Chapter 237 Pretending to Amnesia 1
At this moment, the face of the black-clothed man behind Nangong Haoling was covered by a mask. If others saw him, they would only regard him as the shadow beside Nangong Haoling, but Yuan Xiuyue guessed it from his figure with just one glance. His true identity!
You know, he was the one who spent three years of leisurely time with her when she was in An Guohou's mansion.

At that time, in addition to urging her to practice calligraphy and piano, he would occasionally take her out for a walk. At that time, the horse riding suit he was wearing was slightly different from the black suit he was wearing at the moment, but it was still the same. Almost the same!

Therefore, even though she only took one look at this moment, she has already figured out who he is!

But he is with Nangong Haoling at this moment!
These two men...

How dare they team up to lie to her!
If so, with a cold smile in her heart, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyes slightly, her eyes were as clear as water, showing a bit of panic, her gaze swept over everyone in the dormitory one by one, and then she struggled to get up in shock, Stretching his stomach, he backed away and hid inside the couch: "You... who are you all? I don't know you?"

If you say, just now Yuan Xiuyue asked Nangong Haoling who are you, it surprised him!
So at this moment, she reacted like this, to him, it was like a thunderbolt!


His heart tightened suddenly, Nangong Haoling's complexion changed suddenly, his brows were tightly frowned, he leaned forward, ignoring Yuan Xiuyue's struggle, stretched out his hands to hold her shoulders, making her unable to hide, and asked eagerly: " What's wrong with you? Don't you recognize me? I'm Ling! It's Ling!"


She closed her eyes and screamed, Yuan Xiuyue shook her head vigorously, raised her hand and slapped the arm that was imprisoning her. Like a frightened deer, she kept twisting her body, trying to escape Nangong Haoling's bondage: "I don't know you, I don't know you, let me go! Let me go..."


His eyes suddenly darkened, and Nangong Haoling felt a sharp pain in his heart. In just an instant, he seemed to have fallen into an ice abyss.The big hand on her shoulder was suddenly released, and he turned to hold her panicked pretty face, forcing her to raise her eyes to meet his dark pupils, and said nervously: "Look at me, I'm Ling!" ! It's's Nangong's your husband..."


Before Nangong Haoling's words fell to the ground, his hands holding Yuan Xiuyue's pretty face were already lifted away by Nangong Xiaoran: "Calm down!"

Slightly drooping eyes, meeting Yuan Xiuyue's four eyes, facing her clear watery eyes trembling with fear, Nangong Xiaoran's heart suffocated tightly, raised his hand to remove the mask on his face, he frowned and stared, and looked at Yuan Xiuyue in twos: "Yue'er, do you remember me? I'm Mr.!"


Staring blankly at Nangong Xiaoran's flawless and handsome face, Yuan Xiuyue felt that at this moment, she wished she could go up and pinch a couple of fists to relieve her hatred, but... thinking of the situation at this time, she turned her head in panic, immediately pulled the quilt over her head , in the bed, secretly hooked her lips, and then waved her arms wildly: "I don't know you, you all go, all of you... I want Ting Lan, I want Ting Lan..."

Hearing this, Xuanyuantang frowned slightly, and couldn't help secretly praising Yuan Xiuyue in his heart!
At such a time, Yuan Xiuyue is still thinking about how to protect Ting Lan!

If it went according to their expectations earlier, if Nangong Haoling tracked down the matter of drugging, Ting Lan would definitely be involved.

And at this moment, if she only wants Ting Lan!
Then everything is safe!

Turning her head slightly, seeing that Ting Lan was still stunned by Nangong Xiao Ran's appearance, she quietly pushed Ting Lan secretly.

With a trembling figure, Ting Lan raised her eyes very quickly and glanced at Xuanyuan Tang, knowing it, she hurried forward and hugged Yuan Xiuyue who kept waving her arms in the brocade quilt, she softly comforted: " The second miss is not afraid, the servant is Ting Lan, with Ting Lan here, the second miss has nothing to be afraid of!"

Naturally, as clever as Ting Lan, she changed Yuan Xiuyue's title from Empress Empress to Second Miss!
"Ting Lan..."

The voice covered in the brocade quilt was soft and choked, making both Nangong Haoling and Nangong Xiaoran feel pain in their hearts, Yuan Xiuyue kept whimpering: "You let them out, let them out..."

"Second miss..."

Looking up at Nangong Haoling and Nangong Xiaoran, who were equally handsome but also ugly, in front of the warm couch, Ting Lan looked embarrassed: "Your Majesty, this..."


Seeing the brocade quilt in Ting Lan's arms trembling non-stop due to Yuan Xiuyue's trembling, Nangong Haoling's heartbeat was frantic, and he stared at Nangong Xiaoran beside him with a cold expression. Seeing that his expression was also solemn, he felt an ominous feeling A premonition came to mind.

He raised his head and looked at Xuanyuantang, who had a troubled expression on his face. He turned around and walked quickly to Xuanyuantang: "Sister-in-law, what's going on? Didn't you say that Yue'er was poisoned? I can't even recognize it?"


Frowning and sighing softly, Xuanyuantang turned to look at Yuan Xiuyue who was still waving her arms on the warm couch, and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty is pregnant with Liujia, if she keeps being so emotional, I'm afraid it will affect the fetus... ...Please also invite the emperor and..."

Looking up at Nangong Xiaoran, Xuanyuantang's face darkened again: "Move to the hall with Brother Ning!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's heart was throbbing tightly, his black eyes couldn't hide the pain, he glanced at the emotional Yuan Xiuyue again, then slightly nodded and said: "Go to the hall!"

After the words fell, he stepped out, Xuanyuantang's eyes narrowed, and he followed out.

Only Nangong Xiaoran frowned and stared deeply at Yuan Xiuyue!
"My lord!"

With a cry in her voice, Ting Lan raised her eyes to meet Nangong Xiaoran's, and wept softly: "It's hard for you to hide the slave and the empress!"

At this moment, Nangong Xiaoran can appear together with Nangong Haoling, which already shows that what he said to Yuan Xiuyue here earlier was not his true intention!

No one knows, seeing Nangong Haoling's heartache because of Yuan Xiuyue at this moment, she didn't really ignore it, and seeing Nangong Xiaoran is still the same as before, and she is still the gentle and gentle King Ning, how lucky she is in her heart!
She is lucky!
Fortunately, he was not temporarily obsessed with ghosts and swallowed the worry-free poison with Yuan Xiuyue.

If so, wouldn't it be a big mistake!
"Ting Lan, there are some things that I don't want to hide from you, but that they happen for a reason, so I can't tell you clearly!"

Sighing lightly at Ting Lan, Nangong Xiaoran's eyes shifted from her to Yuan Xiuyue who was hugged in her arms. Seeing Yuan Xiuyue trembling all the time, his eyes darkened slightly!
The last time they met, she still sacrificed herself to protect her, but now...

Taking another deep look at Yuan Xiuyue, he frowned and sighed, and had no choice but to turn around and leave the bedroom temporarily.

After a while, after a few people left, the bedroom fell into silence.

After waiting for a long time, Yuan Wende, who was aliased as An Xiao, pushed the door in from the outside. His eyes were cloudy and cloudy. He walked forward slowly and came to Ting Lan. The brocade quilt on the top of the head.


Eyes raised slightly, facing Yuan Wende's eyes full of worry, Yuan Xiuyue was slightly startled, and then her eyes lit up, she reached out to grab his hand, and exclaimed: "Brother! Didn't you say you want to patrol the city for seven days? Are you back so soon?"

Hearing this, Yuan Wende couldn't help being stunned!
"Pass the city for seven days?"

Blinking lightly, facing Yuan Xiuyue's pupils full of joy, Yuan Wende's thick eyebrows frowned!

He did tell Yuan Xiuyue about the seven-day tour of the city, but that was many years ago, when she was still in Anyang, and she was only 11 years old!
Now, several years later, when she saw him, she actually asked him like this...

He suddenly raised his eyes and looked at Ting Lan who was beside Yuan Xiuyue. He said with a cold expression, "Ting Lan, what's the matter with the Empress?"

Hearing this, seeing Yuan Wende's cold expression, Ting Lan couldn't help clicking her tongue secretly!
She lowered her eyebrows and glanced at Yuan Xiuyue, and she replied in a deep voice: "The matter of the empress, the maidservant can't explain clearly for a while. At this moment, Princess Xian is explaining to the emperor and King Ning in the hall. The general... er... Dark Xiao , you can go over and listen!" Anyway, Yuan Xiuyue said before that all the explanations should be left to Princess Xian!

Hearing this, Yuan Wende's complexion changed slightly.

Frowning tightly, stroking Yuan Xiuyue's long hair, he told Ting Lan: "Take good care of the girl, I've asked Princess Xian!"


Hastily lowered her head, Ting Lan bowed her head and responded softly.

After Yuan Wende left, Ting Lan hurried to the door.

Leaning out to look around, seeing no one around, she turned around and closed the door, leaning against the door weakly, and kept patting her chest: "Scared the servant to death!"

Seeing this, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes flickered slightly, and immediately burst into laughter, and couldn't help laughing.

Lying on her back on the warm couch, she had a big belly, kicking her legs happily towards the sky, and muttering persistently in her mouth: "Good for you Nangong Haoling, good for you Nangong Xiaoran, let the two of you This stinky man lied to me, see if I don't play you to death this time!"

Hearing this, Ting Lan's complexion changed in shock!
"Empress Empress, you should be more careful when you speak. Don't say that you are going to kill the emperor, you will be a widow, and the child in your womb will have no father. The most important thing is... that is a capital offense!" Turning her head with a wry smile, Ting Lan Looking at Yuan Xiuyue on the warm couch, when she saw Yuan Xiuyue kicking her legs upwards, her expression couldn't help but change again!

"My empress..." Taking two steps in parallel, she hurriedly stepped forward and hugged Yuan Xiuyue's legs. She lowered her voice and said softly: "You are pregnant with Liujia at the moment, don't move around like this, and save yourself My tires are moving!"

"It's okay! I know it in my heart, I won't hurt the child!" After venting her dissatisfaction, Yuan Xiuyue breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a soft sigh: "I never dreamed that this trick will be tricked, and the emperor and sir will be attracted at the same time." Appeared, and now seeing the two of them standing together, Liguo and the world will no longer have to worry about it!"

"That's right! Your Majesty just played really well! Not only the emperor, but even King Ning!"

Smiling lightly and curling her lips, Ting Lan laid Yuan Xiuyue's legs flat, and covered her with a brocade quilt lightly. She frowned and asked softly, "Your Majesty, I don't know anything about this servant!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but frowned slightly: "Since you don't know, you can just ask!"


In response, Ting Lan asked softly: "Your Majesty wanted to lie to the Emperor, the slaves knew in advance, and now even His Royal Highness King Ning was deceived, and the slaves were not surprised at all, but just now, the Empress also deceived the General, Why is this?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes darkened slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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