Chapter 251 Reminds You of Me 3
Yu Xiuzhi's words made the atmosphere in the hall drop to freezing point in an instant.

Not to mention that Xuanyuantang's expression suddenly turned cold after hearing her words, and the originally kind-hearted Empress Dowager Zhong also turned cold because of her words!
Surprised by Empress Dowager Zhong's gloomy expression, Yu Xiuzhi felt suffocated, and hurriedly opened her mouth to speak: "Ms. Empress Dowager, the concubine is just..."


With a stern voice, Empress Dowager Zhong glanced coldly at Her Highness Yu Xiuzhi. Empress Dowager Zhong narrowed her phoenix eyes slightly, and a cold light flashed in her eyes: "It is the right of the Ai family to let Concubine Xian search all the palaces. Now there is Ting Lan Testimony, even with this physical evidence, you still refuse to tell me the truth, right?"

Hearing this, Yu Xiuzhi's heart trembled!
Looking up at Empress Dowager Zhong, she bit her red lips tightly and was about to speak when she heard Ji Heng's voice singing outside the hall: "The emperor is here!"

Hearing the sound, everyone stood up except for the Queen Mother Zhong.

In just a moment, Nangong Haoling, dressed in bright yellow, strode in from outside the hall.

But at this time, everyone either gave blessings or saluted, and shouted, long live my emperor, long live, long live, long live!

Without responding, Nangong Haoling looked forward, looking at the Empress Dowager Zhong and Yuan Xiuyue who were sitting firmly in the hall, and Ting Lan and Yu Xiuzhi who were kneeling below the hall, his eyes flickered coldly, but his feet kept walking!

"The son sees the mother!"

After boarding the high platform, he bowed respectfully in front of the Empress Dowager Zhong.

"The emperor is free!"

Gently raising her hand to Nangong Haoling, the Empress Dowager Zhong turned her head and glanced at Xuanyuantang, who was calm and unable to see any joy or anger, and sighed softly: "What happened today really caused the Ai family a headache. Tang'er was also implicated innocently... it will be up to you to interrogate her!"

"Let the queen mother worry about it!"

Slightly hooking his lips towards the Queen Mother, Nangong Haoling supported the Queen Mother to sit down.

When he looked up, seeing Yuan Xiuyue following Fuli, his eyes were moistened slightly, and he stretched out his hand to pull her up without making a sound.

Turning around again, his eyes suddenly turned cold, looking at Yu Xiuzhi under the hall, his face was as cold as frost: "Concubine Yu, do you know your crime?"

Hearing this, Yu Xiuzhi's body couldn't help but tremble again!


Staring up, Yu Xiuzhi's pretty face was already stained with tears: "This concubine has never done anything, and this concubine has been wronged!"


With a cold snort, Nangong Haoling turned around and said to the outside of the hall: "Bring people in!"

After a while, I saw the shadow holding Zhu'er all the way from outside the hall.

Seeing Zhu'er being dragged into the hall by the shadow, Yu Xiuzhi couldn't help but thump in her heart, as if something had collapsed.

"Your Majesty!"

After escorting Zhu'er to the main hall, the shadow raised his foot slightly and pressed against her back knee, forcing her to kneel down.

As if in a panic, Zhu'er raised her head and glanced at Nangong Haoling who was sitting on the high seat, then lowered her head timidly again: "Slaves see the emperor! See the empress dowager! All blessings, empress!"

Putting on a handsome face, Yuan Xiuyue sat down together, Nangong Haoling looked coldly at Zhu'er below, "Zhu'er, right? I heard that when Bi Qiu searched Fengluan Palace just now, you stopped her from searching Yu Yu. Concubine's wardrobe, why is this?"

Hearing this, Yu Xiuzhi couldn't help but change his face.

Turning her head, she frowned and looked at Zhu'er, and she couldn't help reprimanding: "In that closet, there are usually my clothes. Since they want to check, you can let them search, why stop it for no reason, and get it in the end." It's as if there is no silver 300 taels here?"

Hearing her words, Zhu'er couldn't help but her eyes turned red instantly.

Raising her head, her eyes filled with sadness that could not be concealed, letting the tears fall from the corners of her eyes, Zhu'er bit her lips tightly and sobbed, "Mother...what is it for no reason? If the servant is for no reason, the medicine bottle How could they be found out by them, the reason why the servants stopped them was to cover up with the empress!"

Hearing this, Yu Xiuzhi's complexion changed suddenly: ""

"Concubine Yu!" With tears on her face, Zhu'er looked up at Yu Xiuzhi, her eyes full of helplessness and grievance: "I remember that when the empress first entered the palace, the slaves were sent to serve the empress in the beauty palace. , with a cheerful personality and easy-going attitude, this slave thinks that she is lucky enough to follow the best master in the world, but since His Royal Highness Ning’s accident happened, you have changed, you have become surly, and you will get angry and beat your slave from time to time. To take revenge on the empress, you only wanted to get close to the emperor. In order to get close to the emperor, you even did not hesitate to put medicine in the emperor's food and drink... Your empress, you have made mistakes again and again, and you have done too many mistakes. Now that things have been revealed, you should stop! "

Zhu'er's words almost pushed Yu Xiuzhi into the abyss!

It also let everyone in the hall know well about some things in the past that are less well-known!


Pointing at Zhu'er who was lying on the ground, Yu Xiuzhi trembled angrily, and shouted angrily, "You bitch, you must have been bribed by them, tell me... how many benefits did they give you, let you frame me!"


Tears blurred her eyes, Zhu'er leaned over and hugged Yuan Xiuzhi's legs, and begged in a low voice: "Your Majesty, please stop, no matter what happens to you in the future, this servant will follow you to the death!"

"you shut up!"

With a slap, she slapped Zhu'er in anger, and Yu Xiuzhi, who was out of anger, yelled at Zhu'er, passed Zhu'er and Bi Qiu, and walked quickly to Ting Lan's side, clenched her hands into fists, She kept beating on Ting Lan's body like water drops, and she said without hesitation: "It's all you, a lowly servant girl, it must be you, the medicine bottle was given to you by the palace, why was it hidden in Fenghuang?" Luan Palace..."

As soon as she said this, Yan Ruxue's complexion suddenly changed!
Not only her, but everyone in the hall also changed their expressions in shock!

Just now, Ting Lan first, and Zhu Er later, were all testified by outsiders, but at this moment, it was Yu Xiuzhi who told the truth with her own mouth!

Regardless of how the medicine bottle was found from Fengluan Palace, as long as the medicine bottle was indeed given to Ting Lan by her, that is the most important thing!
"Ting Lan!"

Seeing Yu Xiuzhi's embroidered fist, ups and downs, falling on Ting Lan's body non-stop, Yuan Xiuyue's heart ached and she wanted to get up.

However, before she got up, Nangong Haoling's big hand was already on top of her clasped hands on her lap. Without looking at her, his eyes were slightly cold, and he said coldly to Yu Xiuzhi in the hall: "Yu Xiuzhi, Have you had enough trouble!"

His voice was as cold as ice, and Yu Xiuzhi regained consciousness in an instant.

Stunned, she took a step back, looked up at Nangong Haoling who was in the high position, and stared deeply at the big hand he placed on Yuan Xiuyue.She seemed to suddenly see clearly what she had never been able to see before. She took a deep breath, suppressed the tears welling up in her eyes, and sneered sadly, "Even though I am beautiful and alluring, and I am the most favored in the Sixth Palace , but I will never be able to match the faint elegance in the emperor's heart, now I am right and wrong, wrong and wrong..."

Because of her father's deceit, she violated her original intention and deliberately approached Nangong Haoling, but her motives were not pure, and she would never shake Yuan Xiuyue's position in his heart.

Nangong Xiaoran is still alive, she should be glad, but it seems like her heart is broken!
Just because she became someone else's woman!

Cut off with his own hands, the slight fate between him!
In fact, at that time, she should stop.

But she didn't.

As Zhuer said, she made mistakes again and again, making too many mistakes.

Until now, no matter how difficult it is to look back, she suddenly realized!

She is so silly!
Poor silly!
Stupid and pathetic!

So stupid, she actually began to miss her past innocence!

The cool sight slowly swept over the faces of everyone in the hall, and there was a sad smile on the corner of her lips. Such a smile, so desolate and graceful, made people tremble!
In the end, she slowly stopped her eyes on Concubine Yan's charming face, looked at Concubine Yan's eyes that were uncertain, and the corners of her lips curled up slightly, and she turned to look at Nangong Haoling who was in a high position: "That's all, Forget it, I admit what happened today, the medicine that poisoned the queen was indeed given to Ting Lan by me!"

Fixed, staring at her disheveled pupils, Nangong Haoling looked calm, and said in a contemptuous and indifferent tone: "I know it's you!"

"I know, the emperor must know it's me!" With a sad face, Yu Xiuzhi lowered her eyebrows and looked at her swollen belly, sobbing softly: "Your majesty... this child is innocent!"

"I know!"

It was still just three words, Nangong Haoling's eyes were like knives, and he said faintly: "The Yu family is still loyal to my country, and the poison of worry-free is the poison hidden in Nanyue Palace. How did you get it? ?”

Hearing this, Yu Xiu smiled bitterly!
Turning her gaze slightly, she turned to look at the place where Concubine Yan was, only to see that glamorous Yan Ruxue was still indifferent!
The gazes of everyone in the hall followed Yu Xiuzhi's gaze to the place where Concubine Yan was sitting, and they were all horrified at the same time!

Concubine Yan has always been humble in the palace, and has always been respected by all the palaces.

Is it her? !

How could it be her?
After being suffocated for a while, Xuanyuantang couldn't help breaking the silence: "Is it Concubine Yan?"

When she was in Jishan Palace, she and Yuan Xiuyue carefully considered it.

In today's world, the only people who can be exposed to the worry-free poison are the Nanyue royal family.

As for the concubines in the palace, only Yan Ruxue had brief contact with Nanyue honor guards in Weishan.

Therefore, both she and Yuan Xiuyue knew that the person who poisoned Concubine Yu worry-free would not be the second choice except Concubine Yan!
Hearing what Xuanyuan Tang said, Yan Ruxue's complexion suddenly changed: "Why did the princess speak like this? I have always cultivated my character in the palace. How can I be the vicious person who instigated her to poison others?"

She raised her eyes slightly, concentrating deeply on the expression on Yan Ruxue's face, but she didn't see a trace of panic in her eyes, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help lowering her eyebrows, and sighed secretly in her heart!
Today, although this matter was found on Yu Xiuzhi.

But Concubine Yan, a cunning fox, probably let her escape again!
"Sister Concubine Yu, this is the end of the matter. If Ting Lan turns against the water, it will be a big disaster. Now, if you keep the palace tomorrow, I, Yan Ruxue, will swear a poisonous oath today, and I will definitely do it in the future." Treat your child as your own, and support him all the way in this cold palace!"

(End of this chapter)

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