Chapter 233 They Are All Liars! 1
"What happened to the lady?"

Seeing Yuan Xiuyue's slightly pale face, Xuanyuantang asked with concern, frowning slightly.

"Sister-in-law, my heart hurts so much!" Raising her hand to cover her chest tightly, Yuan Xiuyue frowned, her eyes sparkling: "It hurts..."

Hearing this, Xuanyuantang's expression froze, and her complexion suddenly changed. She gestured to pull Yuan Xiuyue's hand to check her pulse.

"Ha ha……"

Just when Xuanyuantang's fingers were about to touch her wrist, she suddenly heard Yuan Xiuyue chuckle lightly, covering her mouth and laughing crisply.

Yuan Xiuyue's laughter hit my ears, and Xuanyuantang couldn't help but froze!
Frowning tightly, she raised her eyes to look at Yuan Xiuyue, she put down her hand angrily, and turned her head to the side angrily: "Okay, it's no use worrying me, empress, you're playing tricks on me!"

Seeing her like this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help laughing even more.

After a long while, she finally stopped laughing, coughed lightly, pushed the teacup in front of Xuanyuan Tang's hand, and sighed softly: "I've been on Mount Ji for a while, except for eating and sleeping, I'm really bored and panicking. Now that the emperor's wife is finally here, she naturally wants to have some fun!"


Reaching out to push the teacup back to Yuan Xiuyue's hand, Xuanyuantang turned his head to look aside with an expression of resentment.

Who is her concubine Xian?

A strange woman who has always been sharp and shrewd!

After being teased by Yuan Xiuyue at this moment, how could he calm down with just a cup of tea? !
Therefore, even if Yuan Xiuyue, as the empress, pushed a cup of tea in person, she should not give face, but she would still not give it!

Seeing Xuanyuantang's unconvinced look, Yuan Xiuyue pursed her lips lightly, and looked up at Ting Lan who just came in from the outside.

Facing Yuan Xiuyue's gaze, Ting Lan nodded slightly, and then came out of the Nuan Pavilion again. Not long after, she saw her go and come back, and stood respectfully in front of Yuan Xiuyue: "Mother, there are dark owls guarding the door at this moment, you You can rest assured to have a secret talk with the princess!"

Hearing this, Xuanyuantang's complexion changed again!
Turning around slightly, she frowned and looked at Yuan Xiuyue: "There are only a few people in this Jishan Palace, who are you trying to guard against?"

"Naturally guard against those who should be guarded against!"

Eyes were slightly cold, Yuan Xiuyue lowered her eyebrows and took out a white porcelain bottle from her sleeve pocket, then raised her hand and put the bottle in front of Xuanyuantang: "I have always loved medicinal herbs, but I am not very proficient in poisons. , I don’t know much about other things, I have something here, I ask the emperor’s wife to help me take a look!”

Hearing this, Xuanyuantang finally turned around.

Looking down at the white porcelain bottle on the table, she raised her eyes to look at Yuan Xiuyue, then frowned, reached out to take it, and then uncorked the bottle.

The moment the bottle cork left the porcelain bottle, an extremely strong scent of fragrance spread out from the bottle and rushed straight into Xuanyuan Tang's mind. Sese back!


Ning Mei raised her eyebrows softly, but her eyes were colder than ever since she went to Mount Ji, Yuan Xiuyue asked softly, "What should this thing be?"

Slightly raising his eyes, he saw Yuan Xiuyue looking at him with gloomy eyes, Xuanyuan Tang's gloomy eyes, and the corners of his lips curled up coldly: "The secret poison in Nanyue Palace—Worriless!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes flickered, then she raised her chin slightly, pulled her lips lightly and said, "Sure enough!"

Remember, it was when she first entered the palace, when she was watering Xuanyuantang and herbs, she mentioned the name of the medicine!
No worries!

This extremely gorgeous name in her life, besides being the title of the person who warmed her that snowy night, is actually another kind of poison that can make people forget all their troubles!

"This thing is something that is not passed on in Nanyue Palace. Most people can't touch it at all. How can the queen have it?" Thinking of the emotional entanglement between Duguchen and Yuan Xiuyue, and thinking that they should have met each other in Weishan , Xuanyuantang tightly clenched the porcelain bottle in his hand, and looked at Yuan Xiuyue with a solemn expression: "But the king of Yue gave it to you?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but shook her head with a wry smile: "I've always told him clearly that I only have the emperor in my heart, so what's the use of him giving me this?"

Seeing this, Xuanyuantang's eyes darkened slightly.

"It's Concubine Yu!"

Meeting Xuanyuantang's eyes, Yuan Xiuyue glanced at Ting Lan who was standing respectfully on one side, and said coldly: "A few days ago, Ting Lan went down the mountain to the purchasing department to pick up things, but was caught by Concubine Yu's personal girl. It was passed on to Fengluan Palace, and Concubine Yu gave it to her personally, and instructed her to mix the medicine into my meal without anyone noticing."

"Concubine Yu?"

Frowning tightly, Xuanyuantang's expression became more condensed.

Her eyes flickered slightly, she turned her mind slightly, looked up at Ting Lan, she only opened her mouth, and then asked the crux of the matter: "I'm curious, girl Ting Lan has always been loyal to the empress, why is she so loyal to the empress at this moment?" Concubine Yu dared to blatantly give this poison to girl Tinglan, so how can she be sure that girl Tinglan will definitely mix it into your meal?"

Full of admiration for Xuanyuanxu's calm thinking, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes turned slightly, and then she smiled slyly: "That's why I have to talk to you, but my brother must be guarded outside!"

Hearing this, Xuanyuantang frowned, and then just stared at Yuan Xiuyue with fixed eyebrows, waiting for her next explanation.

Knowing that Xuanyuantang was waiting for her own explanation, Yuan Xiuyue slightly lowered her eyelids, her eyes were warm and said: "On the night of Weixue a few days ago, King Ning once came to Jishan Mountain!"

Hearing this, Xuanyuan Tang couldn't help but change his face again!

Standing up from her seat, she stared at Yuan Xiuyue with lowered eyebrows. After a while, she sighed softly, then sat back down again, and said with a helpless wry smile: "Now he is the leader of the rebel army, but how dare he Come to see you secretly, so you can see that he really has deep affection for you!"

But the leader of the rebel army is already a capital offense!

Therefore, she could imagine that if Nangong Xiaoran was captured by mistake, what would happen to him waiting for him!


Responding directly to Xuanyuan Tang's words, Yuan Xiuyue turned her head to look at Ting Lan: "He is interested in falling flowers to me, but I am like the flowing water, only suffering from the green orchid flower beside the water stream!"

After hearing Yuan Xiuyue's words, Xuanyuan Tang frowned slightly.

After savoring the meaning of Yuan Xiuyue's words carefully, she couldn't help turning her head to look at Ting Lan: "Could it be that girl Ting Lan treated him..."


Slightly raising her eyes, her eyes were extremely firm, Ting Lan stepped forward, bowed her head in front of Xuanyuantang and said respectfully: "The empress is pregnant with Liujia, but the emperor doesn't care about the empress, but His Royal Highness King Ning is different. This trip went through many difficulties and obstacles, and she only came here for the empress, but in the end, the empress remained indifferent. Ting Lan knew that her status was low and she was not worthy of the prince, so she kept hiding her thoughts, and always It has never been revealed before, but this time the prince escaped from death, and we will finally see each other again, Ting Lan will always feel wronged for the prince, so..."

Looking up at Yuan Xiuyue, Ting Lan went on to say: "After sending the prince away, Ting Lan committed the following crimes. Instead of staying in the palace like this, the straight dao empress is better with the prince. The servant girl... bumped into the empress empress!"

Although she knew her status was low, Ting Lan didn't realize at this moment that her sincerity would be half a cent lower than anyone else's!
She wanted to truly be a human being for her own feelings.

This led to this moment, the first time she had never called herself a slave in front of Yuan Xiuyue and Xuanyuantang.

"Ting Lan, oh Ting Lan!"

The corners of her lips curled slightly, but her smile was somewhat bitter but also deeply relieved. Yuan Xiuyue took a deep look at Ting Lan, and then raised her eyes to Xuanyuantang: "There are only a handful of people who know what happened that day, but Concubine Yu already understood it, and on the grounds that she missed Nangong Xiaoran but still wanted him to be happy, she also wanted Ting Lan to make me forget the emperor's love and leave Nangong Xiaoran willingly. I gave it to her... At this point, sister-in-law Huang should understand!"

Yuan Xiuyue and Ting Lan's conversation has come to this point, Xuanyuantang's heart is naturally like a bright mirror.

"Fortunately, girl Tinglan is loyal to her master!" With such a sigh, Xuanyuantang's eyes were hard to distinguish, and she squinted slightly, she whispered softly: "Now who is serving the queen by her side?"

Hearing this, Ting Lan replied softly, "In addition to the servants, there are also An Xiao and Ying Ying, Lin Sheng and Qian Qian, there are four of them in total!"

With a light snort, Yuan Xiuyue sighed: "My brother and sister-in-law, one is my blood relative, and the other is cultivated by the emperor himself. They are absolutely safe, but Lin Sheng and Qianqian must be from the Yu family!"

With a smile, Xuanyuantang put the medicine bottle in her hand on the table, stared deeply at Yuan Xiuyue for a long time, and said in a cold tone: "With your mother's mind, if you want to find out which of the two is the insider?" Ghost, it's actually very simple!"

"Of course!"

The corners of her lips curled up slightly, Yuan Xiuyue smiled faintly: "However, wouldn't it be too boring in that case?"

Hearing this, Xuanyuan Tang couldn't help but flash his eyes slightly: "The empress means..."

"Didn't the queen's wife already guess it?"

Blinking lightly, Yuan Xiuyue reached out to pick up the vial on the table, her black eyebrows raised slightly: "When I was acting just now, even the emperor's wife could be fooled, let alone them? Let's... Let's play tricks and let the emperor follow the vines." , How about a shock to the harem?!"

Hearing this, the brilliance in Xuanyuantang's eyes instantly shone brightly, "It's so good, but it's a pity that Concubine Yu is pregnant now, the emperor probably won't touch her!"

"I don't want the emperor to touch Concubine Yu!"

With a faint smile, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes were dark and almost bottomless: "I just want to let the emperor know how the secret medicine in Nanyue's palace got into the hands of Empress Li!"

Hearing this, Xuanyuan Tang couldn't help but twitch his eyebrows!
Frowning tightly, her thoughts turned rapidly. After thinking for a moment, she looked at Yuan Xiuyue with a deep expression: "You suspect..."


There was a tacit understanding, but she didn't name her name, Yuan Xiuyue sighed lightly and said, "We'll just wait for the emperor to check everything!"


Thinking of Nangong Haoling, Xuanyuantang twitched the corners of his mouth lightly, and stretched out his hand to hold Yuan Xiuyue's hand: "If the emperor knows that the empress has forgotten him, he will probably go crazy!"

(End of this chapter)

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