Chapter 222
Nangong Haoling reached out and pulled Yuan Xiuyue's hand, and lightly pecked the back of her hand. He took her hand and played with it carefully, but he sighed softly: "In the days to come, there will be great changes in this palace. , when the time comes, I will send someone to send you to Jishan!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but thump in her heart!

At that time, he usually only went to the place alone, and now that he said he would send her there, would there really be a big change in the harem? !

Looking up at Nangong Haoling, but seeing him looking at her with a low eyebrow and a smile, she couldn't help frowning slightly, and asked aloud: "What exactly does the emperor mean by the big change?"

"Actually, it's nothing. It's nothing more than some old ministers who think of their high prestige and want to use this to get Yu Xiuzhi to the top position..." His eyes were lowered, and he reached out to caress Yuan Xiuyue's lower abdomen. It was faint and cold: "I will play with them this time!"

Until they are uprooted!

Frowning tightly, looking at Nangong Haoling in front of her, Yuan Xiuyue felt as if she saw the ruthless emperor she first saw when she first entered the palace, that seemingly affectionate but indifferent man!

Seeing him like this, she couldn't help feeling a deep sense of helplessness in her heart!
In the end, he is the one who stands at the pinnacle of power. His doting on her is entirely out of love, but for those who want to use power to restrain him, all he has is ruthless calculations and addictions. The pleasure of blood.

Nanyue Duguchen, as the king of Yue, wants to control the Nanyue country. He is good at calculating, so how can Nangong Haoling, who is the Emperor Li, not be good at this? !

"I know that you are a master at pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, but now that you are pregnant, I can't tolerate the slightest mistake between you mother and child. As for the things that haven't happened yet, you don't have to worry too much!" She looked up at her , the tenderness in her eyes was like ink, Nangong Haoling pressed her forehead lightly against hers, and said solemnly: "Yue'er, I love you, and I love our children even more. No matter what happens in this palace in the future, You just need to remember... no matter when I arrive, I will never do anything to hurt you and your child, no matter when..."

"I will remember!"

Facing his eyes, Yuan Xiuyue nodded solemnly, but her heart was full of thoughts.

Although, she didn't know what he had to do with her.

But she knew in her heart that if she didn't tell her, it wasn't because she didn't want her to know, but because she wanted her to raise her baby well and not think too much about worldly things.

It's just that, if she doesn't know those things, will she not think about them?

Not also!

She will rack her brains even more!
However, while thinking about it, she would always tell herself in her heart that she believed him!

No matter when!

What happened again!
In this world, if a woman doesn't trust her man, who else can she trust?
"One day, everything will pass!" Nangong Haoling gently embraced the woman he loves into his arms, and softly said to her with lowered eyebrows: "Sleep, I will accompany you!"

"Your Majesty, go to bed too, tomorrow morning will be over!"

She was really sleepy, lying on Nangong Haoling's chest, listening to his steady heartbeat, Yuan Xiuyue curled her lips lightly, trying to fall asleep, but couldn't...

She's been thinking about it all the time.

What did Nangong Haoling mean by the great changes in the palace? !

After a long while, seeing that she was clearly sleepy to death, yet she was eating and not sleeping, and her eyelids were stretched, Nangong Haoling couldn't help but lightly raised her eyebrows, pulled the quilt to wrap her tightly, let her pillow on his chest, and listened to his heartbeat. Voice……

His heartbeat was strong and rhythmic.

For Yuan Xiuyue, it is the most beautiful lullaby in the world.

"Ling... the moon tonight is really round. I only hope that in the coming year, I can accompany our children with you to enjoy the full moon in the Mid-Autumn Festival!" Slightly raised his eyes, staring deeply at the traces of moonlight passing through the window. , pillowed on Nangong Haoling's chest, Yuan Xiuyue raised the corners of her lips slightly, and slowly closed her eyes...

"In the coming year, it will definitely work!"

With thin and beautiful lips, slightly raised, Nangong Haoling kissed the tip of Yuan Xiuyue's nose lightly, and fell asleep with her...

After struggling through the first three months of pregnancy, Yuan Xiuyue's discomfort gradually subsided, and her appetite gradually improved.

Since August [-]th, after the night of the full moon.

Her father, the marquis of An Guo who had commanded soldiers and horses all his life, led the army of the An clan in a small city called Fudu in the north-central part of the country, and fought successive battles with the army of the country led by Yu Kun, the son of the left prime minister. , but he didn't feel tired at all. On the contrary, the Li army suffered occasional defeats due to the lack of generals.

Nangong Haoling has always noticed these things, but he seems to have left his hands behind, and there is no trace of anxiety.

Yuan Xiuyue thought that he might want to let the An family down the spirit of the Yu family.

In the capital, it seems that the emperor is guarding against them, and the Yu family is surprisingly quiet. Not only did they never mention the promotion of Yu Xiuzhi, but the left minister, Yu Shen, even wandered around the capital in order to calm down the An clan. Merchants, raise money and food for the imperial court...

The big changes in the palace that Nangong Haoling mentioned did not come as expected, but she has enjoyed all the thousands of favors that the palace can have.

Outside the palace, wars continued, but inside the palace, the years were peaceful.

In the blink of an eye, another month passed.

At the end of September, almost October, the weather was slightly cold, and Yuan Xiuyue's belly was gradually showing.

On this day, when the sky was just dawn, Nangong Haoling had already stood up and faced the court.

Since Yuan Xiuyue returned to the palace, Empress Dowager Zhong had already decreed that she did not need to go to Funing Palace early to pay her respects.

With this decree, Yuan Xiuyue can sleep until she wakes up naturally every day.

Of course it is today!

When she got up, the sun was already shining brightly, and the time had passed.

Waiting for Yuan Xiuyue to wash and eat, Ting Lan brought the miscarriage medicine to Yuan Xiuyue again: "Your Majesty, it's time to drink the medicine!"

Looking down at the black soup in the eye medicine bowl, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help curling her lips: "These days, I feel that I am in good health and my pulse is stable, so tomorrow you can invite Doctor Wang to let me He checked the pulse with Ben Gong, and also checked to see if the medicine should be withdrawn!"

On the side, after hearing her words, Yingying and Yuan Wende looked at each other, and couldn't help laughing wryly: "Your Majesty, you don't want to drink the medicine!"

Gently raising her eyes, and glanced at the shadow with a smile, Yuan Xiuyue said with a reproachful smile, "Why must sister-in-law always tell the truth?"

Hearing this, Ting Lan smiled: "Since it's the truth, the servant girl will obey my mother's orders, and I will invite Wang Taiyi to come over tomorrow."

When the words fell, she presented the decoction to Yuan Xiuyue again.

Just at this moment, Lin Sheng came in from outside the house.

"Qi, Empress, Concubine Yan, Yu Meiren and Liu Meiren are here, and they just want to say hello to Empress." After bowing in front of Yuan Xiuyue, Lin Sheng reported softly, then raised his eyes and glanced at her: "Ma'am, have you seen it or not?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help thinking of the last time the three of them came together, the corners of her lips twitched slightly, she frowned slightly, stretched out her hand to pick up the soup, drank the bitter medicine one mouthful, then lowered her eyes slightly The medicine bowl was returned to Ting Lan's hand, and she said softly, "See you, please wait for the three ladies in the main hall. I will go to see them in a while!"

"The slave obeys the order!"

Slightly nodding his head, Lin Shenggong turned around and left until he exited the door.

Putting the medicine bowl away, Ting Lan returned to Yuan Xiuyue's side, raised her arms to her and said, "Your Majesty, I will help you there."


Gently lifting the catkin and putting it on Ting Lan's wrist, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes narrowed slightly, and she glanced at the shadow and Yuan Wende who had already gone out to hide in the dark, she sighed in her heart that he was really right, and said lightly: "Go Let's accompany Bengong to meet them!"


Fengluan Palace, in the main hall.

What never changes is the bursts of fragrance lingering in the cauldron.

At the beginning, Concubine Yan, Meiren Yu, and Meiren Liu were all sitting at His Highness's table drinking tea, but when they heard Lin Sheng's report and the Empress Dowager arrived, they couldn't help getting up one after another, and looked at themselves. Yuan Xiuyue, who entered the main hall, saluted with blessings.

"The concubine sees the empress!"

"The concubine sees the empress!"


"Several younger sisters, let's live without courtesy!"

Smiling lightly, her gaze swept across the three beauties. Yuan Xiuyue was supported by Ting Lan to sit on the jade seat, and then raised her hand slightly to the three of them.

"The concubine thanked the empress!"


Responding in unison, several of His Highness got up one after another, and after looking at Yuan Xiuyue who was in the upper position, they sat down again.

Raising her hand, Yuan Xiuyue took a sip of Yunqingshuilu from Ting Lan, and looked at the three beauties above her with a smile: "My sisters are so excited today, why did you think of coming to this palace?" coming?"

Hearing her question, Meiren Liu's brows moved slightly, she glanced sideways at Concubine Yan, and Concubine Yan raised her eyelids slightly, looking at Meiren Yu beside her.

Her eyes fluttered, she glanced back at Concubine Yan, the corners of Yu Meiren's lips curled slightly, she raised her head with a smile and said softly to Yuan Xiuyue: "It has been a few days since the Empress returned to the palace. I and my two older sisters have never come to visit, but seeing the sunny weather outside today, thinking that my mother will be pregnant for more than three months, my concubine Shen proposed to visit the empress with her two older sisters."

"Sister is really caring!"

Taking a deep look at Yu Xiuzhi, Yuan Xiuyue wanted to see something in her eyes, but when she met her eyes, she saw Yuan Xiuzhi turned her head slightly to one side. Seeing her like this, Yuan Xiuyue bent her lips and put the cloud in her hand. Qing Shuilu was placed on the table, and slowly got up from the jade seat: "Just now when I came from behind, I saw that the weather is very good today. Since the younger sisters have arrived today, I will go to the imperial garden with me to enjoy it. How is the autumn scene?"

As soon as Yuan Xiuyue said this, Liu Meiren and Yu Xiuzhi, who were in the lower positions, stood up and echoed. Only Concubine Yan Ruxue frowned when she got up.

Although her movements were so slight, Yuan Xiuyue still noticed her.

With her eyebrows slightly raised, she chuckled to Concubine Yan: "What's wrong with Concubine Yan? Why are you frowning?"

"Return to the empress's words!" Yan Ruxue lowered her eyes, and said a little hesitantly: "This concubine will arrive this morning, it's really uncomfortable..."

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's brows stretched out, and her eyes smiled: "Since Concubine Yan's sister is unwell, let's go back earlier, as long as I have two sisters, Yu Meiren and Liu Meiren, to accompany me!"

"The concubine thanked the empress!"

She never raised her head, after Yan Ruxue thanked her, she lightly glanced at Liu Meiren beside her, then bowed her head and retreated away from Fengluan Palace with her eyes fixed on her nose, nose, nose and heart.

(End of this chapter)

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