeing him frowning and turning around, Ji Heng hurriedly said: "What this servant said just now is not just a lie, and now there is indeed a new battle report on the front line, and His Royal Highness is really waiting for the emperor in the imperial study at this moment!"

"You didn't tell me sooner!"

After scolding Ji Heng in a cold voice, Nangong Haoling stepped out of the side hall and walked towards the imperial study.

In the sleeping hall, hearing from Zhu'er that the emperor really went to the imperial study, Yu Xiuzhi felt relieved!
In her opinion, as long as Nangong Haoling doesn't look for Yuan Xiuyue, everything will be fine!
She lowered her eyebrows and glanced at her disheveled clothes. Her eyes were dim, and she got up from the dragon bed with a gloomy complexion. After the brocade shoes passed through, she walked out.

Today, she let go of her self-esteem, abandoned everything, and boldly seduced Nangong Haoling, but in the end she ended up not even touching her.

At this moment in Yexi Palace, she doesn't want to stay any longer!
All the way back from Yexi Palace, when Yu Xiuzhi returned to Beauty Que, it was already past the second watch.

However, it was beyond her expectation.

As soon as she entered the hall, she saw a light purple slender figure sitting in the center, enjoying refreshments leisurely.

"Concubine Yan!"

Stepping into the hall, she didn't salute and greet, but looked at Yan Ruxue who was still calm, Yu Xiuzhi snorted coldly, "Why are you here?"

Slightly raising her eyes, she met Yu Xiuzhi's unfriendly face, Yan Ruxue smiled calmly, without any trace of anger: "I am here to wait for my sister to come back, of course!"

Hearing this, Yu Xiuzhi's complexion instantly became extremely ugly: "How do you know that I will definitely come back tonight!"

The Empress Dowager just said clearly that she was allowed to stay in Yexi Palace.

But at this moment, Concubine Yan was waiting for her in her palace, which meant that she would definitely come back.

Hearing her question, the smile in Yan Ruxue's eyes couldn't help but deepened. Pin Ting got up, and she walked slowly in front of Yu Xiuzhi, looking down at her with a smile: "I not only know that my sister will definitely come back, I also guess that the emperor must It's business, I haven't even touched my sister tonight!"


Everything about tonight was guessed by Yan Ruxue, Yu Xiuzhi couldn't help but her delicate face darkened, and her expression was instantly cold: "How do you know?"

Her eyes flashed, and she continued to ask: "Do you have eyeliner in Yexi Palace?"


Sure enough, Yan Ruxue let out a long sigh in her heart, and Yan Ruxue's smile changed instantly: "The reason why I know this is entirely because I know that in the emperor's heart, only the empress is the only one. It's impossible to touch any other woman!"

Hearing this, Yu Xiuzhi's eyes suddenly turned cold!
Lifting her eyes slightly, Yan Ruxue stared at her cold and watery eyes, and smiled helplessly: "You and Ben Gong are so beautiful, but they can't compare to the mediocre empress!"

"Now that her father is a traitor, she deserves to die a thousand times, even [-] times!" Gritting her silver teeth, Yu Xiuzhi sneered, "Why should she?"

"It's because the emperor has her in his heart! Not only her, but also King Ning has her in his heart, and King Yue also has her in his heart!" Yan Ruxue narrowed her eyes instantly and sighed helplessly: " No matter how beautiful you are, Mei Yu, and no matter how powerful your father is, the emperor will only spoil her!"

King Ning also has her in his heart!

When Yan Ruxue said these words, it was like a sharp knife piercing Yu Xiuzhi's heart.

If it wasn't for her, he wouldn't have died!

"Stop talking!" A resentment quickly rose from the bottom of her heart, she clenched her fists tightly, couldn't help trembling slightly, then quickly walked to the table, and raised the teacup that Yan Ruxue was drinking just now He waved it to the ground: "Stop it, stop it!"

"Of course I don't have to say anything!"

The corners of her lips curled slightly, but her eyes gradually dimmed. Yan Ruxue took out a white porcelain bottle from her bosom, then slowly stepped forward, and put it on the table in front of Yu Xiuzhi.

Slightly drooping eyes, staring coldly at the porcelain vase on the table, Yu Xiuzhi said in a hoarse voice, "What is this?"

"One kind of good thing that can make a man forget about love, but desperately looking for comfort!" With a light smile, Yan Ruxue lightly supported Yu Xiuzhi's shoulder, and sighed helplessly: "I know that you are suffering in your heart. But if he eats this thing with the emperor, he will no longer love the empress, and there will be no more special pets in this harem in the future!"

Hearing this, Yu Xiuzhi couldn't help trembling slightly.

Raising her eyes suddenly, meeting Yan Ruxue's, she asked coldly, "Why did you help me?"

"I'm not here to help you, but to help myself!" Yan Ruxue smiled sincerely at Yu Xiuzhi, and said softly, "If I could get close to the emperor, I wouldn't have given you the medicine today, but I can't." ...So, I can only find you to join hands with me!"

At this point, Yan Ruxue's eyes could not help but flash a gleam.

On the other hand, Yu Xiuzhi lowered her eyes, her complexion ever-changing!

Fengluan Palace, Jinlin Courtyard.

Coming back here again, Yuan Xiuyue felt as if she had passed away.

The worry-free flower on the top of the head has been withered for a long time, and it is a little decayed, and it is no longer its original glory.

Just like her mood at the moment.

Because of her sudden arrival, both Lin Sheng and Qianqian couldn't help but talk to her about what happened to Fengluan Palace in the past month or so.

Slightly pursing her lips, she sat on the recliner, listening to Qianqian's endless talk, Yuan Xiuyue kept silent, only smiling from time to time.

Seeing her like this, Ting Lan glanced at the room, then reached out and tapped Qianqian's forehead, and softly reprimanded: "You girl, you keep talking endlessly when you see your mother, and you don't care about what's going on now. It's time, if it was placed in Yexi Palace, the empress would have rested long ago!"

Hearing Ting Lan mention Yexi Palace, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help frowning slightly.

Although her frowning movements were very small, Ting Lan still noticed it.

She sighed secretly in her heart, and blamed herself secretly, while Qianqian beside her said with a nervous laugh: "Your maidservant is going to make the bed for the empress!"

When the words fell, she had already entered the inner hall in a hurry, and went straight to Yuan Xiuyue's bedroom.

night, very quiet.

Lying on the couch quietly with feathery eyelashes drooping, Yuan Xiuyue tossed and turned many times, unable to fall asleep for a long time.

As soon as she closed her eyes, she saw Nangong Haoling and Yu Xiuzhi intertwined. She sighed a long time, frowned, turned inward, and finally stared blankly, waiting for sleepiness to strike.

However, the more you are like this, the more she can't sleep.

Not only could I not fall asleep, but my thoughts became clearer.

In the end, really unable to fall asleep, she let out another soft sigh.

"Okay, why are you sighing?"

Just after Yuan Xiuyue sighed softly again, a powerful arm wrapped around her waist at the back, belonging to Nangong Haoling's voice and breath, instantly brushed into her ears, causing her body to tremble slightly.


Looking back suddenly, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help frowning when she met his star-like pupils in the night light: "Aren't you..."

What she wanted to ask was, didn't he sleep with Yu Xiuzhi in Yexi Palace?
Why is she here again at this moment!


(End of this chapter)

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