Chapter 250 Reminds You of Me 2
"That's all, the servant said!"

Stealing a glance at Yu Xiuzhi, Ting Lan bit her lips tightly, as if she had made up her mind, she finally nodded, and bowed her head in the direction of Empress Dowager Zhong, and said, "I want to report to Empress Dowager, what this servant just said is that someone lied to you." It is not true that the servant and the empress drugged the child, but what the servant said, the person who gave the poison to the servant and let the servant and the empress poison the child is indeed Concubine Yu!"

"Ting Lan!"

Suddenly interrupting Ting Lan's words, Yu Xiuzhi frowned, and said in a harsh voice, "Don't talk nonsense!"

"Whether the servant is lying or not, the queen mother must listen to the slave and make a decision!" Straightened up, raised her eyes to look at Yu Xiuzhi, then lowered her head again, and said slowly in a voice that everyone in the hall could hear: " All the empresses in the hall know better than anyone else how miserable the empress and empress who was imprisoned by the emperor on Jishan and ignored every day had to live! But these servants saw it all. Here, naturally...will be worthless to the queen..."

"Ting Lan..."

Staring deeply at His Highness Ting Lan, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly, and softly called Ting Lan's name.

"The Queen Mother..."

Raising her eyes slightly, and meeting Yuan Xiuyue's eyes in the air, Ting Lan smiled bitterly, paused slightly, and looked at Empress Dowager Zhong with a sad expression: "The Empress Dowager should know that His Highness King Ning is still alive in the world, and He...has always fallen in love with the empress, but suffers from the fact that the empress only has the emperor in her heart, and has never been distracted by King Ning... At that time, the servant was thinking, if the empress can forget the emperor, maybe the servant can think about it in the future Fazi got in touch with His Highness King Ning and asked him to take the empress out of the palace. At that time, Concubine Yu found her servant, and like sending charcoal in the snow, she handed over the worry-free poison that was secretly stored in the palace of Yue Kingdom to the servant. hands!"

At this moment, Ting Lan's words did not go through her brain.

Rather, Yuan Xiuyue once said that the relationship between her and Nangong Xiaoran has always been a thorn in Empress Dowager Zhong's heart.

Since it is a thorn, now I just took the opportunity to pull it out in one fell swoop, and it will save people from making a fuss about it in the future!

Ting Lan's words, not long after landing, Empress Dowager Zhong slammed the table angrily, and said coldly: "Do you know what King Ning is? Handing over the queen I left to the hands of that traitor is truly heinous!"

Seeing Empress Dowager Zhong getting angry, Xuanyuantang couldn't help raising his hand slightly, gently supporting the back of her hand, and comforted her in a low voice: "Mother, please be safe and don't be impatient!"

Concubine Yan, who was below, said softly: "I remember that last year, there were rumors in the palace that the Empress Dowager and His Highness Prince Ning had an affair. It's groundless, now it seems... that King Ning is wishful thinking towards the empress!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes narrowed slightly, and immediately suppressed the thoughts in her heart, and looked at Yan Ruxue pretending to be ignorant.

At this moment, she is actually speaking for her!
Seeing her looking at him, Yan Ruxue smiled lightly, then bowed her head again and remained silent.

Slightly squinting at Concubine Yan, Xuanyuantang's icy eyes turned slightly, and looked coldly at Ting Lan's pale face: "You just said that Concubine Yu gave you the poison? But Concubine Yu said something just now That's right, that is, she is a favorite concubine and she is pregnant, and the emperor even promised to make her child a prince. She has no reason to give you the poison to make the empress forget the past? And you seem There is no evidence to prove this!"

Hearing Xuanyuantang's question, Ting Lan couldn't help revealing a hint of sadness!

Raising her eyes to meet Yu Xiuzhi's bright but somewhat forbearing eyes, her eyes darkened slightly, and said with a wry smile: "The reason why Concubine Yu gave the poison of worry-free to her slaves is because of Concubine Yu... I also like His Highness Prince Ning!"

Hearing this, there was another commotion in the hall.

But there was no trace of surprise on Empress Dowager Zhong's face.

Seeing Empress Dowager Zhong like this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help thinking to herself: It turns out that Yu Xiuzhi likes Nangong Xiaoran, and the Empress Dowager always knew about it!

"The Empress Dowager..."

Raising her eyes slightly, Yu Xiuzhi wanted to say something to meet the eyes of the Empress Dowager Zhong, but she saw the Empress Dowager turned slightly and looked at Yuan Xiuyue to the side: "Queen, good boy, come to Ai's house!"

Facing the slightly cloudy eyes of Empress Dowager Zhong, Yuan Xiuyue secretly sighed in her heart!
After hesitating for a moment, everything on her pretty face seemed to be in a daze, but her eyes shone brightly when she came in front of Empress Dowager Zhong, and blessed her a little: "Your Majesty, Empress Dowager!"

"Good boy!"

Reaching out to grab Yuan Xiuyue's hand, Empress Dowager Zhong patted the back of her hand full of satisfaction, and sighed sadly: "As a queen, I should only have the emperor in my heart, but you... did a great job!"

"The Empress Dowager..."

Pretending to be at a loss, Yuan Xiuyue bit her lips lightly, and smiled awkwardly: "The concubine didn't do anything!"

Hearing this, Empress Dowager Zhong only thought that she had lost her memory and couldn't remember the past, so she just smiled kindly and turned to her highness Ting Lan: "Ting Lan, you said that the poison that the Queen suffered was given to you by Concubine Yu. , but the Ai family still said one more thing, empty words have no basis, you have to have evidence, otherwise the Ai family will be the first to not forgive you!"

"The Empress Dowager!"

As soon as Empress Dowager Zhong finished speaking, Aunt Bi Qiu led the people into the main hall and stood between Concubine Yu and Ting Lan. In the house, an empty medicine bottle was found."

Hearing this, everyone in the hall was shocked, even Yuan Xiuyue was slightly surprised!
Just now they were all here watching Ting Lan and Concubine Yu confront each other, no one ever thought that Concubine Xian sent Bi Qiu to search the palace.

Turning her eyes slightly, looking at the medicine bottle in Bi Qiu's hand, Yu Xiuzhi's expression changed slightly!
Concentrating on her slightly changed face, Yan Ruxue raised her eyes lightly, watching Bi Qiu present a white medicine bottle in front of Xuanyuantang to ask her to have a look, the corners of her lips curled slightly, but the color of her eyes changed indefinite.

She recognized the medicine bottle!
It was the medicine bottle that was used to contain the worry-free poison!

It stands to reason that the medicine bottle should have been destroyed after Ting Lan fed the poison to Yuan Xiuyue, but at this moment it was found again.

Could it be that when Yu Xiuzhi and Ting Lan Wuyou had poisoned each other, they changed the medicine bottle? !
She really has no sense of crisis at all!
In her mind, her thoughts raced for a while, and Yan Ruxue had some bad premonition faintly in her heart!
On the high platform, Xuanyuantang raised her hand to take the porcelain bottle, uncorked the bottle and sniffed lightly, then her pupils shrank violently, and she held the medicine bottle in her hand very tightly, she turned around and said to Empress Dowager Zhong: "Mother, Empress Dowager The poison I got is called Wuyou, this kind of poison has an incomparably sweet fragrance, and the fragrance of this medicine bottle is exactly the same as the fragrance of that poison!"


Hearing this name, Empress Dowager Zhong was slightly taken aback, then her face darkened, and she asked Bi Qiu, "Where did you find this medicine bottle?"


Only saying one word, Bi Qiu looked sideways at Yu Xiuzhi who was beside her.

Seeing Bi Qiu looking at her, Yu Xiuzhi was shocked!
Raising her eyes suddenly, after catching a glimpse of the icy gaze cast by Empress Dowager Zhong, she shook her head again and again, knelt down clumsily, and denied it categorically: "This is impossible, impossible! Empress Dowager Mingjian, this concubine has never seen such a thing." It’s just a medicine bottle, and I don’t know why it appeared in the concubine’s palace!”

Seeing Yu Xiuzhi knelt on the ground tremblingly again, Empress Dowager Zhong raised her eyes slightly, raised her chin, and said to Bi Qiu lightly, "Bi Qiu... did you find that thing in Fengluan Palace?"


Nodding her head affirmatively, Bi Qiu replied in a low voice: "Just now, the servants took a few people and divided them into three groups to go to the residences of several empresses respectively. At the beginning, the servants found nothing in the Concubine Yu's Palace. When I found Concubine Yu's closet, I saw that Zhu'er's eyes were in a trance, and she looked guilty, seeing this, the servants insisted on searching Concubine Yu's closet, and found this medicine bottle!"


Hastily speaking, Yu Xiuzhi had tears in her eyes. She raised her head to look at Queen Mother Zhong, she frowned and shook her head: "Your Majesty, your concubine was raised by you. This matter must have been framed by someone to blame the concubine, the concubine was wronged..."

"Concubine Yu!"

As soon as Yu Xiuzhi finished speaking, Ting Lan turned her head to look at her, without fear of her identity, she looked straight into her eyes: "Your servant said you were the one who poisoned this servant, and you said that this servant was talking nonsense, and now Aunt Biqiu is here The medicine bottle was found in your palace, and you said that someone planted it for you, but your servants of Fengluan Palace have never been there, and it is even more impossible to hide the medicine bottle in your palace to plant it on you!"

"Ting Lan! Shut up!"

Being suffocated by Ting Lan's words, Yu Xiuzhi felt cold all over and panicked like never before.

Suddenly, she felt as if there was a big net around her, and behind her, there was also an invisible big hand pushing her forward, causing her to fall into the net, unable to turn back!
Heartbroken, she turned her head to look at Concubine Yan at the side.

Seeing her looking at her, Concubine Yan's expression was slightly startled, and then she said with a light smile: "Sister Concubine Yu, did you really let girl Tinglan give you this poison? I was so frightened that I admitted this matter, if that is the case, even the emperor's heir in your stomach will be inferior to others in the future, maybe you can have fun at the emperor's knees!"

Hearing Yan Ruxue's words, Yuan Xiuyue and Xuanyuan Tang looked at each other indiscriminately, and a cold light flashed in their eyes.

"Is that so?"

After hearing Yan Ruxue's words, Yu Xiuzhi raised her head again, her gaze swept across the Empress Dowager Zhong, and finally landed on Yuan Xiuyue. The corners of her lips curled up slightly, she sneered, and turned to look at Xuanyuantang: "Concubine Xian, you are so big!" If you dare to search even the Fengluan Palace in my palace, who gave you the right..." After a slight pause, she gritted her teeth and said: "I have no grudges against you, why do you hurt me like this? You are envious Bengong is pregnant with a dragon son, but he has no way to give birth, so he wants to frame this palace so that he can adopt his son?"

(End of this chapter)

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