Chapter 254 The feeling of happiness 2
Hearing this, Nangong Haoling couldn't help frowning slightly, his thoughts turned slightly, he asked Yuan Xiuyue softly: "What happened when the shadow disappeared on Weishan Mountain? What is the relationship between her and Dugu Jiang?"

He remembered that when he left Weishan, the shadow was indeed missing.

But when Yuan Xiuyue returned to Beijing, he brought her back.

Not only that, that shadow actually became her sister-in-law, Yuan Wende's wife!

Ever since Yuan Xiuyue returned to the palace, there was the An clan in the front and the Yu clan in the back. He was already so busy that he forgot to ask about the disappearance of the shadow.

Right now, listening to Yuan Xiuyue's words, there must be something inside this matter!
Looking up at Nangong Haoling, Yuan Xiuyue pursed her lips lightly, and said with a cold face: "The reason why the shadow disappeared in the first place was because Dugu Jiang ordered Lei Luo to take her away. Not only that, that despicable and shameless person, He actually made Ying Ying take the fragrance of enchantment, wanting to take the opportunity to mistreat her, and even brazenly named Ying Ying the Xian Concubine of Nanyue, but it is a pity that Ying Ying was given by my brother in the end..."

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling couldn't help showing a hint of contempt on his face!
Although Yuan Xiuyue didn't say what he said later, he already guessed seven or eight points.

There is only one solution to the poison of enchanting fragrance.

Now that Ying Ying is married to Yuan Wende, one can imagine that it must be Yuan Wende who detoxified her, not Dugu Jiang!
"People in the Dugu family are all good at calculating, and Dugu Jiang is even more insidious. He was tricked by you on the Weishan Mountain, and he tried to make wedding clothes with others, so how could he let it go?" Sneered and sighed, knowing the matter Because of this, Nangong Haoling raised his eyes and asked Ji Heng: "The man from Nanyue, what else did you say?"

Hearing this, Ji Heng nodded and said with a calm expression: "The emperor sent by Yue Huang is the Minister of the Ministry of Officials of Nanyue. He only said that the An family is also communicating with Emperor Yue... As for how Emperor Yue will make a decision, It all depends on the emperor's attitude towards this matter!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but sneer again and again: "It's really shameless!"

Dugu Jiang is threatening Nangong Haoling through the Anshi Rebellion!
A blatant threat!
Raising her head, she looked at Nangong Haoling who had a gloomy face but kept silent all the time, she couldn't help frowning and asked, "How does the emperor plan to deal with Dugu Jiang's persecution of us?"

"What else can I do?"

Frowning tightly, Nangong Haoling looked at Yuan Xiuyue: "Could it be that you really want to listen to him and send the queen's sister-in-law?"

"Of course not!"

Rejecting Nangong Haoling's words categorically, Yuan Xiuyue said coldly: "I think about his kind of person, even if I think about it, I feel shabby!"

"Since that's the case..." Nangong Haoling raised his eyes lightly, and reached out to caress the corners of Yuan Xiuyue's cold lips, "Then we will remain unchanged to meet all changes!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue lightly shrugged her eyebrows, "Then what if Dugu Jiang and the An clan colluded with each other?"

"Isn't there still Brother Ning in the An clan?"

Gently curling her thin lips, and slightly raising her big hand, she landed on Yuan Xiuyue's lightly raised brows. Nangong Haoling couldn't help but also shrugged her brows lightly: "I never entrust my world to women, so naturally I don't believe in that." Dugu Jiang would go to war for a shadow! If he really colluded with the An clan, he would have asked you to go with his brother Wang, but he didn't..."

Hearing Nangong Haoling's words, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help being startled!
Thoughts turned slightly in her heart, thinking of a certain possibility, she couldn't help opening her mouth slightly!
She should have thought of it earlier!

Slightly lowering his eyes, taking a panoramic view of Yuan Xiuyue's reaction, Nangong Haoling's face darkened slightly: "Since the Three Kingdoms Summit, Yue Wang Duguchen has never intervened in the Nanyue government. He is still happy and happy in Prince Yue's mansion, and he is completely indifferent..." Nangong Haoling continued with a slight sigh: "Since the Weishan incident, almost everyone in the world knows that the person that King Yue likes is My queen, if I'm right, although Dugu Jiang is blatantly seeking someone from me on the surface this time, he really wants you to come forward and force Dugu Chen to come out again!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but smiled wryly, and sighed helplessly: "People say that as long as a woman gives birth to a child, she will be stupid for three years. Judging from today's events, there is indeed some truth to this statement!"

If Dugu Jiang's original intention was really like this, then what Nangong Haoling said would not be wrong.

Those elite soldiers from Nanyue on the border of Li Country will not cross the border at all!

In addition to this, Nangong Haoyuan must have known it well, but he didn't believe that Nangong Xiaoran could control the An family, so he directly chose the most effective method!
Even though, this method finally followed Dugu Jiang's wishes.

But there is no doubt that it is the most beneficial to the current situation!

"This is a man's business. I will naturally handle it. You don't have to be too distracted!" Looking at the wry smile on Yuan Xiuyue's face, Nangong Haoling couldn't help but look somber. He gently brushed her hair, and leaned over her forehead. Up and down with a kiss: "As a pregnant woman, the first thing is to be at ease. You are tired today, so let's rest for a while. You don't have to think about things at Nanyue, and you are not allowed to communicate with Duguchen on your own." !"

In the ear, listening to Nangong Haoling's warning words, Yuan Xiuyue trembled slightly, and couldn't help smiling even worse: "The's late!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling couldn't help frowning!
Seeing the rare flicker in Yuan Xiuyue's eyes, his eyes darkened: "Could it be that you really made your own claim..."

"It's not self-assertion!" Frowning slightly, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyes with a wry smile, entangled with Nangong Haoling's slightly cold eyes: "When you sent your husband away from the palace earlier, brother Wang once looked for me and Let me write a book with Duguchen..."

Nangong Haoling cursed inwardly, then looked at Yuan Xiuyue, and seeing her lowered her head in confusion, he couldn't help but secretly sighed, and still restrained his temper and said: "You, you, knowing that I will care about this matter, but still Do what Brother Wang wants!"

Hearing his words, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help feeling even more aggrieved: "Although I don't think it's right, Brother Wang said that it's best for me to leave the country without leaving the country!" It is the virtuous king.

Anyway, if anything happens, just push it all over Nangong Haoyuan!


With a sneer, Nangong Haoling's face became more and more gloomy: "Isn't that making Dugu Jiang his wish?"


With her mouth pursed, Yuan Xiuyue lightly tugged at Nangong Haoling's sleeves, and Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly: "I do this because I want to share the emperor's worries! Don't get angry, okay?"

At this moment, the eunuch on duty in the outer hall quickly stepped into the sleeping hall.

Yu Jiheng stood by his side, and the little eunuch said to Nangong Haoling: "Report to the emperor, Mr. Zuo Xiang, please see me!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help pursing her lips lightly.

It's really time for the leftist to come!
"I know!" Frowning slightly, Nangong Haoling couldn't help narrowing his eyes, and turned to Yuan Xiuyue and said lightly: "Okay, I still have government affairs to deal with, and you will be served by Ting Lan for the rest of the afternoon." Shan, take another nap!"


After a soft reply, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help sighing when she saw Nangong Haoling standing up and leading Ji Heng out of the dormitory very quickly!
How could she not know that even though he was going out now, he wanted to see Yu Shen.

But the first thing is to intercept the letter written by himself and Duguchen!
However, even if Nangong Haoyuan knew early on that he would intercept it, the letter must have already been on its way by now!
After sighing like this, her eyes darkened, and she frowned slightly and stroked her heart...

Ting Lan knew that Yuan Xiuyue should have been hungry after a whole morning of tossing around.

However, when she placed the lunch in the side hall, she hadn't served the dishes yet, so Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyes to look at her, and said to her softly: "Go and ask Princess Xian to come over!"

Hearing this, Ting Lan was slightly taken aback, but still bowed her head in response: "Young maidservant, let's go!"

As soon as Ting Lan left, Ying Ying entered the bedroom and took on the responsibility of cooking with Yuan Xiuyue.

Looking up, she saw that Yuan Xiuyue seemed to have something on her mind, and she was not eating as much as she used to. The shadow couldn't help picking up her favorite dish again, and urged softly: "My lady, this is your favorite food, eat more Some!"

Slightly raised his eyes, from the shadow's beautiful facial features one by one, to the corners of her slightly upturned mouth, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes flashed shrewdly, and she couldn't help admiring: "I just heard from the emperor that my sister-in-law is a person in the shadows. Always cold, but now the sister-in-law in front of me is gentle and considerate, making people feel very kind!"

Hearing this, the shadow blushed and couldn't help asking in a low voice: "Your Majesty is talking nonsense, how can your subordinates be gentle and considerate?"

Seeing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help smiling: "Sister-in-law still said no, look at your face, it's so red that it's almost bleeding, so it's not hard to know, these days, sister-in-law is accompanied by her brother every day, how is life going?" How moist it is!"

"The Empress!"

Being told by Yuan Xiuyue that he wanted to find a crack in the ground and sneak in, Shadow couldn't help laughing and said, "Eat well, why are you teasing your subordinates so much!"

"I just feel that I have nothing to do, and I just want to have some fun!" She was smiling, but there was no smile in her eyes, Yuan Xiuyue's heart was dark, and she slowly suppressed the smile, she looked at the shadow with a straight face Lowering her head, she solemnly said: "Sister-in-law, don't be angry, it's my fault, it's my fault!"

Seeing her like this, Shadow couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth, and then turned around and turned outward: "If the empress keeps making fun of my subordinates, the subordinates can only go to your brother for comment!"

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Immediately raising her hand, Yuan Xiuyue gave a faint smile: "I just said what I said just now, it's just a joke with my sister-in-law, just to have fun, why do you take it so seriously?"

(End of this chapter)

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