Chapter 252 Reminds You of Me 4
In her mind, what Yan Ruxue said to herself when she visited Fengluan Palace last night suddenly appeared, and Yu Xiuzhi shook her head lightly: "It's not Concubine Yan!"

Hearing this, Xuanyuantang frowned, and Yuan Xiuyue's hand that was placed under Nangong Haoling's subordinate also trembled slightly.

Directly denying Xuanyuantang's conjecture, Yu Xiuzhi's lips curled up sadly, and she slowly raised her head. She looked at Yuan Xiuyue, who was in high position, and the tears in the corners of her eyes had already dried up. Under my torture, she only said that Nanyue Yue Wang had a deep affection for the empress, and wanted to use this medicine to confuse the empress, and then take her to Nanyue by other means!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help sneering in her heart.

For a while it was Nangong Xiaoran, for a while it was Duguchen...

Unexpectedly, she, a pregnant woman who is pregnant with Liujia, has become a hot commodity at this moment!

Seeing her like this, Xuanyuantang couldn't help but change his expression: "Concubine Yu, do you know that your words like this may cause turmoil in the two countries!"

Hearing this, Yu Xiuzhi chuckled disapprovingly.

If she is not like this, will the two countries not be in turmoil?

Leaving the country has never been peaceful!

If so, slandering in her heart, she turned her eyes to the Empress Dowager Zhong who was sitting next to Nangong Haoling, and couldn't help sobbing and said: "Empress Dowager, Xiuzhi has let you down, in the future... I won't be able to stay by your side anymore!"

"If I had known this before, why did you do it in the first place!" Empress Dowager Zhong sighed slightly, and said to Nangong Haoling: "Your Majesty, since she has pleaded guilty now, for the sake of the child, temporarily confine her in the beauty palace!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling raised his eyes slightly.

Yu Xiuzhi was still useful to him, so he would naturally keep it.

Gently pursing his thin and sexy lips, he nodded to Queen Mother Zhong, and then told Ji Heng: "From today onwards, Concubine Yu will be imprisoned in the beauty palace to wait for delivery. After giving birth, I will make a decision, and... ...No one is allowed to visit without my will!"

Hearing his words, the corners of Yu Xiuzhi's lips curled up, her face was desolate!
Last year, the Lenggong was on fire, and there was no Lenggong in this palace anymore.

However, from today onwards, her once-favored beauty, Que, should be a new sidekick.


Not long after, Ji Heng took Yu Xiuzhi to Beauty Que.

Seeing Yu Xiuzhi being taken away by Ji Heng, Zhu'er couldn't help raising her head, looking at Nangong Haoling eagerly: "Your Majesty..."


Slightly lowering her eyes, Nangong Haoling didn't look at Zhu'er, but said softly to Ji Heng who was about to walk to the door: "Let Zhu'er go with you!"

"Slave, thank the emperor!"

After kowtowing to Nangong Haoling one after another, Zhu'er hurriedly got up, followed Yu Xiuzhi and Ji Heng, and left the hall slowly.

Seeing Zhu'er's back going away, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly.

Just now, she was still thinking about it.

Zhu'er has not been with Yu Xiuzhi for a day or two, no matter how much money someone pays, it may not be able to buy her loyalty!
But at this moment, she suddenly realized!
Besides Yu Xiuzhi, she should have another master who wants to be loyal!
However, he should have asked her to put the medicine bottle in Fengluan Palace!
It seems that today's matter is that the praying mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind!

And in the end, no one is a winner!

Seeing that the poisoning came to an end for a while, Yan Ruxue's high-hanging heart also gradually receded.

Standing up from the table, she said softly to Nangong Haoling and Queen Mother Zhong with a tired expression, "I feel a little unwell, so I'll take my leave first!"

Lowering eyebrows and narrowing eyes, he glanced at His Highness Yan Ruxue who was drooping, Nangong Haoling's lips curled slightly, but his eyes were cold: "Since my concubine is not feeling well, let's go back and rest earlier!"

After Yan Ruxue started, Liu Meiren also stood up and asked to resign.

It didn't take long, and in the main hall of Funing Palace, everyone who had to go left, only Yuan Xiuyue, Nangong Haoling, Empress Dowager Zhong and Xuanyuantang were left behind!

After everyone left, the hall was deserted, and Ting Lan was the only one left, looking at Ting Lan coldly, Empress Dowager Zhong said in a bad tone: "Such a lowly servant, who is disloyal to the master, deserves to be sentenced to death!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't sit still any longer.

"The Empress Dowager!"

Calling Empress Dowager Zhong softly, Yuan Xiuyue got up from her seat, and softly said to Empress Dowager Zhong: "What Ting Lan did to my concubines was bewitched by Concubine Yu. Ting Lan committed such a foolish thing because of her heartache." Concubine, now that I am a concubine without fear, I ask the Queen Mother to spare her!"

When the words fell, she made a gesture to kneel down.

Raising his hand slightly to support Yuan Xiuyue's arm, Nangong Haoling turned around slightly, the corners of his lips twitched charmingly: "In front of the queen mother, my words are more effective than the queen. You beg me first at this moment, and I will help you intercede with the queen mother!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help twitching her eyebrows!
When she raised her eyes, she caught a glimpse of his eyes that seemed to be smiling but knew that he was deliberately teasing her. She couldn't help frowning, and immediately curled her lips like a child and was about to cry: "Your Majesty, I want Ting Lan to take care of you when I get dressed." It’s only comfortable, and the concubine eats, and the food of Ting Lanbu is delicious, the concubine... the concubine..."

"Okay, I'm afraid of you!"

Seeing the tears in Yuan Xiuyue's eyes, Nangong Haoling couldn't help frowning!Turning his head to look at the Queen Mother, he said softly to Queen Mother Zhong: "Queen Mother, now that the Queen has lost her memory, she only remembers Ting Lan, and Ting Lan will never do anything wrong again after today, please Queen Mother, for my sake, temporarily Rong Tinglan will make up for her mistakes, and still follow the queen to serve her!"


Looking up at Ting Lan, Empress Dowager Zhong looked worried.


After being silent for a long time, finally speaking again, Xuanyuantang said lightly: "You should deal with this matter!"

Hearing this, after Empress Dowager Zhong took a look at Xuanyuantang, she pursed her lips, nodded, and then said to Ting Lan in a deep voice: "Girl Ting Lan, you should listen carefully, today is all about the Emperor and Concubine Xian and you I beg you, the Ai family only spared your life, if you commit another crime in the future..."

"If the servant commits the crime again, he will be hacked into pieces and die!" Before Queen Mother Zhong could finish speaking, Ting Lan made a sound and kowtowed to thank her: "My servant thanked the Queen Mother for your grace!"

After a confrontation in Funing Palace, Yu Xiuzhi got what she deserved, but Yan Ruxue escaped unsatisfactorily!
Sitting in the chariot with Nangong Haoling, recalling the scenes in the main hall of Funing Palace today, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help raising her hand to caress her temples with some headaches, and let out a soft sigh from between her lips and teeth!
Yan Ruxue's cunning was within her expectation, but it was beyond her imagination!

Hearing her sigh, Nangong Haoling couldn't help curling her thin lips, and then hugged her shoulder lightly: "My empress, why are you so frowning!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyes slightly.

Facing his shining starry eyes, she bent her lips and smiled softly: "I didn't think about anything, I just thought of Concubine Yu's dejected eyes today, and I felt a little sigh in my heart!"

"That's it!"

Junmei raised his eyebrows lightly, Nangong Haoling was a little disappointed and pursed his mouth: "I thought you remembered the past!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly.

I thought to myself, I don't think about the past, see how long you can pretend, Yuan Xiuyue smiled lightly, and sighed again with dark eyes: "The past, where I can think about it remember?"

"It's ok!"

Disapprovingly lifted her thin lips, Nangong Haoling raised his chin slightly, and once again bullied Yuan Xiuyue a little closer, then suddenly opened his lips to enclose her earlobe: "I will let you slowly think of the past, think of me... "

Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help trembling slightly as the breath in her ears fluttered from time to time, and the breath blew past her neck.Her eyes were raised slightly, and she looked into Nangong Haoling's pupils which were as dark as a deep pool, but faintly shining. The corners of her lips twitched, and she asked softly: "What does the emperor want to remind me of the past?" matter?"

After saying this, her neck was already dyed a light pink, and she almost bit off her tongue.


In the voice, full of magnetism and charm, Nangong Haoling's warm lips suddenly fell, touching Yuan Xiuyue's lips.

His kiss, perhaps because he had held back it for too long, broke out suddenly when it touched her lips, like a storm, out of control!
It also made Yuan Xiuyue's mind go blank for a while!
"Your Majesty, Yexi Palace has arrived!"

Outside the dragon chariot, Ji Heng's voice sounded very inappropriately.

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling frowned tightly, finally let go of Yuan Xiuyue's lips, stared at her bright red lips, and looked at her slightly blurred eyes, he took a long breath, "Do you remember me? "

The light in her eyes flickered slightly, Yuan Xiuyue shook her head lightly.

Seeing this, Nangong Haoling smiled wickedly again, reached out and hugged Yuan Xiuyue by the waist, carried her all the way to Yexi Palace, and walked straight to the bedroom of Yexi Palace.

"Oh, Your Majesty..."

Watching him enter the hall without looking back, Ji Heng held a bronzing envelope in his hand and muttered softly: "Emperor Yue's imperial letter..."

(End of this chapter)

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