Chapter 231 Heart, It Hurts! 3
With a sharp voice, Yuan Wende looked at Nangong Xiaoran with very cold eyes.

The hand holding Yuan Wende's sword hilt was pressed down suddenly, Yuan Xiuyue turned around slightly, seeing Nangong Xiao Ran was only looking at her, but never moved, she couldn't help but sneered: "Why? The prince won't leave now, Do you really want my brother to do it?"


Slowly getting up from the table, Nangong Xiao Ran focused deeply on Yuan Xiuyue's gentle voice: "I still have something I haven't asked you before!"

"Is there anything more important than your life? I don't want to hear another word from you!" Yuan Xiuyue's face darkened suddenly, and Yuan Xiuyue asked coldly, "How did you enter the palace? How do you get out now!" Yan Luo , she turned to Ting Lan and said: "Ting Lan, send His Royal Highness King Ning away!"


Responding hastily, Ting Lan stepped forward and grabbed Nangong Xiaoran's arm, "My lord, let's go, don't make it difficult for your empress!"

"Okay, I'll go!"

Sweeping his gaze over Yuan Wende and Yuan Xiuyue, he finally took a deep look at Yuan Xiuyue. Nangong Xiaoran slowly got up from his seat with a stern look on his face, turned around and left the Nuan Pavilion.

In a hurry, she blessed Yuan Xiuyue, and Ting Lan followed her out of the Nuan Pavilion in a hurry.

As soon as the two left, Yuan Xiuyue's heartstrings relaxed, and the hand holding Yuan Wende's sword hilt couldn't help but relax slightly.

Dazed, she sat down at the table, and closed her eyes tiredly, "Brother, I miss the mountains of Yunyang and the endless desert, as well as Aunt A Tao's woolen milk. This place makes me feel better." tired……"

Hearing this, Yuan Wende couldn't help but change his eyes slightly.

The hand holding the sword hilt was tight and loose, loose and tight, he sighed softly, reached out and stroked Yuan Xiuyue's shoulder: "If you want, you have a chance, brother will take you back."

"Will there be a chance?"

The voice is faint, but the heart is full of longing. People say that once entering the Houmen, Yuan Xiuyue is in the palace gate, how can she casually go back to the place where she grew up...

After following Nangong Haoling out of the palace, Ting Lan realized how cold the winter night wind was.

The bone-chilling feeling made her shrink back, but when she saw the white figure heading towards her, she could only hold her arms tightly trembling, and followed Nangong Xiaoran step by step, with one foot deep and one foot shallow. Walking in the dense forest with trembling branches and silence.

Above the head, on the tip of the moon, there is a cold rhyme of winter.

Slightly raising her eyes, she looked at the handsome man in front of her who was as white as a banished fairy in the moonlight, but kept silent all the time. Ting Lan couldn't help but sneezed, and finally asked softly, "How did the lord get into this place earlier?" Palace, why don't you go down the mountain at this moment, but walk up the mountain instead?"

Hearing this, Nangong Xiaoran stopped in his tracks.

Turning around to look at Ting Lan who was shivering from the cold behind him, his pretty eyebrows frowned slightly, then stepped forward, took off the cloak on his body, and put it on her body: "Do you know that after Jishan, there is It's a vast ocean, and there are no palace walls!"

"Yes... is it?"

Because of the sudden warmth, Ting Lan's heart trembled, her cheeks blushed in an instant, she raised her eyes to look at Nangong Xiaoran, seeing his eyes reflecting the moonlight shining brightly, she couldn't help but lose her mind for a while!
"The road ahead is not easy, you don't have to send me off, I just leave!" Faintly, with a smile from the corner of his lips, Nangong Xiaoran lightly helped Fu Tinglan's shoulder: "Be good for me." Take care of her!"

"Oh... my lord!"

Seeing that Nangong Xiaoran's eyes didn't stay on her, she turned around and continued to move forward. Ting Lan hurriedly stepped forward, panting slightly: "Your Majesty asked the servant to send the prince away. The servant must watch the prince leave before returning to return!"

Hearing this, Nangong Xiao Ran smiled lightly, but stopped making any sound.

Not long after crossing the forest sea, Ting Lan followed Nangong Xiaoran to the outermost side of Mount Ji.

Standing on the cliff, looking at the vast expanse of water, listening to the sound of water lapping against the rocky shore below, she swallowed dryly, and turned her head to look at Nangong Xiaoran beside her with a trembling face: "It's such a cold day, but this place has never been frozen, and the waves are so fast, how did the prince come here?"

Nangong Xiao Ran smiled and said: "This king is not even afraid of Wujiang, so is he still afraid of not being able to succeed here?"

Hearing this, Ting Lan's eyes changed slightly, but she just stared at him.

She didn't dare to think how much Nangong Xiaoran paid for coming to see Yuan Xiuyue!
"Look, Ting Lan!"

Stretching out his arms, pointing to the mountains at the end of the water pool, Nangong Xiaoran bent his lips and raised his voice slightly so that Ting Lan could hear his own voice: "This is the periphery of Mount Ji, but it is connected to the outside of the palace. So there are no palace walls to block it, it's all because there are natural barriers one after another, the only difference is that ordinary people don't know the real terrain, so they can't get in at all!"

Hearing this, Ting Lan couldn't help trembling.

Slightly raising her eyes, she looked in the direction Nangong Xiaoran pointed at, and seeing the faint green hills and emerald greens there, Ting Lan couldn't help asking in a trembling voice: "After the lord has passed through this marsh now, what else is there?"


With a faint smile, she said so in Ting Lan's ear.

Hearing this, Ting Lan couldn't help being stunned!
Seeing her like this, Nangong Xiao Ran couldn't help but sneered and said: "If it weren't for the top, everyone could enter, wouldn't everyone be able to enter this Liguo Imperial Palace?"

After the words fell, she told Ting: "You have already sent me here, so go back now!"

While speaking, he stepped down, and under the moonlight, he was about to head towards the stalled light boat in front of the water moor.

"My lord!"

Hastily stretching out her hand, grabbing Nangong Xiaoran's arm, Ting Lan asked eagerly: "What exactly did the lord want to say to the empress?"

"She doesn't even want to hear it. Why do you hear it?"

Turning his head and smiling gently at Ting Lan, Nangong Xiaoran's tone was full of sadness and loss. With a light sigh, he said bitterly: "Now, she is the daughter of a traitor, and the whole world knows that the emperor treats her badly. Well, this king naturally knows that if possible, this king can take her away regardless of everything, but she doesn't want to..."

Thinking of Yuan Xiuyue's way of defending Nangong Haoling all the time, Nangong Xiaoran couldn't help but shook his head with a bitter sigh.

"My lord!"

She uttered her voice again, catching Nangong Xiaoran's footsteps who were about to leave. Ting Lan asked tremblingly in the cold wind: "Don't say that the empress is definitely not willing to leave with the prince, even if she is, the empress is now pregnant with the emperor's child, the prince Don't you care at all?"

Hearing this, Nangong Xiao Ran's eyes dimmed!
Smiling lightly, he raised his eyes to look at Ting Lan: "Girl Ting Lan, if one day, you have loved deeply like this king, you will know that those things that are extremely important in the eyes of the world are actually deeply loved. In front of you, it's not worth mentioning at all!"

Deeply shocked by his words, Ting Lan trembled slightly, took off the light fur on her body, and stepped forward to approve with Nangong Xiaoran.

"No need, as a woman, you are more afraid of the cold than this king, and this king can still bear it!" Unwilling to refuse, he flicked Ting Lan's hand, dodging the light fur in her hand, Nangong Xiaoran turned and turned down, Under Ting Lan's gaze, she walked slowly to the light boat, and left alone in the boat!
Concentrating deeply on Nangong Xiaoran's ups and downs in the water, Ting Lan's heart was deeply shocked!
Slightly lowering her head, looking at the light fur worn by Nangong Xiaoran in her hand, she pursed her lips lightly, and couldn't help muttering: "My can Ting Lan help you and your empress!"

Night is deep.

In front of the couch, the charcoal in the brazier was sizzling non-stop under the burning of the flame.

Yuan Xiuyue nestled on the warm couch, curled up slightly, looked at the moonlight outside the window, and never fell asleep.

Unknowingly, a little snow fell outside the window.

When she raised her eyes, she saw Ting Lan, dressed in snow, pushing the door in from outside the dormitory. She frowned slightly, and asked softly, "Has he left?"


Slightly drooping eyes, Ting Lan's eyes were somewhat dark.

Quietly, looking at Ting Lan's gloomy face, Yuan Xiuyue frowned lightly, but didn't ask any more questions, just murmured: "Let's go, I don't have to worry about it!"

Hearing this, Ting Lan raised her eyes sarcasticly, tears flickering in her eyes: "Your Majesty, do you know how His Highness King Ning entered the palace to see you, and how did he leave?"

"Ting Lan..."

Never seen Ting Lan's eyes look like this at this moment, Yuan Xiuyue was slightly startled, but after a while, her eyes darkened and asked: "How did he enter the palace?"


The crystal tears kept rolling in her eyes, Ting Lan suddenly squatted down, and cried softly: "Outside Jishan, there is no palace wall, but there is extremely bad water. The prince came to see With just one glance from the empress, she braved all kinds of difficulties and dangers, crossed the top and crossed the bad water, and then..."

At this point, Ting Lan could no longer hold back the tears in her eyes. Ting Lan closed her eyes with difficulty, letting the crystal tears fall from the corners of her eyes.

"Is that so?"

Suddenly, all kinds of complicated and difficult emotions surged up in her heart, Yuan Xiuyue was silent for a while, just shook her head with a wry smile: "He is so... so stupid!"

"Isn't your mother stupid?"

Biting her vermilion lips tightly, it was the first time that she no longer followed the etiquette of master and servant, Ting Lan trembled her lips, and sighed in tears: "Now my mother is pregnant, but the emperor left her on this barren mountain and ignored her, No matter what, if the maidservant is a concubine, with King Ning treating her like this, she would have fled with him recklessly, why stay here all her life, but look forward to that flirtatious man at the foot of the mountain who is hugging other women to eat, drink and have fun!"

"Ting Lan..."

She never dreamed that Ting Lan would say such words to herself at this moment, Yuan Xiuyue frowned, and sat up on her knees: "Do you know what will happen if your words today are overheard by others!"

"Slaves are not afraid!"

The teardrops in the corner of her eyes seemed to be broken. Ting Lan raised her eyes to meet Yuan Xiuyue's eyes that were as bright as black jade, and cried bitterly: "The servant is not worth it for the mother, and the child in the mother's belly is not worth it. Not worth it for the prince!"

"All right!"

(End of this chapter)

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