Chapter 229 Heart, It Hurts! 1
The moonlit night in the early winter, although radiant and silvery white, was always piercingly cold.

Facing the slightly biting wind, Yuan Xiuyue leaned against the window, staring at the white figure in the hazy moonlight, who seemed to be flying across thousands of mountains and rivers, and was speeding towards her all the way.

But seeing that figure getting closer, she couldn't help but her eyes were moist, but she raised her hands happily to tighten the warm-colored cloak on her body.

A big rock in her heart finally fell to the ground, her lips were slightly raised, and she couldn't help but let out a long breath in her heart.

Just as she was sighing, the white figure that she had been thinking about for a long time, even though she didn't think about it day and night, had already stopped outside the window, staring at him with burning eyes, her thoughts were surging, and she finally called out softly :"gentlemen……"

Just these two faint words, the mist in her eyes turned into drops of tears, which could no longer be restrained from bursting out of her eyes.

The eyes of the person in front of him kept flickering. He was wearing a white robe and a white fur cloak. Because of Night Breeze, there were still a few strands of hair casually hanging down the side of his face, making him even more gentle and elegant...

It's Nangong Xiaoran who is here!
That Nangong Xiaoran who almost died for her, who was devoted to her!

At this moment, Nangong Xiaoran in front of her, seemed to be able to vaguely discern the cold breath of winter night on his body due to the reason of rushing all night, but even so, when he heard Yuan Xiuyue's sir, he was still as handsome as ever. There was a smile like a spring breeze.

With the widening arc of his lips, the sparkle in his handsome and bright eyes made people feel dazzling.

"Yue'er, I came back alive..."

Deeply staring at Yuan Xiuyue, who is now slightly plump, Nangong Xiaoran's eyes slowly passed over her slightly protruding abdomen, his eyes paused slightly, but only a moment later, the corners of his lips slightly hooked towards her. Smile gently!
At this moment, after going through life and death, when he saw her again, it was still the same as that day and night when he met Yuan Xiuyue again in the imperial garden, the sentence Yue'er, I miss you... only gently whispered from his mouth, Yue Son, I'm back alive.

Such words, although simple, made Yuan Xiuyue's eyebrows crease slightly, and then there were slight ripples in his heart.

"It's good to be alive!"

Seemingly infected by Nangong Xiaoran, a slight smile appeared on Yuan Xiuyue's face.Pursing her lips and letting out a long sigh, feeling the cold night wind outside the window, she couldn't help shivering.


On Fengshen's handsome face, the smile was still there. Nangong Xiaoran slightly hooked the corners of his lips, pointed to the window, and asked with a smile: "I have come from a long distance, and it was so cold all the way, maybe let me go in and talk?"

"Of course!"

When she was smiling, Yuan Xiuyue turned slightly sideways to make room in front of the window, and Rong Nangong Xiao Ran was able to enter through the window.

Seeing this, Nangong Xiao Ran narrowed his eyes slightly, lifted his waist, and was about to jump into the window, but saw Ting Lan open the door, squatting and coming in with a bowl of ginseng soup: "Your Majesty, the servant girl is newly boiled, your favorite Tremella Mushu Soup, drink it while it's hot..."

While speaking, Ting Lan raised her eyes slightly!

When she caught a glimpse of Nangong Xiaoran leaping into the window, she couldn't help being shocked, and the tremella mushu soup in her hand also fell to the ground with a clang: "His Royal Highness King Ning...Your Highness..."

"I'm sorry for Bengong's favorite tremella wood shu soup!"

Brows twitched, but the corners of her lips slightly raised, Yuan Xiuyue stared at Ting Lan in a daze at the door of the study, couldn't help turning her head to look at Nangong Xiaoran with a funny smile, then covered her lips and teased Ting Lan: "Sir, It's all your fault, you didn't say hello in advance when you came, you see you scared Ting Lan into such a distraught look."

"It's my fault!" Nangong Xiao Ran smiled lightly, then saluted Ting Lan very gracefully: "Accidentally startled Ting Lan, this king apologizes to you again!"

" don't have to be like this, my lord!"

Returning to her senses in a daze, Ting Lan hurriedly shook her head, her eyes couldn't hide her excitement, her eyes carefully swept over Nangong Xiaoran, she said with concern: "When did the prince come? Is everything all right? Can you use it?" Have you had dinner yet? But..."

"all good!"

He nodded to Ting Lan with a light smile, and did not let her continue to ask. Nangong Xiaoran turned his eyes to Yuan Xiuyue, his eyes moved up from her protruding abdomen until he met her eyes. He asked with a smile: "Yes Okay?"

"all good!"

Facing Nangong Xiaoran's eyes, which were exactly the same as what he said, Yuan Xiuyue also smiled lightly.

Seeing that Nangong Xiaoran's gaze was always on Yuan Xiuyue, Ting Lan's expression was slightly sad!
Sighing softly in her heart, she raised her eyes and said to the two of them: "Didn't the lord always want the empress to play chess with the empress? It's a bit cold here, and now I invite the empress and the lord to move to the warm pavilion. It's warmer than here. The servant ordered Qianqian to tidy up here, and went over to play chess with the empress and the prince to make tea!"

"Since girl Ting Lan arranged it this way, then..." Nangong Xiao Ran slightly raised his eyebrows and looked at Yuan Xiuyue, and asked with a light smile, "Yue'er, what do you think?"

"So good!"

The smile on the corner of her lips deepened a little at this moment, Yuan Xiuyue said with a soft smile: "Brother has been playing chess with me all this time, nothing new, since the husband is back today, we must play chess and drink tea together. This night is not in vain!"

Hearing this, Nangong Xiao Ran couldn't help showing off his face and smiling again: "So, it's exactly what I want!"

The Nuan Pavilion in the Jishan Palace is only separated from the bedroom by a wall.

The reason why this place is called the warm pavilion is because it is located under the wooden floor, which is a pothole hollowed out by the soil. If it comes to winter, if someone fills the pit with good charcoal fire, it will be as warm as a spring day. generally.

Such a temperature is very different from the cold weather outside!
Not long after, Ting Lan set up a chess game on the table, and on the low table next to it, a small stove, teapot and other tea-making utensils were also set up.

"Sir, do you know what was going on in my mind when I was shocked to hear that you had thrown yourself into the Wujiang River?" Sitting down at the low table with Nangong Haoling, Yuan Xiuyue glanced at him with a light smile, reached out and took a chess piece from the chess jar. Heizi placed his eyes down on the chessboard.

"It must be very sad!"

Sweeping Yuan Xiuyue's calm face lightly, Nangong Xiaoran's eyes darkened slightly, he raised his hand to take the chess piece, and landed it on the chessboard. He frowned slightly, with a deep expression: "At that time, the An clan wanted to support me as king, but The faction of royalists wants to kill me. One of the forces behind these two parties is my mother and the other is my brother. Let the situation calm down!"

"But you didn't expect that after you threw yourself into the Wujiang River, not only did the situation not subside, but the An clan actually rebelled in the name of your bereaved son..." Thoughts turned, thinking of the An clan, and then thinking of my father Yuan Chenghai and Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help showing a bitter smile on their faces, and she dropped a little, and she couldn't help sighing softly.Her eyes darkened slightly, she looked at Nangong Xiaoran, and continued to ask sadly: "The Wujiang River is bottomless, and the water in the Wujiang River is extremely cold. How did you survive when you threw yourself into the bottom of the river?"

Hearing this, Nangong Xiaoran raised his thin lips.

He lowered his eyebrows and thought about the chess game, and dropped the chess piece on the board. He raised his eyes again, and smiled bitterly at Yuan Xiuyue, with a slightly desolate expression on his face: "The Wujiang River is indeed bottomless, and the water of the Wujiang River is indeed cold, but I have been familiar with water since I was a child, and I gritted my teeth, and I got over it."

What he didn't say clearly was that at that time, the reason why he gritted his teeth and persisted was... because he wanted to see her again.

Even if there is only one side, as long as she is sure that her life is safe and the poison on her body has been completely cured, even if he dies, he can rest in peace.

But these, these words, he can keep in his heart.

You can talk to yourself.

But... still can't tell her clearly!

After hearing Nangong Xiaoran's words, and seeing his slightly bitter and depressed expression, Yuan Xiuyue's heart couldn't help but suddenly tugged.

Seeing that everything was fine in front of him, she breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, and a faint smile appeared on her lips: "This trip to the Northern Territory, sir, is for me, you... have suffered!"

Hearing this, the smile on the corner of Nangong Xiaoran's mouth gradually deepened: "I can have today and see that everything is fine with you, so I don't feel bitter at all!"


Feeling endlessly moved in her heart, Yuan Xiuyue twitched her eyelashes slightly, and a faint mist rose in her eyes. She took a deep breath, lowered her eyebrows, picked up the chess piece, and dropped another one, so as to hide her gaffe.

Nangong Xiaoran looked at her indifferently before continuing to settle down, "He...does he treat you well?"

Hearing his question, Ting Lan beside her couldn't help but change her face slightly.

If you say that when Nanling returned to the palace, Nangong Haoling had nothing to say to Yuan Xiuyue.

But now...

Thinking for a while, biting her lips lightly with her white teeth, she opened her mouth to speak, but she heard Yuan Xiuyue chuckle and replied: "He is very good to me!"

Hearing this, Ting Lan couldn't help but frowned slightly, and finally said: "My lord, everyone knows that now the emperor only favors concubine Yu, the life of your empress is actually not easy!"

"Ting Lan!"

Frowning in displeasure, Yuan Xiuyue turned her head and reprimanded Ting Lan: "Stop talking!"

Seeing this, Ting Lan raised her lips slightly: "What the maidservant said is the truth..."


Laughing at herself, Yuan Xiuyue turned her head to look at Nangong Xiaoran, with a wry smile in her eyes, but she was very calm: "The fact is that my father surrendered to the enemy and treasoned the country. The emperor killed Yan Yuntao and killed everyone in order to save me. How can he treat me like this? Don't you want to say hello?"

Hearing this, Ting Lan was stunned for a moment, and then fell silent.

As for Nangong Xiaoran, he sighed a little coldly: "If he can do this, then he has not let me down, but he shouldn't have left you on this Mount Ji and ignored you for many days! Just ignore it! !"


With a wry smile on her lips, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly, "I think it's good to live here and be at ease..."

(End of this chapter)

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