Chapter 238 Pretending to Amnesia 2
Gently raising her hand, she pulled Ting Lan in front of her. Yuan Xiuyue's eyes were slightly moist and she said, "Actually, I was hesitating earlier whether I should hide it from my brother, but as long as I think of you, I still decide to kill him at this time." Hide it all together!"

"Your Majesty? What does this have to do with slaves?"

For a moment, she didn't quite understand the meaning of Yuan Xiuyue's words, Ting Lan blinked lightly, her eyes were full of doubts.

The corners of her lips curled slightly, and a soft smile appeared on her face. Yuan Xiuyue frowned and looked at Ting Lan: "If my brother knows the truth, I'm afraid it will be the same as when you got the worry-free poison from Concubine Yu. Embarrassed, heart tormented!"

Hearing Yuan Xiuyue's words, Ting Lan frowned lightly, only lowered her eyes, and did not say another word.

In fact, after sending Nangong Xiaoran away that night, she always felt in her heart that instead of staying in the palace and living a life of being neglected, Yuan Xiuyue could let go of everything and turn to Nangong Xiaoran's embrace!
After all, at that time, the emperor was embracing left and right in the palace, with nephrite in his arms, and he simply couldn't think of leaving, and Yuan Xiuyue's life alone was not easy, and Nangong Xiaoran's life was not easy if he was attached to her... If it was possible, then there would be no After the poison of worry, if she really let Yuan Xiuyue take the medicine, then if she loses her memory, she will forget the past and follow Nangong Xiaoran wholeheartedly.

Since then, at least in her opinion, both of them are happy.

However, when she took the medicine bottle and was about to throw it into Yuan Xiuyue's ginseng soup, she hesitated.

It wasn't until then that she realized that she had almost imposed what she thought was a good feeling on her master.

If so, how could she be loyal to her master? !
Therefore, in the end, she chose the former between her loyalty and affection, and passed on the worry-free poison to Yuan Xiuyue, and she also avoided a big mistake!
Staring at Ting Lan for a long while, Yuan Xiuyue smiled wryly when she saw that she remained silent, "I know that although my brother loves me, he is still loyal to the emperor! If she cares about the relationship between brother and sister and deceived the emperor for me, then she is deceiving the emperor." If she regards loyalty as more important than family affection and reports it to the emperor at this time, I am a little unwilling, since that is the case, it would be better to deceive him too, it will be settled!"

"My lady..."

Dai Mei frowned, Ting Lan stared deeply at Yuan Xiuyue, with mixed emotions in her heart!
She never expected that Yuan Xiuyue would put herself in her shoes and think about her feelings!
"Don't do this, everything is over!" Gently stroking Ting Lan's hair, Yuan Xiuyue sighed softly, narrowed her eyes slightly, and asked softly, "Qianqian and Lin Sheng, how did you deal with it?"

Nangong Xiaoran went to Mount Ji alone, she was not afraid of anything.

But now that Nangong Xiaoran and Nangong Haoling are going to Jishan together, she has to be a bit more scrupulous.

Anyway, between Qianqian and Lin Sheng, there is one person who is the eyeliner of the Yu family!
Knowing what Yuan Xiuyue was worried about, Ting Lan said softly: "Your Majesty, don't worry, the slaves put mandala powder in their dinner tonight, and they won't wake up until the afternoon of tomorrow. They just go down the mountain!"

"It's so good!" Yuan Xiuyue frowned and smiled, and whispered in Ting Lan's ear: "Ting Lan, it's time for you to go outside and plead guilty to the emperor!"

Hearing this, Ting Lan trembled slightly!
"Your Majesty, have you thought about it, do you really want to cheat His Royal Highness Ning?"

"Who told him to team up with the emperor to lie to me?"

Disapprovingly chuckled, Yuan Xiuyue reached out to caress Ting Lan's soft and fair side face, pursed her red lips lightly, she frowned and said: "This time, if you work hard, you will be wronged!"

"Slaves are not afraid!"

Her eyes were slightly dark, but she was extremely firm. Ting Lan's eyes were piercing, and she slightly hooked her lips to Yuan Xiuyue: "If you can clear away the obstacles hidden behind the harem for your empress, don't let the slaves suffer some grievances, even if the slaves die , and willingly..."

"Don't say that!"

Putting her hand up to cover Ting Lan's mouth, Yuan Xiuyue smiled coyly: "As long as I'm here, you will definitely not die! And the emperor will not hurt you at all because of me tonight!"

"The servant knows!"

Because of Yuan Xiuyue's words, she was inexplicably moved in her heart, Ting Lan narrowed her eyes slightly, her eyes were like crescent moons, "The servant has gone!"


In response, Yuan Xiuyue lay on her side and watched Ting Lan leave.

After a while, when Ting Lan's figure disappeared at the door, she pursed her lips lightly, and then smiled wickedly!
It's a good day.

Not only did Nangong Haoling trick her, even Nangong Xiaoran's wolf-skinned fox showed his feet!
In this way, all the domestic chaos in Li is under the control of Nangong Haoling... She can play with confidence and boldly!

Thinking of Nangong Haoling's nervous and worried appearance just now, she sighed contentedly, but suddenly, she felt that the fetus in her womb seemed to have kicked her, she slightly hooked the corners of her lips, lowered her brows and narrowed her eyes, full of happiness. Caressing his belly, he murmured softly: "Honey, if you are a son, you must remember that in the future, you must treat your woman wholeheartedly and honestly. If you are a daughter, you must remember that if your man If you are disobedient and deceive yourself, then you must subdue him so that he will not dare to lie to you again!"

After the words fell, she raised her eyes slightly, but the thoughts in her eyes were ever-changing!

Slowly, Yuan Xiuyue shifted her gaze back to the door.

There, although Ting Lan was gone, she still bent her lips knowingly, and murmured: "Ting Lan... I hope, you can also reap your own happiness!"

She really wants to!

But I also know that your hope is too slim!
Jishan Palace, in the main hall.

Nangong Haoling, Nangong Xiaoran and Yuan Wende, these three handsome and handsome men, all had gloomy eyes at this moment, staring at Xuanyuantang with condensed expressions.

Facing their cold eyes that could kill people, Xuanyuan Tang frowned lightly, but said to Nangong Haoling calmly and without fear: "Just like what my concubine said just now, what the empress wants is the secret treasure in Nanyue Palace. Poison - worry-free, worry-free and forgetful, poison is as its name suggests, after being poisoned by this poison, the poisoned person will not die from the poison, but will gradually forget those bad memories, and the empress, the current situation is only I remember the memories of my life when I was in Yunyang, but the memories of living in the palace in the past few years have been forgotten..."

After hearing Xuanyuantang's explanation, Nangong Haoling couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart, and his mind went blank for a long while!
With a slight sideways glance, Yuan Wende cast a sidelong glance at Nangong Haoling!
Seeing that Nangong Haoling's face was not gloomy, he said in a deep hoarse voice: "Princess Xian is right, the girl really only remembers the past, just like just now, she asked me as soon as I entered the bedroom, didn't I go to patrol the city?" Why? Why did you come back now... and this subordinate, when he was only 11 years old, left him for the longest time, seven days after leaving..."

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's expression became even colder!
In this way, his Yue'er, at this moment, is all about what happened before he was 11 years old?

After a while, his eyes were gradually stained with deep obscurity, but his tone contained deep helplessness and pain: "According to your words, the queen...has forgotten me, and I don't remember who I am any more. ?!"

Hearing this, the corners of Nangong Xiaoran's lips curled up, although he still smiled gently, but the smile was inexplicably bitter: "It's not just you, she also forgot me! It seems that the memories I brought are also sad. "

Slightly looking at the two handsome men, Xuanyuantang sighed helplessly!
She wanted to say that she never forgot them!
However, she can't!
After Xuanyuantang sighed, Nangong Haoling looked up at her with slightly cold eyes: "Isn't the emperor's wife a miracle doctor? Could it be that she can't cure this mere worry-free poison?"


This is his taboo name when he was in Chu State!

For him, it also represents the best and carefree days in the past.

But at this moment, he hated this name extremely!
Worry-free poison!

Forget about your worries!

He hates it!
Looking at Nangong Haoling, Xuanyuantang smiled wryly and shook his head lightly: "The emperor thinks that if the poison of worry-free can be cured, will my concubine still stand idle here? The poison of worry-free has never untie!"

"Never have a solution?"

With a tremor, Nangong Haoling couldn't help taking a step back!
The hands hanging by his sides were quickly retracted and clenched into fists. His heart was hurting like a knife, but there was no pain on his face, only cold and ruthless: "The worry-free poison is the secret of Nanyue. Why did the hidden medicine appear in my Liguo Palace? And why was it taken by Yue'er?"

At this moment, he suddenly thought of one person!
It's Dugu Chen!

Must be him!

I have never seen Nangong Haoling with such a gloomy expression. At this moment, facing his eyes like a sharp knife, even Xuanyuantang, who has always been open and generous in front of her, couldn't help trembling slightly, bit his lips and said: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty I know who the person you suspect is in your heart! But now the Liyue and Yue countries are in an alliance, if you don't have full evidence and certainty, you must not act impulsively!"

"Since you want evidence, then investigate thoroughly!"

His eyes were so low that people couldn't see the emotion in it. Nangong Xiaoran's voice was low and steady, but it made people feel extraordinarily cold: "There are only a few people in this Jishan Palace, if you want to find out the poisoner Who is it, it's easy to start?!"

"My lord!"

As soon as Nangong Xiaoran's voice fell to the ground, Ting Lan had already appeared at the gate of the inner hall.

As for Nangong Xiaoran, when he heard her call, he frowned slightly, and turned his head to look at where she was.

Facing Nangong Xiaoran's calm and gentle gaze, but with some doubts and inquiries, Ting Lan raised the corners of her lips slightly, and slowly stepped forward, finally standing still in front of Nangong Haoling, with her eyes lowered and her head lightly lowered. Lifting the lapel of her skirt, she knelt down on the ground in front of everyone: "Your Majesty, servant Ting Lan will die!"

Hearing this, all the people in the hall except Xuanyuantang changed their expressions!

The voice was deep but full of anger, Nangong Haoling looked at Ting Lan who was kneeling in front of him with cold eyes, then slightly raised his head and looked at her with lowered eyebrows: "Don't tell me that the innocence in Yue'er The poison of worry was cast by you!"

She never raised her eyes, Ting Lan lowered her eyebrows and said in response: "The emperor expected it right, the poison... was indeed cast by the servants!"

"Ting Lan..."

His eyes were full of disbelief, Nangong Xiaoran stared at Ting Lan deeply: "You are so loyal to the queen, why did you harm her like this?"

"Slaves... for the sake of the empress, and also for the sake of the prince!" Raising her head, she faced Nangong Xiaoran, Ting Lan raised her eyelids slightly, and looked straight into Nangong Xiaoran's black pupils as deep as the sea...


Staring at Ting Lan's somewhat eager but somewhat helpless eyes, Nangong Xiaoran couldn't help but smiled wryly in his heart, but he didn't say what was stuck in his throat.

(End of this chapter)

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