Chapter 232 Heart, It Hurts! 4
The tone became extremely displeased, Yuan Xiuyue stared at Ting Lan crying for Nangong Xiaoran, and couldn't help waving her hands slightly annoyed: "Your crazy words, I just pretend that I have never heard of them. But...didn't it mean that you're going down the mountain tomorrow to buy things for the boss? Tonight, Qianqian will be here in the palace, don't cry anymore, go down and rest."

Hearing this, Ting Lan was slightly suffocated!
Seeing that Nangong Haoling's face was slightly ugly, she bit her lips tightly and knelt down to Yuan Xiuyue: "This servant is just impatient for a while, so she lost her sense of proportion and said a lot of things that should not be said, empress, don't blame this servant!"

"How can I blame you?"

Frowning tightly, Yuan Xiuyue sighed softly when she asked such a question: "I'm a little tired, I'm going to rest now, you should hurry down and rest!"

"Thank you, servant girl!"

Sniffing lightly, Ting Lan bowed her head and stood up, respectfully exiting the bedroom.

Slightly raising her gaze, Yuan Xiuyue's expression changed significantly as she watched Ting Lan close the door!
Ting Lan was loyal to her and fell in love with Nangong Xiaoran, which is why she has lost her composure today.

She has been by her side since she was a child, how could she not understand her thoughts?
However, she knew that Nangong Haoling was kind to her, but she couldn't tell her frankly.

It's all because she knows how deep the water in this palace is. If one more person knows about the agreement between her and Nangong Haoling, it means that she and the child will be in more danger.

Therefore, no matter how Ting Lan misunderstood Nangong Haoling at this moment, she could not excuse him.

Of course, she didn't distrust Ting Lan.

Rather, she is used to all kinds of intrigues, coercion and temptation in this deep palace.

Sometimes, if Ting Lan doesn't know about certain things, she is actually treating her well.

The next day, Dongyang has risen.

The strands of snow that fell yesterday shone brightly under the sunlight until they gradually melted between the heavens and the earth.

Yexi Palace, in the Imperial Study Room.

Nangong Hao Ling Ningmei handed the reviewed memorial to Ji Heng who just came in. Although he didn't raise his eyes, he lightly told him: "Although the snow doesn't fall heavily, the road will always be slippery. You can go to Ji Heng yourself. Shan, please tell the empress not to walk around indiscriminately, so as not to accidentally fall!"

"Report to the Emperor!"

Tidying up the folders in his hand, Ji Heng raised his eyes slightly, and squinted at Nangong Haoling. He accompanied Xinxin and said in a low voice: "It's a coincidence that Miss Tinglan arrived at the purchasing department early this morning. Forget it, the emperor has not seen the empress for more than ten days, so... the slave made his own decision and passed Miss Ting Lan here, so that the emperor can know the recent situation of the empress..."

"Is it?"

The hand holding the vermilion pen paused slightly, Nangong Haoling looked up at Ji Heng: "Where is the person? Tell her to come in and see you!"


Responding with a smile, Ji Heng turned to face the outside.

After a while, he brought Ting Lan into the imperial study.

"Slave Ting Lan, see the emperor, long live my emperor!" Standing still in the imperial study, Ting Lan bowed her head to Nangong Haoling without raising her eyes!
"Excuse me!"

Raising her eyes slightly, Nangong Haoling couldn't help asking softly as she looked at Ting Lan, who had been lowering her gaze downwards, "How is the Queen's health these days?"

Hearing this, Ting Lan gritted her teeth secretly, lowered her head and said lightly: "Thanks to the emperor's blessing, everything is fine, my lady!"

"all good……"

Repeatedly murmuring the word "good" in Ting Lan's mouth, Nangong Haoling frowned slightly!
"Yes, everything is fine!"

Still without raising her eyes, Ting Lan said in a calm tone: "Ever since the empress went to Jishan, she has never worried about being in the palace. After more than ten days, the empress has eaten well and slept better than before. It's still plump!"

Hearing this, the corners of Nangong Haolingcai's lips twitched lightly.

Trying his best to suppress the strong yearning for Yuan Xiuyue in his heart, he responded lightly, then lowered his eyes and said lightly to Ting Lan again: "That's good, you should step back first!"

Hearing this, Ting Lan frowned slightly.

When she raised her eyes, seeing Nangong Haoling lowering her eyebrows and reviewing the memorial all the time, she gritted her teeth and saluted respectfully, "Your servant will leave!"


Having never looked at Ting Lan again, Nangong Haoling was still reviewing the memorial with lowered eyes.

After a while, when Ting Lan left, Ji Heng couldn't help but frowned deeply and said, "This girl Ting Lan didn't have such a cold attitude towards the emperor in the past, but now that she has become like this, she must be complaining for the empress in her heart!"

"That's good!"

The head of the eyes was raised slightly, and a clear light flashed across the master of the eyes. On Nangong Haoling's unparalleled handsome face, there was a slight smile: "If you can deceive Ting Lan, you can deceive the world. In this way, Yue'er It will be safer with the children!"


Ji Heng pursed his lips, then lowered his eyebrows.

Turning his gaze slightly to look at Ji Heng, Nangong Haoling narrowed his eyes slightly, frowned lightly and said, "Ting Lan doesn't know the truth, but you, the Chief Internal Officer, know best. You can't go up the mountain with Fengluan Palace. I heard that the emperor's sister-in-law didn't want to enter the palace because she couldn't get used to me pampering Concubine Yu these days. She has a deep affection with the Empress Empress and sisters, and has been arguing to go to Mount Ji, and send her to the mountain to be with the Empress Empress!"

Hearing this, Ji Heng couldn't help but chuckled.

But for a moment, he hesitated a little and said: "The emperor is so kind, there is really a lack of a doctor on Jishan Mountain now, and now with the company of the virtuous princess, the empress will not be bored, but if this is the case, the virtuous princess It is bound to know the truth.”

Thinking of Xuanyuantang, Nangong Haoling couldn't help but smile: "Emperor's sister-in-law has a clear mind, do you think that if I don't act like this, she won't be able to guess the truth? Do as I say!"

"The slave obeys the order!"

With a slight respect, Ji Heng left the imperial study with a smile.

Watching Ji Heng leave, the smile on Nangong Haoling's lips gradually faded away.

Sighing lightly, he put the vermilion pen in his hand on the inkstone, sighed lightly, and lifted the bright yellow tablecloth on the royal case.

Under the tablecloth, there is a portrait of Yuan Xiuyue hidden.

The Yuan Xiuyue in this portrait is playful and agile, gently smoothing a strand of black hair with her hands, and the corners of her lips are slightly curled up, making everyone who sees her eyes slightly warm.

This painting was drawn by him in his thoughts of her after she left the palace last year. It has never been shown to anyone, even Yuan Xiuyue has never seen it.

But at this moment, it has become his comfort and lovesickness!

Slightly raising her hand, stroking Yuan Xiuyue's smiling eyebrows and eyes on the portrait, Nangong Haoling pursed her thin lips, and a perfect smile bloomed from the corner of her lips: "I miss you so much, do you know?"

After leaving the imperial study, Ji Heng was about to leave the palace in person but invited Princess Xian.

But not long after he walked out of Yexi Palace, he inadvertently caught a glimpse of Ting Lan heading towards Fengluan Palace.

Frowning slightly, thinking about this girl's nostalgia for the old days, and thinking about the place where he lived for many years, he shook his head and sighed softly, then went to Xianwang's mansion non-stop.

But, God did not wish!
When he arrived at Prince Xian's Mansion, he realized that Xuanyuan Tang had gone to live in Juxian Tower a few days ago.

In desperation, he had no choice but to leave quickly and go to Juxian Tower.

However, when he arrived at the Juxian Tower, he was told again that the dragon mother-in-law had contracted the cold for a while and was not feeling well. Xuanyuan Tang had to stay in the Juxian Tower for a few more days. Mountain.

After such a lot of tossing, it was already five days later when Xuanyuan Tang went to Mount Jishan again.

And her arrival was unexpected to Yuan Xiuyue, but also a very pleasant surprise.


Instructing Ting Lan to prepare a few dishes that Xuanyuantang likes, Yuan Xiuyue took Xuanyuantang's hand with a smile, and entered the Nuan Pavilion with her, and sat at the table from left to right: "I haven't seen you for a while, I really miss you , why did your son know that he came to see me now?"

Hearing this, Xuanyuan Tang slightly hooked his lips, frowned and said softly: "The weather is cold these few days, my mother-in-law has caught the wind and cold, you know, she is getting old, this disease will be a bit troublesome, anyway, the emperor arranged for you here It's very appropriate, I don't have to worry too much, so I went to serve her first!"

Hearing that Long Po was ill, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but frowned slightly: "Is Po Po okay?"

"It's all right!"

Smiling lightly, looking up and down at Yuan Xiuyue's fair and reddish face, Xuanyuantang said softly: "It's you, who sang the double reed with the emperor, I have had a hard time keeping it a secret!"

That day, when she was taking Yu Xiuzhi's pulse in the imperial garden, she had a vague feeling that something was going to happen between Yuan Xiuyue and Nangong Haoling.

This is how to get them to be alone.

But what she didn't expect was that after only more than an hour, Aunt Bi Qiu brought her and the queen mother two news, one good and one worry.

The happy thing is that Yu Xiuzhi is also pregnant with a dragon heir, but the worrying thing is that Yuan Xiuyue can't tolerate Yu Xiuzhi, and she is sent to Jishan by the emperor in a rage because of her harsh words!
At the beginning, she only knew that Nangong Haoling was about to use the Yu family, and it was reasonable to favor Yu Xiuzhi, but as long as she thought of being alone in Jishan all the time, she would feel resentful in her heart!
But it wasn't until Ji Heng found her and asked her to go to Jishan to accompany Yuan Xiuyue that she felt relieved.

It was so hard for her to be concealed by these two people!
But seeing Xuanyuantang's expression of asking questions, Yuan Xiuyue squinted her eyes and chuckled: "Sister-in-law, you should know that I didn't mean to hide it from you, but the emperor thinks that another day is worse than hitting the sun, and that opportunity is very good..."

Suddenly, Nangong Haoling's handsome appearance with a slight smile on her thin lips appeared in her mind, and Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but feel a burst of sweetness in her heart.

But, just for a moment, she felt a dull pain spread from her heart, until it spread rapidly...

Her heart hurts so much!

(End of this chapter)

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