Chapter 223
Seeing Concubine Yan leave, Meiren Liu's delicate face paled for a moment, and she also became uncomfortable.


Biting her lips with a dry smile, Liu Meiren bowed her head to Yuan Xiuyue: "I also feel a little uncomfortable..."

Liu Meiren has always followed the example of Concubine Yan.

Therefore, Yuan Xiuyue was not surprised that she would be like this at this moment.

"Mei Liu is also uncomfortable, so let's go back too!"

Smiling and waving to Meiren Liu, Yuan Xiuyue turned to look at Yu Xiuzhi with a smile: "It's good that I have Meiren Yu with me!"

"I thank the Empress Empress!"

With a deep breath in her heart, Liu Meiren raised her eyes to look at Yu Xiuzhi, and then retreated.

"The Empress!"

With a melodious voice, Yuan Xiuzhi stepped forward in person, stretched out her hand to support Yuan Xiuyue's arm: "My concubine will help you to go to the imperial garden!"

"Thank you sister!"

With a faint smile, but with a distant expression, Yuan Xiuyue and Yu Xiuzhi walked out together...


The imperial garden in the backyard of the deep palace has not been bleak due to the end of autumn.

The summer flowers are gone, and soon there will be exotic flowers and plants that only bloom in autumn and winter, and the beauty is always as usual.

Sitting opposite Yu Xiuzhi in the octagonal gazebo outside the Fengluan Palace, Yuan Xiuyue ate the exquisite desserts made by the imperial chef with a faint expression, looking at the sparkling lake in the garden under the sunlight, and said with emotion: "Remember the last time I talked to my sister?" , or before I left for Nanling, several months have passed in a flash, and I sit quietly with my sister again, but I feel as if a lifetime has passed!"

"Does the Empress feel as if she has passed away?" Holding a teacup in her hand, Yu Xiuzhi's voice sounded clear and cold. And this inevitable."

"younger sister……"

Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly and looked sideways, staring intently at the charming eyes that were supposed to be as clear as water, she slightly curled her lips, and stared at the stunning beauty in front of her without blinking!
I remember the first time, she came to salute with Concubine Yan and Meiren Liu.

At that time, her outspokenness was just acting, but today's her, so sharp and cold, is real.

"The Empress!"

Meeting Yuan Xiuyue's eyes, Yu Xiuzhi stared at her for a long time, and finally a brilliant smile spread from the corner of her lips: "It's a pity, Brother Xiao Ran didn't live till now, and he won't know what kind of woman you are! "

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help frowning!
"Poppy, you are bold!"

Unable to hear Yu Xiuzhi's disrespectful words towards Yuan Xiuyue, Ting Lan took a step forward and shouted in a deep voice: "How can you be so presumptuous in front of the empress!"

"Ting Lan!"

Raising her hand to signal Ting Lan to keep quiet, she gently put down the snack in her hand, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyes lightly, and smiled at Yu Xiuzhi: "Your sister has become like this today, but do you have hatred for me in your heart?"


As if hearing a big joke, Yu Xiuzhi smiled lightly and shook her head: "I don't hate the empress, I only hate myself!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly: "Hate yourself?"

"Yeah! Hate myself!"

With a bitter smile, the smile was quite helpless, but even more charming, Yu Xiuzhi murmured softly: "Actually, I shouldn't have begged you that night. Thinking about it now... If I had won the emperor's heart earlier, he would have You will definitely listen to me and let brother Xiao Ran go!"

After hearing Yu Xiuzhi's words, Yuan Xiuyue's brows could not help but wrinkle even tighter.

"The Empress!"

Suddenly, looking up at Yuan Xiuyue, Yu Xiuzhi seemed to have returned to the past, with innocent eyes, and said softly and slowly: "Do you know when I first saw him?" ?”

Knowing that the him she was talking about was Nangong Xiaoran.

Yuan Xiuyue's frown gradually relaxed, and the eyes she looked at Yu Xiuzhi gradually deepened.

"Seven years old, I met him when I was seven years old. Since I was 11 years old, I wanted to marry him, but he refused me again and again, only saying that I have someone I like, which made me have to obey my father's advice." Arranged into the palace..." Looking up into Yuan Xiuyue's calm eyes, Yu Xiuzhi's expression suddenly changed, and she said coldly to Yuan Xiuyue: "It's you! It's all you! You killed him ! If it wasn't for you, he is still in the palace now, and I can see him every day!"

Seeing her like this, Yuan Xiuyue's heart couldn't help sinking.

She never knew that Yu Xiuzhi fell in love with Nangong Xiaoran to the point of madness.

And what she looks like now is not normal!
Nangong Xiaoran...

Thinking of the name that made her feel distressed and helpless, she sighed long and stretched out her hand to Ting Lan: "Ting Lan, I'm a little tired!"

"Servant help you go back and rest!" Ting Lan hastily stretched out her hand to help her up.

Eyebrows lowered, eyes swept over Yu Xiuzhi, Yuan Xiuyue turned around and left without saying a word.

"The empress doesn't want to listen to my concubine's nonsense, what?" Turning to look at Yuan Xiuyue, Yu Xiuzhi's voice was hoarse, and the corners of her mouth curled up with a strange arc: "I remember that day, when I came back from the prime minister's mansion, I kept begging you to save him, but What about you? You didn't. Since that day, you have been tired of being with the emperor every day, but you have never thought about it. Brother Xiao Ran is currently in the northern region and is in danger. Actually, thinking about it now, I can understand What you did at that time, after all, what you wanted was the emperor, but he was wishful thinking towards you, and it has always been dispensable!"

"Yu Xiuzhi!"

There was a sudden pain in my heart, and I couldn't bear it anymore. Yuan Xiuyue looked coldly at Yu Xiuzhi who was full of hatred, and frowned: "Nangong Xiaoran is not a dispensable person in this palace, and his death is also related to the emperor's death." Nothing!"

"Up to now, you are still protecting the emperor. It really have a deep affection for the emperor! You must want to tell me that the reason why he died is because of the persecution of my father and the An family, right? With her black eyebrows raised high, facing Yuan Xiuyue's slightly angry eyes, Yu Xiuzhi took a step forward and stood opposite her: "If it wasn't for you, would he go to the Northern Territory alone? If it wasn't for protecting the imperial power in the hands of the emperor, I would Why did father persecute him, and how could he die in peace? You and the emperor, the two of you are the chief culprits who killed him, but you are living a sweet life now, and what about him?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's heart was slightly cold, and she was silent!

What Yu Xiuzhi said was correct, Nangong Xiaoran's death was inextricably related to her and the emperor.

Seeing Yuan Xiuyue remained silent, the corners of Yu Xiuzhi's lips curled up, and she smiled coldly, her delicate face was no longer pure, but instead made people look gloomy: "Actually, it was you and the emperor who killed him!"

"To shut up!"

Yuan Xiuyue's eyes darkened slightly, and she scolded Yu Xiuzhi in a low voice: "If you dare to say such nonsense again, I will definitely not forgive you!"

"What? Are you guilty?"

With a smile, Yu Xiuzhi sighed softly and took out a jasper flute from her wide sleeve.

Seeing the green color on Yu Xiuzhi's hand, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help contracting her pupils violently.

That jasper flute was once Nangong Xiaoran's favorite.

Since she met him, he has always been with her and never left her body.

But at this moment, why did it appear in Yu Xiuzhi's hands again? !


Facing Yuan Xiuyue's shocked eyes, Yu Xiuzhi sneered and said, "This jade flute was brought to me by my father from outside the palace shortly after his death. When he came, he told me that brother Xiao Ran died very painfully. Holding the jade flute tightly when he died, he kept shouting, Yuan Xiuyue...why did you keep vacillating before the emperor and me?"

Staring at the jade flute in Yu Xiuzhi's hand in a daze, Yuan Xiuyue finally understood why Yu Xiuzhi's temperament changed so much!
All of this should be caused by her father, Zuo Xiangyu Yushen!

As a father, he knew that his daughter's heart was not with the emperor.She also knows that what she thinks in her heart and what she cares most about is Nangong Xiaoran!

He then used her feelings for Nangong Xiaoran to provoke the relationship between the two of them, making her hate her, thereby forcing her to use him for his own use, and to win every step in the palace.

In this way, although it ensured their Yu family's status in the harem.

But doesn't he realize how cruel this is to his innocent daughter? !

Once upon a time, her father, for the sake of power, wanted to use his daughter to ascend to the throne countless times, and now Zuo Xiang Yushen is doing the same!

It seems that the power of power is indeed infinite!

After a long while, seeing Yuan Xiuyue remained silent, the sneer on Yu Xiuzhi's mouth gradually faded away, leaning close to Yuan Xiuyue, she whispered in Yuan Xiuyue's ear: "I have always wondered in my heart, why did you choose the emperor so clearly? But I’m still willing to put my brains to pieces for you, and I didn’t really understand until my father told me all this, are a woman with two feet on her back!”

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue suddenly felt ridiculous, the corners of her lips tugged lightly, and she sneered, "Your father is lying!"

"My father loved me the most since he was a child. Even though he wholeheartedly wanted to protect the emperor and kept advising the emperor to kill brother Xiao Ran, he would never lie to me!"

Rejecting Yuan Xiuyue's words categorically, Yu Xiuzhi's eyes flashed with ruthlessness, and she bit her lips lightly. She clenched the jasper flute tightly in her hand, bent her lips and sneered: "In the past, when the An Guohou's mansion held heavy troops again, you are High and mighty empress, but now it is your Yuan family who are plotting rebellion and rebellion, and the real power is my Yu family. If I didn't know before that you played with brother Xiao Ran's feelings, that's all. If you don't speak dark words in front of people, since you let him die in peace, I won't let you get what you want!"


How much love do you have to have in order to be able to hate so much?
It's not that she doesn't understand the meaning of declaring war in Yu Xiuzhi's words, but she just feels sorry for her. No matter how she explains it, she won't believe it. Yuan Xiuyue doesn't want to waste any more words with her, so she just looks at her coldly and turns around. Then want to leave.

"Don't go! I haven't finished my words yet!"

Reaching out to grab Yuan Xiuyue's arm, Yu Xiuzhi refused to let her go.

"Poppy, please respect yourself!"

Holding Yuan Xiuyue's body with one hand, she was afraid that she would be pushed down by Yu Xiuzhi if she was not careful, Ting Lan finally couldn't bear it and gave a light reprimand, reaching out to brush off Yu Xiuzhi's white and slender hand that was pulling Yuan Xiuyue's arm.

"I'm going to talk to the empress again, how can you, a lowly maid, interrupt?" Her eyes turned cold, and she gave a cold shout, and Yu Xiuzhi raised her slender hand, and she was about to slap Ting Lan in the face from embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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