Chapter 249 Reminds You of Me 1
The reason why Ting Lan looked at Concubine Yan was entirely because Yuan Xiuyue had suspected early in the morning that the Wuyou Poison in Yu Xiuzhi's hand was from her.

At this moment, seeing Concubine Yan's face was indifferent, her expression was charming and casual, and there was no sign of guilt at all, her thoughts raced in her mind, and she turned her head to look at Yu Xiuzhi who was sitting opposite Concubine Yan!
"Sister Yan Concubine, look at you scared Ting Lan."

The corners of her lips twitched slightly, and her eyes raised slightly to meet Ting Lan's trembling eyes. Yu Xiuzhi's eyes narrowed slightly, and she said with a faint smile: "Ting Lan is looking at me like this at the moment, but I want to tell the Queen Mother that this is not the same as the Queen Mother. The person who poisoned the empress is this palace?"

Hearing that, on the high platform, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly, Empress Dowager Zhong frowned deeply, while Xian Wangfei Xuanyuantang raised her hand again to take the new tea from Bi Qiu, blew her eyebrows low, and raised her eyebrows to take a sip.

"The Empress Dowager!"

Withdrawing her eyes from Yu Xiuzhi, Ting Lan raised her head again, her face was ugly, and she couldn't help crying out: "Your servant knows that your servant is soft-spoken, but my servant can't swallow the breath in my heart. The empress dowager... back then... gave the servant poison, It is the concubine Yu who let the slaves poison the empress!"

As soon as Ting Lan's words fell, Yuan Xiuzhi held the teacup in her hand and froze slightly.

Slightly tilting her head, she looked at the Queen Mother Zhong with a cloudy face above her, her expression changed slightly.Her eyes became hot instantly, she lowered her hands slightly, and wanted to put the teacup away, but because of her trembling hands, she spilled the tea all over the table and soaked her dress.

"The Empress Dowager!"

Regardless of tidying up her wet skirt, Yu Xiuzhi's charming and bright eyes were full of tears. She stretched out her hand to hold Zhu'er's hand. She got up from the desk and stood beside Ting Lan, panting slightly. , looking up at the Queen Mother Zhong with a face of resentment: "Don't say that the concubine used to be in love with the empress as sisters. Since the queen came to Jishan, the concubine has been favored by the emperor in the palace. Now the concubine is pregnant. , it was Fuze Shenglong, and the emperor also promised his concubine that he would make his concubine's child the crown prince...Since this is the case, why should the concubine take the risk of poisoning the empress? If this is the case, is it unnecessary? Empress dowager, minister My concubine has been wronged! Please be careful, don't listen to this lowly servant girl spreading rumors!"

As the words fell, Yu Xiuzhi bent her knees slightly, and regardless of her pregnancy, she knelt down on the ground with a plop, and then burst into tears with an aggrieved face.

Hearing this, Empress Dowager Zhong's eyes changed!
Deeply staring at Yu Xiuzhi's stomach, she couldn't help sighing: "Only Ting Lan said something, but Ai Jia hasn't said a word yet. What are you doing? Don't you hurry up and talk?"


Gently sucking Qiong's nose, Yu Xiuzhi choked up and raised her head. On her pretty face, pear blossoms were raining: "People are pregnant in October, and they are all calm and comfortable, but my concubine is so wronged by others. My concubine... just feels wronged..."

"Concubine Yu!"

Yu Xiuzhi's appearance of pear blossoms covered with rain really made people feel distressed, but in Yuan Xiuyue's eyes, it was a bit funny.But... at this moment, she lost her memory, so she could only smile at her with clear eyes, and then got up from her seat.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, she walked slowly down from the high position, walked in front of Yu Xiuzhi, put her hand on Yu Xiuzhi's arm, and said with a light smile: "There is an old saying that the clean is cleared by itself. Since this matter has nothing to do with the concubine Yu , why does my sister care so much? Right now, at nine o’clock in winter, it’s freezing cold, for the sake of the child in your belly, and to prevent the empress dowager from feeling distressed, my sister should get up quickly!”

"The Queen Mother..."

Hearing Yuan Xiuyue's words, Yu Xiuzhi's lips trembled slightly, and her heart couldn't help feeling sour!
Although she said that she did not give Ting Lan the worry-free poison, but she was very clear about the truth.

At this moment, Yuan Xiuyue treated her like this, if she said that she didn't feel ashamed in her heart, that would be a lie!

Seeing Yu Xiuzhi's aggrieved face, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes changed slightly, but she still raised her hand, trying to pull her up: "Little sister, get up quickly!"

Feeling Yuan Xiuyue's hand holding her arm and lifting it up slightly, Yu Xiuzhi wept silently, so she had no choice but to stand up!

"That... what's your name?"

Helping Yu Xiuzhi up, Yuan Xiuyue turned to look at Zhu'er who was following her.

Zhu'er's heart trembled when she heard the words, and she hurriedly replied to Yuan Xiuyue: "My servant, Zhu'er."

"Oh, Pearl!"

Nodding her head lightly, Yuan Xiuyue said lightly to Zhu'er: "Your master's clothes are wet, you should hurry back and get a new one."


Mind slightly startled, Zhu'er bowed her head in a startled state, "Your servant obeys!"

Seeing Zhu'er hurried out of the hall, Yuan Xiuyue raised her head and said to Empress Dowager Zhong, "Empress Dowager, although my concubine has been poisoned and lost her memory, in general, her life is safe, and my concubine is reluctant to bear Ting Lan's suffering." , I can't see that Concubine Yu's younger sister was wronged, since this is the case, the concubine will not pursue this matter any more, and I ask the empress dowager to expose this matter!"

As soon as Yuan Xiuyue said this, the eyes of Yan Ruxue who was sitting on the side changed slightly, and everyone in the hall also buzzed, and then started whispering!
Who is Yuan Xiuyue? !

She is the Empress Empress, and she is still pregnant with a dragon heir.

Now someone has harmed her. Although she is blessed with great fortune and her life is not harmed, but to put it bluntly, the person who poisoned her behind her back is trying to murder the queen and the emperor's heir in her stomach!
If this matter gets bigger, it will shake the foundation of the country!
But right now, in order to protect a servant girl, she chose not to pursue such a generous choice!

If it was said that earlier, everyone was skeptical about her amnesia, but now it seems that she really has amnesia.

If not, she would definitely not let things go like this today!

Above the high position, Empress Dowager Zhong couldn't help but look cold after hearing Yuan Xiuyue's words: "Queen, the Ai family knows that you have a kind heart, but this matter concerns the lives of you and the Ai family's royal grandson, and the Ai family will never tolerate it!"

Yuan Xiuyue's heart warmed slightly as she had expected the Empress Dowager Zhong to speak like this.

But on the surface, she still frowned slightly, and said aloud: "The empress dowager, my concubine..."

"The Empress!"

Putting the teacup in his hand on the table, Xuanyuantang, who had never made a sound since dropping the teacup, raised his eyes lightly, and met Yuan Xiuyue's eyes: "I know you have lost your memory, but now all the people here The person who sat there didn’t lose his memory, and the person who poisoned you didn’t lose his memory either, so what happened today, the empress only needs to watch, and let the concubine pay the empress justice!”

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly, and everyone in the hall also had unpredictable expressions!
If the virtuous king had not abdicated back then, the virtuous concubine in front of her would be the empress of today.

Today, although she has been by the Queen Mother's side all the time, she has a happy smile every day, and she does not show the mountains or leak the water.

But among the concubines in the palace, none of them knew that she was actually a ruthless character!

Back then, she was promoted step by step in the harem as a maidservant, and finally became a celebrity beside the Queen Mother Zhong and the Xian Wang, and finally married the Xian Wang as his concubine.

Now, she wants to stand up for Yuan Xiuyue, so today's matter will definitely not be good!
Just after Xuanyuantang uttered his voice, Bi Qiu came down from the high platform, and said respectfully to Yuan Xiuyue: "Empress, please take your seat!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue pursed her lips slightly, but in the end she had no choice but to be supported by Bi Qiu onto the high platform.

Seeing Yuan Xiuyue sit down again, the corners of Xuanyuantang's lips curled slightly, and she turned to Bi Qiu secretly, and she turned to look at Ting Lan below: "Ting Lan, you said that the poison was given to you by Concubine Yu. Evidence?"


With scarlet eyes, Ting Lan raised her eyes to look at Yu Xiuzhi, and said aloud: "The concubine Yu gave the poison to the servant that day, just to help the servant and let the empress give birth..."

"help you?!"

Dai eyebrows raised high, Xuanyuan Tang seemed to hear the biggest joke in the world, sneered and interrupted Ting Lan.

"Ting Lan, no matter what, you are already an old man in the palace. If you say that you are testifying against someone else, it's fine if it's only Concubine Yu..." The originally dilated pupils suddenly tightened. The sharp eyes are like sharp poisonous needles, which can cut people's muscles and bones: "Now the queen empress is pregnant, and concubine Yu is also pregnant at the same time. She will give you a messy medicine, and you dare to go to it." Is it mixed with the queen's meal? You are really not afraid, is she going to kill the emperor's heir in the empress's belly? Don't you think the reason you just said is too lame?!"

Hearing this, Ting Lan was shocked in her heart, her complexion changed drastically, and her face turned pale.

After a moment of silence, she finally raised her eyes to meet Xuanyuantang's sharp gaze. Her body trembled slightly, and she couldn't help but crouched down and said in a trembling voice: "Concubine Xian is wise, slaves do have selfish intentions, and concubine Yu, too. It is true that the selfishness of the servants was used to succeed in the treachery!"

"Ting Lan!"

With a cold voice, Yu Xiuzhi pointed at Ting Lan horizontally, and trembled with anger: "Don't talk nonsense and slander me!"

Seeing Yu Xiuzhi like this, Xuanyuantang raised his eyes coldly, met her gaze and smiled and said: "If Concubine Yu has no shame in her heart, then she can let her speak at this moment. If she can't say that she is ugly, Yinmao will , I'm afraid it's an insult to the empress!"

Xuanyuantang has said so, what else can Yu Xiuzhi do? !

With a sinking heart, she raised her eyes to look at Xuanyuan Tang, and said coldly: "If she can't produce evidence for today's incident, then at the end of the day, I will ask Princess Xian to give me an explanation!"

"That's natural!"

With a faint smile, Xuanyuan Tang turned his eyes and looked at Ting Lan with a cold gaze: "Ting Lan, now Concubine Yu is waiting for Bengong to explain to her. You know the truth best in your heart. If you say so, Ben Gong may believe you, but if you don't tell me, then Ben Gong can only be rude to you!"

Hearing this, Ting Lan's heart trembled slightly, and the color on her pretty face disappeared in an instant: "Princess Xian..."


Lifting his eyelids lightly, looking directly at the bottom of Ting Lan's eyes, Xuanyuantang said a word coldly, then lowered his head again, and began to play with the teacup in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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