Li Palace's elegance shocked the world: the goddess is blessed

Chapter 247 Confrontation in the Great Hall 3

Chapter 247 Confrontation in the Great Hall 3
Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyes to meet Nangong Haoyuan's warm eyes, Yuan Xiuyue sighed softly: "Brother Wang, please sit down!"

"it is good!"

With a soft response, Nangong Haoyuan took a seat on the chair Yuan Xiuyue sat on just now, and then raised his eyes and smiled faintly at Yuan Xiuyue: "This king has already seen Fengtang this morning, and I know how your majesty is doing. Don't try to pretend in front of me again!"

Nangong Haoyuan will know that he has not lost his memory, Yuan Xiuyue is not surprised at all!
Because, what Xuanyuantang knew, Nangong Haoyuan would definitely know too.

The so-called concentric husband and wife, that is the truth!

"Brother Wang!"

With a light smile, facing Nangong Haoyuan's gentle eyes, Yuan Xiuyue said softly: "I don't find it strange that the emperor's wife will tell you the truth, but I am a little surprised that since the emperor's wife told you the truth, Why didn't you mention this to the emperor just now?"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoyuan smiled softly: "The empress also saw what happened just now, don't say that the king doesn't have time to tell the truth to the emperor, even if the king doesn't tell the truth, the empress thinks the emperor won't know about it?" ?”

"The emperor, he..."

Frowning slightly, Yuan Xiuyue turned her mind, thinking about how she made Nangong Haoling see the flaws, but looking back, even Nangong Xiaoran saw through her disguise, how could Nangong Haoling not? !

Sighing lightly, she helplessly stretched out her hand to caress her brow, looked up at Nangong Haoyuan and smiled wryly: "If he knows, but still pretends not to know, let me know what to do!"

Nangong Haoling, ah Nangong Haoling!
Unfortunately, he always said that she was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. Isn't he the same now?

How dare he talk about her again in the future!
"Your Majesty, don't worry about it! From my point of view, it's best if the Emperor and Your Majesty are so tacit now!" Nangong Haoyuan said softly to Yuan Xiuyue, "The situation in the palace is unclear now. If Your Majesty loses her memory, Then you will have the upper hand and do things in the palace, and there will be no harm at all!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue smiled and said, "Since Brother Wang is already talking like this, let's just keep pretending!"

"That's good!"

Facing Yuan Xiuyue's dimple, Nangong Haoyuan's eyes darkened slightly, and the brilliance burned in them.

Facing Nangong Haoyuan's gaze, Yuan Xiuyue lowered her eyes and chuckled lightly, and said lightly, "They are all from my own family. If you have anything to say, Brother Wang, just speak up. Don't hesitate!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoyuan's eyes became even more smiling.

Slightly raising his eyebrows, he got up from his seat, and lightly arched his hands to Yuan Xiuyue: "Now the King of Yue doesn't ask about Nanyue's political affairs, and now Nanyue sends troops to my country, it's really Dugu Jiang alone..."

"Brother Wang!"

Knowing what Nangong Haoling wanted to say in her heart, Yuan Xiuyue interrupted him softly: "You want me to write a letter with Duguchen, asking him to abide by the Three Kingdoms Covenant and withdraw heavy troops from the border of the country!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling smiled indifferently, and secretly praised Yuan Xiuyue for being so thoughtful!
With a slight sigh, he lowered his eyebrows and said: "Although the emperor wants to settle down first and then fight outside, if he wants Nanyue to withdraw his troops, just a letter from the empress can reach thousands of troops. This king has weighed it for a long time. I still feel like I should go this way!"

As expected, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but smiled wryly and said: "Brother Wang, I understand what I mean, but if my letter comes out, I'm afraid that the emperor will be very unhappy if he finds out that Nanyue's retreat is related to me in the future!"

"It's okay!"

Smiling lightly, that smile made people feel warm, Nangong Haoyuan said softly: "Your Majesty, I will explain myself when the time comes!"

With Nangong Haoyuan's words, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but smiled and said: "Since Brother Wang said so, as the Queen of Li Kingdom, I should naturally do my part!"

As the words fell, she stretched out her hand to help Ting Lan get up from the brocade couch, and walked out slowly.

Standing in front of the imperial case, she smiled slightly at Nangong Haoyuan, then lowered her eyes to pick up the pen, and wrote a letter with Duguchen.

In the letter, she first asked him if he was doing well, and then explained that Nanyue's army was approaching and leaving the country. She only said that she always thought that Duguchen was a hero, but even if he was a hero, he did something and didn't do it. Only the Three Kingdoms Covenant cannot be abandoned!
After a while, the written letter jumped into Nangong Haoyuan's hands.

Looking at Yuan Xiuyue's delicate and heroic handwriting on the letter raft, he nodded with great satisfaction, and bowed to Yuan Xiuyue again: "This king will send someone to deliver the letter."

Squinting her eyes slightly, seeing Nangong Haoyuan leave the imperial study with Yuan Xiuyue's autographed letter, Ting Lan couldn't help saying with some disapproval: "Empress Empress, the imperial concubine never allows women to interfere in politics, no matter how tight the previous court is, You shouldn't have written this letter either."

"Of course I know!"

Sighing helplessly, she gently put down the howling pen in her hand, and Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyes outwards: "Brother Xian Wang has always been a person of courtesy, since he spoke in person today, it shows that this matter should be done in this way!"

After the words fell, her eyes dimmed slightly!

Nangong Haoyuan acted like this because he didn't believe that Nangong Xiaoran could control the An clan!

After hearing his words, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help being startled again!
What Nangong Xiao Ran said was to stand still, not to follow the lead.

That also means that among the An clan, Nangong Xiaoran can control it, but it is not really in the hands of Nangong Haoling!

After a while, the eunuch on duty outside the palace came in to report, only to say that it was Aunt Bi Qiu, who was beside Empress Dowager Zhong, asking to see her outside the imperial study.

Hearing the sound, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes narrowed slightly, and asked Chuan Biqiu, the eunuch on duty, to come in.

After the eunuch on duty left, Yuan Xiuyue turned her head and smiled lightly at Ting Lan: "Now, I have amnesia, and Bi Qiu will have to rely on Aunt Ting Lan to deal with it later!"


Aunt Ting Lan was a little embarrassed by Yuan Xiuyue's words, Ting Lan stretched out her hand to hold her arm: "My servant will help you to lie down on the brocade couch first!"

Not long after, Bi Qiu entered the imperial study.

She walked around the royal case and went to the Nuan Pavilion. She only looked up at Yuan Xiuyue on the brocade couch. Seeing that Yuan Xiuyue's hair was in a simple bun, she was slightly taken aback, and then respectfully saluted her: "Slave Bi Qiu, please see the empress. Empress!"

"Bi Qiu?"

Yuan Xiuyue on the brocade couch frowned slightly, looking at Ting Lan full of doubts.

Leaning slightly, Ting Lan whispered in Yuan Xiuyue's ear: "I want to tell you my Majesty, Aunt Bi Qiu is the most capable person around the Queen Mother!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue suddenly realized.

Turning her head, she looked at Bi Qiu who was still maintaining the blessing, she smiled lightly, raised her hand to Bi Qiu and said, "Aunt Bi Qiu, please excuse me!"

"My servant thanked the Empress!"

With a soft response, Bi Qiu Yingying raised her eyes, seeing Yuan Xiuyue looking up and down at herself with a faint smile, she couldn't help sighing in her heart!
For many years, she has been following the Empress Dowager Zhong, and naturally she has seen all the ups and downs of the concubines in the palace, but at this moment, Yuan Xiuyue's poisoning and amnesia made her feel sad!

Who told her that she was the first person whom the emperor treated sincerely after Ye Wuhen? !
After waiting for a while, but Bi Qiu didn't say a word, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help sitting up, and asked Bi Qiu with a light smile, "I don't know what's important for Aunt Bi Qiu to come here at this moment?"


Gently respecting herself, Bi Qiu lowered her eyebrows and narrowed her eyes and said: "I will report to the empress, regarding the poisoning of the empress, the empress dowager has summoned all the concubines in the palace to wait in the main hall of the Funing Palace. The girl confronted Concubine Yu in the past!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's heart skipped a beat!
Thinking that Queen Mother Zhong's speed is really not so fast, she turned her head and glanced at Ting Lan, and said to Bi Qiu with a complicated expression: "It's okay to let Ting Lan go there, but I also want to go there together to have a look." , to see who it is, dare to use poison on this palace!"

"My lady..."

Bi Qiu raised her eyes, originally wanted to say that Yuan Xiuyue was pregnant and didn't dare to let her go, but when she saw her holding Ting Lan's hand with a worried face, she couldn't help sighing softly again: "If the empress insists on going , servants and maids can't stop them, but please do your bun before you go!"

Concubine Xian had already spoken to the Queen Mother this morning.

After the queen was poisoned, she lost her present memory, but only remembered the past.

Therefore, how could she not know at this moment that Yuan Xiuyue went to Funing Palace to protect Ting Lan!

In Funing Palace, the lingering fragrance of Su Hexiang is the eternal theme!

In the main hall, the Empress Dowager Zhong was dressed in azure blue snow suit, sitting in the middle of the high seat, her eyes, from time to time, lightly swept over the concubines in the main hall, beside her, Xuanyuan Tang sat with downcast eyes, leisurely savoring with tea.

Above the lower ranks, Concubine Yan and Meiren Liu were seated in sequence, and there were three other concubines who had just been favored by the emperor. Never came.

Finally, when Yuan Xiuyue and Bi Qiu arrived at Funing Palace, Yu Xiuzhi's chariot had already arrived.

From a distance, seeing Yuan Xiuyue walking slowly out of the chariot, Yu Xiuzhi's expression changed slightly, she put her hand on Zhu'er's wrist, got off the chariot in a few steps, and walked quickly towards Yuan Xiuyue.

Only this morning, the story of the empress's poisoning and amnesia spread throughout the harem, and now she urgently needs to verify whether Yuan Xiuyue really forgot her memories after entering the palace as rumored!

"Young lady, please slow down!"

Because Yu Xiuzhi got down from the chariot too quickly, Zhu'er almost fell down, fearing that Yu Xiuzhi would accidentally fall herself, her complexion changed drastically, and her voice trembled faintly.

Supported by Ting Lan and Bi Qiu, Yuan Xiuyue stepped down from the phoenix chariot, raised her eyes slightly, and saw that Yu Xiuzhi had already walked in front of her. It looks really good-looking!"

(End of this chapter)

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