Li Palace's elegance shocked the world: the goddess is blessed

Chapter 246 Confrontation in the Great Hall 2

Chapter 246 Confrontation in the Great Hall 2
Since it was that time, then why did he make such a big move and dispatch troops like this? !

In the imperial study room, Nangong Haoling learned from Nangong Haoyuan that the person who now holds power in Nanyue is Yuehuang Dugu Jianghou, and his eyes darkened again!
After being silent for a long while, his thoughts turned and turned, and finally he raised his eyes and said with a sneer: "There are no random things in the world. Now that the soldiers from Nanyue are oppressing the country, but they have never made troubles against Li Guo, then he must have a plan. If my guess is correct, Nanyue's envoys will arrive in a few days!"

When the words fell, he picked up the pen, lowered his eyebrows and wrote vigorously on the imperial case.

Seeing this, Nangong Xiao Ran's eyes flickered slightly, and then he slightly hooked his lips: "The emperor wants to write a letter to the emperor of Chu!"

"That's right!"

His brows and eyes were still lowered, and Nangong Haoling's hand kept writing. After a while, he finally stopped writing. He glanced at Ji Heng beside him, and said in a deep voice, "Send the letter to the office as quickly as possible. In the hands of Emperor Chu."

"The slave obeys the order!"

Not daring to be slighted, Ji Henggong stepped forward, put away the letter that Nangong Haoling had just written, and turned around to leave the imperial study.

As soon as Ji Heng left, Nangong Haoling raised his head, looked at Nangong Xiaoran who was standing in front of the imperial case, slightly hooked his thin lips, and said with a faint smile: "No matter what Yue Guo wants to do, now I am leaving the country In chaos, the troops are scattered in the hands of the Yu family and the An family, if you want to be safe for the time being, you have to ask Axu to help you temporarily!"

Hearing this, Nangong Xiao Ran couldn't help but frowned, and said disapprovingly, "Your Majesty is not afraid, he Xuanyuanxu is also like Dugu Jiang, will he take this opportunity to annex my country?"

With a disapproving smile, Nangong Haoling's eyes were full of confidence: "Don't worry, Axu is a person who values ​​affection, don't say he won't do that himself, even if he wants to, he has no choice but to give up if Xi'er is here." !"

After Yu Nuan Pavilion, hearing Nangong Haoling's gentle tone when talking about Zhuge Zhenxi, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help curling her lips!
As for Nangong Xiaoran, he smiled disapprovingly.

Concentrating on the smile on his face, Nangong Haoling pursed his lips lightly, and said softly: "Brother Ning, now that foreign enemies are at hand, should you and I settle down first, and then fight outside?"

"Of course!"

Nangong Xiaoran nodded lightly. "As long as the emperor feels that the time has come, he can just eradicate the Yu family. As for my An family, during this period of time, I will definitely stand still and not cause any trouble to the emperor!"

"What I'm waiting for is your words!" Nangong Haoling nodded slightly and said, "If that's the case, then please leave immediately, Brother Ning, and return to the An clan!"

Changes at the border are no small matter!
Nangonghao naturally knew that now that he got the news here, Yuan Chenghai naturally got the news too.

Originally, during the incident in Anyang, the An clan had colluded with Nanyue.

At this moment, he would never allow the An clan to use Nanyue's troops to confront him.

Therefore, Nangong Xiaoran must go!
"The meaning of the emperor, I understand!"

Nodding calmly, Nangong Xiaoran glanced in the direction of Nuan Pavilion.

The color of his eyes darkened slightly, and his emotions were complicated and changeable. He took a deep breath, then cupped his hands and said softly: "Please also take good care of the empress empress!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoyuan frowned slightly, while Nangong Haoling's expression darkened: "She is my woman, so I will naturally take good care of her!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the corners of Yuan Xiuyue's lips twitched lightly behind the Nuan Pavilion.

And the atmosphere in the imperial study room became a bit stagnant!
After a moment of stagnation, it was Nangong Haoling who finally broke the silence. He stood up from the front of the case, then walked quickly to Nangong Xiaoran, and gently supported his shoulder: "It's not easy for Brother Ning to show his face now that the sky is bright and the sun is bright." , I personally send Brother Ning out of the city with a dragon chariot!"

"It's my pleasure!"

Smiling faintly, Nangong Xiaoran climbed up the corner of his eyes, took a deep look at Nangong Haoling, but couldn't hold back his throbbing heart, and walked towards Nuan Pavilion.

Seeing him like this, Nangong Haoling's eyes changed slightly, but he didn't catch up, but just stood there quietly waiting.

To be honest, he doesn't like Nangong Xiaoran always getting tired of being with Yuan Xiuyue, he doesn't like it very much... But he also knows that even though he has been with her for a long time, he has never surpassed her in the slightest.

At this moment, seeing Nangong Xiaoran stepping into the Nuan Pavilion step by step, he could only suddenly feel the deep-rooted love for feelings in Nangong Xiaoran's heart, as well as his helpless and bitter mood.

Once upon a time, he also liked another woman like Nangong Xiaoran.

She is Zhuge's treasure!

It's just that Zhuge cherished it at that time, but he loved Xuanyuanxu as deeply as Yuan Xiuyue only fell in love with him at this moment.

Back then, when she disappeared, he had done a lot of infatuated things, such as...traveling all over the country of Chu, just to find her.

In the warm pavilion, Yuan Xiuyue was hiding at the door to eavesdrop on the conversation of several people, but Nangong Xiaoran's sudden entry made her, a pregnant woman who was not very convenient, not have time to lie back on the brocade couch.

Staring at Nangong Xiaoran standing in front of her in a daze, Yuan Xiuyue's thoughts turned slightly, and she wanted to gently open her lips: "First..."

Raising his hand suddenly, he put his white and slender index finger on her lips. Nangong Xiaoran shook his head lightly at her. Standing in front of the Nuan Pavilion door, he lowered his eyes at Yuan Xiuyue who was sitting in front of the door. He frowned slightly, and said She didn't open her mouth to ask her what she was doing at the moment, nor did she ask about her amnesia. She just took off the mask on her face, then her eyes shone brightly, and said softly: "Yue'er, I know you have amnesia, But if we say goodbye today, you and I don't know when we will see each other again, so I just ask you one question at this moment, are you...would you like to come with me?"

As soon as he said this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help opening his mouth slightly.

Before she could respond, Nangong Haoling's distraught voice sounded in the imperial study room: "Nangong Xiaoran!"

Hearing this, Ting Lan couldn't help but tremble in shock!
On the other hand, Yuan Xiuyue gently raised her hand, took down Nangong Xiaoran's big hand, and smiled at him with bent lips: "Sir, are you joking with Yue'er? Although Yue'er has lost her memory, she still knows that good girls don't marry." Husband's reasoning, don't say that I am still pregnant with the emperor's child, even if I am alone, I will stay by the emperor's side!"

Hearing his words, the soaring anger on Nangong Haoling's face miraculously disappeared gradually until they never saw each other again!
A perfect smile gradually appeared on the handsome face, Nangong Haoling smiled triumphantly, and walked towards Nuan Pavilion.

At this time, Yuan Xiuyue also got up from the chair.

Seeing Nangong Haoling coming in, she fixed Nangong Xiaoran's eyes deeply, and gently withdrew them, meeting Nangong Haoling's eyes without any trace, but they were tightly entangled, no matter how hard they were to separate!

Slightly frowning, looking at the unbroken love between the two, Nangong Xiaoran turned around and faced Nangong Haoling, but also blocked the two people's glued sight: "Didn't the emperor expect me to leave early, and at this moment Send me out of town!"

Nangong Haoling stretched out his hand and pushed him aside because of his obstruction, but with a slight displeasure on his face, he said softly to Yuan Xiuyue, "I'll see him off, and I'll go back as soon as I go, the snowy road outside is slippery, you must not Run around!"


Slightly nodding, Yuan Xiuyue smiled softly at him and said, "Yue'er is here waiting for the emperor to come back!"

Hearing her words, Nangong Haoling's heart was slightly settled, and then he turned his head to look at Nangong Xiaoran who was left aside by him: "Brother Ning Wang, let's go!" After speaking, he turned around and was about to go out. But Nangong Xiao Ran behind him not only didn't move, but even murmured softly: "I still have one last word to say!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help smiling!

Nangong Xiaoran clearly knew that the most unsightly thing about the big man behind him was that he was talking to him, but at this moment he deliberately stimulated him again and again!
No, when Nangong Xiaoran said that there was one last sentence, Nangong Haoling's complexion couldn't help but darken suddenly, and then he immediately pulled down, and said in a cold voice: "Why are you talking so much nonsense!"

"It's not nonsense, it's just something I haven't had time to say!"

Nangong Xiaoran took a deep look at Yuan Xiuyue, and although his eyes were bright and dark, his voice was gentle and pleasant: "Yue'er, I know you have lost your memory now, and some things no longer remember, but if one day , you think of the past, and want to find out why Yuan Chenghai is so loyal to the An family, you can come to Fudu to find me!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help trembling slightly.

And Nangong Xiaoran knew that Nangong Haoling would definitely lose his temper, so the first thing he did after he finished speaking was to quickly turn around and look at Nangong Haoling with a smile on his face: "Your Majesty, you Aren't you going to send me off? Let's go!"

Seeing him like this, Nangong Haoling didn't say much anymore, but could only suppress the anger in his heart, and walked out quickly with a calm expression.

"Ha ha……"

With a gentle smile, Nangong Xiaoran reached out to put the mask back on, turned around and wanted to leave.

"My lord!"

Suddenly a voice came out, Ting Lan looked intently, "Be careful all the way!"


Nangong Xiaoran quickly walked out of the imperial study room with Nangong Haoling showing that spring-like smile again.

As soon as Nangong Haoling and Nangong Xiaoran left, the imperial study room became peaceful again.

Inside the Nuan Pavilion, supported by Ting Lan, Yuan Xiuyue turned around and walked slowly in front of the brocade couch, then lay back down again.

But in the imperial study room, Nangong Haoyuan, who had never made a sound, put down the teacup in his hand, and walked a few steps slowly into the Nuan Pavilion.

As soon as he entered the Nuan Pavilion, seeing Yuan Xiuyue lying on the brocade couch, Nangong smiled gently, "Empress, are you bored? How about I chat with you for a few minutes?"

(End of this chapter)

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