Chapter 253 The feeling of happiness 1
"Your Majesty, Director Ji said just now, whose royal letter is here?"

Being carried all the way into the dormitory by Nangong Haoling, Yuan Xiuyue smiled and opened her bright eyes slightly. She turned her head and looked out of the hall, but saw Ji Hengwei standing outside the dormitory door with a bronzing letter in her hand. She had never entered the hall.

Looking down at Yuan Xiuyue's bright eyes, Nangong Haoling lightly hooked his thin lips, and stopped in front of the dragon couch. He bent over and put Yuan Xiuyue on the couch, then leaned down, and kissed her nose Mo, said charmingly: "In today's world, besides me, there are only two people who deserve to use the imperial character. Taking into account the situation in the world, Yue'er, who do you think Ji Heng should be talking about?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's heart trembled slightly!

As smart as she is, how could she really fail to guess who wrote the letter?

The smile on the corner of her lips was slightly stiff, she smiled dryly and said: "Hasn't the emperor been waiting for news from Emperor Yue? Since it is Emperor Yue's imperial letter, the emperor should go and see it earlier!"

"Of course I need to read his imperial letter, but I have more important things to do now..." After the voice stopped, Nangong Haoling's thin lips blocked Yuan Xiuyue's slightly parted lips again, and she hadn't said anything. The words, all swallowed into the stomach.

His passionate kiss was as hot as before, hot and lingering, as if he had endured it for a long time, and it was out of control!
No one knows what kind of feeling Yuan Xiuyue felt when he learned that he had forgotten himself!
That feeling, like ten thousand ants eating his heart, made him uncomfortable and drove him crazy!

But fortunately, she... actually everything is fine!

After realizing this fact, his heart, which seemed to be pierced by a sharp knife, instantly unloaded all the burden, and started beating again!
In this life, only he himself knows how much he loves the woman in his arms.

That love was so deep and hot beyond his imagination that it almost burned him to pieces!

But he is happy with it!


Struggling to avoid Nangong Haoling's fiery lips, Yuan Xiuyue blushed and gasped slightly, "Your Majesty, it's past noon, aren't you hungry?"

"I'm hungry, but I just want to eat you!"

With just a grunt, Nangong Haoling's lips fell again, covering Yuan Xiuyue's lips accurately, not giving her a chance to continue speaking!
Under his deep kiss, Yuan Xiuyue's heart instantly bursts with sweetness.

A satisfied smile gradually rose to the corner of her lips, and the light of happiness gradually bloomed on her face.

Once upon a time, it was the man in front of me who dug her out of the deep snow in the twelfth lunar month of winter so that she could return to Beijing alive, and it was also him who dragged her back from the icy river. Let her be safe in the palace.

He saved her twice in a row, and also easily took her heart away!
She loves him!
No matter how many ups and downs and setbacks he has experienced in the past, at this moment he has given her the heart she wants most!

In this way, it is lucky!
Under her heart, she secretly lamented how precious Nangong Haoling's love for her was, and how lucky she was. Yuan Xiuyue responded to Nangong Haoling's fiery enthusiasm, and felt a slight strange rush in her heart. Her eyes flickered slightly, mischievous She opened her mouth and bit the corner of Nangong Haoling's lips, forcing him to leave her for a while.

Forced to let go of her lips, Nangong Haoling looked at her forehead, letting his warm breath blow on her fragile skin, with a smirk on his face: "Little wild cat, I think my acting is too much!" Is there too much?"


Yuan Xiuyue blushed because of Nangong Haoling's nasty love words, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly, lowered her head and leaned on his shoulder, and lightly beat his strong chest: "Who thinks of you?"

"It's rare that you still know how to be shy!"

Stretching out his hand to hold her restless little hand, Nangong Haoling lowered his head and kissed the back of her soft white hand, and hid her hand on his chest. He stared at her eyes, his eyes were like torches, and said affectionately: "Yue'er, I love you, whether you remember me or not, this love will continue until the end of time!"


Her heart trembled slightly, Yuan Xiuyue's red face was full of smiles, her red lips parted slightly, she was about to speak, but suddenly, she felt a dull pain in her heart!
Her figure froze, her expression changed instantly, the hand that was originally held by Nangong Haoling suddenly turned around, and she held Nangong Haoling's hand behind her back.


Sensing her strangeness, Nangong Haoling's heart tightened, and he frowned and asked: "What's wrong with you? But is there any discomfort?"

"It's not uncomfortable!" Raising her eyes slightly, she met Nangong Haoling's pupils full of worry, Yuan Xiuyue shook her head with a slight complexion, slightly hooked the corners of her lips, she took his hand and placed it on her swollen belly , and smiled at her: "It was this little thing that kicked me!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling was shocked!
Blinking his eyes lightly, his thin lips curled up slightly, then he lowered his eyes to look at Yuan Xiuyue's belly, put his ears on her belly, and said with a happy and joyful smile: "You boy, you actually If you are so skinny, you dare to kick me, Yueer, come out now if you have the ability, and you and I, father and son, will fight it out!"

When the words fell, under the palm of his hand, he actually felt a fetal movement.


The eyes were full of brilliance, and Nangong Haoling smiled in disbelief: "He really moved!"

Looking at Nangong Haoling's surprised and handsome face, Yuan Xiuyue sighed softly and couldn't help laughing: "Your Majesty, I will give birth in March next year, of course he will move now!"

I remember earlier on the Weishan Mountain, when he first found out that she was pregnant, he put his ear on his stomach, wanting to hear the baby's movement.

At that time, the fetus was still small, how could it move.

It's a pity that when the month got older, the baby started to move happily, and he also sent her to the Jishan Palace... If you count it carefully, today is the first time he really felt the baby's fetal movement. !

The white and powerful big hand, as if touching the most precious thing in the world, gently caressed Yuan Xiuyue's stomach, Nangong Haoling smiled, and his face was full of deep happiness.

Looking up again, his gaze met Yuan Xiuyue's gaze, his eyes were burning but flickering: "In the past, I have wronged you and the child, and I will never leave you alone in a place without me in the future. Waiting for you, waiting with you for the birth of our child..."

At this moment, he didn't waste any more time to ask Yuan Xiuyue if he remembered him.

Because he already knew the real answer to that question.

At this moment, he and her tacitly agreed, only thinking about giving her and the child a bright future in the future!

The Yu family, Concubine Yan, and the An family!
He will disintegrate them one by one until they are no longer a threat to his wife and children!
"The emperor's words, the concubine wrote it down!"

Smiling sweetly, she winked playfully at Nangong Haoling, and Yuan Xiuyue's shimmering eyes made Nangong Haoling's heart twitch slightly!

With her eyes lowered and her red lips deeply fixed, Nangong Haoling leaned slightly: "I miss you so much..."

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's face turned redder.

Gently nudging his leaning body, she looked puzzled: "Your Majesty, the child is a few months old, you can't..."


With a soft tone, Nangong Haoling gently kissed Yuan Xiuyue's earlobe, "I've endured it for a long time..."


With a slight movement of her mind, Yuan Xiuyue's face became even redder, and she reached out to cover Nangong Haoling's thin lips, her crescent eyebrows were slightly frowned, and she sighed helplessly: "When it is possible, I don't know that the emperor is hugging you. Where is that concubine flirting? Now the sky is bright and the sun is shining, and the child in the concubine's belly is also a month old, it is really impossible, the emperor... just continue to bear it!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling disapproved with a face full of disapproval: "Who says you can't..."

"I said!"

Slightly raising her wrist, pinching Nangong Haoling's nose, preventing him from finishing what he had to say, Yuan Xiuyue gave him a faint smile, then turned her head and called outside the hall: "Boss Ji, come in and talk!"


With a soft answer, Ji Heng stepped in from outside the bedroom, and came respectfully in front of Nangong Haoling and Yuan Xiuyue: "Your servant sees the emperor, sees the empress!"


With a look of reproach, but eyes full of doting, Nangong Haoling reached out to scratch her pretty nose lightly, and then extended his hand to Ji Heng. "Dugu Jiang's speed is really fast enough. I just received the news that Nanyue's soldiers are suppressing the border, and Dugu Jiang's imperial letter has also arrived."

Seeing this, Ji Heng couldn't help curling his lips lightly, and handed over the bright yellow imperial letter in his hand: "According to the time, this imperial letter should have left Beijing with the Nanyue army!"

"Really?" With lowered eyebrows and narrowed eyes, Nangong Hao glanced at the four characters of Li Di's personal letter on the royal letter, and Nangong Hao smiled, stretched out his hand and tore the letter open, and then began to read it carefully.

After a while, after reading the letter, his eyebrows frowned slightly, and his face changed slightly.


Concentrating on Nangong Haoling's uncertain expression, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help asking: "What did Dugu Jiang say in the imperial letter?"

Hearing Yuan Xiuyue's question, Nangong Haoling smiled coldly, and then handed the imperial letter in his hand to Yuan Xiuyue: "The queen has a look!"

Seeing this, Yuan Xiuyue took the imperial letter and began to read it with downcast eyes.

People say, you don't know if you don't look at it, but you are shocked when you see it!
At this moment, looking at the content on Dugu Jiangxin, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help crying and laughing!

Slapping Yuxin on the dragon couch, her eyes darkened, and she said sadly: "I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen such a shameless guy like Emperor Yue, so Dugu Jiang, don't say anything." Back then, I hijacked Shadow and plotted against her, but at this moment, Zhu Bajie beat him up, saying that I robbed his beloved Concubine Xian, and asked me to hand him over!"

(End of this chapter)

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