Chapter 234 They Are All Liars! 2
Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes dimmed.

"No matter how anxious he is, he will take care of national affairs first!" Lowering her eyelids, Yuan Xiuyue smiled bitterly: "The Emperor and I have not seen each other for a long time. , maybe one day you will forget about me!"

She really missed him.

Thinking of him, it really hurts my heart!

Now, since the Jishan Palace is not safe anymore, what does it matter if she sees him or not?

It is the same if you are afraid, and it is also the same if you are not afraid.

Why can't she let herself be happier.

As for Nangong Haoling...

If her guess is correct, when she finds out that she has forgotten him, he will definitely appear on Jishan Mountain soon.

Thinking of this, the gloom in her eyes gradually faded away, replaced by traces of brilliance, and the beating heart in her chest ached from thinking about him faintly!

"Since the empress is willing to make the emperor feel distressed and anxious, then I will also deal with this matter. I will send someone down to report in the afternoon. I only know that the empress has been poisoned by Wuyou love, which makes him anxious. I don't like it?" Thinking of Nangong Haoling's doting on Yu Xiuzhi in the palace recently, Xuanyuan Tang suddenly felt uncomfortable, raised his head, staring at Yuan Xiuyue's sometimes dark, sometimes bright eyes, Xuanyuan Xu couldn't help coughing lightly , couldn't help asking aloud: "Queen, are you okay?"


Recovering from her own thoughts, she raised her eyes to look at Xuanyuantang, the pain of longing in her heart disappeared in an instant, Yuan Xiuyue lightly hooked her red lips, lowered her eyebrows to look at her swollen abdomen, she smiled lovingly , his expression was no longer as gloomy as before: "Unknowingly, it is already half November, and the child in my womb is already more than six months old, maybe it's because the month is getting older, and it's been freezing cold these days." Yes, only occasionally feel a little uncomfortable."

"In winter, this pregnant woman will have blood deficiency, the blood supply to the whole body is insufficient, and occasionally there will be symptoms of discomfort in the heart!" Putting away the seriousness, turning the topic to Yuan Xiuyue's stomach again, Xuanyuantang also lowered his eyebrows and squinted. On Yuan Xiuyue's belly, there was a look of envy in her eyes. She turned Yuan Xiuyue's hand over and rested her three fingers on her veins.

Seeing her like this, Yuan Xiuyue slightly bent her lips, waiting for her to finish her pulse.

After a while, Xuanyuantang withdrew his hand, nodded with slightly curved lips: "The empress's pulse is very steady, it can be seen that she has been well raised in Jishan for a while."

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help smiling.

With a light smile, she retracted her wrist, ordered Ting Lan to serve hot tea, and then sighed softly to Xuanyuan Tang: "On this Mount Ji, I have no worries about food and clothing, neither cold nor hungry, everything is good, it's almost gone. It’s because your ears don’t hear what’s going on outside the window, so how come you can’t talk about it?”

"This person, sometimes it would be great if he could keep his ears from hearing things outside the window!" Xuanyuan Tang smiled faintly, but with a hint of helplessness, she stretched out her hand to pick up the tea in her hand, and she took a sip, Then he sighed.

"Emperor's sister-in-law has always been cheerful, what's the matter today?" Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly, staring at the smile on her face that didn't reach the corners of her eyes, and asked instead: "With the emperor in charge, how can the court return to the court for a while?" peaceful?"


Pulling his lips lightly, Xuanyuan Tang said lightly: "Now that concubine Yu is the favorite, the Yu family has spared no effort to leave the country for me, and that old guy Yu Shen even risked his life. In the past two days, I don't know what to smoke. Feng, he actually swore an oath in front of the emperor and the queen mother to defend the imperial power to the death, and he will never allow the An clan to succeed!"

"Really? I hope he will really risk his life this time and not hold back any more!" After saying these words, Yuan Xiuyue suddenly thought of something in her heart, and she fell into her own trouble for a while. in thoughts.

Why does she always feel that if the Yu family gambles all their wealth now, the situation in Liguo will definitely change drastically? !

Seeing Yuan Xiuyue in a daze, Xuanyuantang couldn't help calling out softly.

Hearing the sound, Yuan Xiuyue withdrew her mind, and with a faint smile, she murmured softly with a lot of meaning: "It is reasonable to say that if the veteran of the three dynasties can do this for the imperial power, he should be admired by the world, but he did this to make himself bigger." The Yu family, what he wants is to go to court in the harem, what a wolf's ambition!"

Hearing this, Xuanyuan Tang frowned slightly.

Turning around, she saw that Ting Lan had already placed food on the table next to her, she lightly pulled Yuan Xiuyue's hand, and helped her up: "Whatever he wants, the emperor and the prince will never let him get it, now you are Pregnant women, the first task is to eat enough to wear and warm, and then leave the country for me as a mother and queen, and give birth to a white and fat prince!"

"What if it's a princess?"

Sitting at the dining table, looking up at Xuanyuan Tang beside her, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly.

"Then send it to me to raise, you and the emperor will have another child!" Smiling at Yuan Xiuyue, Xuanyuantang winked at her, then sat down, slightly raised his hand, and took the silver chopsticks and Yuan Xiuyue's cloth vegetables, She smelled it flatteringly: "How does the empress feel?"

With slightly raised eyebrows and a sidelong glance at Xuanyuantang, Yuan Xiuyue smiled lightly: "This palace once promised the emperor that we will adopt our second son in the palace of Prince Xian!"

Hearing this, Xuanyuantang, who was joking, couldn't help being stunned, and the hand holding the silver chopsticks froze instantly.

God knows, she wants a child of her own with all her heart.

However, it is always the sky that fails and people complain!
In addition, the royal blood is extremely strict, so this matter was put on hold.

Just now, she was talking casually to Yuan Xiuyue, but she never thought that she would respond to her like this!
Did she, Ji Wuyou, discuss this issue early in the morning?
Moreover, are they planning to adopt their second child to her?
These two guys can really move people...


It is rare to see Xuanyuantang stunned, Yuan Xiuyue pursed her lips and smiled lightly, raised her hand to take the silver chopsticks from Xuanyuantang's hand, she said with a light smile: "This meal, I just want to be comfortable, neither you nor I Outsiders, and they are not in front of outsiders at this moment, so there is no need to pay too much attention, just eat as much as you can!"

At the end of the sentence, Yuan Xiuyue lowered her brows and lowered her eyes before Xuanyuan Tang could speak, and began to eat.

Seeing her like this, Xuanyuan Tang couldn't help but smile lightly, and actually started eating too.

"Oh, sister-in-law, look at your food, it's really unsatisfactory!"

"Queen, is your food ready?"

"I'm a pregnant woman. Eating by myself means that the child is eating. Naturally, it's faster to eat for two..."

"Uh...what a silly reason!"


All of a sudden, in the Nuan Pavilion of the Jishan Palace, a queen who eats indecently is laughing at a princess who eats the same indecently, laughing continuously...

In the middle of winter in November, the snow falls for several days.

Standing in front of the main hall of Fengluan Palace, Yu Xiuzhi was wearing azure blue embroidered mountain and river skirt and a brocade blue cloak. Looking from afar, she looked noble and elegant, but her exquisite face was thin and slender. His expression was quiet and sad.

The child in her womb was two months younger than Yuan Xiuyue, and now it is four months old.

But as a pregnant woman, she and Yuan Xiuyue seemed to be two extremes.

At the moment on Mount Ji, Yuan Xiuyue eats well and sleeps soundly, but she feels extremely bitter in her heart and can't sleep at night!

Seeing Yu Xiuzhi standing in front of the gate for a long time, but remained motionless, Zhu'er couldn't help but stepped forward and urged: "Your Majesty, it's windy outside, hurry up and rest in the inner hall!"

"I'm not afraid!"

If so, gently pulling the red lips, Yu Xiuzhi let Zhu'er support her and walked slowly back to the inner hall, whispering softly: "I feel that this year's winter seems to be very long. Very cold!"

Hearing this, Zhu'er's complexion changed slightly!
Having been by Yu Xiuzhi's side for many years, Pearl naturally knows what's on her mind.

But there are some things, even if she knows about them, she can't do anything for the Master.

Right now, it's not the weather that's cold, but her heart is cold...

"Concubine Yu!"

When Yu Xiuzhi first entered the sleeping hall, the eunuch guarding the palace followed him.

"What's the matter?"

Turning around slightly and taking a seat in front of the imperial concubine's couch, Yu Xiuzhi asked the eunuch in contempt in a soft voice.

Without raising his eyes, the eunuch gave him a deep respect, and said softly, "Master Zuoxiang, please see me!"

"Master Left Prime Minister?"

He didn't directly call Yu Shen his father, but called him Mr. Zuo Xiang, Yu Xiuzhi's lips curled up coldly, his eyebrows were raised lightly, and he said calmly: "I'm a little tired now, let him go back first! "


After receiving Yu Xiuzhi's reply, the eunuch hesitated a little, and after a while, he bowed down again and said, "Master Zuo Xiang said that since my mother moved into Fengluan Palace, I have never seen him. If my mother doesn't see him today, I will I have been waiting quietly in the snow until the empress is willing to see him!"

Hearing this, Yu Xiuzhi's eyes dimmed.

Suffocating for a moment, thinking about his father's deception and use of him back then, Yu Xiuzhi raised her red lips coldly, raised her eyebrows lightly and said, "If that's the case, let him wait in the snow!"

After the words fell, she got up from the concubine's couch, walked slowly to the phoenix couch, lay on her side, and closed her eyes.

Seeing this, Zhu'er waved to the eunuch, and hastily stepped forward to cover the brocade quilt with Yu Xiuzhi.


Time was getting late, but the snow outside the window was getting bigger and bigger.

After sleeping for an unknown amount of time, Yu Xiuzhi lifted the brocade quilt, got up from the couch, and walked slowly towards the window.

Standing outside the window was Zuo Xiang Yu Shen, her father who was still handsome, straight and gentle even though he was over fifty years old, but at this moment, he was shivering in the wind and snow Trembling, I don't know how long I have been standing.

Her eyes darkened slightly, Yu Xiuzhi didn't turn around, but asked Zhu'er aloud: "How long has he been standing?"

Zhu'er heard the words, hurriedly turned back respectfully: "Go back to your mother, it's been an hour and a half!"

"One and a half hours..."

Her red lips trembled slightly as she repeated Zhu'er's words, Yu Xiuzhi closed her eyes slightly, and finally turned around and went back to lie down on the couch again: "That's all, let him come in!"

Hearing this, Zhu'er was overjoyed, and hurriedly responded respectfully: "Yes!"

After a while, when she came in again, she naturally led Zuo Xiang Yu Shen.

(End of this chapter)

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