Chapter 224
The light in her eyes flickered, Yuan Xiuyue raised her hand suddenly, grabbed Yu Xiuzhi's arm, and slapped her pretty face with her backhand!


Stretching out her hands to cover her slapped face, Yu Xiuzhi looked shocked and stared at Yuan Xiuyue fiercely: "You dare to hit me?"

"I am the queen, so what if I beat you?"

Raising her black eyebrows lightly, looking coldly at the woman in front of her who made her feel a little distressed but was obsessed with obsession, Yuan Xiuyue said in a cold voice: "I don't care what you want to do in the future. I don't care if you are so presumptuous in front of me today. Don't pursue it, but... you have to remember, no matter how powerful your Yu family is now, I am still the only empress in the Li Palace. You are just a beauty. In Bengong's eyes, a right and wrong A beauty who doesn't distinguish between black and white, even Ting Lan can't compare to her, let alone fight her!"


Gritting her teeth and staring at Yuan Xiuyue fiercely, Yu Xiuzhi's delicate body trembled slightly.

Directly ignoring Yu Xiuzhi's angry face, Yuan Xiuyue glanced over her shoulder, and after just one glance, the corner of her right lip curled slightly, and suddenly tugged at Yu Xiuzhi's hand, and said in panic, "Yu Meiren, what are you doing? You Let me go..."

Hearing the sound, Yu Xiuzhi was startled!
When she caught a glimpse of the sneer at the corner of Yuan Xiuyue's mouth, she couldn't help but tremble, as if she realized something, she panicked and wanted to withdraw her hand.


Just when she was struggling to withdraw her hand, she saw Yuan Xiuyue let go of it suddenly, and the whole person screamed, and then fell backwards involuntarily.

"My lady..."


Following Ting Lan's exclamation, followed by Nangong Haoling's exclamation, Yuan Xiuyue's falling body was caught by his arms before it landed, and fell into the crook of bright yellow arms. middle.


Panicked in her eyes, Yuan Xiuyue's face changed slightly, looking up at Nangong Haoling's handsome face, who was so close, she couldn't help her eyes becoming hot, "I'm scaring my concubine to death!"

"You scared me to death!" Nangong Haoling frowned in displeasure, and looked at Yuan Xiuyue reproachfully. Just as he was relieved, he heard Queen Mother Zhong's questioning voice behind him: "Xiu Zhi, what are you doing? let Aijia down too much!"


Yu Xiuzhi never dreamed that Yuan Xiuyue would frame her like this. She stared blankly at Nangong Haoling who was holding Yuan Xiuyue in her arms. She shook her head lightly and looked up at the queen mother: "My lady, the concubine is not... "


Her voice trembled faintly. Yuan Xiuyue asked Nangong Haoling to support her to stand up. She turned her head to look at the Queen Mother. She respectfully blessed her, frowned and said softly, "I don't blame Yu Meiren for this matter, it's my concubine who was careless just now..."


Frowning in displeasure, Mrs. Zhong said sullenly: "Are you blind if you treat yourself as an Aijia?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue pursed her lips lightly, bowed her head in silence.

Seeing this, Nangong Haoling's arms around Yuan Xiuyue's waist tightened slightly, and he winked at Xuanyuantang who was beside Empress Dowager Zhong.

Knowing what he meant, Xuanyuantang couldn't help but chuckled and said, "Queen Mother, look at you, you are so angry that the empress is too scared to say anything!"

Looking sideways at Yuan Xiuyue, Empress Dowager Zhong said softly, "I am worried about you!"

"My son knows!"

With a weak voice, Yuan Xiuyue turned slightly and leaned against Nangong Haoling's arms.

Looking from her to Yu Xiuzhi's delicate and aggrieved face, the Empress Dowager Zhong said harshly: "The Ai family knows that the emperor has been with the queen these days, but he has neglected you, but now the emperor is pregnant. My imperial heir, if you mess around and hurt her today, no matter how much Aijia spoils you, I will definitely not protect you!"

"The Empress Dowager..."

Mist filled her eyes, and Yu Xiuzhi cried out, "I don't have a concubine, I really don't have a concubine, if you don't believe me, ask Zhu'er..."

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help smiling wryly.

Zhu'er is her own person, of course she wants to talk to her, why would Empress Dowager Zhong ask more questions? !

"All right!"

Looking at Yu Xiuzhi with cold eyes full of displeasure, Empress Dowager Zhong said coldly to her: "The Ai family doesn't want to hear your explanation!"

"The Queen Mother..."

When she got angry, Yu Xiuzhi's complexion changed slightly, and before she could say what she wanted to say, she felt her eyes darken, and then her eyes closed, and she fell to the ground and passed out.


Zhu'er let out an exclamation, and hurried forward, hugging Yu Xiuzhi's body, shaking it gently.

"Let me see!"

Stepping forward, squatting down in front of Yu Xiuzhi, Xuanyuantang spread her wrists and took her pulse carefully.

But soon, her eyes changed slightly.

After a while, Nangong Haoling couldn't help asking Xuanyuantang's hand when he saw Xuanyuantang stop, "Sister-in-law, how is Xiuzhi's pulse?"

Raising his eyes and gouging Nangong Haoling, Xuanyuantang didn't reply to his words, but ordered to Ji Heng with an unkind expression: "Please trouble Manager Ji, send someone and the girl to temporarily help Yu Meiren to Fengluan Palace and let her lie down. Then we invited the imperial doctor to check the pulse with her."

"The slave obeys!"

Nodding his head lightly, Ji Heng called someone to go forward and together with Zhu'er to help Mei Yu, carried her into Fengluan Palace, and placed her on the imperial concubine's couch in the main hall.

Seeing Xuanyuantang's silence, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly.

But before she could ask, Empress Dowager Zhong was the first to ask: "Girl Fengtang, is Xiuzhi all right?"

"Is Yu Meiren okay? The imperial doctor will report it to the emperor when he sees it later. The queen mother doesn't have to worry!"

If so, she smiled back at the Queen Mother Zhong, Xuanyuan Tang raised her eyes to look at the two embracing and standing beside her, and gently held her hands with ambiguous corners of her lips. You look bad, let's go back to Funing Palace today, I have something to tell you!"


Looking up at Xuanyuan Tang, seeing her solemn expression, Empress Dowager Zhong nodded lightly, turned to look at Yuan Xiuyue, and said to Nangong Haoling: "The queen is frightened, so please stay with me first!"

"Son understands!"

The corners of his lips curled slightly, and he nodded slightly to Nangong Haoling.

Just now, she observed carefully, how could she not have noticed that Xuanyuantang's expression just now was not normal at all!

Watching Empress Dowager Zhong and Xuanyuan Tang leave, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes darkened.

It wasn't until Nangong Haoling picked her up by the waist that she came back to her senses and looked up into his sullen eyes.


With a soft call, Yuan Xiuyue's lips curled up slightly: "You are angry!"

"Don't you think I shouldn't be angry?" Ignoring Ting Lan who was following behind, who could hardly keep up with their footsteps, she said coldly, "Just now you have thought about it, in case I slow down and can't catch you, You will really fall to the ground!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's smile couldn't help deepening.

She knew that with this little trick of hers, she might be able to fool the Queen Mother, but she would definitely not be able to hide it from him!
Seeing her smiling happily, Nangong Haoling couldn't help frowning: "It's because you can still laugh!"

Hearing his angry tone, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help sighing softly: "Now she has become extremely extreme, if I don't punish her, she will think that she can cover the sky with one hand in this palace in the future! "

"She went to extremes, I have my own way to deal with her, why are you so bold!"

It was the first time in a very long time that she spoke harshly to Yuan Xiuyue, but after seeing her pretty face with aggrieved expression for a moment, she couldn't hold back her handsome face anymore. Nangong Haoling shook her head lightly. Way, he sighed secretly, carried her into Fengluan Palace, and went straight into the flower hall.

At this moment, in the flower hall, Lin Sheng and Qianqian had already prepared lunch.

He didn't put Yuan Xiuyue down, but hugged her and let her sit on his lap. Nangong Haoling waited quietly for Ting Lan and the two of them to set the dishes, took the silver chopsticks with his own hands, and brought a piece of pork with plum blossoms to Yuan Xiuyue's mouth.

Ever since she was pregnant, Yuan Xiuyue has developed the habit of letting Nangong Haoling feed herself.

Looking down at the plum blossom meat in front of her, and then at Nangong Haoling's gentle smile, Yuan Xiuyue slightly opened her lips and put the plum blossom meat in her mouth.

The taste of this meat is sweet but not greasy, very delicious...

After lunch, Nangong Haoling did not go to visit Yu Xiuzhi in the front hall, but carried Yuan Xiuyue all the way through the hall and entered the Jinlin Courtyard.

Entering the dormitory, she was put on the bed by Nangong Haoling, seeing that he was about to get on the bed after taking off his coat, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help frowning and asked: "Does the emperor not have to deal with state affairs today?

"Brother Wang is in charge of state affairs, and I can take a nap with you at ease today!" Yuluo, he embraced Yuan Xiuyue on the bed, but before he could lie down comfortably, he heard Ji Heng's voice from outside the bedroom: "Your Majesty, The slave has something important to report!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling couldn't help but frowned slightly.

Seeing him like this, Yuan Xiuyue stretched out her hand to caress his forehead, and said softly to Ji Heng outside the door: "Boss Ji, come in and talk!"


With a soft reply, Ji Heng pushed the door open from outside the bedroom and entered.

He glanced at Yuan Xiuyue with a somewhat ugly face, then he lowered his eyes, stepped forward a few steps and said respectfully to Nangong Haoling in front of the bed: "Your Majesty, the imperial physician has already seen Yu Meiren's illness, and the answer is..."

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's eyes darkened slightly.

As for Yuan Xiuyue, because it was rare to see Ji Heng hesitate like this, she couldn't help asking, "What did the imperial doctor say?"

"The doctor said..."

Frowning tightly, and lowering his head as low as possible, Ji Heng gritted his teeth and said softly, "Poppy is happy!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's heart was shocked!
Yu Xiuzhi is pregnant!

She is a concubine in the harem, and the child she conceives can only be...

Just at this moment, the indestructible fortress in her heart seemed to have been hit by a huge impact, crackling, rolling down boulders non-stop!

Sensing her shock, Nangong Haoling stretched out his hand to caress her face, and smiled at her gently, as if it had nothing to do with him. His thin lips pursed slightly, and he said with a sneer, "Only once, then Is she pregnant? I don't know if it's her luck or misfortune?"

Hearing his words, Yuan Xiuyue's complexion changed, and she couldn't help being a little confused.

It stands to reason that at this moment he should show a look of shock, or explain it to her immediately.

But he……

Her thoughts turned slightly, and just when she opened her mouth to ask her, she heard Nangong Haoling stretch out her index finger and press her red lips, turning her head to Ji Heng with a cold expression, and said: "You go over now." Pass on my will and tell her to take good care of her baby!"


Slightly startled, Ji Heng nodded his head and said, "I'm going now, slave!"

When the words fell, he turned and walked out!

Slightly lowering his eyes, seeing Yuan Xiuyue frowning and looking at him thoughtfully, Nangong Haoling leaned over and pecked her lips lightly, not in a hurry to explain anything to her, he raised his head and whispered to the door: "Girl Ting Lan ,Come in!"


Hearing the sound, Ting Lan, who had been waiting outside the door, came in.

Looking at Yuan Xiuyue who was not gloomy on the bed, she leaned forward in front of Nangong Haoling and asked, "The emperor called the servants to come in, but what are your orders?"


With bright eyes like stars, Nangong Haoling asked Ting Lan with a smile, "Do you know where Yu Meiren is resting now?"

Hearing this, Ting Lan frowned, lowered her head and replied: "If you go back to the emperor, Yu Meiren is resting in the hall right now!"


Nodding lightly, Nangong Haoling turned his head to look at Yuan Xiuyue, his eyes darkened slightly, and his eyes moved slightly.

Facing his strange gaze, Yuan Xiuyue's heart skipped a beat, and she couldn't help calling out in a confused way: "Your Majesty..."

Leaning down again, kissing her lips lightly, the corner of Nangong Haoling's lips slowly evoked a magnificent smile, just when Yuan Xiuyue was slightly dazed by his beautiful smile, he spoke in a hoarse and pleasant voice. The voice whispered to Ting Lan: "Call Qianqian later, go outside the gate of the main hall, exchange a few words in front of Yu Meiren, and say that Prince Ning's Nangong Xiao Ran survived a catastrophe, and has already entered the An family... "

(End of this chapter)

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