Chapter 227 Xiao Ran, Xiao Ran 3
This made her hate herself extremely in her heart!

"The emperor is here, the empress is here!"

Following Lin Sheng's singing, Yu Xiuzhi suddenly came back to her senses, raised her eyes slightly, and saw Nangong Haoling and Yuan Xiuyue coming together, her eyes flashed, and then she stretched out her hand to Zhu'er, biting her lips tightly, She supported her concubine to get up on the couch.

Eyelids slightly lowered, eyebrows lowered to stare at her own toes, Yu Xiuzhi leaned down in a soft voice: "I see the emperor as a concubine, and the empress!"

"This gift will be waived!"

Slightly raising his handsome eyebrows, Nangong Haoling firmly shook Yuan Xiuyue's shoulders, then let go, and quickly stepped forward to hold Yu Xiuzhi's hands and lead her up.Staring at Yu Xiuzhi's beautiful face with lowered eyebrows, his voice was exceptionally gentle: "I heard from Ji Heng that you are happy, is this... is it true?"


Jiao Didi nodded, and Yu Xiuzhi responded lightly, looking up into Nangong Haoling's deep whirlpool.Thinking of the child's origin, her heart tightened, and then she frowned and opened her lips: "Your Majesty... the day I was born..."

"Don't mention the past again!"

At the corner of his lips, there was a perfect smile that was as gentle as jade. Nangong Haoling frowned slightly, and his voice was as soft as water: "Since I have been on the throne for several years, I have always hoped that you can give birth to an heir with me, but you can't do it in the end. Now that the queen is pregnant, I haven't been happy for two days. Doctor Wang said today that her baby may be a princess. You know, doctor Wang is a genius doctor. There are eight to nine times out of ten that he can't be wrong... Today I was originally in a bad mood, but now that you are also happy, I have hope again! There is finally someone who can continue this country!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help frowning.

This guy, in just a short while, called the child in her stomach a princess.

But after thinking about it, she soon understood the meaning of his words.

If she is pregnant with a princess, then she will be safer, right? !

Yu Xiuzhi's heart warmed up, and the uneasiness and tension that had gathered in her heart just now disappeared instantly!
She thought that Nangong Haoling really forgave her for the sake of the child!
Even if she doesn't want this child, there are always people who want him to come into this world!

However, is Yuan Xiuyue pregnant with her daughter?

He raised his eyes and looked at Yuan Xiuyue provocatively. Seeing that her face was not gloomy, and the corners of Yu Xiuzhi's lips were slightly raised, she couldn't help smiling!
That's fine too, as long as she gives birth to a prince, then the Li country will belong to her son, and her Yu family will also have a glorious family.

At this time, Ting Lan and Qianqian entered the hall together.

Seeing Nangong Haoling and Yu Xiuzhi holding hands, both of their expressions changed slightly, and they looked sideways at Yuan Xiuyue who squinted her eyes slightly!

After receiving Ting Lan's and Qianqian's concerned eyes, and coldly looking at Nangong Haoling and Yu Xiuzhi, who were envied by you and me in front of the imperial concubine's bed, Yuan Xiuyue snorted coldly, and came from behind very inappropriately: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty! The concubine is still here, so you must kiss me and me like this in front of the concubine with Yu Meiren?"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling frowned slightly.

His expression turned slightly cold, he turned his head slightly, frowned and said softly to Yuan Xiuyue: "Queen, now Xiuzhi is just like you, and she is pregnant with my child, I am just happy..."


From between the lips and teeth, another cold snort escaped, and Yuan Xiuyue's expression turned cold.Looking down at Yu Xiuzhi with a low eyebrow, she said contemptuously: "If the concubine is the emperor, she will not be happy. The emperor thinks, how did Yu Meiren get pregnant with the dragon seed?"

As soon as she said this, the atmosphere in the hall instantly dropped to freezing point.

As for Yu Xiuzhi, her face was pale, without a trace of blood!
"Yuan Xiuyue!"

The voice lost its temperature in an instant, Nangong Haoling said coldly in a low voice: "You are enough!"

"She dares to do it, why won't the emperor let my concubine say it?" Dai Mei raised her eyebrows lightly, staring at Yu Xiuzhi's already pale pretty face, Yuan Xiuyue gritted her teeth secretly, and said ruthlessly: "With that kind of vile means, the stolen dragon Kind of like, if you give birth to a prince in the future, it will be fine, but if you give birth to a princess, you may not know how to mess up the palace!"

"Queen, you are too much!"

Turning around casually, Nangong Haoling's face was stern, and he was obviously out of anger: "Don't say that Yu Meiren and I will give birth to a prince, even if she gives birth to a princess, that is Yezhen's daughter, and you are hers too. Queen Mother, I will not allow you to slander her like this!"


Seeing him like this, Yu Xiuzhi couldn't help tugging at his sleeves: "Calm down..."

"Yu Xiuzhi!"

Coldly interrupting Yu Xiuzhi's words, Yuan Xiuyue said coldly to her in a bad tone: "Where are you crying like a cat and a mouse and pretending to be merciful!"

"The Empress!"

Tears rolled in her big bright eyes, and Yu Xiuzhi hurried to Yuan Xiuyue, as if the tit-for-tat confrontation in the Imperial Garden earlier had never happened, she took her hand affectionately, and said in a trembling voice: "The emperor is in pain." , is just a child in the womb of the concubine, and the most important person in his heart is you, the empress!"

Secretly said, the most important person in his heart is of course me.

Looking at the beautiful Yu Xiuzhi in front of her, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help feeling that this Yu Xiuzhi was better at acting than herself!

But it's more fun if we all act together!
And she will feel less guilty in the future!

"Sister Xiuzhi, you didn't look like this in the Imperial Garden just now, I just said it, don't cry like a cat and a mouse in front of me!" His complexion sank, and he sneered coldly, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes were stern Pulling away Yu Xiuzhi's hand, she swung her arm back suddenly!

A flash of lightning flashed in her heart, and Yu Xiuzhi's eyes turned slightly, and she actually followed Yuan Xiuyue in the Royal Garden earlier, and with the force of her shaking her hands back, she also followed her and lay down on her back!

Seeing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help frowning slightly, and the corners of her lips curled up in a smile.

This kid is learning so fast!


The color of her eyes changed slightly, Nangong Haoling stepped forward in two or three steps, and suddenly reached out to catch Yu Xiuzhi's body.


Looking at Nangong Haoling with a pale face, Yu Xiuzhi patted her chest in horror: "I'm so scared!"

Seeing her pale face, her brows frowned suddenly, Nangong Haoling turned to look at Yuan Xiuyue, his gaze froze instantly: "Yuan Xiuyue, do you think that your father rebelled, and I protect you, so you can be unscrupulous here?"

Frowning tightly, she lowered her eyebrows and looked at Yu Xiuzhi.Seeing all the triumphant look in her eyes, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyes to look at Nangong Haoling, as if she had returned to the time when she was not afraid of the sky and the earth, she stood upright and said decisively: "Does the emperor know that Yu Meiren has What did you say to your concubine in the imperial garden before?"

Hearing her words, Yu Xiuzhi's eyes flickered.

"I don't want to know!"

He glanced at Yuan Xiuyue with unfathomable eyes, with a dark handsome face, and stood up holding Yu Xiuzhi in his arms. Nangong Haoling ordered Lin Sheng without looking back: "The queen is so arrogant and domineering that she can't tolerate the concubines in the palace." There are dragon heirs, from today onwards, I don't want to see the empress again, and pass on my decree that this Fengluan Palace will be lived by Yu Meiren in the future, and the empress will be imprisoned on Jishan Mountain from today until she gives birth to a princess, and then she will be released separately!"

Hearing this, everyone in the hall was shocked!
This is a severe punishment for the emperor to the queen!


Trembling, Ting Lan stepped forward and knelt in front of Nangong Haoling: "The empress is just jealous for a while, the empress is still pregnant, the emperor, you can't..."

"I am the emperor, why not?"

Interrupting Ting Lan's words with a cold voice, Nangong Haoling said in a cold voice: "In the previous dynasty, the Yuan family was useless to our society, but harmful. In the harem, not only could she not give birth to a prince for me, but she could not tolerate her. The concubine conceived and gave birth to a child, such an empress is completely different from the gentle, gentle, and understanding empress I have known in the past!"

Hearing this, Ting Lan's complexion changed drastically.

Turning around to look at Yuan Xiuyue who was still stunned, she hurried forward and kept urging: "Empress, please hurry up and beg the emperor..."

"Begging for what?"

Glancing coldly at Yu Xiuzhi, who was full of victorious looks in his arms, Yuan Xiuyue said with a sad expression, "This is the emperor who makes me feel disappointed!"



Nangong Haoling frowned, and was about to sternly reprimand, but suddenly heard Ji Heng's soft call.

Seeing Ji Heng enter the palace, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help sighing inwardly!
The good show is coming to an end, and now is the climax of the show~!
Frowning tightly, he raised his head to look at Ji Heng, seeing that his expression was not right, he asked in a low voice, "Why are you so panicked?"


Quickly walking in front of Nangong Haoling, Ji Heng bowed his head respectfully, "On the frontline battle report, King Ning Nangong Xiao Ran survived a catastrophe, and now he has become the leader of the An clan, and is honored as Emperor Li by the rebels!"

Hearing what Ji Heng said, Yu Xiuzhi couldn't help being shocked!
Looking up at Ji Heng, she didn't care about Nangong Haoling's presence, and with a trembling voice, she asked in a low voice, "Who do you think survived a catastrophe?"

"He said that Nangong Xiaoran is not dead! Yu Xiuzhi, you better know that now that you are my woman and pregnant with my child, I will never allow you to have any more fantasies about him!" Eagle eyes lowered their brows intently Looking at Yu Xiuzhi who had already lost her composure, Nangong Haoling sneered, and said to Ji Heng: "From today on, Beauty Yu will live in Fengluan Palace, and immediately send the empress to Mount Jishan!"

"The slaves obey the orders!"

His complexion changed slightly, and Ji Heng hastily saluted himself.

Slightly squinting his eyes to cover up the sharp light in them, Nangong Haoling took a deep look at Yuan Xiuyue, then flicked his sleeves vigorously, and strode away from Fengluan Palace!
Seeing Nangong Haoling leave, Yu Xiuzhi raised her eyes in panic, stepped forward to hold Ji Heng's arms, her eyebrows were slightly frowned, and she asked in a hissing voice: "Brother Xiao Ran, is Brother Xiao Ran alive?"

Seeing this, Ji Heng frowned slightly, lowered his head and nodded slightly: "He is indeed still alive!"

Seeing Ji Heng nodding his head helplessly, Yu Xiuzhi felt a buzzing in her head, as if struck by lightning, she froze slightly, then took a few steps back, and suddenly fell down on the imperial concubine's couch.

(End of this chapter)

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