Li Palace's elegance shocked the world: the goddess is blessed

Chapter 248 Confrontation in the Great Hall 4

Chapter 248 Confrontation in the Great Hall 4
Hearing this, Yu Xiuzhi couldn't help being shocked!

When her eyes fell on Yu Xiuzhi's swollen abdomen, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help showing joy: "My sister is just like me, and she is also pregnant!"

"The Queen Mother..."

Facing Yuan Xiuyue's clear phoenix eyes, Yu Xiuzhi was slightly suffocated, and then looked at Ting Lan beside her.

Thinking that Yuan Xiuyue was like this, it was because of the bottle of poison she gave Ting Lan, complex emotions faintly flashed in her originally dark pupils.

Not daring to meet Yuan Xiuyue's clear eyes again, she gave a wry smile, and then gave her a little blessing: "Concubine Yu, please see the empress, the empress is blessed and safe!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help squinting her eyes slightly: "It turns out that my sister is Concubine Yu, you are so beautiful, no wonder the emperor favors you!"

"The Queen Mother..."

She smacked her lips lightly, not knowing what to say for a while, Yu Xiuzhi lowered her eyelids slightly, and slightly bent her knees: "The concubine goes in first!" After the words fell, she almost held Zhu'er's hand tightly, as if fleeing directly. Enter the main hall of Funing Palace.

Quietly, looking at the back of Yu Xiuzhi leaving in a panic, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes flickered slightly, but she couldn't help sighing in her heart!
This person, it's better not to do anything wrong.

Otherwise, if you torture others, you will also torture yourself!

When Yu Xiuzhi entered the hall, Yan Ruxue's eyes flickered instantly.

Seeing the panic on Yu Xiuzhi's face, she lowered her eyelids, but she was not afraid at all that Yu Xiuzhi would betray herself!

Who let them be grasshoppers on a rope? !

Not long after, Yuan Xiuyue was supported by Ting Lan and Bi Qiu into the main hall of Funing Palace.

As soon as she entered the palace, Bi Qiu looked up at the Empress Dowager Zhong who was seated above her, and whispered in Yuan Xiuyue's ear: "Empress Empress, the one sitting on the right seat is Empress Dowager!"

Hearing the sound, Yuan Xiuyue slightly raised her eyes.

The gentle and loving eyes of Empress Dowager Zhong slowly met in the air, she lowered her eyes lightly, still being supported by Bi Qiu and Ting Lan, she bent her knees and blessed her body: "The concubine sees the Empress Dowager, my mother is blessed and safe!"

Hearing that Yuan Xiuyue once again honored herself as the Empress Dowager in the name of a concubine, Empress Dowager Zhong frowned slightly, her complexion changed slightly, and she immediately extended her hand to Xuanyuantang.

Xuanyuantang understood, and hurriedly got up to support the hand of Queen Mother Zhong, helping her to stand up, and slowly stepped down the high platform.


Standing still in front of Yuan Xiuyue, the Empress Dowager Zhong took her hand with a trembling voice, "Aijia has made you suffer!"

Looking up, seeing Empress Dowager Zhong's eyes filled with tears, Yuan Xiuyue twitched her lips, and hurriedly wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes with the back of her hand like a child: "What's wrong with Empress Dowager? The concubine only forgot something , the body is in good shape, and I don't feel any pain at all!"

Hearing this, Xuanyuan Tang slightly raised his eyebrows, and lowered his eyes not to look at Yuan Xiuyue.

God knows, seeing Yuan Xiuyue pretending to be stupid, how much she wants to laugh now.

However, she thought it was the same thing, but she couldn't laugh!
"'s the Ai family's lax management of the harem!" If so, she sighed in frustration, and the Empress Dowager Zhong took Yuan Xiuyue's hand, and walked up to the high platform with her, letting her and Xuanyuan Tang go to the left Yi sat next to her.

After the queen mother took her seat, Bi Qiu naturally followed her up to the high platform, and then stood behind the queen mother with lowered eyebrows.

Once she left like this, only Ting Lan was left alone in the hall!

Looking up slightly, seeing that Ting Lan had never stepped up to the high platform, Yan Ruxue curled her lips lightly, and couldn't help saying softly: "Ting Lan, why don't you hurry up and serve the Queen!"

"Uh... oh!"

Suddenly, Ting Lan made a gesture to climb up the high platform from one side, but before she could take a step forward, Xuanyuan Tang, who was on the high position, raised his eyes and suddenly threw the teacup in his hand down in front of Ting Lan!
After a loud bang!
There was no sound in the hall!

The exquisite teacup was torn apart under Ting Lan's feet, and the boiling hot tea splashed high due to the huge inertia, soaking the hem of her skirt in an instant!

"Xian... princess..."

With a body like a willow brush, she couldn't help trembling slightly, Ting Lan stared at the high platform with a snow-white complexion, glaring at her own Xuanyuan Tang!

Turning his eyes slightly, he glanced at Yuan Xiuyue who was sitting opposite him, Xuanyuantang raised his eyes with a sneer, and stared at Ting Lan with a sinister gaze: "Bold Ting Lan, do you know your mistake?"


With a look of surprise in her eyes, Yuan Xiuyue looked at Xuanyuantang in a daze, pretending that she couldn't bear Ting Lan to be blamed, she couldn't help frowning and asked softly: "Since the emperor's wife left the Jishan Palace today, Ting Lan has been caring for the palace, why is she so caring?" Is there anything wrong?"

"Empress! Princess Xian is right!"

Before Xuanyuantang could speak, Ting Lan in the hall had already opened her mouth.Calling out to Empress Empress, she raised her chin slightly, knelt down with a plop, and said in a deep voice: "Servant Ting Lan is at fault!"

Surprised by Ting Lan's words, Yu Xiuzhi's unattractive complexion instantly turned pale again.

And Yuan Xiuyue's frown, which was originally frowned, couldn't help tightening it instantly: "Ting Lan, what nonsense are you talking about? What's wrong with you?"


The tears in her eyes burst instantly, Ting Lan trembled slightly, and sobbed: "The servant was bewitched by a ghost, bewitched by her, and mixed poison in the empress's meal, causing the empress to lose her memory... "

At the end of the sentence, Ting Lan was sobbing!
After a few bangs, she kept knocking on the shiny floor below her with her forehead: "Your Majesty, the servant is guilty, and the servant is guilty of death!"

Hearing what Ting Lan said, Liu Meiren couldn't help but look sad and indignant, pointed at Ting Lan, and began to add fuel to the flames: "What a bold and reckless maidservant, you dare to poison your master and say... who ordered you? "

Although her scheming is not deep enough, but what happened today is so obvious, she can naturally see through it!
Just imagine, Ting Lan is just a mere girl, how could she poison her master? !

Taking it for granted, there must be that shady person behind her, instigating secretly!
Her forehead had been bruised, Ting Lan straightened up with a face full of shame, and said in a low voice: "The man told the servant that the empress is not favored in the palace now, if she has a daughter, she will definitely lose her position. I only know that I have a deep love with the Empress Empress and sisters, and the medicine is a good medicine for changing the sex of the fetus, so I asked the servant to feed the poison to the empress... Empress Dowager, the servant is only for the good of the Empress, and the servant has also been deceived!"

Hearing this, Yu Xiuzhi, who was beside her with a snow-white complexion, couldn't help curling her lips lightly, and smiled wryly.

At this moment, how could she fail to see that Ting Lan is trying to protect herself!

And the best way for her to protect herself is to push everything on her!

"My royal heir, how can I change my gender with drugs indiscriminately?!"

Surprised by what Ting Lan said, Empress Dowager Zhong's complexion suddenly changed, she was flushed with anger because of Ting Lan's words, Empress Dowager Zhong glanced at her, and ordered in a deep voice: "Say, the one who ordered you behind the scenes to poison the queen Who is it?"

"The Empress Dowager Mingjian, this servant is not trying to poison the empress!" Ting Lan cried heartbrokenly, but she still turned around tremblingly, looking at Concubine Yan at the side.

Seeing Ting Lan looking at her, Concubine Yan couldn't help smiling gently, and gently fiddled with the tea leaves in the teacup: "Ting Lan, you can eat more rice, but don't talk nonsense, don't you want to say that this is instructing you and the empress The person who poisoned me is Bengong, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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