Chapter 236 They Are All Liars! 4
Seeing this, Zhu'er hurriedly brought ginseng tea and brought it forward: "Your Majesty, don't get angry, be careful of fetal gas, quickly drink some ginseng tea and Shun Shun..."


Without waiting for Zhu'er's angry word to come out, Yu Xiuzhi suddenly raised her hand, slapped the ginseng tea in Zhu'er's hand, then turned inward, pulled the brocade quilt over her head, and closed her eyes angrily.

"My lady..."

Trembling and shivering, Zhu'er's eyes turned red instantly.

Picking up the scattered soup bowls that had fallen on the floor, she frowned and looked at Yu Xiuzhi who was on the phoenix couch with her back turned inward, and couldn't help but burst into tears.

Their master, this was not the case before.

But now, there is no going back...

A few days later, it was the first day of the twelfth lunar month in midwinter.

The night was leisurely in the sky, but it snowed for half a month, but it never stopped.

In the three kingdoms of the world, Nanyue lives in the south, and the four seasons are spring, and there are many water pavilions and pavilions. Chu State is the center, but the four seasons alternate, but only the northernmost Li State, although the spring comes early, the spring and summer are relatively short, and the winter is the shortest. long,
Outside the window, snowflakes are still falling softly, wrapping the outside world in disguised silver, white and holy, and beautiful.

At this moment, there was a handsome man, dressed in a black dress, holding a cup of hot tea, standing in front of the rear window of the imperial study, looking at the white snow falling outside the window, but he never looked back, and never said a word.

Above the imperial case, Nangong Haoling was still reviewing the mountain of memorials with downcast eyes.

After reviewing the booklet in his hand, he closed the booklet, sighed softly, then turned to look at the man behind him, and said slowly: "Now the bottom of the Yu family, I have already touched seven or eight points, and it is only a little bit close. Then you can close the net."

When the words fell, he took another memorial, read it carefully, and then carefully reviewed it!

After being silent for a long time, the man standing in front of the window finally opened his lips slowly, and said softly: "It's a trivial matter to collect the net, now it's been more than a month, shouldn't you go to Jishan to see her!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling paused slightly for the hand holding the vermilion pen.

Only a moment later, he was reviewing the memorial again, but said faintly: "Do you think I don't want to see her? It's just that not the time!"

People say that lovesickness is the hardest!
He hadn't really realized this until now.

But he also knows that the current lovesickness is for the sake of never being separated in the future.

Therefore, no matter how much he thought about Yuan Xiuyue, he kept telling patient!Be patient!Be patient!

After hearing his words, the man in front of the window fell silent again.

After a while, Nangong Haoling put the document that had just been reviewed by the side, finally put down the ink brush, and turned to look at the person in front of the window: "A while ago, you just came back, why are you back now? Aren't you afraid that others will suspect you?"

"What do you suspect? I have already told my mother that I have no intention of conquering the world, but I only want to win the world for one person. Now that I venture back to visit her, even if she has objections, she will not stop her. After all... I am for this woman." , agreed to stay there!"

Slightly raising his eyebrows, the man in black standing in front of the window finally turned around, his handsome face was revealed under the light... He was handsome and handsome, elegant and heroic, under the handsome eyebrows that slanted into his temples, a pair of deep The bottomless black pupils are shining, that plump and handsome face, under the bridge of his nose, and the lips that always have a smile, are all very familiar to Yuan Xiuyue!
Hearing what he said, Nangong Haoling couldn't help frowning, and said in a cold tone: "That's true, but you have to remember that she is my woman, and she is pregnant with my son, so I won't tolerate you Go and visit! Also... don't run back every few days to save people from being suspicious!"

"How stingy!"

Slightly raised his eyebrows, slightly raised his thin lips, the man murmured in a low voice, and then his voice sank, and his eyes were as deep as the sea: "I have found out about Yuan Chenghai..."

"Is it?"

Smiling lightly, he turned around and picked up the ink pen, and stuffed it into the man's hand. Nangong Haoling pointed at the mountain of memorials on the royal case with his chin, then turned around and walked lazily on the warm couch next to him: "Say Come and listen to me!"

Slightly drooping his eyes, he glanced at the vermilion pen in his hand. The man sneered, and did not immediately talk about Yuan Chenghai. He sighed: "When the emperor is lazy!" Such an exclamation, but the vermilion pen in his hand wandered over the memorial, never stopping at all!

"Why didn't I find out before, you have so much nonsense!"

Sneaking at the man, Nangong Haoling sat on the warm couch with his arms behind his head, and was about to ask about Yuan Chenghai when Ji Heng ran in from the door, "Your Majesty... "

It is rare to see Ji Heng so panicked, Nangong Haoling was startled suddenly!
Sitting up from the warm couch quickly, he stared at the pale Ji Heng in front of him, and narrowed his star eyes slightly: "Why are you so panicked?"


Tremblingly raised his eyes to look at Nangong Haoling, Ji Heng looked at the man on the table who was reading the memorial with his head hanging down on the table with a snow-white face, and said in a hoarse voice: "Just now, the dark owl came down from the Jishan palace, and the only way is The empress has been poisoned, and she is unconscious at this moment!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling was startled, while the man in black who was reviewing the memorial froze suddenly, and even the vermilion pen in his hand fell onto the memorial with a click, smearing it into red flowers flower.

"When the empress was poisoned, what was the dark owl doing? What was the shadow doing? What did the emperor's sister-in-law do for food!" With a groan, she suddenly got up from her knees, Nangong Haoling let out a low cry, and walked out quickly, As he walked out, he asked Ji Heng aloud: "What kind of poison does the dark owl say the empress has?"


Shaking his head hastily, Ji Heng hurriedly chased after him: "Your Majesty... the slave just ordered someone to prepare a dragon chariot!"

Without responding, Nangong Haoling's footsteps became bigger and bigger and more urgent!
At this moment, he couldn't care less about holding back, he only thought about his wife and children!
Just as Nangong Haoling and Ji Heng were leaving the house, the man in front of the case also stood up.I saw him reach out and grab a mask from the table to cover his face, then quickly followed out, and jumped into the chariot before the chariot started.

In the night, the dragon chariot hurried to Mount Ji.

Nangong Haoling kept urging the drivers to hurry up with a gloomy expression, but the snowy road was slippery, no matter how fast they were, they couldn't compare to their usual speed.

In the chariot, seeing that he was in a hurry, Ji Heng kept silent, but the man in black sitting next to Nangong Haoling sneered coldly: "I know I'm in a hurry now, why did you go early? You Didn't you say that you protected her well? How did you poison him at this moment?"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's gloomy complexion suddenly turned dark again!
Raising his eyes slightly, he cast a sullen look at the man in black, but he didn't say much, he just kept urging the chariot to go faster!

Seeing that he didn't respond, the man in black also had a somber face and stopped speaking.

In Jishan Palace, it is as warm as spring.

Lying on her side on the warm couch, Yuan Xiuyue looked happy, quietly waiting for Nangong Haoling's arrival.

Beside her, Xuanyuan Tang stared at her for a long time with frowned eyebrows, but he still couldn't help but persuaded: "Actually, if the emperor knows the truth about this scene, it would be good to act with us. You are sure to lie to him too. ?”

"Sister-in-law, a woman who is pregnant with Liujia, always hopes that the person she loves the most will be by her side..." The corners of her lips pursed lightly, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyelids, but she still closed her eyes again: "I am now I was acting with him, but for this scene, he left me on Mount Ji, and I haven’t shown up for more than a month. Although I feel uneasy about lying to him, but in order to let him stay with me and my children , I can only grit my teeth today."

After Yuan Xiuyue said that, Xuanyuantang naturally stopped persuading her.

"The Empress!"

Running in from the outer hall, Ting Lan panted and said: "The emperor's dragon chariot has arrived!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's heart trembled, and she looked at Xuanyuantang, she took a deep breath, and then her pupils flashed slightly, and she fell into a dead silence, without a trace of waves!

Not long after, Nangong Haoling's voice moved from far to near, and finally to the front of him. Yuan Xiuyue could even hear his slight panting as he came all the way.

Hearing his soft call, Yuan Xiuyue turned her head slightly.

At this moment, the man in black who followed Nangong Haoling also entered the bedroom.

The moment she caught a glimpse of the man's figure, she couldn't help trembling slightly!

He...why is he walking with Nangong Haoling?
Gritting her teeth tightly, suppressing the overwhelming thoughts in her heart, she raised her eyes slightly, and looked at Nangong Haoling in front of her with clear eyes: "Who are you?!"


Originally, she was still thinking, is it too unkind to lie to him like this!
But at this moment, realizing that she was being fooled around by the two men in front of her, she couldn't help but feel relieved again in her heart!
Who told them that they lied to her first?
Now that she lied to them, it was a retaliation!
Anyway, everyone is a liar!
(End of this chapter)

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