Chapter 228 Xiao Ran, Xiao Ran 4
In just an instant, the tears in her eyes surged out of her eyes like a bank bursting!

Her father said that he would not die with peace in his eyes!
Now, how could he still be alive? !
Quietly, staring at Yu Xiuzhi's nearly collapsed state, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't calm down for a long time.

Xiao Ran, Xiao Ran!
Do you know that your resurrection from the dead has wasted this flower-like woman in front of me? !
Secretly, with a low sigh in her heart, Yuan Xiuyue slowly stepped forward.

"I have always told you that your father is lying to you, but you don't believe me!" said faintly, standing still in front of Yu Xiuzhi, and stretching out her hand lightly, Yuan Xiuyue caressed her shoulder and said leisurely : "Now you are pregnant with the emperor's child in order to avenge this palace, and you will eventually enter Fengluan Palace, but he is still alive. If you say... between you, it was more or less possible before, but now, the relationship between you The fate of her is really broken!"

At the end of the sentence, Yuan Xiuyue bent her lips bitterly, and looked up at Ji Heng: "Director Ji, send me to Mount Jishan!"

"The Empress!"

Not knowing the agreement between Yuan Xiuyue and Nangong Haoling, Ji Heng looked at the wry smile on her lips, and couldn't help opening his lips slightly, but when he opened his mouth, he didn't know what to say, so he just lowered his eyes and said softly: "Please Madam, wait a moment, first let Ting Lan pack some of the clothes that Madam needs, and this servant will go prepare the phoenix chariot!"

"There's Mrs. Luo Ji in charge!"

The slight curve of the corners of her lips never retracted, Yuan Xiuyue lowered her eyelids slightly, put her hand on Ting Lan's arm, and then stepped inward, preparing to go to Jinlin Courtyard to pack some clothes.

Just as she climbed onto the high platform and was about to step into the corridor of the inner hall, she heard Yu Xiuzhi, who had been crying alone behind her, suddenly screamed and burst into tears: "Father, how could you have the heart to lie to my daughter? ah!"

Hearing the sound, Yuan Xiuyue looked slightly sideways.

Seeing Yu Xiuzhi covering her mouth tightly with her hands, her body trembling non-stop, her eyes were reddened by her thoughts!

In this whole matter, Yu Shen, Nangong Haoling, or she, everyone, more or less, was using Yu Xiuzhi!
And she is only 15 years old. In her eyes, such a flowery age is like a child. If she hadn't been born in the prime minister's mansion, if she hadn't been in the deep palace, maybe she would have been as fast as before. Happily marry the person you like, and live this life purely.

But all of that can only be a possibility after all!
And Yu Xiuzhi will eventually have to pay a heavy price for her partiality and stubbornness!

Seeing Yuan Xiuyue's sad expression, thinking that she was sad because the emperor drove her to Jishan, Ting Lan couldn't help but stare at her worriedly. "What's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine! I'm just a little tired!" Taking a deep breath, shaking her head lightly, Yuan Xiuyue sighed softly, and went in with Ting Lan, leaving Yu Xiuzhi alone in the huge golden hall of Fengluan Palace, weeping for a long time ...

Her heart must have been broken...

Jishan Palace!

In the Li Palace, Yuan Xiuyue has never set foot there!

This is also a place where concubines in the palace have never set foot!
Guided by Ji Heng himself, Yuan Xiuyue took only Ting Lan, Qianqian and Lin Sheng along with her, and Yuan Wende and Ying Ying secretly guarded her, riding a phoenix chariot all the way up the mountain road, and finally came to the top of the mountain and arrived at Ji In front of the mountain palace.

As soon as she entered the palace, what caught Yuan Xiuyue's eyes was not the almost gloomy magnificence, nor the exquisite furniture with a heavy sense of history. Sexual ease, and... the warmth of home.

All the way from the outer hall, into the inner hall, and then through the Nuan Pavilion, to the bedroom, looking at the rather comfortable furnishings, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but softly asked Ji Heng beside him: "Why did the emperor come to Jishan every year?"

"Return to your mother's words!" Ji Heng curled his lips lightly, and then, as if caught in his own memories, he replied softly: "The decoration of this palace is exactly the same as the Xiaoyaohou mansion where the emperor lived in Chu State. .”


Raising her black eyebrows lightly, she walked slowly to a soft bed and sat down. Yuan Xiuyue looked at Ji Heng leisurely: "I always thought that the period when the emperor lived in Chu State should be the most unhappy time, but now he After returning to the country of Li, he moved everything about the country of Chu here, so it can be seen that when he was in the country of Chu, he must have had a very comfortable life!"

Nangong Haoling was sent to the state of Chu as a war hostage since he was a child, and he returned after a few years. The Empress Dowager Zhong had strict orders in the palace, and no one was allowed to mention this time. It should have been very depressing, so I never mentioned it, but now it seems that some things are not as she thought!
"The empress doesn't know something..." Looking up at Yuan Xiuyue, the corners of Ji Heng's lips could not help but grow wider: "When the emperor was in Chu State, he was very favored by the former emperor of Chu State. The former emperor once granted him the title of Xiaoyaohou, and gave him a gold medal, saying that he could come in and out of the palace at will, and roam the mountains and rivers of Chu country at will, if he did not come to leave the country! Feng~liu, it has never been like this..."

Thinking of Nangong Haoling's past, and thinking of Nangong Haoling's present, Ji Heng couldn't help feeling sad.

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help frowning slightly: "According to what you said, the emperor never ascended the throne back then, but he lived a free life. At that time, he should be the happiest and happiest!"


With downcast eyes, Ji Heng sighed lightly, and then said softly to Yuan Xiuyue: "Your Majesty, from today onwards, your Majesty will live here permanently. Under Jishan Mountain, there will be guards guarding it. Ordinary people can't come up, your Majesty." Here, An Xiao and Ying Ying are responsible for the protection, and Ting Lan, Qian Qian, and Lin Sheng are also waiting for you, so you can live in peace when you have no worries about food and clothing!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue lightly smiled: "There is Lao Ji in charge!"

"It's all a slave's job!"

Smiling and nodding, Ji Heng turned to Yuan Xiuyue respectfully and said, "If your majesty has nothing else to do, this slave will go down the mountain now!"


Slightly waving her hands, Yuan Xiuyue got up from her slump and watched Ji Heng walk away slowly. She turned around with dark eyes and looked at the spacious and comfortable bedroom behind her. She couldn't help pursing her red lips lightly, and sighed with emotion: "So , what I've always wanted, you've always wanted too, presumably you can't get what you want, so you also want to keep me, let me accompany you..."

Hearing her exclamation, Ting Lan suddenly felt foggy.

Taking two steps forward, she stretched out her hand to touch the strap of Yuan Xiuyue's cloak, and she asked softly, "What is it that you and the emperor have always wanted, what the empress said?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue smiled.

After listening to take off the cloak on her body, she winked at her lightly and said: "It's freedom!"


Hearing Yuan Xiuyue's answer, Qianqian couldn't help but wondered: "The emperor can go wherever he wants, who dares to stop him?"

When Jing Qianqian asked such a question, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but smile bitterly.

If it was an ordinary person, he would be free and at ease, but as the emperor, what stands in front of him is the world and responsibility!

"Go! Go! Go!"

Seeing the wry smile on Yuan Xiuyue's face, Ting Lan frowned displeasedly, and stuffed the cloak in her hand to Qianqian, she stretched out her hand and pushed Qianqian: "Hurry up, go to the dining room and see what delicious food is prepared today Yes, after a while, it's time for the empress to have dinner."


As soon as she heard about eating, Qianqian immediately became interested, nodded her head hastily, and walked out of the dormitory briskly.

In the next few days, in the leaving palace, Yu Xiuzhi was granted the title of concubine Yu, and she would be named a noble concubine only when the prince was born. Has become the emperor's favorite No.1!
After moving into the Jishan Palace, Yuan Xiuyue really lived a leisurely life without hearing anything outside the window.

Fast forward ten days, and in the blink of an eye, the weather became colder and colder.

Ever since she went to Mount Ji, Nangong Haoling has never been to Mount Ji, and when she has nothing to do, she would splash ink and quietly practice calligraphy, first to pass the time, and second, to cultivate herself!
Tonight, the moonlight is enchanting and the stars are shining.

The silvery white moonlight fell on the ground, and in the silence of the moonlight, Yuan Xiuyue retreated from Ting Lan and Qianqian, and was alone in the study room, with downcast eyes, on the rice paper, there was a big static word!

Quiet, quiet people.

She has always asked herself so!
But why, her heart is always unable to be quiet? !
With a helpless sigh, she raised her eyes slightly, looking at the bright and cunning Xia Xuanyue outside the window, her thoughts raced.

All of a sudden, seeing a white figure that she was familiar with suddenly appeared in the moonlight, her heart trembled slightly, she couldn't help getting up from the desk, walked quickly to the window, raised her hand to open the window !

The people outside the window seemed to have seen her.

After she stood in front of the window, she saw his figure standing in the moonlight move, and quickly galloped towards Yuan Xiuyue's study...

(End of this chapter)

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